"Forgive me?" "Uhhh!, uhh no."

Can a Forced Kiss Mean Something?

MinHo's POV

"Excuse me?" "You heard what I said. Go over to HyunA's parent's house." "No,no,no.That's not going to happen!" I say getting up. SoHyun grabs my shoulder and pushes me down. "Yes, it's going to happen. you're going to appoliges to HyunA, or I will make sure you get kicked off the show." "pft, you can get me kicked off." "Really? Try me. you'll regret hurting unni." She growls. I gulp, aigoo SoHyun's pissed. "fine. just for the show." She sighs and lets go on my shoulder. "Here's the adress." GaYoon states handing me a piece of paper. I bow and quickly walk out of their dorms.


HyunA's Pov.

"Hyuna? What are you doing here?! I thought you were comming next week?" Omma asks shocked as i walk through the door. "oh, I just wanted to say "Hi" and tell you I'm going to be in a new show." hyuna smiles. She looks at me carefully. "HyunA-shi. What happened?" I knew I couldn't hide anything from her. "O-Omma~" I run to her on the chouch, and start to cry on her shoulder. "H-He..... He made me fall in love with him again.

MinHo's Pov.

The van left, so i had to walk in the rain to HyunA's adress. "This girl is too much." I mumble. I didn't really care to watch out for the media, it was pouring hard. After i believe was 30 minutes of walking, I made it to the adress.

I sigh and knock at the door. It was nearly 8, and the rain hadn't stop. I was cold and soaked. "Hello?" "uhh Mrs. Kim? it's me. Choi MinHo?" "Why hello MinHo. Come in. it's pouring outside." I bowed and stepped inside. It was beautiful.

"Woah..." "What was that?" "Nothing...... You have fixed the living room, haven't you?" "Yes, ever since HyunA got into 4Minute. we had enough money to fix this." She says handing me a towel. "So, why ae you here?" "huh? oh I had to talk with hyunA." "Oh, she's in her room at the moment. I'll call her for you." I nod and she runs up stairs.


HyunA's Pov.

Omma opens my bedroom door. "So who was at the door omma?" I ask. She esitates, i can tell by the way she bits her lip. i got that from her. "MinHo's here." "MWOH? He's here? Tell him to leave!" "But he wanted to talk to you, and I can't." "Why not! I don't want to talk to him! He'll tease me!" She sighs and sits on the edge of my bed. "He walked all the way over here hyunA, he's soaking wet. Can you at least be somewhat kind to him, though I know he doesn't seem to deserve it." I sigh and nod,. "Arasso. I'll be down there in a minute."

Minho's pov.

A little after Mrs.Kim came back So did HyunA.

Just once glance from her, and she glares at me. "hey, hyuna." She stays quiet. "HyunA~ "hey MinHo." I sigh and lean back on the couch. "So what do you want." "Oh just to say Hi and all. Never really came by here since we debuted." she rolls her eyes, not even a cracked smile. "Well, thanks for stopping by, buy I'm going to my apartment."

"Then I'll go with you!" "Excuse me?" "I wanted to hang out before the show tommorow. Come on. I know you woud video games there." She bites her bottom lip. "come on. Please~" she glances to where her mother was. she sighs and nods. "fine." Oh god, what did i do? I was just supposed to appoliges and go home. Simple as that. "Just let me get my Keys." I nog and finish drying off what I can.

when she gets back, she had an umbrella and 2 coats. "Here." she says tossing me one of the coats. It's appa's old one. I only have one umbrella, but it's big enough  for both of us. Let's go." I nod and catch up tp her at the door. "Bye omma!" "Bye Mrs. Kim!"


HyunA's Pov.

"why did you walk all the way over here?" I ask driving toward SHINee's dorm. "I wantedd to say sorry for being so rude. i never ment to hurt you." "Key and GaYoon put you up to this didn't they." "SoHyun threatend me." "Well at least you said sorry." She smiles. "So you forgive me?" I park the car and we were out in the parking lot. We both get out, and I lock his door. "uhh no."


lol sorry so bord at home!~

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sheryin #1
Chapter 6: 10 update soon
Don't give up yet@@
sheryin #2
Chapter 5: Love it keep update soon
Dragonfly96 #3
Chapter 5: finally an update,been waiting a long time,liked it
wildandyoung #4
Chapter 4: hahah. revenge is really sweet.
wildandyoung #5
Chapter 2: ouch minho.
Chapter 2: Really please update soon. I wanna see where this is goinnngggg so updaaate :P
Chapter 1: keep update!!!
Dragonfly96 #8
Chapter 1: Yay!an update!Hump!meanie minho T^T,anyway update soon XD
Chapter 1: omg!!*O*....did Minho really say that?!?!?!that's mean!!!HUMPH!!meanie Minho!!if i can't believe he said she looks awful!!!T^T
udate soon!!!
Dragonfly96 #10
Ill wait for your update!It sounds awesome XD