Days You'll Never Forget


Days, months, even a year passed by and the two of you still with your connection, but it was stronger than how it started.

-"You know what?" You thought knowing that Eli would hear it. "There has been a few months with us like this and still i don't know when we started."
-"Oh, that's right" Eli thought. "I don't know when we started neither. I've been so busy I didn't think of that specificly"
- "Don't worry hun, I don't blame you" you said in a lower voice. Everyone else at your house were sleeping, so you didn't care and started to talk to Eli as if you were talking to him in front of you.
- "Soo... may I ask you something?" Eli asked. He was talking to you by thoughts.
-" Sure dear, what is it?" you asked
- "Well... I know I haven't met you yet, but we'd learned to love each other a lot and those things, so would you like to be my girlfriend officialy?" he said. You laughed a lil' bit because of how he just proposed to you. You were shy so you got blush same time.
- "Really?" You asked
- "I know it isn't in a formal way to ask this but..." He said but got interrupted by you
- "  'Amor' , of course I'll say yes! Yes I want to be your girlfriend oficialy!" You said while tears came off your eyes from so much happiness.  Eli smiled as if he was a poor guy and had just won the lottery. He even did a gesture like "YES!"
-  I Love you babe! You don't know how much I do love you! Ahh! I could just die from happiness right now! I never thought that this could've made me this happy! I love you! I love you!" Eli said super excited
-" February 23... I'll remmember this date forever" You said with a smile on your face, then said goodbye and fell asleep thinking of Eli. He let you sleep peacefuly and he continued  with his schedule.


Your P.O.V


After a few Months and even years passed by and even with all the dificulties we had, we still with our strong conection. I suddenly fell for a guy that Eli didn't like. I was so in love with the other guy  that it was reaallyy hard to let go of him, but slowly I got rid of those feelings and keep on loving My one and only guy. It's not like I'm gonna be single waiting for Eli. I mean, He said that I can always fall for anyone, but that I shouldn't forget him and our promises, our bond, our relationship. I did forget him a few days, but then came back to my senses and leave those other feelings behind.

On the other hand, I'm soooo excited! like I could really die from happiness, 'cause one of my dreams its about to come true. U-KISS will be on concert in my country! WOW! I was reeally excited. Not only because of that I'll meet my soulmate (well that too) but I am about to go to a concert of my favorite group! Ahh! I can't wait any single day, but If I'd waited years, I can wait for 20 more days.


Eli's P.O.V


So we're doing another Global Tour and this time we're heading to Puerto Rico. I haven't be there never, none of us, so we're gonna experience a diferent country again.

-"I don't know why but I've the feeling that something's gonna happen there, nothing bad, just... I don't know" I said to Kevin, who was sitting beside me at the airport.
- "Well, lets hope it is a good thing." Kevin said smiling.
- "Indeed. Lets have lots of fun! It's a tropical Island so, there must be really fun to be in." AJ said. He was in front of us.
- "And there's where the raeggeton comes from, riiight AJ?" SooHyun asked trying to tease AJ. We all laughed because of it. AJ did some moves as if he were dancing raeggeton. It was really funny.
- "I'm gonna teach you how to do it later" AJ said laughing.
-"I'm gonna enjoy this concert so much~!" Dongho said taking a sit beside me. "Are you ready for another amazing MCing in spanish with Kevin??"
- "Ahh! Don't even mention it! I'm a little nervous." I said.
- "Don't worry Eli, you'll do well. Just like Kevin. Just be yourself and read again" Hoon said.
- "Think of the rest of us who don't speak spanish as you and Kevin do" Kiseop said.
-" Yeah.. I will. But don't be so negative, you'll do well someday" I said.

It was our turn to get on the airplane, so let the nap begins...


It was already the day of U-KISS concert in your country. It was a sunny day, with a looot of clouds in the sky. The day was really pretty. Beside that You couldn't be anymore happy and excited. Eli still had the feeling that something was about to happen.

And so the show started:

The KissMe's started to fanchant "U-KISS" when they were all gathered in front of the stage. You were almost in front of it with your friends beside you. When they finally get on stage the KissMe's went crazy and started yelling "oppa","I love you", "Kevin", "Dongho", "Kiseop" and so on. They perfomed their most recent song as their entrance. Then it was followed by Neverland, Forbidden Love and Stop Girl. They took some air and then started to give their salute to everysingle one of you. Later on they did a y dance to choose who were the iest one among them, and so went the concert on. They were having soo much fun with you guys and you with them.

Eli thought he had saw you during the concert, but when he was looking for you he didn't get to see you again so kept MCing with Kevin 'till the show was over. Their last two songs were Dear My Friend (the Spanish Ver.) and KissMe Forever. For Dear My Friend they needed to choose 7 KissMe's among all of you, so they could dedicate you guys the songs in representation of the rest. They all started picking a random KissMe from the public and there was Eli left. He was simulating that the choice was hart to make, but he was really trying to find you... untill his eyes meet your and his heart went crazy, then he pointed at you as the last KissMe and the one he'll dedicate the song.
He helped you to get on the stage and hugged you when you had your two feets on it.

"I don't know where I have seen you before, but I want to meet you more" Eli whispered to your ear when he hugged you. You hugged him and said "You've found me". He separated from the embrace and looked at you and then to the rest of the group who were all waiting for Eli and his KissMe, he then, grabbed you by the hand and walked you to the center of the stage where they all were. All fans were crazy because of your luck, or should it be called fate? However, they sang the two remaining songs with the seven of you on stage, dancing with you, taking you pictures...etc. They were having fun with you, and at the end of the show they took a picture with you and then said goodbye to all.

Eli went  to you again and giving you a VIP passage said: "See you soon" and smiled. You nodded, smiled and said goodbye to him just like he was doing with the other ones. And so the show was over.


You went to see Eli after the concert was over. You were on your way to the backstage, you were nervous, excited, happy, you had too much feelings, but you tried to remain calmed and look natural. You were finally there in front of the door, so you knocked, a few seconds later SooHyun oppened the door:

-"Ohh! What a surprise! Come in!" SooHyun said all excited. "So, tell me what's your name?" He asked you when you entered.
- " My name is _______" you said shyly.
- "Ohh nice to meet you ______" he replied. "Its more than a pleasure, trust me" You couldn't help but laugh and be grateful for it.
- "There you are!!" Kevin said. "We were expecting you missiee~~ How are you hun? Did you enjoyed our concert?"
- "Oh yes! I really did! I liked it a looot. It couldn't be any more perfect."
- "I'm glad to hear that, 'cause that's all for you KissMe~" Hoon said jumping from behind Kevin.
- "You're here~!" AJ said giving you a welcome hug. "Annyeong haseyo KissMe~!" Kiseop said joining to the embrace.
-" How it comes that you were all expecting me?" You asked full of curiosity.
-"Oh trust me, someone over here was crazy to meet you" Dongho said. They all agreeded with him. You laughed.
- "I see. Haha." You said. "But, there's someone left... where's Eli?"
He had just entered the room when you asked for him. He smiled.
-"You were looking for me, huh?" Eli said playfully. "Well here you got me."
- "Eli!" you yelled and gave him a hug, and he then hugged you back.
- "Hey why didn't she reacted the same with us?" SooHyun said. Everyone was laughing, including you.
- "Hey leave them alone!" Kevin said. "Guys, you can sit there and talk if you want to, we'll be over there" he finally said and you both nooded while they leave the room.


- "Long time, no see" Eli said driving me by the hand to the sofa where Kevin suggested we should go to talk.
-"I guess so haha" You said shyly.
- "So, you're the one I used to talk, hear and feel, huh?" He said looking into your eyes.
- "Here I am!  I am!! haha" you said getting lost in his eyes and smiling.

You guys talked about a few things because Eli had to go, but he promised he'll contact you again.
And he did. Before he leave Puerto Rico he asked you to meet him to have a final encounter.

- "Look, girl, I seriously don't want to leave you here. I want you to come with us to South Korea, but it seems you can't, by now." he said taking your hands into his and caressing them "but, now that I know who you are it's easier for me to find you again and be together. Will you wait for me to get back to you?" He asked you, now looking into your eyes.
It really made you sad that he couldn't stay with you, and that you couldn't go with him, but you loved him a lot, so you'll wait for him.


-"Sure I will, hun. I've waited several years for this, to meet you again, I can always wait a few more to be with you." You said as one tear escaped from your eyes, Eli wiped the tear away and gave you a hug.
- "It's just a few months, I'll be back. Wait for me, I'll keep the promise." He ended. Separating from the embrace, he looked at you in your eyes and kissed you softly just like before... "I love you" he whispered and then kissed your forehead.

The comunication grew more. He used to talk to you on the phone, texted you or used Skype to see you when he could, to let you know how his day was and to know how you were doing. It made the waiting time look like there wasn't many days left. A year passed by and you were finally meeting Eli again. You'd just got graduated from your college. He couldn't make it to the grad, but he came to Puerto Rico with a big surprise for you.

It was 9:30PM when you guys met and decided to go to walk around San Juan and watch the stars again.

- "I love being like this" You said.
- "How?" he asked hugging you from the back
- " Like this. At night, looking to the starts, searching for Orion together again..."  You said
- " Ohh. I do like it too. I missed this soo much, but I missed you the most." He said resting his head on your shoulder.
- " I missed you too dear" You said looking at the sky. There was silence for a bit, you two were enjoying the night sky. 
- "I have something to tell you." 
Eli said after a few minutes of silence.
- "What is it?"
- "Well, I dont have too many days here is the first thing I got to say"
- "Aww, I thought it would be nice to know it" you said.
-" No wait, I haven't finished yet... I don't have much time here, and so you don't"
- "What are you talking about?" You asked turning to face him.
-" Well, I talked to the mannager if I could take you with us to South Korea at the concert, remember?" You nodded. " Well, guess what he said?!"
- "What he said?"
- "Eiish You ain't no fun. I told you to guess!" He said laughing.
- "Yaah! Tell me!!" You said laughing.
- "He said that I could take you there and that you'll be working with him since you'd just graduated from Media Management!!" He said all excited.
-"Whaaatt??!!!"  You yelled. "Are you serious?!!"
- "Totally" He said smiling. You couldn't help but start to randomly dance to celebrate the good news. He started to laugh.
- "Oh Lord! Hun, I love you!! I love you so so so soooo much!!!" You said and gave your boyfriend a hug not wanting to let him go.
- " I love you too babe. I love you too." Eli said smiling hugging you back.



It was the begining of a perfect life, you guys lived the rest of your lives together. Loving, respecting and protecting each other. A few years later, when watching Orion together, he proposed marriage to you and you accepted happily. Even with fight you learned to love the flaws of each other, and so continued to grow happiness in your lives, because Soulmates, are always found...


The End.


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