missghean : Tales of Love from the Joseon Dynasty

「 г๏รє : review boutique 」•「busy」
Review by Jangmii
Title (7/10) :
I feel like it's too long. It's straightforward and simple but I feel like it can be something more eye-catching or shorter; something easier to remember. Though that's just my opinion; many stories have long titles. 
Description&Foreword (8/10) : 
With the word 'saegguk' maybe you should bracket 'historical' after instead of putting a slash. I was honestly confused because I didn't know what saegguk meant. ( I googled it ) 
So i.g. :
saegguk (historical)
At the end of the foreword, maybe you should put a small explanation of what Joseon is as well. Also, I had no idea what a kisaeng was and I had to google it.
(saegguk = historical)
p.s. : capitalize EXO.
Typo :
> I wouldn't let you be confused any futher and tell you my secret.
> I won't* let you be confused any further* and tell you my secret.
I especially like the foreword, though there was vocabulary I didn't know. I think it's really well made, especially the "I am Joseon" part. That was really clever. ^^ 
Chapter 11 summary :
> Bearing a wound deeper that runs much deeper than his flesh, .." 
I don't understand this. Who's bearing the wound?
Content&Plot (15/20) : 
I disagree with you; there are quite the few 'historical' fan fictions here on AFF.  Some include The Jade Princess, My Bodyguard Princess, and When Four Thieves Steal a Prince. 
I feel like you shouldn't have made this all in one fic. This could be made into a series instead.
On another note, your chapters have a nice length to them; though it's only because you seperate your narration and dialogue into different lines.
The plot is okay. It's a bunch of short stories bundled up together. Average, really.
Characters (7/10) : 
There's not much character developement. Some causes for this is the fact that each mini-story is about 5 chapters Another reason is because you're using second person of view. Maybe even your lack in English skills is to blame for this, too. 
Grammer&Spelling (7/10) :
Chapter 1 :
>His are wrinkles showing that he must be at least 70 years old.
>His *wrinkles are* showing that he must be at least 70 years old. 
>your highness
>Your Highness
Why? Your Highness is a title, such as Mr. Kim, Mrs. Kim, Dr. Kim, Miss Kim, Ms. Kim, etc. therefore it should be capitalized.  Things like Your Majesty, Your Excellency are included as well. 
>You passed through a majestic bridge over a pond that had the most beautiful water lilies; surprisingly, the bridge led to the main hall of the palace grounds where the main functions are held.
One uses a semi-colon when they want to combine to independant clauses that relate to one another. It's peculiar almost that you used a semi-colon instead of a period here. It's not incorrect (at least I don't think it is) for you to use a semi-colon here but it would definitely be more appropriate to use a period.
>But then again, the prince and you are an arranged couple; just like any other royal marriages.
>But then again, the prince and you are an arranged couple, just like any other royal marriage*
>But then again, the prince and you are an arranged couple, just like * other royal marriages
>He wanted to hear your voice calling out to him in his real name; as everyone in the palace calls him with honorifics, ... 
>He wanted to hear your voice calling out to him in his real name as everyone in the palace calls him with honorifics. ... 
Examples of conjunction words : and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet. 
If you have a conjunction, don't use a semi colon and vice versa. 
>You saw his face nearing yours, then you felt his warm lips in your cheeks.
>You saw his face nearing yours, then you felt his warm lips on* your cheeks.
>"Give your heart to me, as I had already given mine to yours..." 
"Give your heart to me, as I had already given mine to you*..." 
>He then placed a peck of your lips.
>He then pecked your lips.
>Speak to me more, I want to hear your voice. It's music to my ears. Smile for me every day, just to take all my worries away"
> Speak to me more.* I want to hear your voice, *it's music to my ears. Smile for me everyday* just to take all my worries away.*"
If the quote comes after the person who spoke, place a period at the end of the quote, before the closing quotation marks.
>He closed the gap between the as he kissed your lips, placing his hands at the back of your neck and the other one at face.
>He closed the gap between you* as he kissed your lips, placing his hand* on*  the back of your neck and the other* on* your* face. 
>Since when did you had someone to hug? Since you were a little child?
Since (adv.)
1. From then till now.
2. Between a particular past time and the present.
3. ago; before now: long since. 
>How long has it been since you've had someone to hug? Since you were a little child?'
You don't need to start a new line when you're adding narration after a quote.
> "I didn't know how to go down."
Tears were starting to form in your eyes and your voice began to tremble. You are afraid, very afraid to fall down.
> "I didn't know how to go down." Tears were starting to form in your eyes and your voice began to tremble. You are afraid, very afraid to fall down.
Dialogue is a primary school thing. Even though you don't seem to be fluent, you should know the basics to writing as a writer.
Organization/Flow (6/10) :
Second POV is really hard to read. It's difficult to follow and relate because we have to imagine ourselves doing and saying whatever you write for us to do instead of imagining an imaginary character. The one thing I can give you props on about your POV is that you gave 'you' a name instead of '____' or '~~~~', etc.
Is English your first language? Reading your writing it seems like it isn't. Due to your amateur writing, it's hard to follow. I find so many mistakes that I don't feel like reading anymore. Of course, this can improve over time, but some suggestions are getting someone to proof read it for you or you read it out loud by yourself. What I like to do is write it in my notebook first  before I type it out, so I have to read each word and each line carefully, killing two bird with one stone by proof-reading and typing at the same time. I usually make many changes and improvements with this procedure. 
Of course, your writing, along with your English will gradually improve as you write and read more. 
Appearance (5/10) : The poster is terrible, I'm sorry. I don't know what that thing in the picture is, the font is barely legible.
Enjoyment (10/20) : Again, I'm sorry but I didn't enjoy this story. I kept getting distracted by the grammatical errors, wrongly placed commas, misused semi colons, lack of periods and whatnot. Other than the fact that this is set in historical times, this is really just an average story that needs loads of improvement and lacks uniqueness.
Total : 65/100
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AFF username :Glamgirls
AFF profile link :http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/489625
Story title :That One Person, Her
Story link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/544263/that-one-person-her-jaejoong-jaesica-jessica-yunho-yunsica
Genres :romantic, sad
Does your story include : (yes or no)
- :no
-Yuri :no
-Rated :PG
- :no
Preferred Reviewer : This is triangle love, the difference is Yunho who was her brother love her damn much.. I want a darker pic anw~
AFF Username : hellhathfury
Story Title : A Chance
Story Link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/354354/a-chance-angst-infinite-oneshot-sunggyu-you-love-moody
Rated R//Yuri//Other warnings : N/A
Genre : Angst?
Preferred Reviewer : Anyone is fine
Any comments : I had another story reviewed from here so I know some of the aspects are lacking/bad/not recommended, but this is an old story. I don't particularly want to change it (like the description/forward/poster) because when I look back I can see how I grew as a writer and learned from my mistakes. I will appreciate any criticism, but just wanted to let the reviewer know this... I'm not ignoring previous advice or advice I will receive from this review.
AFF username : serendipity--
AFF profile link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/365299
Story title : Forevermore
Story link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/461705/forevermore-sad-exo-baekhyun-chanyeol-baekyeol-chanbaek-exocbcontest
Genres : angst, sad
Does your story include : (yes or no)
- : yes
-Yuri : no
-Rated : no
- : no
Preferred Reviewer : Jangmii
Any comments / requests to your reviewer : thank you in advance! :) take all the time you need ^^
Chapter 34: Thanks! Loved the review!
AFF Username : immortalevanescence
From a scale from 1 - 10; 1 being not very, 10 being fully, how fluent are you in English? : 9 (i was born here but I'm not the best writer out there)
On average, how many days a week are you active on AFF? : I'm usually on every day, but usually only for an hour or so on the weekdays. Monday is my busiest day, and I'll try my best to be on that day. My weekends are quite empty; my least busy day is Sunday. is this too much info otl
On average, how long (on average) does it take you to read a story and write a review? : well it obviously depends on the length of a story. ofc i'll try to to it right after i finish the story. On average I'd say 2-5 days (the weekend being included in those days, please)
What genres of stories do you prefer to review and which do you not? : Anything, really, except I'd say I don't think I'd be very good at reviewing psychological fanfiction/fanfiction where you're supposed to figure things out by yourself because my common sense skills are definitely not top notch. ALSO NO HORROR PLEASE
Do you accept / yuri/ rated/ ? : Sure
Portfolio (optional) : dont have one orz ouo
Chapter 28: Organization/ Flow: Yeah? I wanted to specify, you know, the exact time and I guess it was the easiest way. I'm sorry about the rainbow! I found myself lost in time in the story without the time thingy, that's why I added it so it won't confused the readers. I won't happen in other fics I promised XD
Appearance : Thanks! Yes i made it myself^^ No, I don't work in a poster shop because I have too much school work and I don't really have time, I barely have time to write a fic >.> Ahh...some readers doesn't like a background color so I didn't put one.

Enjoyment: I'm glad you liked the story and thanks for subscribing! I will try to update...hum..soon.

Yeah, i did wait for a looong time. I mean, I come everyday to see if someone took an interested to review it and it still stays in the "Queue" section after a while. I was sad no one picked my story D; Then you saw all the other stories posted after mine been in the "In progress" section...after a few days, they are completed and mine is still...*sigh* I was like, "My story isn't that good huh?" So no one wanna read it! Haha that's what I felt Dx Anyway, I liked it! It was worth waiting, I was smiling while reading the review! And nope, I do know you had your life and stuffs so it's okay^^
Chapter 28: Thanks awkwardtofu211 for the review!

To Jangmii : it's okay, it was worth it!

Back to awkwardtofu211 :

Description/Foreword : oh I'm sorry, I thought writing "sequel" was enough for people to understand that it's after Trapped, since I also specified in the sequel that this sorry was the prequel :/

Content/Plot : Sunggyu got the job after the interview at the end of the story. I will try to add more hype and intensity in my next chapters or fic! I know right? That's what I don't want to! isn't something to be pleasurable indeed. Haha I read some fics like that too and it's really unrealistic, that's also one of the reason I don't let them fall in love together, I just can't. POV? I've never written a POV but I guess I'll try it someday? ^^;;

Grammar/Spelling : Aish, I knew I had a lot of mistakes. For the mistake #7: you know that people does the thousand steps because they are thinking like really deeply? And then I said "he stopped", so it means that he found the solution? XD Sorry if you didn't understand because it made sense to me so I thought it made sense to everybody lol

For real? I really didn't know there are such shop here! But if you really can beta for me, I don't have to search for one, right? right? :D
Elimona #8
I've applied! ^.^
tessadahl #9
AFF Username: tessadahl
AFF Profile Link: https://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/338211
Story title: An Idol's Guilt And A Fangirl's Defense
Story link: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/501114/an-idol-s-guilt-and-a-fangirl-s-defense-hoya-infinite-murder-owncharacter
Genres: murder, mystery
Does your story include: (all the above you mentioned) NO
Preferred reviewer: ScreamingMidget
Any comments: English is not my first language. And please be harsh. Thank you ^^