away (part 2)

Blood Bond: Breaking Dawn

"Make sure you don't do anything stupid!"

"Be safe, okay?"

"Don't spend all the money, otherwise you're dead once you get back home!"

I raised an eyebrow in amusement as the thirteen of us were walking into the terminal, leaving their parents behind, and listening to their last-minute reminders. Though the guys were vampires, their parents were as human as ever. We already checked our luggage in and got our boarding passes for our flight, so now we were going to the terminal where our plane would be.

I chuckled to myself, wondering what my own parents would say if they saw me going on a holiday by myself with my friends.

"We won't do anything stupid," Chanyeol said nonchalantly, and slung one of his long arms over my shoulders. I rolled my eyes and continued through the terminal. They're vampires. Of course they'll be doing stupid things. Maybe not revealing the fact that they're vampires, though.

We made our way to the area to wait for our flight, and after about 15 minutes of awkwardly trying to find places for the 13 of us to sit, the guys eventually spread out, occupying all the seats they could find. I thought that was kind of stupid because, come on, they're vampires who can run for 8 hours straight, but can't manage to stand up for about half an hour. Well that was really mean of them. There were people all around, tired, looking for seats, and yet, these guys just selfishly grapple with any opportunity they could get so they could be lazy. Though, it was inevitable that there were countless stares from others at the large group of abnormally handsome men. It was if they were eye candy, the sole reason people stood awake, so they can stare at them. I clenched my fists at the thought of others looking at what's mine. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" A deep voice said from beside me, breaking my train of thought.

I blinked a few times and turned my head to the owner who snapped me out of my thoughts. Only then did I begin to realise how stupid I was being. Was I becoming the jealous girlfriend? Oh god, please no. I'm not like that. I know better than that. "Oh, uh, do you really want to know?"

Kris rolled his eyes, unamused. "I've been wanting to know your thoughts ever since you set foot in our house in China for the first time."

I blew on my fringe, knowing that Kris wasn't in the mood to deal with my snarkiness right now. "Well, I'm just wondering why you guys are so lazy when you can run for ages," I worded carefully, mindful that I could have revealed their secret. Good thing that I had practice for the past 2 years.

Kris chuckled and lightly nudged my side. I scrunched my nose in response. "They're just lazy like that. I guess exams have taken their toll on their brains."

I raised an eyebrow. "That's stupid. You guys don't even have to slee-"

"______-aaahhh~" a musical voice sang.

"Oof! Hey, what the-"

I looked to the side to see Chen, who plopped on Kris' lap, making the leader grunt and flail his limbs for a bit. I couldn't help but laugh at the hilarity of Kris' situation. Damn, that guy must have a lot of patience to deal with eleven idiots every day.

"What do you wanna do when we get there?" Chen continued, completely ignoring Kris' existance.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Not sure. I want to see what they have. I hope we don't go to the beach, though."

Chen raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Why not? You're from Australia, and you live near the beach, don't you?"

"Yes, I'm from Brisbane, but you're confusing Brisbane with the Gold Coast."

"Oh~ okay."

"And besides, I don't like going to the beach because there's too much cleaning up to do after we finish, anyways." I scrunched my nose. Chen began to laugh. What was with this guy today? Were they plotting something against me? I raised an eyebrow. "What's so funny?"

I heard a deep groan before Chen flew off Kris' lap and yelped. I flinched back a little before looking at the guy on the ground, and laughed.

"Seriously, Chen, can you not do that again?" Kris grumbled and pushed himself up to sit on the chair properly.

"Can't help it if you make a good chair." he remarked, getting himself up, making Kris roll his eyes. You could tell the leader was frustrated, but I couldn't help but be slightly amused by it.

"You guys, I swear to God, I'm going to hang out by myself throughout this whole holiday, if you're going to be this embarassing!" I hissed, feeling the heat rush to my face. This time, I had a strong feeling that people were beginning to observe the argument. If this is what being married is about, then forget it.

"Aww, someone's being a party pooper," Baekhyun, who was sitting in the chairs front of me, added.

"Shut up," I snapped, "You guys are just embarrassing, that's all."

"If this is embarrassing, then wait 'til we actually get there," Kai added his two cents.

I groaned and buried my face in my hands. Oh dear lord.







After about an hour of arguing and chasing me (if you can even call it that), I eventually changed into a pair of board shorts and a baggy shirt with a singlet underneath. Damn those hormonal vampires! Why did they even make me do this, when they fully well know that I hate going to the beach.

Dread coursed through my body as I made my way to the door with the guys waiting on the other side. I slowly reached out to grip on the doorknob, my palms sweaty. I've never been this exposed in front of them before. What were they going to say? I didn't have a great body. I have a small figure, I'm not curvy, or whatever people find as attractive, and I'm flat all around.

"Yah, _______, are you gonna come out, or what? It doesn't take that long to change!" Kai hooted, while a few of them laughed. I tightened my grip on the doorknob in anger.

That was when I mustered the snarkiness to snap back. "Maybe if you stopped being such an impatient whiner, then I'd come out for you s! The more you kick my , the longer I'll take, so shut the hell up!" I was clearly in no mood to deal with their testosterone bull.

"Yah, why are you so mean?" Chanyeol said. I could imagine him pouting on the other side. God, I wanted to punch that guy in the face.

"Chanyeol, don't push her." Lay sighed.


I exhaled in relief. At least Lay was around. And Suho and Chen. I've grown quite affectionate to the 'gentle' line. Whereas, for the others, I'm just plain done with them. I can't even give them a single drop of affection unless I want them to completely bruise my lips. Don't get me wrong, I love them all, but it's hard to show it when you know it's not going to end as well as you wanted.

I sighed once more and twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open ever so slowly. "Don't make fun of me, okay?" I muttered.

"Why would we make fun of-"


"Geez, _______, why won't you show your legs more often?"

"You look great dressing girly."


A smacking noise followed, making me groan and run back into the room, slamming the door shut. "OW! Hyung..." Sehun whined.

"SEE THIS IS WHY I DON'T SHOW MYSELF IN FRONT OF YOU GUYS, UGH! You can say goodbye to going to the beach, or anywhere that needs swimming, with me." I growled, leaning my back against the door.

"Come on, be a team player, _______-ah." Baekhyun said.

"We're running out of patience~" Xiumin teased.

I clenched my fists. Anger was building up by the second."Go ahead! You can't make me, anyway!"

"Don't make us use Sehun to get you out of there." Kai threatened. My eyes widened.

I totally forgot about Sehun's emotion-controlling powers. Damn it. I knew I was going to lose anyway. Ugh. I took a deep breath before turning around and opening the door again. It wasn't like me to give up this easily, but, what else could I do? And besides, after all the death-defying events that happened in the past two years, I had to repay them somehow. I couldn't be so selfish.

I knew I was going to regret this decision, but I couldn't stay in this room forever.


 Yes, hello everyone, it's been almost 5 months since I've last updated aND I AM SO SORRY I HAVE JUST STARTED UNI AND EVERYTHING HAS BEEN TOPPLING ON ME LIKE A FALLING BOOKSHELF oh god I hope this update was okay 'cause I was working on it once in a while and ofc I was crying over Kris as well bUT DON'T WORRY HE'LL STILL BE A MEMBER OF THE COVEN IN THIS STORY 'CAUSE I LOVE HIM TOO MUCH =w=

Anyways, how've you guys been? It's been so long since we've last interacted, so I'm trying to get to know my readers better as well. And guess what? BLOOD BOND HAS SURPASSED 1000 SUBSCRIBERS I AM SO HAPPY I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH ASHGLKASGJ;GHSLFKGHKASF ヽ(;▽;)ノ

But yes, I am so sorry I've been such a terrible author to leave you guys hanging. Since my semester break just started, I will try to get off my and update more often, unlike what happened earlier this year =w=


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Chapter 12: Awww love this story
Chapter 12: :( awwwwww!!!! Thanks for telling us. I really loved this story. I hope you get the inspiration to write another one because I will always be willing to read it... just use your magic!!!
©*`·.,.·`* <(^-^)>*`·.,.·`*©
And here's a rose for your hard work!!!
Thanks for the great story Authornim.
TokkiRyouka #3
Chapter 12: wattttt T.T
Siti_staja #4
Chapter 12: Awwwwwww... U can't do this to us... I want to see her change n stuff n I want to watch the battle same like in the movie... Urghhh.. Plz plz plz
CinaLeena #6
Chapter 12: What... But... But...
cherrynona #7
Chapter 12: Awww, author-nim I was looking forward to reading the next.chapters but I guess I have to accept it. Also author-nim do you have a wattpad account? I really love your first story 'Blood Bond' the first one. I was hoping that you'll post it there and get it to read again. Im really hoping that you'll post it on wattpad. Thanks!
twinie #8
Chapter 12: ........┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
Chapter 12: I love u too author nim though its still sad that u wont be continuing this story but still its ur decision and ill respect it :v imma jst gonna reread the 1st 2 books xD cz i really luv it xD
arthuldina #10
Chapter 12: Its sad tht u won't be continuing this story anymore because I was really looking forward for the big ending. But I respect your decision so I won't complain and keep on telling u to continue. Author-nim is the greatest writer I've met! ^_^