I Think I Love You


Kibum walked into the shared room after an early morning of school, collapsing on the bed; Jinki close behind him. Jonghyun was just leaving to go to his job, where he often works the first or third shift.

“See you guys tomorrow” Jonghyun said, knowing full well that the next he would see his two friends would be the only day of the week where none of them had any obligations.

Shrugging off his jacket and changing into his work attire, black chef pants and a wife beater to go under his chef coat, he finally notices the quiet Jinki who is burning to say something. Not wanting to get into any discussion minutes before he has to leave for work, Kibum strides past the older male to the kitchen to make himself a quick dinner.

The shy and lost puppy makes a risky gesture of standing behind the younger and nuzzling into his back, firmly the sides of Kibum’s tank top. Smiling to himself, Kibum still chooses to let the affections seem like they don’t mean much to him.

Detaching Jinki’s comforting hands from his sides and turning around to give him a quick pat on the head, Kibum throws him a dazzling smile and a goodbye. Now the sad puppy watches as Kibum puts on his shoes and coat then collects his things and exits the apartment.

Three months with this routine and it still hurt Jinki knowing that all his attempts to show his friend that he cares deeper for him were wasted; that his friend would never reciprocate the feelings. Even though all three roommates had been good friends before they moved in together, Jinki always had a different relationship with Kibum than with Jonghyun; a sort of blurred friendship that crossed lines and pushed boundaries but was never uncomfortable.

Not looking forward to another Friday alone, Jinki made ramen and settled in with his laptop to waste the day away.


                After walking out the door, Kibum heaved a heavy breath and found his heart to be burdened; he wanted to give in to the older boy, to feel loved and accept Jinki’s affections, but he couldn’t find it in himself to let him in. There was nothing Kibum loved more than to surprise Jinki or Jonghyun with gifts or to pay for dinner; he thoroughly enjoyed making others feel loved, especially Jinki. The anger Jinki would give him when he bought him extravagant things clawed at his heart, but Kibum would rather deal with this faux aggression than to let someone spoil him.

                Taking another deep breath, Kibum left his worries at the front of the complex and strutted to work, with a killer smile, a fierce gaze, and full of confidence.


Upon entering the complex and beginning the ascent to the 4th floor, the worries Kibum had left at the door where once again whirling in his mind. But once inside the apartment, the laughter of Jinki and Jonghyun pushed to keep them at bay.

                “What are you doing? Don’t turn it-“was the last thing Kibum heard before a loud machine noise and then frantic laughter again.

                “You didn’t put the lid back on!” Jonghyun only worked six hours, and had been two hours before Kibum dragged himself into the kitchen; only to find a splattering of red/pink mixture on everything, including the two older males doubled over.

                “BUMMIE, your home!” Jinki shouted gleefully and dragged Jonghyun to stand and try to look dignified.

                Seeing the confusion on his face, Jonghyun explained “We were experimenting with the blender that we’ve had since you know, we moved in. I think I see now why were didn’t use it, or is it that maybe just us two shouldn’t use it?”

                “I think it’s that latter. Because I’m sweating and gross, I’m going to shower first. I’ll try to be quick, but while I’m shower, can you two try to clean the kitchen?” the youngest but usually the most mature of the roommates ordered without waiting for an answer and heading to the bathroom.


                After everyone was showered and the kitchen was clean, the trio retired to bed. Jonghyun slinked off to his room, somewhat ashamed of the mess he just spent nearly thirty minutes cleaning. Jinki and Kibum settled into their bed, but could quickly feel the electrifying air in the room.

                “Bummie, I know you’ve had a long day, but I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something”, Jinki started shakily; chancing a look over of the younger boy, only to see that he is dead to the world. “Ugh, I think I love you because you do so many things for me, but I never do anything for you” pausing for a second to sit up in the bed, Jinki continued while gently caressing the sleeping Kibum’s hair “Why do you do that? Why can’t you let me do something for you for once?” Back to being a sad puppy and sighing deeply, Jinki laid back down and drifted off into his own dreamland.



a/n: I know it was short, but I couldn't sleep and bad things happen when I can't sleep; things like this are the product. I also really wanted to vent... and this helped :) I don't know if it will be continued thought...

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Chapter 1: When i think that the 3 of them living together ( i mean just them without 2min) in IRL. This is how it’s gonna be. Hahahaha Key being the most mature and onew being the fake maknae and a funny Jjong. :)
Chapter 6: Oh wait..is the story done?! >< and i was waiting for more haha..
Chapter 6: Lay is such a cutie right? Sometimes I want a mini version of him and put him in my pocket. Hehe.
So....Jinki forgave Kibum that easily?
I thought he would make Kibum try harder..but I guess love overcome all that right?
Onkey is ♥ !
Chapter 5: I feel bad for both Jonghyun and Onew :(
Chapter 5: Jonghyun kinda take advantage of Kibum. Since he knows Kibum likes Jinki, and he like Kibum. :'(
I hope things will fine soon !
Jinki even kiss Kibum on the lips. Aaaaaaaa. *throws confetti*
Chapter 4: Omg omg omg. This is too freaking adorable ! Seriously. They like each other too much, just man up and confess already.

P/s: I still can't get over the Onkey fluff. Too sweet >.<
Chapter 3: Puppy and yeobo is kind of a jongkey thing for me haha so im not used to it being Onew :D but its soo cute so I 'mma continue reading :) update soon ^^