
Once Again Down the Rabbit Hole (UNDER MAINTENANCE)


"Alice, wake up," a distant voice said. Alice groaned at the voice before pulling the warm blanket over her head. She didn't want to leave her comfy bed after witnessing the horrific scenes made possible by Dee and Dum. 

The warm blanket that was tightly wrapped around her body just moments ago was suddenly lying on the floor. "You'll be late for school," after that simple sentence the voice left the room. 

Alice groaned once more before proceeding to sit on the bed. Giving her arms a final good stretch Alice headed off to take a warm shower. 

Throughout breakfast Alice could not stop yawning. "Stop, that's impolite," her mother kept saying. Finally she was excused from having breakfast because her behavior was "improper". 

Giving her uniform one last glance over Alice was out the door and on her way to school. Although Alice was not insanely rich like most of the students she was quite well off. After all her parents were highly respected neurosurgeons. 

Being the sole daughter of two prize winning neurosurgeons is not easy. Especially when they expect her to be "perfect". 

Letting out a depressed sigh Alice sank down into her seat. While her classmates were nosily chatting away like critters Alice was trying to get some shut-eye. Even though Alice has been getting more hours of sleep her fatigue has not decreased. 

Before Alice could drift off into a deep slumber a loud "ALICE," woke her up. "Hmm?" a string of incoherent mutters escaped her lips. 

The teacher intently glared down at Alice as she was squinting her eyes, letting them adjust to the bright classroom lights. Her classmates snickered silently, happy she was getting in trouble. 

Alice accidentally let out a groan as the teacher gasped in horror. "I'll let it slide this one time," the teacher started. Her classmates started shrieking in protest while Alice letting out a sigh in relief. 

"SILENCE," she roared and the students quickly hushed. "But we will be meeting with your parents," Ms. Hwang, your teacher, stated. The class cheered while you accidentally let out yet another groan.  

As the lunch bell rang your classmates hurriedly crowded around your desk. "This, this is what you get," one sneered. 

"Karma's a ," another commented quite proudly. Alice rolled her eyes before scoffing, "Green is not your color," she retorted. Not understanding her comeback the classmate sneered at her. 

"Know your place," one said. Alice smirked, "Oh I do and it's above all of yours," she stated. Before a hand could come in contact with her cheek someone stepped in to stop them. 

"What do you think you're doing?" he asked sternly. "SuHo," Alice sighed. Her classmates quickly scurried away bowing their heads in respect. 

"Alice why didn't you tell me they were still bullying you?" SuHo worriedly asked. Alice cold eyes bore into his warm ones. "I can take care of it. Besides I don't consider is bullying," Alice said while trying to stifle a yawn. 

A small, sad smile appeared on SuHo's face. "Sleep, I'll wake you up when class starts again," he kindly offered. Alice simply nodded as she laid her head down on the cooling desk. 

Alice slightly bowed to SuHo as he started driving away. Turning on her heels she noticed her moms cold stare. Bowing to her mom she friskily walked up the stairs. 

However, before she could go inside a hard, cold slap went across her face. "You ungrateful, disappointing child," she seethed. Alice stared at the ground not letting her tears to be seen. 

Alice allowed her mom to drag her inside the house like a rag doll. She was met with her fathers disapproving stare. "You're an embarrassment," he empathized. 

Alice stared at her feet, "I'm sorry," she muttered. "Oh you're sorry? YOU'RE SORRY? Do you know how embarrassed I felt when your teacher had to call me to inform me about your improper behavior?" her father roared. 

Alice flinched as he roughly grabbed her arm. "And that boy! That lowly filth? How dare you let him bring you home?" he sneered. Alice couldn't help but mutter a "He wouldn't take no for an answer". 

Her father took in a deep, long breath, trying to calm his nerves. "I wish I was in Wonderland right now," Alice said underneath her breath. Both of her parents snapped their heads towards her direction. 

"What. Did. You. Say." they growled in unison. Alice stared them dead in the eye for the first time that day. "Wonderland, no, any place is better than here," she spat. 

"It was at least acceptable when you were a kid now its just plain embarrassing," her mom snorted. Alice scoffed, which was a big mistake. "Go to your room, you don't get dinner tonight," her father sternly said. 

"And while you're up there why don't you rethink about your "Wonderland"," her father chided. 

Alice jumped onto her soft bed trying her hardest to fall asleep. 

Wonderland please come quickly.

Alice, little Alice don't wish for things you'll regret

But invited guests please do not fret

For that is ages to come

So for now just enjoy the tea and cakes, because soon you'll be itching for the innocence to return

To the wonderfully wonderful Wonderland

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Chapter 15: I wonder Jabberwocky is as well D:
Reminds me of a dog for some reason haha
I hope Alice is safe...for now at least q-q
can't wait for the next chappie~ :D
KISSmeBecca #2
Oh my gosh, this is such a great story! I love your writing skills author! Can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 13: OMG Suho is so sweet, wish there were more caring guys there :3
I'm curious as to what is written in that book....details xD
Chapter 11: i swear this makes me so curious omg
keep up the good work :)
Chapter 10: Update soon!! Not sure why, but i keep hoping for romance lol
Chapter 7: Welcome back from LA ^-^ Thank you for the update.
Chapter 7: Yes! Finally updated~
I am very curious as to what Dee and Dum are going to do to Alice D:
Chapter 2: holy it is so good so far, love those ending poems oh wowow