Who's the White King?

Once Again Down the Rabbit Hole (UNDER MAINTENANCE)


"White King, White King," Alice mumbled to herself as she was walking on further into the forest. Suddenly a loud, kind of nasally voice interrupted her. 

"Ms. Alice I don't think you want to head in that direction," the Cheshire Cat warned as he played with a cattail. Alice glared at the Cheshire Cat, this scene is all too familiar. 

"Why wouldn't I? Is it another disturbing scene?" Alice said while placing her hands on her hips. The Cat swam around Alice as he whispered in her ear, "You'll see in the future". 

Alice waved him away and continued walking along the paved road. The dark, musty forest soon lead her face to face with the Tea Party once again. 

Alice still could not get over his baby face underneath the giant, ridiculous hat so when she saw him sipping tea out of a princess tea set Alice was sent into a fit of laughter.

The Mad Hatter stared curiously at Alice. "Is something funny?" he asked while tilting his head in quite a creepy way. Alice shook her head, "Sorry," she said through her fits. 

The Mad Hatter suddenly lit up like a Christmas tree. "Would you like a hat?" he suddenly asked. Alice looked at him strangely. "Oh, I'm sorry," he dejectedly apologized after seeing her strange look. 

Alice has a very guilty conscious so she quickly agreed, "I would love a hat." The Mad Hatter hurriedly rushed to his feet. Taking her by the hand he let out a big smile, "Let's go!"

Alice could only look at the changes in surrounding as The Mad Hatter dragged her to his hat shop. "We're here!" The Mad Hatter suddenly stopped and exclaimed. 

Alice accidentally slammed into his back but chose not to apologize after all it was his fault. Side stepping from his behind Alice stared up at the store, she was speechless.

"Do the seven dwarves live here?" Alice couldn't help but comment. The "store" was more like a tiny cottage. The Mad Hatter giggled in place. 

"It's bigger on the inside, trust me," he said, his eyes twinkling with mischievous. He stretched out his hand and wiggled his eyebrows. 

Alice hesitated for awhile before finally deciding to take his hand. As soon as both feet were through the door LuHan silently locked the door. 

Alice was absolutely speechless. LuHan smirked at her reaction, "Like what you see?" he teased. Alice didn't respond, instead she walked further into the magical hat shop. 

"How?" she breathe. LuHan shook his head and waved his little forefinger. "Don't question, just enjoy," was his reply. Alice gave a small twirl trying to take it all in at once.

"I'll show you something great," LuHan suddenly giggled. Alice turned back and curiously looked at the baby faced boy. "Lead the way," Alice extended her arm. 

LuHan walked behind the unsuspecting Alice and pushed her in the direction of a hidden library. 

Five stories high of pure books, it was absolutely breathtaking. "Can I stay here?" Alice timidly asked as she walked around the circle library, afraid to touch the delicate looking books. 

"Of course," he replied. Taking off the hat, that has been hiding his expressions, showed

a grin so wide it stretched from ear to ear. 

With those two words Alice was off to explore the magical library. Soon her arms were full of books stacked so high she was afraid to move an millimeter. 

"Well aren't you a curious little thing," LuHan commented dryly. Alice looked at him, "Yes, yes I am," she proudly responded. 

"Let's hope this time curiosity doesn't kill the cat," he silently remarked to himself. Alice looked at him out of the corners of her eyes but decided it was just a saying in Wonderland. 

After a couple hours of reading Alice turned to the Mad Hatter. "Eep," she accidentally let out. His eyes as wide as the full moon, staring intently at you. A smile that should only be reserved for es on his face. 

Jumping back a few feet in the air Alice put a hand over her pounding heart. The very creepy look quickly left his face and a concerned look replaced it. 

"Are you okay?" he quietly asked. Alice shook her head, trying to indicate she was fine. Alice suddenly leaned in very close, her lips were a few centimeters away from his ears, she whispered, "Do you know anything about the murder?" 

LuHan, caught of guard, fell from his seat. Rubbing his ears till they turned red he nodded his head. "If you want books on magic I have those," he said while blushing bright red. 

Alice nodded her head furiously with a big smile plastered on her face. The Mad Hatter walked back with a few books in hand. Alice greedily snatched the books from his hand and hungrily swallowed the knowledge. 

Magic is only a privileged gift given to a few members of Wonderland. These special people are:                                

The rest of the words were out. Alice sighed and turned towards the Mad Hatter. "Who's the White King?" Alice asked. 

The name surprised the hatted boy so much he fell off the table. "Don't go near him," the childish boy suddenly growled. 

Alice could only nod at his ferociousness, but we all know what Alice is going to do next. 

I've only been to school for a week but it felt like an eternity

Well on a brighter note hope you enjoyed with chapter :)

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Chapter 15: I wonder Jabberwocky is as well D:
Reminds me of a dog for some reason haha
I hope Alice is safe...for now at least q-q
can't wait for the next chappie~ :D
KISSmeBecca #2
Oh my gosh, this is such a great story! I love your writing skills author! Can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 13: OMG Suho is so sweet, wish there were more caring guys there :3
I'm curious as to what is written in that book....details xD
Chapter 11: i swear this makes me so curious omg
keep up the good work :)
Chapter 10: Update soon!! Not sure why, but i keep hoping for romance lol
Chapter 7: Welcome back from LA ^-^ Thank you for the update.
Chapter 7: Yes! Finally updated~
I am very curious as to what Dee and Dum are going to do to Alice D:
Chapter 2: holy it is so good so far, love those ending poems oh wowow