Grocery Shopping


Waking up with a figure in my bed is something that I’m going to have to get used to’ Jonghyun thought while detangling Jinki’s sleeping figure from his. Glancing at the clock on his way to the bathroom, he saw that there was six hours before they were on their way to Kris’ house. Jonghyun threw on some sweats to go for run to try and contain his excitement.

            Hearing the door close shut, Jinki sat up and looked around confused not to see a sleeping figure; then grew sad and flopped back down when he remembered the ‘punishment’ he gave to his lover. After coming out of the bathroom, he heard said lover’s voice and went out to investigate.

            “Kyungsoo-ah, do I need to bring anything today?” “I can buy the beef if you have everything but that” “No no, its fine, I want to help anyway I can” Kibum turned to see Jinki come out of his temporary bedroom and eyed him all the way to the kitchen, thinking about their adventure a few days ago. “Okay, Jinki and Jonghyun are going to come with me at three because they will get lost if I let them come later by themselves, and so they can meet the rest of the roommates. Yup, okay, see you later!”  Kibum beamed as he nearly slammed he phone down in excitement and bounded after the elder.

            “Are you excited to be meeting Kris’ roommates later today?” having to physically restrain himself from wrapping himself around Jinki.

            “I am, but I’m also a little nervous cause you know I don’t well when I meet new people. But I feel like it’ll be okay because I’ll have you with me” Jinki finding his breakfast preparations suddenly very interesting and refused to look at Kibum, especially after he heard the whines from the other room the night before. “Though it might also not because I’ll want to touch you for comfort and reassurance, but I can’t do that” sass flying out of his mouth as if cursing himself.

            “Jjong will be there too, since he seems to be your substitute Key for the next couple weeks, just touch him” giving the elder sass right back.

            As if on cue, Jonghyun collapses right inside the door with a ridiculously cheesy smile on his face, sweat covering his entire body. “What am I going to do with myself for the next FOUR hours? I’m too excited to meet new people!” Hauling himself off the floor and into the shower, not waiting for an answer.


            Thirty minutes later, Key and Jonghyun are out shopping for materials for their dinner later. “Okay, Kris has eleven housemates plus him, plus us three, so that makes fifteen people. Oi, we are going to need a lot of meat. Is there anything you want? You know, like a treat or something..?”

            Jonghyun sensed that Key wanted to ask him something, but he was going to milk the younger’s offer. “Can I have some yogurt drinks and some dried mangos?”

            Mentally berating himself for trying to soften Jonghyun, he replies softly. “Okay, drinks and mangos it is. But can I ask you something” seeing Jonghyun’s nod, he continues. “Jinki gets nervous around people he doesn’t know very well, we both know that. But what we both also know is that he needs someone to hold onto for comfort in said situations, but he has also banned me from giving him affection. Sooo, I was wondering if you could give him that comfort tonight at Kris’?”

            Giggling to himself and watching Key’s face turn from cautious to annoyed, he replies while still laughing “Of course, of course I can” barely dodging Key’s attacks.

            “Ya, why are you laughing?” chasing Jonghyun down an empty aisle when he slams into the back of him. “Why did you stop- Kyungsoo, Jongin! What are you two doing here?” Key asks peering over Jonghyun’s shoulder, noting they were holding hands.

            “Oh, we were coming to get groceries for tonight. I thought we had plenty when we spoke earlier, but Sehun and Tao didn’t tell anyone that they raided the kitchen last night. So, Kai offered to come with me” his cheeks as well as Kai’s reddening as they slightly shuffled apart.

            Smiling at the shy awkward, but obvious couple, Key suggested they all hangout. “We have what, two.. two hours until we are supposed to start cooking, why don’t we finish shopping and then you two come over and meet Jinki? Then all five of us can go to your house together, our house is on the way to yours anyway.”

            “Kai-ah! Baek is hitting me again!” “He was trying bite me, AGAIN!”

            “Ya, do you two have to behave like children in public?” Kyungsoo scolding the giant and the diva while Kai smiles and places a hand on one of his hips, but removes it when he makes eye contact with Key.

            Baekhyun and Chanyeol round the corner of the aisle, with Chanyeol’s arms wrapped around the smaller boy and Baekhyun’s hands holding them. Key and Jonghyun laugh to each other when they notice it’s not just D.O. and Kai and separate.

            Jonghyun, no longer able to control himself blurts out “Are both of you guys couples?”

            Audibly exasperated, Key punches the shorter. “Obviously, but did you have to blurt it out like that! Oh my god, Jjong, you are so ing embarrassing. I apologize on his behalf.” When key turned back to them, all of their faces were tomato red and covered in sweat. Not able to suppress a giggle, he manages to bow and apologize again.


            Twenty minutes later, the six of them are at Key and Jonghyun’s house, drinking tea and waiting for Key and Jinki to finish getting ready for their dinner later on.

            “I’ll shower first, so you guys just talk amongst yourselves” Key announces and saunters off to his bathroom.

            Chanyeol nudges Baekhyun to look at Jinki, who is staring after Key, practically burning holes in his back. “Jinki-ssi, are you and Key a couple?” Baekhyun questions after Key is out of sight.

            Onew almost spits his tea onto Chanyeol’s face at Baekhyun’s question. “Why are you even surprised at that? You two are a couple. Don’t go spatting all over our guests faces just because you’re shy!” Jonghyun answer for him, handing Chanyeol a napkin. 

a/n: Soooo, its been like what.. six (?) months? since an update for this story.... I'M SORRY I ABANDONED IT FOR SO LONG OTL I'm planning like one to three more chapters for this one... till completion. Please look forward to it, and keeping lobing me OTL again. Thanks a bunches! (and now you get a gif dump, whoooo) 


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Chapter 1: When i think that the 3 of them living together ( i mean just them without 2min) in IRL. This is how it’s gonna be. Hahahaha Key being the most mature and onew being the fake maknae and a funny Jjong. :)
Chapter 6: Oh the story done?! >< and i was waiting for more haha..
Chapter 6: Lay is such a cutie right? Sometimes I want a mini version of him and put him in my pocket. Hehe.
So....Jinki forgave Kibum that easily?
I thought he would make Kibum try harder..but I guess love overcome all that right?
Onkey is ♥ !
Chapter 5: I feel bad for both Jonghyun and Onew :(
Chapter 5: Jonghyun kinda take advantage of Kibum. Since he knows Kibum likes Jinki, and he like Kibum. :'(
I hope things will fine soon !
Jinki even kiss Kibum on the lips. Aaaaaaaa. *throws confetti*
Chapter 4: Omg omg omg. This is too freaking adorable ! Seriously. They like each other too much, just man up and confess already.

P/s: I still can't get over the Onkey fluff. Too sweet >.<
Chapter 3: Puppy and yeobo is kind of a jongkey thing for me haha so im not used to it being Onew :D but its soo cute so I 'mma continue reading :) update soon ^^