Personal Taste

A Look Into Their World

She watched the her group's main vocalist chat happily on the phone with her boyfriend. 'Why can't I have that?' Qri thought to herself and sighed deeply. She was no stranger to dating and even had some long lasting ones. But she couldn't remember the last time she has been on a actual date. Since their scandal and crazy schedule, that forced the girls to move from place to place, she hadn't had a single male. There was that Japanese guy who dated who for three dates but she eneded it when he would tried to force their relationship to move too quickly for her. When Soyeon hung up her cell phone she looked at the leader, giving her a knowing smile.

"Stop that, you will find an amazing guy soon." She said, causing Qri to blush at the fact sge was openly staring. "When though?" Qri pouted, resting her head on the back of her chair. Soyeon was about to answer her when the photographer called for her to come forward. "Play with one of our lego projects. Get your mind off of guys for now." Soyeon said, setting a pile of lego sets in front of the leader as if she was a kid waiting for her mom to finish work. Qri didn't complained though. She loved putting together the lego toys.

After Jiyeon got her and others addicted to making them, it became an offical T-ARA passtime to build them. "Lets build a...." Qri mumbled as she looked through the pile of sets. "A puppy." She openned the package and started putting it together. She heard some of the other hired models snicker at the sight of an adult playing with toys but she didn't mind. 'Someday a prince will come and defend me.' She told herself. Than imagined the perfect scenrio that would make a drama writer proud. It had her ignoring the models until they spoke loudly and cruahed her toy. Then man, one who rivaled Yuya Matsua and Hiro Mizushima in looks and style, would take her hand and drag her away from them. After which he would boldly confess to her and drag her onto a date. "Jihyun, I think I love you." She unknowingly whispered out loud, continuing her fantasy drama.

Quickly she looked around to see if anyone heard her. 'Lucky.' She sighed, giving her unfinished lego puppy a small smile. "Daebaek." She heard a male voice from behind. Qri frantically tried to think of an excuse for as to why she was talking to herself. "It was for our new music video." She said quickly, turning to the male then covering . TOP glanced a her and nodded, as if she was seriously practing for her new music video. "Oh, Annyeong sunbaeim." Qri said, shyly tucking her hair behind bow her ears. TOP greeted her back and took a seat next to her.

Qri went back to work on her puppy. She didn't know Big Bang was also booked in this building. 'Well they are popular.' She told herself, easily understanding how two modeling companies would both want the same venue. 'He is quite handsome up close.' Qri told herself as she added the puppy's head onto him. She tried to fight the urge to sneak a peak at the deep voiced rapper, but failed. 'Just for one second.' Qri told herself, coming to the conclusion it would be a crime to not try to closly inspect a handsome male. Espically one who is as famously handsome as him. Even if be wasn't in her type range.

Smoothly Qri fixed her hair into a curtian so she could peak at him without being caught. When she was perfectly in place she took a glance at him. The fact that he was staring back at her almost caused her to get whiplash. 'Omo, Is he looking at me?' She asked herself, feeling the blush rise on her face. Qri discreetly cleared and straightened her posture. 'I can't beleive TOP was staring at me. So openly.' Qri told herself, trying her best to not appear too giddy. Sure he wasn't what she usually went for but it sure boost her mood that he was into her, at least her appearance.

Qri took another glance at him, again finding him staring at her. She smiled and went back to finishing her lego pet. When she finished she couldn't help but take pictures of the pet. Qri glanced back to TOP and saw he was looking at his phone as well. When he saw her watching him he glanced up, giving her a shy smile as if she was the one watching him this whole time. 'Now this is getting weird.' Qri told herself and built a quick amount of confidence. "Sunbae, is there something---- needed?" She asked him, trying to find a polite way to ask using the least harsh sounding words.

TOP coughed into his hand, covering up a muffled yes. "There is." She caught, though she did have to figure it out a bit. Qri raised a brow and waited for him to continue. "The lego sets." TOP said, a faint blush appeared on his face when Qri pointed at the pile of toy sets. "These?" She asked, the way he nodded like grade schooler shattered her image of him. She knew he was a toy fanatic but she didn't think he was child in an adult body level. 'I thought...he looks like he would like deep thinking and western movies.' She told herself as she slid the pile to him.

"Thank you." TOP said giving her a smile before digging into the pile. Qri watched him and wondered more about this male. Did he watch cartoons as well? Hated food touching? Disliked celery? Qri giggled at the last thought. Somehow her mind was making him seem more and more like a child. "What is so funny?" TOP asked her, a small smile already on his face to join in the laughter. "Um, I was laughing at how fast you are working." Qri lied, she couldn't bring herself to tell him the truth. TOP laughed, realizing she was right, since he was already on his second lego model in half the time it took Qri to make one.

"I collected legos models as a kid. I get focused when making them as soon as they are in my hands." TOP admitted, looking down as he continued building the model lego tree. Qri watched him, transfixed by how he easily worked and didn't mind others around him commenting on it. "I never figured you liked legos. I mean I heard you liked them but just-- or was it figurines." Qri said, not being able to keep her thoughts straight with him staring at her. 'Why is he having this effect? He doesn't fit my ideal type.' She told herself, begging that something would cause him to look away so she could breath safely. "I collected them since childhood. They keep good company." TOP said, taking his eyes off her to dig through the pile of lego model again.

Qri furred her brow, not expecting that answer. "I expected you to say you used them releive stress. " She said unknowingly. Qri wanted to bit her tongue, she didn't mean to say that thought out loud. She thought he would be hurt by her statement but again he just smiled. "I get that a lot. I don't fit most women standards with my personality. Just looks." He said, then blushed at whatever he was thinking. Qri could understand, his looks and personality seemed distant in a way. But that didn't lower the effect he had to the opposite . "But that is ok. Your personality is refreshing." She told him, using her lego pet to 'speak' to him. When he laughed at her action she felt her heart race some. 'It is because he is handsome.' She told herself, using one hand to cover her smile. "What type of men do you like?" He asked her, catching her off guard.

Qri, although she felt embarassed for saying this to a male, described her ideal type. Males who put effort into their appearance. She even went as far as to show him some pictures on her phone of different uzzlangs that fit her taste. "They look the style that Japanese males have. With the hair gel and outfits." He noted. Qri blushed but agreed with him. "And personality?" He asked, openning his fifth model set. Qri thought for a bit, she never had to think on this. Usually if a male had the look she liked she would mold herself to fit his taste in women. "I never thought on it. A prince like personality, I guess." She admitted. When TOP called her a kid she felt herself get flustered. Here was the guy with half a lego town in front of him calling her a child for liking the prince type personalities from dramas.

"What about you?" She countered, pouting to her lego puppy. TOP lifted his lego puppy and pecked her cheek, causing her to glance back at him. She waited for him to answer but he said nothing. But went back to his lego town. "Help me?" He asked her, making her blush but still agree. She didn't realize they were building with the legos for almost an hour until he was called for his shot. Watching him stumble away from trying not to knock over any model made her smile. Qri realized that she enjoyed the small amount of time with him. They were a creative pair, although she did have to use convincing to stop him from putting the puppy in the tree. His excuse was that 'the puppy wanted to get a better veiw of the other lego puppy across town.' She smiled at his pout when she told him it was either that or his lego cat as town mayor idea.

Soyeon came to her friend, amazed at how she used the two vanity desks for her legos. "When did you build all this?" She asked the older female, laughing at how there was only a few unopenned models left out of the large pile. "I had help." Qri smiled, taking pitures of the full model before Soyeon started to pack the toys away. "From who?" She asked, looking around and not seeing anyone who looked intrested in legos. "A child-like Prince." Qri said, smiling as she now noticed the fact that his lego puppy was watching hers from the tree. 

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[13/10] This updated is so lighthearted I am worried it is bad...


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Chapter 6: this is so nice ^^
indi1hitwaunder #2
Chapter 23: Welcome back!! I mish this one shot!!! Ohhb winner mino and boram!! Tats and odd pairing bt i love.. was a bit pissed wit mino at first.. bt glad its jx a misunderstanding.. update aoon ^_^
1122 streak #3
Chapter 20: Yessss! Finally you're back and congrats... Wow ill be waiting for it :-D
1122 streak #4
Chapter 20: Yessss! Finally you're back and congrats... Wow ill be waiting for it :-D
CoolPrettyGirl #5
Chapter 20: Finally! The days went fast waiting... XD... Congratulation on your award! I´ll be expecting your updates...
Kpop_fan21 #6
Chapter 19: I will wait for the update..T^T