Your Eyes Are Twinkling


After the movie, Jinki had to work an early shift so he went off to bed around midnight while Jonghyun and Kibum did the dishes.

            “How come you and I didn’t share a room?” the older but shorter asked.

            “After nearly four months in this arrangement, now you ask” Kibum retorted while drying a plate.

            “Well, I always wondered but never really cared. I mean, you and I are more alike than you and Jinki. We like the same taste in movies and food, and basically everything. But then you go and room with him.”

            Kibum, nearly dropping the plate, died of laughter “Jjong are you jealous? We are sharing the same apartment for god sake. I didn’t know that it meant so much to you.”

            “I was kidding, sort of, about how much it means to me, but you and Jinki are rather different, don’t you think?” Jonghyun trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

            “I guess I never noticed. We roomed together because I couldn’t see myself sharing that close of quarters with you. But it feels right with Jinki; I like sharing a room with him” Kibum smiled to himself thinking of the good times he and the oldest have shared in their short amount of time sharing the same room.

            “Kibum, your eyes are twinkling. Can you stop please? Wait, do you like Jinki? Like, like LIKE him?” Jonghyun aggressively questioned.

            “Umm, no…” Kibum trying and failing to conceal his feelings “Ow, what was that for, Dino?” exclaimed while soothing his abused arm.

            “I knew there was a reason you didn’t want to room with me, and now I’m going to tell Jinki and you two will live happily ever after… with me forever lonely in the same house cause you both know you love me” Jonghyun cockily mused.

            “So let’s see, whose name is on the lease? Let me think, is it mine? Yes, yes I think it is; which means I am the owner and I can let whoever I want live here. Do not tell Jinki.” Kibum threatened.


            ‘Ya, why are they being so loud? I know they know I’m trying to sleep, these pabos’ Jinki thought as he was about to go and scold the two younger males, until he heard his name.

            “Umm, no” “….and now I’m going to tell Jinki….” “…Don’t tell Jinki” As he pushed his ear into the door to listen more closely, he heard footsteps and an exchange of goodnights. Jinki rushed into the bathroom and flushed the toilet as Kibum entered the room.

            “What are you still doing up? Don’t you have work in like three hours?” Kibum pushed concerned.

            “Umm, yeah I just really had to go to the bathroom; I have such a small bladder. Why did I drink so much water during the movie?” Jinki said more to himself while looking down. When he looked up, Kibum was shirtless and doing something on the dresser to his right. The older chanced another risky gesture in hopes that Kibum would return it after what he had just heard.

            Walking over to the younger, he wrapped his arms around Kibum’s waist and snuggled into the back of his neck. Feeling Kibum tense at the touch, Jinki held him tighter only to feel him relax and sink into the touch. Feeling a little frisky, Jinki feathered light kisses into the crook of Kibum’s neck.

            “What are you doing, yeobo? You should be sleeping, you know” turning around with arms going around Jinki’s neck, Key hugged him and they fell onto the bed.

            “I was giving you goodnight kisses, but now what are you doing, Kim Kibum?” Onew laughed as he once again tightened his hold around the younger.

            “I was going to give you a goodnight hug, but I leaned in too much… and then he bed was closer than I thought. What did think I was doing, ert?” Key played while swatting Jinki’s forehead lightly.

            Jinki leaned up to capture Kibum’s lips and was surprised when the gesture was returned. But when the warmth left his lips, a whine left him. “Whaaa? No, more please” sounding like a child, he wanted to taste Kibum’s soft lips again.

            “You have work tomorrow, and you haven’t gotten much sleep this week” Key, sounding more like his umma, teased and planted a gently kiss on his forehead. “Now I’m going to shower, and you’d better be sleeping when I get back in this bed, mister.”

            Jinki always loved Key’s dominant side and he always felt compelled to follow his orders, even if it was playful. Capturing Key in a back hug before he disappeared into the bathroom, Jinki gave him another kiss on his neck and got back to his dream land.


            Kibum shifts in his sleep and squints at Jinki smiling down at him saying something that he is not awake enough to comprehend. “Ya, I’m leaving for work now. You and Jonghyun have the day to yourself ‘cause Taemin decided that I needed to work while he is with Minho, so I have to open AND close the shop today.”

            “Oh, okay. Have a good day” the younger smiled at Jinki which earned him a kiss on the forehead. The older exited after leaving Kibum in a confused state. ‘Since when were we on a kiss for goodbye basis….? I guess I’m to have to tell him sometime how I feel.’ As the blonde dragged himself out of the bed, he started to form how he would bring up the talk with Jinki while also planning the beautiful Autumn day he was going to have with Jonghyun.


            ‘Oh god! Why did I kiss him?! It just seemed right and I… I..’ Jinki thought while repeatedly hitting his head on the elevator wall, too frustrated to take the stairs. ‘I think I just ruined our friendship, and he’s going to kick me out. Then where am I going to go? I’ll have to move back him with my parents, and they’ll think I’m a bum, oh god, oh god’

            Two hours after opening the shop and dealing with the morning customers he knew on a first name basis, he had a few hours to kill before the lunch rush of customers. Fiddling with cleaning, Jinki looked up to see his roommates smiling while debating what they wanted to order. “What are you two doing here?”

            “We are going on an adventure and we needed some fuel” Jonghyun explained while eyeing the menu.

            “Oh, where are you going?”

            “We are going to take random trains to random places and map out our day. We were feeling spontaneous and haven’t been on an adventure in a while, what with school and work. So it’s been quite a while since we both had a day where we didn’t have homework because finals are coming up soon, in like the next couple weeks.” Kibum felt nervous about seeing the older for some reason.

            “Hopefully we get to the ocean…” Jonghyun chimed in, which made the other two chuckle.

            After Kibum and Jonghyun order their drinks and pastries, they sat at a table to make a quick sketch of what they think they might do; like which trains and connectors they would take, what places they wanted to see, and how long they planned to stay at certain places.

            “You know that we will probably not follow this at all? And we are just going to be all over today right?”

            “Have we ever followed out plans, like ever?” Kibum countered “It’ll be fun either way. And we should document things for Jinki, so that one day all three of us can do something like this.

            After having eaten their food and bundled up, they said goodbye to Jinki, the two prepared to be have an adventure.


a/n: The word count for this was 1308... that movie was weird as ! Anyway, I hope you enjoy and thank you for reading! C:

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Chapter 1: When i think that the 3 of them living together ( i mean just them without 2min) in IRL. This is how it’s gonna be. Hahahaha Key being the most mature and onew being the fake maknae and a funny Jjong. :)
Chapter 6: Oh the story done?! >< and i was waiting for more haha..
Chapter 6: Lay is such a cutie right? Sometimes I want a mini version of him and put him in my pocket. Hehe.
So....Jinki forgave Kibum that easily?
I thought he would make Kibum try harder..but I guess love overcome all that right?
Onkey is ♥ !
Chapter 5: I feel bad for both Jonghyun and Onew :(
Chapter 5: Jonghyun kinda take advantage of Kibum. Since he knows Kibum likes Jinki, and he like Kibum. :'(
I hope things will fine soon !
Jinki even kiss Kibum on the lips. Aaaaaaaa. *throws confetti*
Chapter 4: Omg omg omg. This is too freaking adorable ! Seriously. They like each other too much, just man up and confess already.

P/s: I still can't get over the Onkey fluff. Too sweet >.<
Chapter 3: Puppy and yeobo is kind of a jongkey thing for me haha so im not used to it being Onew :D but its soo cute so I 'mma continue reading :) update soon ^^