It Started With a Dream


"One day we'll meet again. Wait for me, I'll do the same for you and when that day comes we will love just as before, but even more" said the boy looking at you straight in the eyes, before kissing you on the forehead and disappearing from the dream.
You woke up with many things in mind: Who was that guy? Why have you dreamed of him so many times in such a short time? What does he means by what he said? But there was one question that altered your whole mind: Where have I seen him before?
You looked at the clock and saw that it was too early in the morning and went back to sleep. This time the guy didn't reappear in your dreams and you slept peacefully.


It was daylight, you were up and ready to go. Today you will meet your best friend to go shopping. Both came to the place of encounter and after greeting and between long talks, walked the entire mall. Tired, decided to go to lunch and so you can rest your feet and fill your stomach with food because both were starving.

- "Girl, you know the guy I've been dreaming of all week? Well he reappeared in my dreams this morning. "- You commented.
- "The one you thought you'd seen somewhere?
- "Yes, he"-you stated. "It's so weird ... I don't know why I dream so much of him, I think I don't know him, but it seems so familiar at the same time ..."
- "I told you I know nothing about dreams. But if you want to get rid of doubts, why don't you search on the Internet? There must be a good answer for it.
- "Meh ... I'll leave it there, just like a dream. If I ever dream about him once again, I'll look for it. "- You said biting a straw.
- "As you wish," replied your friend taking a bite of rice to the mouth.
Your friend and you talked for a long while without any specific topic, since you guys already covered everything. When you finished eating, went back to your respective homes.


Eli P.O.V


"Who is the girl I'm dreaming about lately? From many girls, why her? What does all of what she said means? What constellation does she means? "
I sighed. I took a sip of water and started to warm up and stretch, preparing myself to dance.

- "Hey Eli, you look thoughtful. What is it? "- Dongho asked curious, but a little more worried.
- "Nothing" I replied "You know, the same unknown girl in my dreams".
- "Oh. Did you dreamed of her again? "- Dongho asked, joining me to stretch and warm up.
- "Yes. This time she mentioned something about a constellation which I can't remember its name, but she said she would look for it every night and think of me." I said.
- "Wow ... Eli, I don't know about you, but ... This girl... I think she had something with you in the past," Dongho said. I looked confused, reason why then he added: "Ok, I think those dreams you have with her are memories of a past, a past life you had. I don't know, but for me it's weird. That's too weird, too unusual to be just a dream. "
- "I dunno, Dongho. We'll see what happens with this. If I ever dream about the girl again, I'll see if what you say it is, is what it really is."

Both of us finished stretching and joined the rest of the group, who had just finished stretching aswell, to start practicing our new dance.



Author's P.O.V


Various months passed and the dreams stopped, so you quit searching what they meant. You almost forget you had those dreams for having so many things on your mind every day. In those days, you knew a group called U-KISS, who you can't love more than what you already do. You were slowly getting to know them and learning to love them all equally, with the exception of one of them. Ellison Kim
For you, Eli was much more than an artist. For you, he was something special, you've seen him at some point in your life, but didn't remember when and where. You love him a lot, no doubt, because even in the way you talk about him, it shows. You talk about him more seriously and unlike the fans of him or fans of the group itself.
With the passage of time you started having certain thoughts with Eli. It was like a daydream, but definitely were not dreams, because you often talked alone but you were talking to him, until you started to listen to his answers and to feel everything he was feeling and even his presence.
What you didn't know, is that Eli feels and does the same with you. Without even knowing you, without knowing who he was talking with, he could hear and feel you. And whenever he could, he always reply to you.

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