
Love is Like a Mushroom

GD stared at Taeyeon, Taeyeon stared at GD, and Joon stared at Taeyeon who was nervously shaking.

Taeyeon feels like her legs was gonna give up. Her legs were shaking but he managed to step a few steps forward to Jiyoung.

"Well, I'm glad to meet you again, Kwon Jiyoung," Taeyeon offered her hand to Jiyoung who was frozen. Taeyeon act brave, like she has forgotten about what happened at BigBang's house, but really, she hasn't. She only had to act brave to him because, remember her plan. Her plan is to act cold, brave or whatsoever to Jiyoung, so just that he'll fall in love with her again and later on betray him.

"O-oh.." Jiyoung did'nt know what to say. He was still staring at Taeyeon's teary eyes. He was shocked when Taeyeon offered her hand. He unknowingly accepted her offer and started to shake his hand.

Taeyeon pulled her hand away and Jiyoung looked at his hand. He wanted to hold her hand badly. He misses her so much. He regrets everything what he had done to the beautiful young Taeyeon before. 

Taeyeon forced her tears in so that Jiyoung will not see her cry and will not think her as a weak immature lady. She wanted to cry so bad. Her eyes were so watery and red as Jiyoung felt more guilty.

She really needed to go to the washroom and pee."This but, I've to go somewhere. I wanted to hang out with you but sigh, there's no time. See you soon..bye," She lied. She quickly bowed to him and walked away. Lee Joon didn't know what to do and just followed Taeyeon from behind and left Jiyoung alone.

Lee Joon stayed outside of the women's washroom and heard the poor Taeyeon cried in there. 

*Why? Why do I have to see you when I'm happy? I was really happy that we won but seeing your face made me thought about everything you did to me in the past. The day we met, the day you confessed to me, the day you freakin broke my heart, I hate you Jiyoung. Ugh I ing hate you so much,* she cursed in her mind. Taeyeon was sitting on the corner of the big washroom, hugging her knees and burried her face on the top of her knee, crying really hard after pee-ing.

You've stayed there for about 30 minutes that made Joon more worried about you. Lee Joon wanted to enter the washroom, hug you, comfort her, and say everything's alright, but the doorknob was lock so he could not enter. Lee Joon knocked the washroom door twice but you did not answer. You were just crying like hell.

Lee Joon thoguht of going to the GG's dressroom and tell them that Taeyeon was in the washroom, alone, crying,


"Oh God. Where the heck that girl is now?" Jessica called Tae maybe already 100x but Tae wouldn't answer. They  thought of where Taeyeon would be right now. Tiffany and the other girls were holding each other's hand to pray for Taeyon. Tiffany was really worried if Taeyeon would meet that terrible guy who ruined Taeyeon's life. But sadly, yes, she did meet him. "Anybody of you would know where she is right now?" Hyoyeon looked at the girls. Before anyone could answer, someone suddenly opened their door, causing them to jump.

The girls quickly turned their head toward's the door and notice a tall hot guy who was panting beside the door. "Joon!" Sooyoung and Yoona quickly stands up together with the girls and made themself walked to Lee Joon. "Taeyeon..," Lee Joon looked down. "What? What happened to her?" Seohyun asked with her curiousity. "She's been crying the whole hour since he saw GD..", Lee Joon felt like he was about to tear up. "What?! Did you just say G-g-D?" Jessica, Seo and Fany widen their eyes. Lee Joon just nod and looked down. "Where is she?" Tiffany teared up, "in the washroom...."



FINALLY!!!! UPDATED!!!!!!!! OMO. Im really sorry about y grammars :( please ignore them.

I'm not good at  grammars and explaing and stuffs :( sorry for u subribers to have to wait for a billion of moths. 

I was really busy. Well not really. Was just that i was really lazy to update. hehhehe. 

SCHOOL IS STARTING TMR!! GOD. I'll try my best to update soon and faster!

I HOPE U'LL LIKE THIS CHAPTER!!! MWAH! BTW, i can still finish this chapter into a long chapter but, ive to sleep cause ive to wake up early tmr for church ^^

it's 1 am here lol well, yeah see yah!!!





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Chapter 7: Update soon!!!
taeyeoppeo #2
Chapter 6: love TOP's character here... ah bad ji...only realizing it now...haish.
ForeverSoshiKezh #3
Chapter 6: Joon pls make taeyeon happy and pls become the reason of gd's jealousy
uida_usagi #4
Chapter 6: omo....
just want slap girl it's too much *my eyes widen like D.O
jiyoung really going crazy....
and you are in trouble!!
Chapter 6: Author-ssi!!!!!!!!!! You almost make me cry in my classroom!!!
ForeverSoshiKezh #6
Chapter 5: Joon help tae..and Kwon freaking Jiyoung! Oh no..you're in big trouble..
taeyeoppeo #7
Chapter 5: poor tae T.T
Chapter 5: you hurt taeng so bad ji...
uida_usagi #9
Chapter 5: its okay if its about grammar...
but please make it longer.... :)
update soon nehhh
update soon author-ssi.