What Are We?


You were on your way home, you got out of college and you wanted to get to your house to lie down for a while, because you were too tired.
When you arrived, you got rid of your shoes and you walked to your room. When entering, you collapsed on the bed and little by little you took off your backpack  and settling down you continued to be pleased. You were several minutes looking for sleep but you never got it, so you turned and started to think of U-KISS. You thought of how strong they were, because even though all the work they have daily, practicing those dances, and being so tired, they never failed to smile and be themselves.

"It must be hard being an idol" you commented to yourself. "But for being how you guys are, one day you'll be rewarded, never lose your faith."
Eli heard what she said, because at that time he could not sleep either. His mind was full of thoughts about that girl who didn' know, but somehow he knew that she existed and belonged to him. He was sure that what Dongho had told him was true, because it was hell of a coincidence to be just a dream.

"We still haven't lost our faith, 'cause we count on the support of all Kissme's. You are our reason for living." Eli said to himself, but speaking to the girl he still didn't know.

You heard his message and smiled. His words gave you enough strength to get up and continue with your activities during the rest of the afternoon. While Eli was able fall asleep and slept happy, because he had one more reason to exist: His family, Kiss Me's and you.

Few months went by and their relationship had intensified. Many things occured, so they both decided to find out and get to the point of what was happening and why. Both needed to ensure that they were not crazy and that it wasn't dreams either, and they met the reality of the matter.


Your P.O.V

- "The thing has become much more serious. Dont know why I can't get Eli out of mind. It's like I'm living because of him, as if he were part of me." I said. My best friend stood there listening me. "I must be crazy. It's not obsession, because knowing me, my obsessions don't last long, I always tend to change them for something else, but instead Eli ... It's very different. I feel that I'm connected to him and all these things I'm going through, the voice I hear, the presence I feel, the smell so sweet that sometimes I can tell, are all of him. "
- "Wait, did you just say that you have perceived his smell sometimes? My friend asked a little confused.
- "Yeah ... I haven't dared tell anyone about this, 'cause I was afraid that they'll think I'm crazy, but it's true. It's all so weird." I said. I lowered my head and sighed. "Do you think I should talk to my aunt about this?"
- "I thought you already did that ... I think it's best you do. Talk to her and clarify all these doubts. In my opinion, well ... I think Eli and you do have a connection, it is too coincidental. Too much. "My friend said crossing her arms while sitting and leaning the seat back  of the chair beside here. "Want me to tell you what I really think it is?"
- "Spit it out" I said without thinking. "What do you think it is?"
- "I think you two are connected by an unbreakable bond. I think you are soul mates ... "

I lifted up my head after hearing that. I was speechless. Soul mates .... I never would imagine that we would be something like that. There is some possibility to be so, but ... My soul mate was Eli? I mean, an artist is my soulmate? Sounds too illogical. I mean, he is still a human and it can happen, but it's so hard to believe because many people will think it is just an obsession or a platonic love, but a platonic love can feel, hear and sense things?
- "Are you sure?" Asked a little surprised yet.
- "I can not assure you that, I don't know how, but I think that may be true ... Talk to your aunt."


Sooo This was gonna be a One Shot but it would be too long for a one shot so, but I'm gonna try to do this thing short. No more than 5 chapters~


Hope You guys like this :)

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