The Proposal


‘Why is his back so y? Why is his hair so y? Why do I have these feelings for one of my best friends?’ Jinki was cursing his brain for having these thoughts; he wasn’t ashamed to have these thoughts, but he was normally a very outgoing and playful person. But whenever Kibum was involved, he was just scared and lost, not knowing what he should about his feelings.

He contemplated multiple times, in their half decade friendship, telling the younger how he felt, but never thought the time was right. He wanted Kibum to know, so that the burden would off his chest and the idea was in the air, but then he didn’t want Kibum to feel burdened or obligated to do anything he didn’t want to.

Feeling eyes on him, Kibum turned around to find the older zoned out with his on him. “Are you okay, Dubu? You look kind of dazed over there.”

“What? Oh yeah, I’m fine. Sleeping on the couch messed up my back, so my sleep wasn’t good. Sorry for burning holes into your back” Jinki said cheekily, blushing he’d been caught, knowing he hadn’t zoned out. Mentally praising himself for the quick excuse, both boys finished getting ready at the same time and made their way to exit.

When their hands brushed, Key interlocked them and gave it a gentle squeeze, but not releasing Jinki’s hand until they got to the other side of the relatively small apartment.

‘Why did he do that? Maybe he’s trying to give me encouragement that work today won’t be back even though I didn’t sleep well? Oh Kibum, if only you knew what you holding my hand did to me…’ the older’s brain slapped itself for having these thought before work.

The ever active Kibum took the stairs while Jinki waited for the elevator because he thought ‘ain’t nobody got time for looking sweaty’. Relishing about his funny thoughts he missed Kibum say goodbye until he felt a soft touch on his elbow.

“I’ll see you after work, Jinki. When do you get off work?”

Startled that Kibum was touching him again, the older stumbled “Oh, um I get out at 8:30. Taemin said he would close up the shop because my schedule is also full with school and he doesn’t want me tired at work or flunking any of my classes. You?”

“We have a big catering tomorrow, so it’ll more than likely be around midnight. And then another early morning; I’ll probably go in around noon depending on how much we get done tonight” Kibum looked down in an attempt to hide his sadness, still holding Jinki’s elbow lightly; he missed his friends and they don’t get much quality time anymore since school started.

“Bummie, you are going to be so exhausted at the end of this semester. You should think about only working like two days instead of four. Cause you taking a full school load next semester too, right?” the older suggested, genuinely concerned for Kibum’s health. He’s always stretched his schedule to the point of exhaustion, never giving himself time to rest.

“I’ll be fine, yeobo. It’s not big thing; I like to be kept busy. Anyway, don’t wait up and I’ll try to be quiet getting into bed.” Kibum released Jinki’s arm with a twinkle he jeered “You should be more active!” and then turned and bounded down the stairs.


            When the elevator reached the ground floor and gave its obnoxious ddaeng, the doors opened and Jinki ran into Jonghyun. “When will everyone be home?” he questioned, knowing he would have the day to himself.

            “I’ll be home a quarter to nine, and Key will be home around midnight, but he said there is a catering at the restaurant so depending on how much gets done tonight, he’s going to go in around noon tomorrow.”

            “Ugh, that boy is going to collapse one of these days. He always tries to do too much.” Jjong sighed confirming Jinki’s worries. “Anyway, have a good day at work” he said with a smile and a wave as the elder walked away.


            Jinki works at a coffee shop around the corner, and today Taemin was an extra sort of annoying; apparently he was having boyfriend issues and decided that Onew needed to know ALLL about the. Taemin, Jinki, Jonghyun and Kibum went to high school together, but how since gone separate ways… until Jinki applied at the coffee shop the he owned.

            “I mean, I asked Minho if he wanted to have a romantic weekend together, but he said that his work schedule is pretty full and he doesn’t have much time for me in the next week. He gave a peck on the cheek as he left this morning, but he didn’t give me a hug like he normally does. I don’t know if I’m just being paranoid or what, but I’m worried that he’s doing something he shouldn’t be doing. He didn’t say anything about wanting to take a break even though he’s so busy, but I mean we live together! How can he say that he doesn’t have time for me?” Taemin whined all day while meandering about doing miniscule tasks here, waiting for another rush of customers.

            Onew rubbed his temples until he saw the person he had just heard so many complaints about standing before him. Having a small panic attack thinking that he was imagining after hearing so much about him, he called Taemin over to deal with his boyfriend.

            “Minho! How are you babe? Shouldn’t you be at the office? Oh wait; it’s your lunch isn’t it?” Taemin almost never let other people speak and thought that anything he said was the most important thing to ever be said.

            “Uh, yeah it is. But first I wanted to talk to you about something. Can we get our usual orders and you man the station for a few minutes?” Minho questioned Jinki while looking around Taemin.

            “Yeah, sure of course!” Jinki said a little too excited, happy to have some peace and quiet from Taemin.

            About ten minutes later, the barista heard a loud squeal followed by a sting of yeses and oh my gods and then clapping. He looked up just in time to see Taemin shoving a diamond in his face. “Look Onew, looook! Aw, it so big Minho! It must have been so expensive. Wait, is this why you’ve been acting strange, you were planning a proposal?” he whined while hugging his neck.

            “Yeah, I wanted to plan a special weekend and then do it, but I was getting nervous about planning it, and you seemed just about fed up with my work excuses. So I thought ‘why be spontaneous and just do it” Minho cooed while he snake his hands around Taemin’s waist.

            They embraced a few minutes longer followed then by a deep and passionate kiss making quite a few of the customers uncomfortable. “Um, okay I should get back to the office” Minho sighed while having a pink hue to his round cheeks.

            “If you must.. I’ll see you at home” Taemin said seductively, and then gave his fiancé another short kiss and released him.

            Seeing the scene play out before him made Jinki’s heart hurt because he couldn’t but help to think of Kibum… ‘Taemin will probably talk non-stop about his engagement for the next four hours’ he thought while thinking of how slow time will go until he is released from this torture.


            Jinki got out of work early and bounded home, excited that Taemin decided to close the shop for the rest of the weekend to spend time with his fiancé. As he entered his building, he thought about what Kibum has said. While his body wasn’t unhealthy, he could always do more to improve his current health and he decided to take the stairs.

            As he entered the apartment, he smelled delicious food and was worried because Jonghyun never cooked, so he didn’t understand why; until he was his turn to hear laughter upon entering the home. He saw the shorter dark-haired man shoulder to shoulder with the taller blonde man. ‘Why is Kibum home? Oh god, did he get fired? How is he so happy? Oh , how will we afford this apartment without his income? Will we be separated again?’

            “Dubu, why do you look so worried? Come join us!”

            “Kibum, why are you home? You said that you’d be home rather late” worry exuding from his words.

            “Oh, my bosses are going to the states for the next couple weeks. So we closed the restaurant early tonight, got all the food for the catering prepared, cleaned and then we went home. We will still get pay for the time that they are gone, if that is what the worried expression was for.” Kibum explained, watching as the worry visibly left the oldest in the room.

            “Now, Key here was in the middle of trying to teach me how to cook. If you’d like to join in the lesson, grab and apron and wash your hands. We’re making stir-fry and we’ve already grilled the beef” Jonghyun said, feeling forgotten.

            “Of course I want to help” Jinki said excitedly. He knew that Kibum was a whiz in the kitchen, but also knew that himself and Jonghyun might just end up hindering Key’s skill.

            After everything was cooked, the three friends settled in with their plate of chicken stir-fry and beef and their bowls of rice to re-watch Evil Dead.

a/n: 2Min fluff - yay or nay? I don't ship it that much, but I think its cute. I'm kind hitting a block a the moment and I don't know where to go with this... but I will continue to update. Thank you for reading! :3  <--- that is my new favourite emoticon, if you couldn't guess. Thanks again :] 

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Chapter 1: When i think that the 3 of them living together ( i mean just them without 2min) in IRL. This is how it’s gonna be. Hahahaha Key being the most mature and onew being the fake maknae and a funny Jjong. :)
Chapter 6: Oh the story done?! >< and i was waiting for more haha..
Chapter 6: Lay is such a cutie right? Sometimes I want a mini version of him and put him in my pocket. Hehe.
So....Jinki forgave Kibum that easily?
I thought he would make Kibum try harder..but I guess love overcome all that right?
Onkey is ♥ !
Chapter 5: I feel bad for both Jonghyun and Onew :(
Chapter 5: Jonghyun kinda take advantage of Kibum. Since he knows Kibum likes Jinki, and he like Kibum. :'(
I hope things will fine soon !
Jinki even kiss Kibum on the lips. Aaaaaaaa. *throws confetti*
Chapter 4: Omg omg omg. This is too freaking adorable ! Seriously. They like each other too much, just man up and confess already.

P/s: I still can't get over the Onkey fluff. Too sweet >.<
Chapter 3: Puppy and yeobo is kind of a jongkey thing for me haha so im not used to it being Onew :D but its soo cute so I 'mma continue reading :) update soon ^^