Time Machine

A Look Into Their World

Boram slammed down the shot glass on the table. It was the night after her first day of filming their family reality show with their father. And it was awkward for everyone on set during the filming. "He is annoying." She mumbled as she poured herself another shot. She watched as the soju filled the glass, slowly remembering what happened today.

Her sister, Wooram, and her father got along just find. It was just her who was the odd one out. 'It is understandable though since I rarely went home in the last five years.' She told herself as she put the now empty soju bottle to the side. "I might just be a bad daughter." She whispered, sadly thinking on how her little sister just seemed to click with their father. "Unnie, You are not a bad daughter." Wooram said, taking the seat across from her. Boram looked up at her and pouted, "I can't even click with my own brain huh?" She said making Wooram laugh. She could tell the soju was started to take some effect on Boram since her words were now slurring. Luckily she only had one empty bottle before her.

"Come on. Lets get you home." Wooram said, quickly taking the drink from Boram and drinking it herself. "I paid for that!" Boram said, slapping her sister lightly on the hands. Wooram lead her sister out of the bar, trying to keep her from stumbling on her own feet. "Wait here. I will call a taxi." Wooram instructed, Boram drunkingly nodded her head. While she was calling the taxi she didn't notice Boram cruching on the ground, playing with her phone strap. "The little sister is taking care of me. She thinks she is an unnie." She said to the strap. Wooram looked down, thinking Boram was talking to her. "What?" She asked then sighed loudly when Boram pushed her on the back of the leg. "Violent drunk." She mumbled. Boram stuck her tongue at her as a taxi finally pulled up.

"Come on unnie." She said taking Boram by the hand and bringing her into the taxi. She pulled out her phone to call their parents to tell them she would be home soon. "Are you talking to appa?" Boram asked her. Wooram nodded, listening to her father's words in the other ear. "Must be nice." She mumbled, causing her sister to frow her brow. She let it go as just drunk rambles. "Wooram, I am bored." Boram said suddenly, smiling at her sister. Telling her she knew what she wanted to do. "What do you want to do?" Wooram asked slowly. "The park. We played there a lot as kids." She said.

Bringing up the time they would see who could swing higher, it ended with their swings somehow getting tangled with each others. "Sure." Wooram said, smiling at the cheer Boram let out. Wooram instructed the taxi driver of their new route, telling him to drop them off just a few blocks down from the main destination. When they pulled up at the park Boram was the first to get out, speed walking right to the swings. "Unnie wait!" Wooram shouted then turned to the driver. Thanking him and giving him the proper payment before chasing after her sister. She found Boram sitting on the swings, looking up at the night sky. "Boram?" Her sister asked, snapping her out of whatever thought.

"Wooram. Do you think I am doing the right thing?" She asked her sister. Wooram took the swing next to her, lightly kicking off to start swinging. "Sure. I mean, music is everything to our family." She answered. Boram shook her head. "But I lost so many chances for me to do something else. I am almost thirty, still acting like a kid with no plans of family." Boram said, kicking the woodchips under her feet. Wooram listened to her sister, wondering what brought on this deep thinking. "Why are you wondering about this now?" She finally asked. "Soyeon was telling us about how she hopes to marry her boyfriend after T-ARA disbands. Even though I know it is far off thinking it is just.." Boram started, making her sister realize what was going on.

"She is younger than you and seems to have more of a plan?" She asked, Boram threw a woodchip at her blaming her for cutting her train of thought. "So what? You love music. You even had a solo album before remember?" Wooram said, throwing back a woodchip at her. "I wonder if I made the right choices though." Boram mumbled. The two swung in silence as her words hung in the air. It seemed to mean something to both of them. They were close in age and in the same feild of work. Having these thoughts were nothing new, but to hear your older sister say them makes you wonder if you were making the right choice as well.

Wooram didn't like the silence or the sadness that was around her sister. "Lets go back to the future then." Wooram decided. Standing up and stopping Boram's swing. "What?" Boram asked, not getting what she meant at all. "Relax." Wooram said and twisted Boram's swing a bit. She didn't want to make her too dizzy as she did drink eariler. "1. 2.3. Back to the future!" Wooram shouted, stepping back as the swing unwounded and spun Boram. Her older sister screamed til it stopped. "Welcome to the past. Ok, you are nine again." Wooram said, taking Boram's hand and taking her to the slide. "What is this?" Boram asked laughing as she watch her sister slide down the kiddie slide. "Remember, we played jungle as kids and the slide was the waterfall." Wooram said, then forced Boram to the steps to slide as well.

"Hurry Unnie or the wild cats will get you." Wooram said clapping her hands. Boram laughed and slide down the slide, howling like a wolf to 'signal for help from her animal friends'. "Next, next." Wooram said and dragged Boram to the monkey bars. "You are fifteen now. Come on unnie!" Wooram said, easily doing the exercise. "I was never good at this Wooram." Boram complained as she reached for her first bar. "You are doing ok, don't worry." Wooram cheered. "Unnie what did you want to grow up to be?" She asked. "A kindergarten teacher." Boram groaned, tightly grasping the fourth bar. "What made you go into singing then?" She asked next.

"I don't. I don't know." Boram answered before falling, unable to grasp the sixth bar. "You know it." Wooram said from the other side. "I wanted a spark of my own." She answered, dusting herself and climbing back up to try again. "Did you sparkle?" Wooram asked in a bad agyeo voice. "YAH, Your cursed agyeo will mess me up!" Boran playfully shouted before trying to grasp the second bar. "Well?" Wooram asked, stepping off the other side and walking to beside Boram's handing postion. Boram thought to herself as she tried to continue to monkey bars. "I guess. I am not just known as Youngrok's daughter anymore." She answered. She continued the bars. Swinging herself to reach past the bar she failed at. The questions continued, 'What type of classes would you teach?' and 'Would you sing for you students?' were some of them. Wooram stayed at Boram's side, holding her legs whn Boram show signs of giving up. Cheering her on the keep trying, that she had her back. "Then why do you wonder if you made the wrong choice?" Wooram asked, once Boram made it to the other side. "I don't know." Boram said stubbornly, jumping from the ladder and walking back to swings.

"Really? You don't know?" Wooram asked, following her sister who was currently making a small pile of woodchips. "I guess I wanted to be like our parents. They were so bright and shiny when they acted or sang." She said, straining a handful of woodchips from her hand to the ground. "Are they not shiny now?" Wooram asked, confused. Boram shook her head. "They still are. Just I'm not. I failed on my own and needed T-ARA to get at least a pinch of the shine they have." She said, disappointed in her failed solo ventrue. "Even you are shiny, it it makes me feel even worse." Boram whispered.

"Worse how? You did so much. Way more than some people." Wooram said, dusting some woodchips off Boram's shoes. "Because you are still close with our parents. You got to see them and get a career. I had to choose and I feel I chose wrong. I should have waited." She said, looking up at the forgotten monkey bars. "Well I wish I made your choice." Wooram admitted, "I wish I didn't wait so long to chase my dream. I wish I was as stubborn as you and made dad allow me to audtion for companies then." Wooram said, smiling at Boram. "He listens to your songs at home. When it gets to your part he always smiles brightly." She said, stretching her smile as an example.

"Does not." Boram laughed, not able to image her father with that type of smile. "He does he does. When your first T-ARA song came out he bragged to everyone about you." Wooram continued, taking joy at Boram's now embarassed face. "Why did he do that?" She laughed, standing up and going back to the swings. Wooram got up and followed her. "Because he is proud of his daughter." She said from behind Boram. "I am even proud of my lazy older sister." Wooram finished, grasping the swing's chains. "But if you changed the past. Your choices, success and failures our feelings for you won't change. But you may change how you feel about yourself." Wooram said, slowly starting to twist the chains. "Will you be ok if you never became an idol?" Boram thought to herself. All the friends she met and places she went. The joy from seeing fans and the feeling of wanting to try new music styles.

Although she missed her family she always knew this was part of the idol package. 'They must have felt this way too before.' Boram told herself. Thinking of Wooram, her father and grandparents. "No, I would be upset with myself for never standing on a stage." Boram answered confediently. Wooram smiled and let go of the swing. Boram spun around quickly, she could make out the blurred Wooram waving at her. "Welcome back to the present." Wooram said, as if she was an airline attendent. "Please leave all your worries in the past as you enjoy tomorrow." She finished, making Boram laugh at how she stayed in character. 

"Since when did the little sister take care of the older one?" Boram asked, now remembering it always seemed this way since they were kids. "Since you became an ahjumma at age six." Wooram answer laughing loudly at Boram taking a large woodchip and throwing it at her. The two stayed in the park for another half an hour. Talking about the past and their old and current goals. Boram feel asleep on the swings, amazing Wooram as she never saw someone doing that before. "You two are too old for the swings don't you think?" Their father said, walking up to them. Wooram simplely smiled as he easily lifted the sleeping Boram. "Aren't you too old to carry her?" Wooram countered. He chuckled at her statement and started to carry Boram home.


"I haven't had to walk you home from the park in years. Makes me remember how you two would say here for hours til dark." He said, trying to settle Boram in his arms, deciding to carry her like a child. "This place is just made for memories. New and old." Wooram said, wishing Boram could someday see how much their father cared for her. 

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[13/10] This updated is so lighthearted I am worried it is bad...


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Chapter 6: this is so nice ^^
indi1hitwaunder #2
Chapter 23: Welcome back!! I mish this one shot!!! Ohhb winner mino and boram!! Tats and odd pairing bt i love.. was a bit pissed wit mino at first.. bt glad its jx a misunderstanding.. update aoon ^_^
1123 streak #3
Chapter 20: Yessss! Finally you're back and congrats... Wow ill be waiting for it :-D
1123 streak #4
Chapter 20: Yessss! Finally you're back and congrats... Wow ill be waiting for it :-D
CoolPrettyGirl #5
Chapter 20: Finally! The days went fast waiting... XD... Congratulation on your award! I´ll be expecting your updates...
Kpop_fan21 #6
Chapter 19: I will wait for the update..T^T