Heart Struck

Sweetest Stranger: YOU
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Three days already passed since the hospital incident and life for Tiffany hasn’t been much normal ever. She tried staying herself away from the world outside. She locked herself inside her room for two days doing nothing but thinking. Thinking right after knowing Sooyoung’s current situation. Thinking again after she went back home that day with nothing but a heavy and miserable broken heart. She didn’t attend school for two days and fortunately with the help of her friends, the counselor gave her those two days to rest. She’s been crying too, Jessica tried calling her but she won’t budge to answer any of those calls. Even Taeyeon and the others did but she just didn’t have the strength to talk to anyone at the moment. Except for the calls of Sooyoung’s mother informing her her girlfriend’s situations.


So that’s how it feels…still alive but barely breathing. Funny. One moment she was the happiest person on earth and the next thing she became the most unfortunate and unlucky being. How her world could quickly turned down like that? Have she done something wrong? Catching her own teardrops with her own bare hands had been the thing she’s been doing for those two meaningless days.


It’s Sunday morning and she was supposed to go to church, a routine she and Sooyoung never skipped but today and sadly the next Sundays that are about to come will be on its absolute exception. Why? How was she supposed to go when Sooyoung’s not with her? Not that she wouldn’t be able to face God without the tall girl, it just became a religious Sunday date between them that going without the other won’t be complete as it was before.


Does Sooyoung even remember that she has a top priority meeting with the dear God today? If she does, will she even remember that it’s actually with her she’s supposed to be going to? The answer to the first question might be yes, but not to the second one. Sooyoung remembers everything but not the part where she’s in it. So no, Sooyoung probably won’t remember going out with her.


She misses her girlfriend so much. So much she doesn’t have any idea how much. She wanted to go to Sooyoung’s house just to check on her. How well she’s getting treated but she was so afraid. Afraid that if she does and she sees Sooyoung still giving the look of her being a stranger, she’ll crush her already wounded heart. That would be way too much for her to take.


How long will she able to live without Sooyoung? Will she be able to live long without her Sooyoung? Will her Sooyoung remember her even after she got treated?


Tiffany exhaled loudly, frustrations are well written on her face so she decided with a still heavy heart to spend the rest of her Sunday outside. She planned on hearing the mass first before letting her feet drag her to wherever. Even without Sooyoung.



After sitting and hearing the Sunday mass for an hour, Tiffany finds herself walking alongside the church’s mini garden. A place she and Sooyoung usually go to after every mass. She was sitting comfortably on one of the benches recalling the things she told God.


She asked what she has to ask. She thanked what she has to thank and prayed what she has to pray. But still she wished she could have prayed harder because she wasn’t expecting for her prayers to be answered that quickly when she saw Sooyoung standing a few steps away from where she’s sitting, wearing that smile she obviously misses the most.


She could never been happier at that moment only to find herself yet again broken into pieces when her girlfriend spoke.


“Hi Tiffany.”


No more babe. Baby. And love. Just plain Tiffany.


She chuckled at herself bitterly before returning the greeting. “Hi there.”


The tall brunette smiled at her for the second time before advancing towards her.


“May I sit there?” she said pointing to the space beside Tiffany.


“Yeah sure.”


Sooyoung followed suit and silence eats them up. No one dared to say a word though Tiffany’s been holding her breath for thinking what to

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tiffannie_ #1
Chapter 3: Please continue this! <3
Chapter 3: Stuck between tiffany and jessica huhuhu... Authorsshi i hope ur gonna update ur stories soonest juseyo~~~
Chapter 3: Tiffany.. :( I look forward to Sooyoung and Tiffany's new beginning. I hope for the best. Please don't abandon this story wOf such a beautiful idea.
Chapter 3: when will you update this story author? I miss this story :(
Chapter 3: just tell her the truth fany.. it's better than suffering cause you miss her..
Chapter 3: Yes tiff just say yes. Just be selfish for once!
JijieYawHereCSYJSY #7
Chapter 3: Omg this is so complicated soosicfany <3<3<3
mellow23 #8
Chapter 3: haisst im a soosicsphere but i guess im rooting for soofany here

oh jessica's secret soosic real relationship:)
Chapter 3: i just hope tiffany tell sooyoung the truth and please tiffany dont avoid soo's question
Chapter 2: sooyoung forgot about tiffany..sooyoung doesn't remember about their relationship.. it must hurt a lot.. poor fany.. tiffany please stay strong..