The Misunderstanding

How I Met Your Appa/Umma

“umma... she is..”

Amber sensed something bad is coming. He couldn’t stop the worries that growing before to a stop. He lowered himself to be at the same level as his daughter. 

“Eun Ae, tell Appa where your Umma is” he said softly, trying to control his chaotic feeling. 

“There you are!”

A familiar voice echoed from their back. Amber turned his head and was relieved as it was his wife. 

Krystal quickly ran towards the two and examined Eun Ae’s face after that. Amber saw Eun Ae hid the Hello Kitty’s plushie behind her back when she saw Krystal approaching her. 

“Thank God you were okay honey” Krystal said as she made a detailed check on her daughter’s face. 

Eun Ae let out an awkward smile on her face while keeping both of her hands behind her back. 

Feeling left on what was going on, Amber decided to ask his wife. He poke Krystal’s arm to get her attention. 

“Mind to explain what is going on here?”

“Eun Ae and I were searching for her new toy at the other part of this shop and she wasn’t at my side after I picked a few toys for her. I searched for her everywhere in this shop and finally saw she was with you. What a relief~”

“Oh... anyway I think Eun Ae had chosen her new toy. Come on Eun Ae, let’s pay for it.” Amber said and grabbed the plushie before taking Eun Ae into his arms. 

“What’s that?” the goddess umma asked. 

Amber handed the plushie to her. 

Krystal took the plushie, feel the material with her hands and a frown was formed afterwards. She moved closer to 

Amber and Eun Ae before saying something that made her daughter sad. 

“I’m sorry honey, but you can’t have this” 

Eun Ae who was expecting this would happen , couldn’t stop from letting her tears rolled down to her cheeks. 

“Why can’t she?”

Krystal exchanged Eun Ae and the plushie with Amber. She caresses her daughter’s hair, trying to calm down the little girl. 

“Are you somehow forget that Eun Ae’s skin is allergic towards certain kind of material?”

Amber stared at the plushie in his hand before looking back towards his wife. “Is this one included?”


Amber let out a small sigh and approached his wife and daughter. He wiped the tears that was constantly rolled down on the daughter’s cheeks. 

“umma*hiccup* Eun Ae wants*hiccup* that...”

“Mianhe honey, you can’t. We find another toy arasso?”

“Why *hiccup* can’t I have*hiccup* that instead?”

Krystal gave her daughter a small smile before continuing “Do you remember that one time your body itched when you played with Chung Hee oppa’s ben10 toy?”

Eun Ae stared at Krystal blankly. She slowly nodded her head in return. 

“The material of that Ben 10 is exactly the same as the Hello Kitty’s; you don’t want to feel that pain again don’t you?”

Silence. The daughter didn’t speak a word nor move her head. She hung her head low and buried her face in Krystal’s embrace afterwards. Krystal patted her daughter’s back while whispering consolation’s words to Eun Ae. She wiped the remaining of tears left on her daughter’s cheek as the smile she had never leave . 

“Let’s find another toy okay?” the dad who was silently watching the interactions between the girls of his life spoke. He took Eun Ae into his arms before showing his goofy smile towards the little girl, causing her to grin widely to her Appa. 

Then, the trio moved from one rack to another to find new toy for the little Eun Ae. 


Krystal Memories 

“Do you like him?” Jessica asked me when I was reading an English novel in my room. 

“Him? Who?”

“Don’t pretend like you didn’t know what I’m saying. I was there when you kissed him”

“A kiss on the cheek doesn’t mean that I like him or what, it’s just a thank you kiss for bringing me back to this house if you want to know by the way” Krystal retorted. 

Jessica raised her eyebrows and smirked. “Oh my little dongsaeng, I know you very well Soojung. I know how uncomfortable you are when there’s a random guy near you and besides I am well aware of the fact that you aren’t the type of girl who will kiss anyone anywhere cuz I know you how much you value and cherished your kiss. Don’t tell me I’m wrong because I know it’s right. Right?”

Krystal mouth agape as she heard Jessica’s statement.Clearly her unnie knows her very well. She hung her head low staring to her lap. She also aware that her unnie won’t be happy to know she likes one of the beast members.

“Just be careful, I don’t want you to be hurted by him”

Krystal was shocked upon hearing her sister’s words. She recalled every word that was blurted by her sister in her mind once again before turning her head up and hugged Jessica after that. “Thanks unnie” she whispered to the older girl. 

“But I wouldn’t hesitate to send him to hell if he hurted you by any chance”

Krystal just smiled towards her unnie as she was too happy since Jessica had approved her feeling towards Adden and hugged her more tightly. “I love you unnie!!!” she screams out loud of happiness. 

Next Day

I was skipping happily towards the student council room when someone grabbed me by wrist out of sudden.

“What???” I yelled towards the person.

“Krys, calm down. It’s me, Minho.”

“ Let go of me” I said in a cold tone.

He let go of my wrist and scratched the back of his head. 

“What do you want?”

“Well, urm.. are you free this coming Saturday? I would like to take you out for dinner”

Is he asking me for a date? Doesn’t he understand that I have no interest in him? Okay, just play dumb Krystal. “Why would you want to treat me for dinner?”


His action after that made me in shocked. He leaned in towards me “because I want to know you more, and please tell me your answer when you’ve made your decision” he whispered to my ears before walking away. 

Gahhhh!!!!!What the heck he thinks he is? Pulling me out of sudden, saying to me those words like he is the most wanted man for a date in the world and walked away just like that? Arghhhhhhhhhh!!! 

I was totally mad that time, at the level where my face turned all red.

Breathe in breathe out. Stay calm Krystal...

I turned my head towards the student council room and found there was a person standing in front of the door.

It was none other than Adden. 

Crap! Did he saw everything just now? I walked towards him while forming a smile on my face. 

He had a perplexed look on his face, before giving me a smile in return. 

“Congratulation” he said as I walked nearer to him.

“For what?”

“He just asked you for a date right? Congratulation on that” he said while smiling. 

“Nnn..bbbut,,, I,,,” I stuttered.

“No need to explain to me, I saw everything and don’t worry, I won’t tell your sister”

No Adden. You are wrong. I wasn’t and didn’t plan to agree with him anyway.And why would you think that I agree to him? 

“Oh yeah, I think you should clear all those red shades on your face, or else your sister will suspect you” he said as he pointed his finger towards my redden cheeks. 

Shoot! He thinks that this cheek was red out of shyness. It’s not Adden! It’s not what you think it is. It’s red because I was mad. Mad! Not Shy!! Arghhh!! 

As I was busy with the small debates I had on my mind, I was shocked to see he winked at me. He also mouthed “Fighting!” before walking away from the room. 

I was frantically happy to see he winked at me but was returned back to reality as I realized that he already misunderstood me. Aish Minho! You made everything harder now!

End of memories

“Seriously baby?” 

“Seriously on what?” Krystal asked her husband back. 

“I mean, Jessica didn’t scold you for liking me?”



“Why is that?”

“Because I thought she never liked me.”

“Hahaha, I thought that so but she also told me she like you more than Minho”

“She did? I’m so happy now.. hehehe” 

“I love you baby” he said and gave her beautiful wife a kiss on the lips. 

The kiss started to become more passionate within few seconds after their lips met. Amber move closer towards Krystal but only to make Eun Ae’s head fall out of his lap. Amber managed to stop Eun Ae from rolling down to the car’s floor as he stretched his leg out but was accidentally bitten by his wife in the process.

“Gahhh!” Amber groaned in pain. He picked Eun Ae and laid her on his lap before wiping off the blood on his lip. Eun Ae doesn’t move an inch even she was rolling out of her position. Talking about deep sleep. Amber sighed. 

“Sorry dear” Krystal said as she examined Amber’s lip.

“It’s okay. Anyway, when did our main audience sleep?”

“I don’t know, I was too deep in my memories”

“Hahaha, seems we were too drowned to our high school memories, cuz me myself didn’t realize she already asleep in my lap.”

“Dork” Krystal said as she rested her head on Amber’s shoulder.


“Grandpa Grannyyyyyy” Eun Ae squealed as she saw the King and Queen Jungs. The little princess ran towards her lovely grandpa and granny. Both of the grands squatted to be at the same level as their granddaughter before hugging the little girl.

“Eun Ae miss grandpa and granny” the little girl honestly said her heart out. Her parent, the prince and princess smiled as they watched how happy she is now. 

Krystal walked towards her mommy and hugged the latter. “I miss you mommy””Miss you too soo jungiee”

“Your highness” Amber bowed to the King as he saw the King moved towards him.

“Drop the formality son, how’s the Lui Majesty?”

“Both of them were just fine, they said that we should have a family get together soon”

“That sounds good; it’s been a long time since I last saw them”

“I will inform the majesty about this and will update you soon, daddy” Amber said as he returned the hug he received from his father in law. 

They made their way into the living area before hearing a squeal coming from the 2nd floor. All of their eyes focus on a figure at the middle of the stairs, which is the source of the squeal just now, which is none other than the crowned princess, Jessica. 

“Soojungieeeee~” she ran towards her little sister and hugged her afterwards. “I miss you so much dongsaeng!”

“I miss you too unnie”

Aren’t they two just met yesterday? Amber thought before greeting his sister in-law. 


All the members of Jung’s family gathered at the living area, happily chatting and updating each other about their lives as they rarely got the chance to meet each other. 

“Granny, do you know why Appa called Umma as Birdy?”

Queen Jung raised her eyebrows towards her granddaughter. “Who told you about that honey?”

“Appa did” 

The Queen looked at her son-in-law which caused him to give an awkward smile in return. He moved towards the two to pick Eun Ae from the Queen’s lap “Eun Aeiee, don’t disturb your granny, she’s a bit tired now” he said that as an excuse to avoid the queen talked about their love story. 

“It’s okay Adden, I knew everything from the start as Krystal told me everything. ”

“You told mommy everything?”Amber asked his wife in shocked. 

Krystal shyly nodded her head.


“Please take a seat Adden, I believe everyone wants to know the story as well, and Krysal, where did you left the story hanging?”

“Urm,, do you remember the day I returned angrily at home?”

Granny Jung laid her back into the couch, thinking about the said moment. “Oh, the day you tell me everything, isn’t it?”

Krystal nod as affirmative. 

“Allright then, let’s recall whether my memory still as good as before or not”

Granny Jung Memories

It was my first time visiting my princesses at their house, or could I say as dorm because their house is the palace. The house that they were living in now is only for undercover processes. At first it was only Jessica but Krystal followed her when Jessica told her the exciting teenager life awaits them if they continue their studies there. The King and I could only followed and approve their request as they were the only child we have and we don’t want them to miss their teenager’s life. However, we had assigned the Choi couple to take a good care of them as their guardians. The couple had one little daughter, which is Baby Sulli and she’s at the same age as my little Soojung. 

The house was all clean and tidy and I was welcomed by the Mr. And Mrs. Choi as I stepped into the double storey house. 

“How are the princesses doing?” I asked as they lead me into the living room.

“They are doing good, but it seems like the little princess were depressed lately” 

“Do you by any chance know why she react like that Mrs. Choi?”

“I’m sorry your highness, we doesn’t have a clue why she acted like that. Even Sulli couldn’t dig her problem”

“Umma, we’re home~” The front door opened and came two girls inside the house. It was Sulli who stepped inside first, followed by emotionless Krystal. Sulli stopped from her track as she realized the presence of the Queen in their living room. 

“Ouch.”Krystal groaned as she bumped into Sulli. “What happen Ssul?”

Finding Sulli doesn’t move an inch nor respond to her question; Krystal followed her eyes and was shocked to see her mother was there. 

“Mommmmmmmmyyyyy~” Krystal squealed and ran towards the middle-aged Queen. She buried herself in her mother’s embrace once the woman spread her arms to welcome her. “I miss you so much mommy”

“Umma miss you too Soojungie.”

Sulli came into the living room and greeted the queen. The queen replied her greeting before she and her parents went out of the living room to give the two some alone time. 

“How’s school honey?” the lovely umma asked her youngest daughter.

“School is good” Krystal replied in a monotone.

“How’s Jessica?”

“Yuri took a good care of her”

“How about you? Did everyone take a good care of you?”

“I’m fine mom, you don’t have to worry”

“But why did you sound sad?”

“I’m not, maybe I’m just tired. I’m okay”

“Love problem?”

Krystal turned her head to face me with a confused look on her face. 

“You can tell me everything and I won’t tell your father”

She furrowed her eyebrows; slightly bit her lips waiting for her me to continue. 

“Look, I couldn’t help you in begging your father to put this arranged marriage to a stop, so this is the least I can do for you honey” 

She grinned widely as she had me to talk about her love life now. 

“So, tell me who’s that lucky guy that captured your heart sweetie?” I asked as I caressed Krystal’s hair. 

“Well, his name is Adden. He’s my partner in the student council” Krystal replied shyly. 

Adden? Isn’t that the prince’s name? 

“So what had this Adden boy did that made you sad honey?”

“Well,...” she paused, thinking the exact words to be spoken out. “He had mistakenly thought that I was dating the prince. What should I do umma?” she let out a small sigh after saying those. 

Oh no Soojungie, it’s Adden the prince, not anyone else. 

“Did Adden know that you like him?” I asked her as I played along with her misunderstanding. 

“.... No.. I guess. ..but..... I had left him a few clues and I believe he had feelings for me too”

“Mind to tell me the story?” I asked as the smile never leave my lips. 

Krystal told me everything. From the very 1st day that she punched Adden, as well as the moment where Adden was caught staring at her, the fights they had during the meeting, as well as the latest one, which is the time where he carried her to home that night. I could see the love from Krystal eyes as she told me the story. Her cheek even turned red a few times in the process and she even hid her face behind her hairs at the part where she told me she had kissed Adden. 

Soojung, you have grown up and you’re in love honey. 

“Truut.. Truuut” My phone rang; it was my husband who’s calling.

“I’ll be back, wait for a second” I went out of the living room to answer the phone and walked back to Krystal once I done talking.

“Sorry honey, mommy needs to go for now and for your love problem, I would suggest you to confess to him and I believe that Sulli has the idea on how to do that. I’m sorry but I promise I’ll come again later. Fight for your love, arasso?”

“Okay mommy!Thank you and please come again soon”. She hugged me tightly as I did. 

“Can I tell you if I got another love problem in the future mommy?” Krystal shyly asked me. 

“Of course honey, you can trust your mommy. Be safe okay” I kissed her forehead and bid goodbyes to her and the Choi’s family before leaving their house. 

Maybe I should ask Sulli who’s the prince that she’s referring. I thought as the limousine drove off from the residence. 

End of Granny Jung Memories 

“That’s it” Granny Jung said, ending her memories. 

“Unbelievable. Your memory is good mommy” Krystal said as she blinked her eyes simultaneously. 

“Indeed” the granny let out a small chuckle as she herself didn’t believe that she still remember all the things Krystal told her. 

“But, why is Appa called Umma as birdy???” Eun Ae who didn’t say anything after a while interrupted.

“Please be patient sweetie, you will know it sooner. ” she said at her granddaughter who’s on her lap. 

“Anyway, dinner is ready everyone” Jessica who just returned from the bathroom announced. All of them made their way to the dining room and had their dinner peacefully as a happy royal family. 


“That’s mine!”

“No! That’s mine!”

“Ummaaaaa~” Eun Ae cried as the older boy took her balloon. 

Krystal moved towards her crying daughter. “Why are you crying sweetie?”

“He... *hiccup* took my *hiccup* balloon” Eun Ae said between her sobs. 

“It’s okay, we can buy another. Okay?” Krystal said as she tried to comfort her little daughter. 

Krystal took Eun Ae’s hand and walked towards the clown that sell the balloon. However they were stopped by someone as they made their way there. 

“Excuse me, is this your daughter’s balloon?” 

Krystal turned her head and focuses on the woman in front of her. The woman pulled the little boy’s ear with one hand while the other held the balloon. She scanned the woman face once more and it finally hit her. It was one of her best friends.

“Soojung?” the woman asked as she finally realized who is she. Krystal nodded in affirmative. 

“Kyaaaaaaa~ I can’t believe this. Is that you, Krystal????”

“Yesss. I miss you so much unnie!” Both of the women let go of their child and hugged each other. 

“Where have you been all this time?”

“Meanie!” The women’s talk disturbed at the sudden shout from Eun Ae.

to be continued. onion_msn_smilies-02.gif 

I'll be back.. sooner.. heheh.. don't forget to drop your comment. Thanks! 

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kendappa127 #2
Chapter 19: Update pls author-nim
Chapter 19: "Yeahhh.. I said no"
15 streak #4
Chapter 19: Y~no?..hahaha..
Chapter 19: "Yeah ofcourse not la" hahahha im trying
Chapter 19: "You really think i would say yes? Oh hell NO!" Ahahaha i tried. lol pls do the next chap autor-shi fighting!
Adam_danial #7
Chapter 18: Please continue this story
Chapter 18: yes pls authornim...thanks
reyduffers #9
Chapter 18: Please finish your story author
MniteZ #10
Chapter 18: Authorshiiiiiiiiii . . . . . plzzzz finish your story plzzzz . . ..