New Beginning

Then Came You...

[Hiiiiiii readers! <3 Before anything,let me just say that I am so happy to start this Baekhyun fanfic :P It was originally suppose to be a oneshot but somehow it became really long when I was writing it in my notebook,lmao.Anyways,Enjoy the first chapter~ <3]

"I'm sure you'll like this school,Natasha.I heard it's the best one in town!".Your mom said while adjusting the plane mirror above her head to get a better view of you.She was driving you to school.A new school.You felt a little nervous.

"I hope so".You replied monotonely while gazing through the window.Your mom had been offered a better job under the same company a week ago.It was an opportunity that can't be refused.So,your mom accepted it without hesitating.You weren't really against the fact that you had to tranfer schools,you were happy actually.Having not to see Himchan is like finally leaving hell.He was a total jerk for playing with your heart.You didn't even know what you saw in him.Himchan was a high school gangster,always got what he wanted and a jerk."Pabho".You muttered under your breath.

"Alright,here we are!".Your mom exclaimed excitedly.You eyed the school from your seat.It was a fairly big school.

"Have fun on your first day of school!".Your mom told you and kissed you on your cheek.

"Thanks mom".You smiled and waved at her goodbye.When your mom was out of sight,you carefully took out your compact mirror from the side pocket of your blazer and checked your reflection.You looked cute with a thick brown velvet headband with a loose bow on it that goes well with your long,straight hair.Happy with how you looked,you walked confidently through the school gates as the sun shines on your face.

"The first half of 2013 was a total let down,let the second half of 2013 be a fresh new start".You thought to yourself.


And thank you for reading my first chapter <3 Be sure to subscribe and comment!.(upvote is optional <3) xoxo,-kiyoon97- (See you in the next chapter? :)


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Chapter 4: i like the part with himchan haha i really seem to like badboys in fics ~.~
Chapter 4: Please update soon! ^^
Chapter 4: Unnie!~ nice update....can you get it a long chapter? Hahaha...update soon
Ziilel #4
Chapter 4: Whuuuuut?? D:
Chapter 4: See? :D Everybody still loves Himchan xD Great updatee!
Chapter 3: him the jerk chan??? hahaha nice update!! It's nice to see ur 'alive' again for ur fanfics!!!
Chapter 3: Wahh nice update! ^^ I can't wait to see some jerky himchan:D BUT I STILL LOVE U HIMCHAN. x__________x
Ziilel #8
Chapter 3: Yeyy, an update ^^
Really good <3
Ziilel #9
Chapter 2: Good start! Hope it will be as good as you Luhan fanfic! ^^ <3
Update as soon as possible! :)