Our Thing


"Yes" your aunt said. "is enough what you have told me to tell that you guys are soul mates, and even if you aren't  found in this life, will do so in another one, because they always get together."

- "Are you sure?" you asked "It's just so weird ..."
- "Undoubtedly. You guys are. Yeah, it's weird, it's totally understandable, but it's true. You do not have worry about what other people say, it's not a topic you talk commonly and if you don't want to tell anyone , don't do it." your aunt said peacefully. You sighed and lowered your head a little bit.
- "I don't know how to feel ... I mean, he's an idol ... it wouldn't be easy to meet him again and even less with all those fans behind him. How will he even be able to recognize me? But on the other hand, I can't with so much happiness in me! he is a guy extremely beautiful inside and outside, I love all about him, is something I can not explain ... "
- "When you love someone, you don't necessarily have to have reason to. The heart is the one who chooses the person, one doesn't command over feelings. And also, I bet he is looking for you, because if you had spoken to him, If you share that feeling, he knows you exist, but don't know how to find you. "
- "What can I do in this case, auntie?" you asked with curiosity and desire to be able to meet your other half.
- "By now, talk to him. Prove by small details how much you love him. So your relationship, your bond will continue to grow more and more, and when he sees you again he will feel something in his heart and know who you are." Your aunt said very sure of her words.
- "Ahh! auntie Thank you soo much!" you said, giving a bear hug to your aunt. "I don't know what I would do without your support!"
- "Don't worry about that! But don't forget what I said. Soulmates always get together ..."

Eli P.O.V

I was in the game room of the dorms. I have nothing to do because Kevin and Kiseop are sleeping, Hoon and AJ are shopping and SooHyun, Dongho and I are without anything to do. So I suggested to go to the movies and then eat something outside after the movie, both Dongho and SooHyun agreed to go.

Already with the tickets and munchies in our hands, we went to see the movie. We entered the room and enjoyed the whole action movie (reason why we all love them). It was good indeed. When the movie was over, we walked to a nearby restaurant to eat.

- "Well, while they bring us the order, How are you guys doing?" SooHyun said putting both hands on the table and leaning toward us.
- "Well nothing much" Dongho said. With this he'd said I knew it was a trap and that I would have to talk. Very clever Dongho... "Same as always, playing online, sleeping, eating, dance practicing with you guys ... nothing special. What about you Eli?" Dongho finally said. I sighed and spoke after a few seconds with my head lowered.
- "Well ... I'm still a little confused with the issue of the girl I told Dongho about." I said looking at SooHyun with this last thing I mentioned. He was a little surprised.
- "Which girl are you talking about, Eli? Eeish Why you didn't tell me, goddamn kid?" SooHyun said in a funny way, as if an ajumma were about to hit me, so we all laughed. "No but seriously, tell me what happened with that girl?" SooHyun said finally getting to be serious again.
- "Well, it's a girl who I still don't know, but I dream constantly with her, hear her voice and
her thoughts and I have felt her too..." said.
- "Ohh ~ so you found your soul mate?" SooHyun asked.

Dongho and I looked at each other surprised.

- "Soulmate?" Dongho and I asked at the same time and we looked at each other again. SooHyun opened wide his eyes by our reaction.
- "How you know she's my soulmate?" I asked.
- "Eli, think ... what else could it be?" SooHyun answered.
- "I don't know. I'm Confused." I replied and shrugged, leaning back in the seat back.
- "Well, she's your soul mate. When you feel a certain connection with someone that way, is because it is your other half." Soohyun said calmly. "What have you experienced with her?"
- "Well, what I'd already said. I've heard her, her thoughts come to me, I can feel her a few times, I usually see her in my dreams, I have had many dreams about her and they are very familiar to me, as if I had lived it before."
- "Eli hyung also told me he feels that has been transported through his dreams to where she is located or something like." Dongho said.
- "Well Eli ... is not a ghost what you're feeling, I assure you she is your soul mate. Soulmates are always found, if not in this life is in another, but they always do. Still in touch with her to keep strengthening your bond and so the day when you see her you will know who she is by your heart. Hear your heartbeat when you talk to her and so you will know for certain who she is when you find her. "Soohyun said, speaking in a calm and serious way.
I meditated everything SooHyun had told me during the day and even when we got to the dorms, I didn't know how get her out of my mind, but I didn't fight much either, because I loved her presence in my life.

Author P.O.V

Various months passed by, and you guys still had "your thing". You had many dreams and thoughts about your past lifes just like Eli had with you. You used to have a beautiful life with him. Before you get separated by the start of a new one, He swore he'll find you and you swore him that you'll wait for him to reach you.... :

It was a beautiful night, there wasn't any cloud around in the sky, You and Eli lied on the grass of a park watching the stars and being all lovey dovey. Suddenly, Eli said:

-"Girl, I'm so happy to be like this, I love being with you. I wish we could be like this forever." He said looking into your eyes and your hair. "Even if we get distant from each other in another life, lets search for each other again, untill we're together like this. But main while, lets look at the night sky, watch the constellations, specificly this one" he said pointing to Orion.
-"Why that one?" You asked.
-"I still don't know, but it remainds me of you" He said with a smile on his lips.
-"Oh really?" you said laughing "well now that I know that, every night I'll look for that constellation and think of you and the promise you have just done. I'll wait for you and you'll do the same for me and when we get together again, we will love just like now but even more, and in the same sky at the same time we'll watch this constellation together... just like now" you said looking and pointing at the night sky and then turning your head to see your boyfriends beautiful eyes. You both smiled. "Promise?" You asked.

-"I promise babe. I love you" Eli said looking into your eyes with a soft and playful smile on his lips,
which drives you crazy and then kissed you softly.
-"Love you too hun" you whispered between kisses. Then you guys continued to watch the night sky for a lil' bit longer.



Soo what do you think of this story so far?? ^^ Hope you enjoy it just like I am doing it.

I'll update this tomorrow and If I can finish this one tomorrow, I will lolz its not that I don't like writting this, but I start college in a few days and knowing me, I´ll  never finish it xD

Thanks for reading ^^

- Nany


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