First Day

Then Came You...

Once you were finally in the school,you made your way to the office.You saw a teacher who was

holding some documents in her hand.

"Excuse me,I'm a new student here.May I know my class?".You asked politely.The teacher examined you from head to toe.

"Name,please". The teacher demanded.

"Natasha Park,I just transfered." You informed.

"Ahh,yes,of course!.Sorry for not recognising you right away.Your class would be class 2-1.

You just have to walk straight and on your left you will find your class." The

teacher smiled while telling you.

"Thank you".You bowed.

"I'm Miss Hee jin,one of the history teachers in the school." She introduce herself in a friendly manner.

"Thank you Miss Hee Jin".You thanked again and finally walked to class.You realized that lessons already started.

"Great,it's math period..I hate maths..."You cursed under your breath as you were watching a teacher teaching from the door.You realized that the teacher saw you standing outside the class.

"Yes,may I help you dear?".The teacher asked politely.

"I'm a new student here and I've been assigned to this class." You told her.

"Well,why didn't you say so?,come in!".She said while putting her arm around you and escorting you to class.You looked at the class full of students.Not much difference compared to your previous class.You quickly look somewhere else.

"Class,we have a new student!.I am Mrs Jin Ri and I'll be teaching you maths.What's your name dear?".The teacher asked you.

"Natasha Park,you can call me Jini.It's my korean name".You explained to the class.The whole class was quiet and stared at you like some sort of clown.You sighed.

"I'm eurasian mixed".You told them.A lot of the students nodded and acknowleged your presence.The boys were smiling and winking at you while the girls looked like they totally hated your guts.You stood in front of the class nervously.

"Ok,then,Natasha.Welcome!.I hope you will like it here.There is an empty seat at the back.The other student just transfered so I hope you're alright being alone in the meantime.Everyone,please help out your new friend here!".The teacher informed the class.You could feel the whole class staring a you as you walked to your seat.No one said a word.You placed your bag down and took out your maths books and tried to concentrate on what the teacher was teaching,but you knew you couldn't.You sighed.

"What a great way to kick off the next half of the year".You thought ironically.Then one of the guys turned to look at you.You both met eyes.He smiled.You smiled in return and quickly shifted your gaze.You felt really shy and you could feel your cheeks heating up.You shook your head.know

"Why am I being like this,I don't even know him!".You mentally scolded yourself for being such a fool on your first day of school.After maths and history,the bell rang indicating that it was recess.You walked out of the class timidly when you felt someone chasing after you.

"Hey". He greeted while smiling.It was the guy earlier.He looks cuter now,why is that?.

"Hi". You said.

"I'm Baekhyun".He held out his hand.

"Natasha or Jini".You shook it.

"I think I'll call you Jini.Nice to meet you,Jini.Do you want to eat together?".He asked,still smiling.

"Okay,thank you." You replied,running out of words to say.Once you both were seated at the canteen with food,you both exchanged stories of each other and talked about so many things.Too many actually that you both were still talking when recess had ended.

"Once,I was practicing my hapkido skills in my friend's house in attempt to impress them when I accidentally brazillian kicked his mom's favourite vase and Bam!.It shattered into a million different pieces." He told you while trying not to laugh.

"Hahahahahaha!Omg,No way!.Were you hurt??".You laughed so hard that your stomach ached but you couldn't help to feel worried.

"Don't worry,I wasn't.But I think my eardrum exploded when I got an earful from my friend's mother".He told you while looking at you.

"Haha,sorry to hear".You said.

"it's alright".He assured you.

You both were walking to class together side by side when suddenly a guy with a skateboard came whooshing through the corridors out of control.In a swift second,Baekhyun quickly pulled you by your arm and pinned you against the wall with his body against yours.Your face was just inches away from him.You forgot how to breathe for a second as you feel his breath growing heavy against you.

"Principal's office,now".The physical education teacher instructed sternly to the student.The student just frowned and took his skateboard with him,cursing under his breath.You were traumatized.You could feel Baekhyun's body against yours.Baekhyun let you go.

"Jini ah!,are you

alright?".He asked,worried.

"I'm alright..but my heart." You thought to yourself as you felt your heart beating fast.Then it came into your mind.You came here not to fall in love,you came here to study and to focus more on yourself.You frowned for being so stupid.Baekhyun placed his hand on your shoulder.

"Jini?".He asked you one more time when you didn't answer.You looked up at him.

"I'm fine.Let's go to class~".You smiled and walked away.He looked at you as you left,puzzled.

"Fine isn't a feeling,Jini". 

He muttered under his breath before catching up with you.


2nd chapter is up!! <3 Thank you all for being so patient!.I planned for this story to progress really fast.No,I'm not rushing.It's just that the storyline and plot that I have made is like that.Please do not misunderstand.I'm not rushing the story,okay?.I know what I'm doing ^^.Comment and subscribe! and maybe upvote.Appreciate it loads!.Love you guys!!


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Chapter 4: i like the part with himchan haha i really seem to like badboys in fics ~.~
Chapter 4: Please update soon! ^^
Chapter 4: Unnie!~ nice update....can you get it a long chapter? Hahaha...update soon
Ziilel #4
Chapter 4: Whuuuuut?? D:
Chapter 4: See? :D Everybody still loves Himchan xD Great updatee!
Chapter 3: him the jerk chan??? hahaha nice update!! It's nice to see ur 'alive' again for ur fanfics!!!
Chapter 3: Wahh nice update! ^^ I can't wait to see some jerky himchan:D BUT I STILL LOVE U HIMCHAN. x__________x
Ziilel #8
Chapter 3: Yeyy, an update ^^
Really good <3
Ziilel #9
Chapter 2: Good start! Hope it will be as good as you Luhan fanfic! ^^ <3
Update as soon as possible! :)