But Why?


While trying to erase the physical pain with slumber, Kibum heard Jinki say his name. And because he was half way to blissful sleep, it was easy to pretend while he listened to the confession.

            “Bummie, I know you’ve had a long day, but I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something…” senses perking up with a hand on his head “Why can’t you let me do something for you for once?” feeling lonely when the warmth left, Kibum let a bittersweet smile grace his face before he drifted off into asleep.



            It was four days later before Kibum saw Jinki for more than five minutes. The Tuesday after Jinki’s sleepy confession and the three friends had planned to spend the day together: first would be breakfast at their favourite diner, and then spend the day on the beach, only to go a restaurant that none of them really liked but was their tradition.

            After their full day out, the day continued with movie night. All three enjoyed being scared, to an extent. Jonghyun and Kibum loved the feeling, but also they loved to critique what made the movie a fail. Whereas Jinki was either completely absorbed into the movie or completely disregards the movie.

            Trying to pick anything with these three together was always a big event because none of them could make up their mind. Finally deciding on a movie Jonghyun and Kibum had seen and enjoyed, they watched Evil Dead. Jinki and Kibum sat on opposite sides of the relatively small love seat and Jonghyun sat in the chair.

            Jonghyun and Kibum talked about how bad the acting was and how it took too long to get into any of the action, but Jinki was completely absorbed into the movie; eyes completely transfixed on the screen.  At the first scare, Jinki clung onto the younger’s arm and held for dear life. Kibum was surprised at the sudden touch, but also sank into it. Even after the blonde could see that the old had recovered from the scare, neither leaned out of grasp.

            “Hey Key, is he sleeping?” Jonghyun questioned gesturing to the oldest that had fallen asleep during the lull in the middle of the movie.

            “Aish, he was so into the movie and then he doesn’t even stay awake long enough to watch the ending. Neither of us work in the morning anyway, so I think we’ll just sleep here.” Saying more to himself because Jonghyun had retreated to his bedroom to get what little sleep he could before he had to go into work at three AM.

            Shifting so the sleeping Jinki was laying on his chest instead of his shoulder, Kibum fell asleep almost instantly.

            When Jinki awoke the next morning, he felt something was off until he realized that he and Kibum had fallen asleep on the couch and the younger was his pillow. He turned to lay on his stomach with his hands under his chin and just admired the sleeping figure; moving up and down with his breathing.

            He fell back asleep cuddling the blonde’s chest, but was jostled awake when Kibum was trying to wiggle out from under him.

            “Ah, I’m sorry. I had to go to the bathroom, but I didn’t want to wake you. You can go back to sleep.”

            “No… I probably couldn’t get to sleep even if I wanted to; the sun is too bright now.” Jinki tried to convince himself more than Kibum because he knew that without his warmth near him, he wouldn’t get any sleep. “What time even is it”

            “Almost noon. I have work in about an hour. What about you?”

            “Same. Hey, how did the movie end last night?”

            “Well, maybe you shouldn’t have fallen asleep and then you would’ve known. We can watch it again the next night we are all available, or you can watch it whenever you feel; it’s still in the player” Kibum continued from the kitchen “but I’m still confused as to how you got to sleep with Jjong and I talking so much.”

            “I’m like a rock. But that movie was getting good, that’s why I’m confused as to how I fell asleep.”

            “Do you want any breakfast? I’m making eggs!” the younger always loved to show off his cooking skills.

            “No thanks, yeobo. I’ll eat on my way to work. “ Jinki tried desperately to think of a way to continue the situation, and remembered how they woke up. “Why did we sleep on the couch last night? You could’ve woken me up to move.”

           “Yea I could have, buuut I was lazy and I’m surprised that I didn’t fall asleep during the movie; I was so tired. Also, you looked too comfy.. I didn’t want to move you. And I know you had school the past couple days..; so I didn’t mind.” Kibum stumbled over his words, trying to not to make a fool of himself and failing. “Um, oh aish, is it already 12:30? We should get ready for work” the younger exclaimed and scurried off to their shared room.

            Jinki wore an amused smile as he watched Key scuttle to go and change, following behind him. They had changed in front of each other before, but somehow this time was different; all Jinki wanted to do was embrace Kibum and breath in his scent.

            But being the forever scared puppy, the older gathered his clothes for work and faced away from Kibum to change; the way he always had.

a/n: I sincerely apologize for these all being so short OTL I feel like I'm just dragging things out and on and on, but hopefully you enjoy this chapter :) I will try to make them longer. BUT ALSO! A new chapter won't be out for a few days cause I got some schtuff to do and work and all that fun ~adult~ stuff to do. Thank you for reading :3


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Chapter 1: When i think that the 3 of them living together ( i mean just them without 2min) in IRL. This is how it’s gonna be. Hahahaha Key being the most mature and onew being the fake maknae and a funny Jjong. :)
Chapter 6: Oh wait..is the story done?! >< and i was waiting for more haha..
Chapter 6: Lay is such a cutie right? Sometimes I want a mini version of him and put him in my pocket. Hehe.
So....Jinki forgave Kibum that easily?
I thought he would make Kibum try harder..but I guess love overcome all that right?
Onkey is ♥ !
Chapter 5: I feel bad for both Jonghyun and Onew :(
Chapter 5: Jonghyun kinda take advantage of Kibum. Since he knows Kibum likes Jinki, and he like Kibum. :'(
I hope things will fine soon !
Jinki even kiss Kibum on the lips. Aaaaaaaa. *throws confetti*
Chapter 4: Omg omg omg. This is too freaking adorable ! Seriously. They like each other too much, just man up and confess already.

P/s: I still can't get over the Onkey fluff. Too sweet >.<
Chapter 3: Puppy and yeobo is kind of a jongkey thing for me haha so im not used to it being Onew :D but its soo cute so I 'mma continue reading :) update soon ^^