Is that worms?

How I Met Your Appa/Umma



*credit to & XD

Author POV

So, how’s your husband? It's been a long time since I last saw h..”

“Woahhhh” Eun Ae and Chung Hee dragged Amber towards the living room, without letting Amber finishing his greeting.

Krystal then lead Jessica towards the living room, where her husband and daughter together with her nephew were. Amber was setting up the xbox and the camera while the two kids were watching him at his side. Krystal gestured her sister to sit on the couch while calling one of their butlers. As she finishes telling the butler what to do, she sat beside her unnie on the couch.

“Unnie, I miss you so much” Krystal said, hugging her sister tightly.

“I miss you too dongsaeng. So, how was Paris? ” Jessica said as she pulled herself out of Krystal’s hug.

An ear-to-ear smile formed on her sister’s face, showing how much happiness surrounded her life right now. “I take that you had a lot of fun there” Jessica continued as her sister doesn’t say a word towards her question.

“We brought a lot of presents for your family unnie”

“You did? Thanks dongsaeng"

"Yes, and I’ll give them right after the dinner okay? Hehehe.”

Jessica pouted as she heard Krystal’s statement. “Omo Sica Unnie, don’t do that, you’re not a child anymore you know”

Krystal chuckled towards her sister’s action. Jessica playfully hit her little sister on the arm, while sticking her tongue out.

The butler then came with the drinks, placing them on the table then walked out of the room.

“Do it Do it Chu~"

All eyes were focused on Eun Ae who was dancing to the song. She followed the steps showed by the figure on the screen. As there was camera that recorded Eun Ae’s moves, a red marker displayed whenever a wrong move was made.

“My niece is just as cute as her aunt” Jessica blurted suddenly.

"What??” Amber interrupted.

He then sats beside her wife on the couch, pulling her closer to him by her waist. “As far as I know, Eun Ae’s cuteness was all inherited from her umma, not anyone else.” Amber added, continuing to sister in law.

“Yah! Stop it Amber! Just because my husband isn’t here, it doesn’t mean you can just push me around.” Jessica retorted.

“Hahahaha,, I’m just kidding noona. . Don’t be mad, or else your little cuteness will be gone” Amber said, by lowering his voice at the “little” word.

Krystal let out a small laugh as she heard what Amber just said.

“How’s life Adden?” Jessica asked starting the conversation back. She used Amber’s real name when she wanted to discuss something serious.

“Life is good . So is having your little sister as my other half, my wife, to heal me from the pressure of work" Krystal just smiled shyly towards her husband’s answer.

“That’s good to hear. I know being a CEO of a large company is tough for you, despite your crowned prince title. Just please don’t put my sister and niece as the second place in your life”

“I know that noona, ” Amber replied. “They are and always will be my number one priority in my everything” Amber reassured her sister in law. Jessica smiled to Amber’s answer before someone rang the door.

Ding Dong Ding Dong ~

“I'll get it” Amber said. He went to the main door, opening it to face with someone he had missed so much.

Amber POV

I opened the door and faced the face that I had missed for the past few months.

“Hae Hyung! ” I shout and bear hug him. “Where have you been man? I missed you a lot you know”

“Sorry Ambs, I’ve been busy lately. Lot of stuffs to be done at the office. So where’s the others?”

“They're in the living room, come on, I’m sure they are excited to meet you”

“Appppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppaaaaa~” the 5 year old Chung Hee squealed as soon as he saw Donghae and I walk into the living room. Donghae bent down and hugged Chung Hee, while Eun Ae just stood beside Chung Hee with a pout on her face.

“Eun Ae honey, why are you pouting?” I also bent down on my knees to be at the same level as her.

“I want to hug Hae Appa too” she said, in a sulking tone.

“Here little missy” Donghae spreads his arm wider, opening a space for Eun Ae to fit in.

Eun Ae ran towards Donghae and hugged him tightly. “See, even the kids missing you hyung” I said as I watched him hugs the children. Eun Ae then went back to me once she had hugged Donghae, leaving Chung Hee alone in Donghae’s embrace.

After a while....

Donghae,Chung Hee, Eun Ae and I are resting on the floor, as we all grew tired from the dancing games. Krystal and Jessica had gone to the kitchen to prepare for the dinner leaving us to watch the kids in the living room.

We all stay silent, for a while, unsure what to do before Eun Ae broke the akward silence.

“Appa, please continue the Bird and the Worm story please”Eun Ae said with her puppy eyes look.

“What is the Bird and the Worm story?”Donghae asked me.

“It’s about Krystal and I love’s story” I shyly replied.

“Omo... that’s interesting. Start it Ambs. ”

“Okay, I will continue the story from the part where your Umma left. ” I said to Eun Ae, starting the story.

Amber Memories

It was the 2nd week after the girls entered our school. As usual, there were a lot of boys fanboying the witches, as each of them has their own strong personality. As for the Jung sisters, they were famous for their icy stares and glares, Yuri for her natural beauty and S-lines, Victoria for her flexibility, Luna for her melodious voice and Sulli for her overwhelming cuteness. However, among the 6 of them, Krystal got the most attention and all boys were head over heels, including one of the student council members, Choi Minho.

Speaking of the student council, only Minho was affected, the rest of us still acknowledged the girls as the wicked witches. Of course Taemin was just pretending, and I knew that. He had already told me about him and Sulli. Sulli wasn’t bad like the other girls, so I just agreed to keep it silent.

After the 1st meeting, I could tell that Minho was trying to get Krystal’s attention. He even went to me to ask about Krystal. I turned him down as I didn’t really know much about that Krystal girl. I couldn’t believe he could easily fallen for that girl, as he already had dated a few girlfriends. Since the day we had the meeting, I keep avoiding her. Seeing how easy Minho was drowning under her spell, I couldn’t let myself become one of her victims too. I only spoke if I needed to discuss something important with her, if it wasn’t important enough, I just asked Taemin and Sulli to be the middle person between me and her.

2:50 p.m || Student Council Room

I already was waiting for the others to arrive in the student council room. We were going to have a weekly meeting to update on our duty as the student council. A few minutes later, Taemin, Sulli and the Krystal cubes enter the room happily chatting with each other. Once they saw me inside the room, all of them turned silent and Taemin walked away from Sulli and Krystal.

“It’s okay for you to spend a bit more time with her, I’ll give you signal if they arrive” I said as I walked out of the room.

I leaned against the thick wall and started to write something on my small notepad. As I focused on writing down the things I want to say during the meeting, I heard a giggle behind me. I turned my head to find that Krystal was leaning on the door frame, watching me.

“Is that worms?” she asked me while leaning closer to me to take a look on my notepad.


“That thing on your notepad, is it your handwriting or are you drawing worms” she blurted out bluntly.

“None of your business” I retorted and put back the notepad into my pocket. However, she was faster and she managed to grab the notepad. She then went inside the room and locked the door. A few seconds later, a huge laughter was heard from inside the room. I knocked the door hard, telling them to let me in. As I kept on knocking the door, the laughter became louder as Sulli and Taemin had joined Krystal to laugh over my unique handwriting.

Tsk.That girl. I gave up on knocking the door and after a few minutes, the door was opened by Taemin. He still had a grin on his face as I knew he’s still suppressing his laughter. I turned my face towards Krystal and found that she’s sticking her tongue out to me. I walked back to my seat without saying anything to them. As I want to recollect my things, my notepad was flying over to my face.

“100 points to me” Krystal said proudly.

“Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” I was about to move towards her direction but was stopped by a sudden sound of slamming door.

There, the rest of the wicked witches entering the room one by one, lead by the ice queen, Jessica. Krystal then ran towards her sister and hid behind her.

“What happening here” Jessica witch asked me sternly.

“Nothing” I replied and went back to my seat. I glared at Krystal and she just gave me a you’re-loss look behind her sister’s back. I knew I would be a dead meat right now if I messed up with them, as I was alone in the room. (Taemin would have definitely told me to calm down for Sulli’s sake).

End of Amber Memories

“So, that’s what happened before the rest of us came?” Donghae asks me.

“Yeah” I confirmed him.

“Hahahhaa.. That was brave of her. Never thought the maknae have the courage to piss you off like that you know”

“Yeah, above all, she’s the only girl that can distract me and piss me off easily” I replied while rewinding a few memories in my brain.

“Appa, that’s why umma calls you worm?” Eun Ae asked me.

“Yes honey.” I patted her head. “What happen next?”

“How about I continue the story?” Donghae interrupted.

We all nodded in sync and let Donghae recall his memories.

Donghae Memories

Onew,Minho,Jonghyun and i entered the student council room 5 minutes after the commotion. We all entered the room and could sense a tense in the room. I scanned through the room and saw that only Adden had a straight face. It’s rare to find him out of his mind in the meeting. Better check with him later.

I conducted the meeting. One by one, the representative updated us. It was quite obvious that we still didn’t get along well between the boys and the girls, except for Taemin and Minho. They were always supporting the girl’s ideas, especially Minho. Then, it came to Adden & Krystal’s part, both of them didn’t move an inch after I called for their department.

After a few moments of silence, I again asked Adden to update us. He stood up and updated his department’s progress rather quickly. Once he’d finished, I found him glaring at the little ice princess, Krystal. "Are they fighting?" I thought to myself.

After that, I told them to make a further plan about their department, and won’t let them go before they finished planning. After saying that, all of them moved towards their partner. I could see Adden placed his chair quite far from Krystal. After a few minutes, then I saw him started to talk to Krystal, making me relief a bit.

I called the rest of the higher student council and we started discussing on our business. After we had finished our part, I assigned them to check on Adden and Krystal. To my surprise, Minho offered himself, so I just agreed with him and assigned Onew and Yuri to check on Jonghyun and Luna while Victoria and I will check on Taemin and Sulli. Knowing what she need to do, Jessica went over to Minho,Adden and Krystal to check on them.

End of Memories

“Well that’s all I could remember on what happened that day” Donghae said while stretching out his arms.

“So, Minho offered himself to check on us?” I asked Donghae back.

“Yeah, he is the one who was all excited over your wife back then”

“Who’s Minho, Appa?” the little daughter asked her father.

“He was one of our member back then.”

”Is he handsome as you?”

“No, your Appa is way handsome and better than that jerk” Krystal interrupted as she made her way towards us. She then sat beside me and took Eun Ae into her arms.

Krystal POV

Amber showed me his goofy smile after hearing my compliment.

“What are you guys talking about?”

“Amber and I told these kids about our school’s life, the day you started calling Amber as “worm” in particular”

I turned my head towards Amber and he nodded towards Donghae Oppa statement.

I giggled as the scenes were replayed in my mind.

“What’s so funny huh?”He asked.

“You should know that your face that time was priceless!! Hahaha”

“How about you tell us your story about that day” Donghae interrupted, causing me stop giggling.

I paused a bit, before telling them the story of the day I started to call Amber as “worm”.

Krystal Memories

I was walking with Sulli and Taemin towards the student council’s room and along the way Taemin kept on teasing Sulli which causing Sulli to blush like a tomato. I knew about their relationship and had promised them to keep it as a secret.

We finally arrived at our destination and found that Adden was already there. The happy moment I had just now suddenly disappeared as I saw him. I don’t know why but I was upset to the fact that he kept on avoiding me. I didn’t know what I had done to make him avoiding me but I didn’t want to ask him either. I miss how he would secretly check on me during lunch, in the middle of crowded cafeteria, or even when I passing by his class, I could feel his eyes were glued on me. Though he always kept getting on my nerves by calling me “cubes” or “cubicles” instead of my name, I still miss him.

Sigh~. I was about to sit on my seat, before he suddenly get up from his seat and move towards the door.
“It’s okay for you to spend a bit more time with her, I’ll give you signal if they arrive” he said then stepped out of the room.

Taemin walked towards Sulli and sat next to her; continue on chatting over random thing, leaving me alone with nothing to do. An idea popped into my mind and an evil smirk is visible as I thought over the idea. I tiptoed towards the door and leaned against the door frame, looking down to find Adden was sitting on the floor, writing something in his notepad.

I need to find one of his weaknesses so that I can mess around with him. By doing that, he’ll absolutely back to normal him again. I leaned a bit closer from his back and suddenly giggled towards the things I saw from my eyes.

“Is that worms?” I asked him while leaning closer towards him, to take a better look of his notepad.


“That thing on your notepad, is it your handwriting or are you drawing worms” I bluntly asked.

“None of your business” he coldly said and as he wanted to put the notepad into his pocket, I quickly grabbed it and stepped into the room. I locked the door behind me and opened the notepad. I burst into laugh as I saw his writings.

“Bwahahahhahaaa~ worm...worm..... bwahhahahahaaa”

I heard him banging the door but I ignored it and went to Sulli and Taemin and show them Adden’s writings. Both of them join me, laughing crazily over the “worms” on the notepad. After we could calm ourselves a bit, Taemin went to the door and opened it for Adden.

He went inside and glared at me. I just stuck my tongue out to him and to my surprise; he didn’t do nor spoke anything over my action. He just silently walked towards his seat.

No response?Geez, this guy.

I threw his notepad towards him, targeting his dino face to be exact.

THUD. There, the notepad hit him directly towards his face.

“100 points to me” I said proudly to him, trying to piss him off.

“Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” I heard him yell at me. Yessss!!!finally. I thought.

As I want to enjoy his reaction, the door was slammed hardly, stopping Adden from charging towards me. Phew~Just in time. Saved. I smirked and went towards my unnie.

End of Krystal Memories

“So you were purposely doing that just to seek my attention right?” Amber leaned his face closer to me.


“I thought you were enjoying Minho’s presence more than being together with me”

“No! Besides, you should know that I only want to be yours since the 1st time we met”

He had a stupid grin on his face and I poked his cheek, only to receive a tickle made by Eun Ae. I was laughing as my little daughter kept on tickling me. I managed to grab her hands, stopping her from further tickling me.

“No smooch smooch here” she said, causing me to blush a bit while Amber let out a nervous laugh.

Suddenly, Jessica unnie came and announced that the dinner was already served.

“But where’s Yuri? I thought she could make it before dinner” Amber asked Jessica, as he took Eun Ae from me.


“That must be her. I’ll get the door” Jessica replied and walked towards the door as the others walked into the dining room.

I heard the main door opened and a squeal can be heard afterwards.

I rushed towards the main door and found that it wasn’t Yuri, but someone else stood in front of the door.


con8.gif to be continued!!! onion_msn_smilies-02.gif

i know this chapter is . tsk tsk. tsk . just leave your comment people..

p/s: i might be on hiatus next week.

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testing. haha


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oh my god ; ;; ;
kendappa127 #2
Chapter 19: Update pls author-nim
Chapter 19: "Yeahhh.. I said no"
23 streak #4
Chapter 19: Y~no?..hahaha..
Chapter 19: "Yeah ofcourse not la" hahahha im trying
Chapter 19: "You really think i would say yes? Oh hell NO!" Ahahaha i tried. lol pls do the next chap autor-shi fighting!
Adam_danial #7
Chapter 18: Please continue this story
Chapter 18: yes pls authornim...thanks
reyduffers #9
Chapter 18: Please finish your story author
MniteZ #10
Chapter 18: Authorshiiiiiiiiii . . . . . plzzzz finish your story plzzzz . . ..