
Can a Forced Kiss Mean Something?

At 4Minute's Dorm

"Girls! Time to get up!~" Manager SunBae called the group. One by one, they exausted girls dorowsily walked to where their main manager is. "Neh SunBae?" JiYoon yawned. Suddenly SoHyun, as tired as she was, kept jumping up and down. "YAH! Why are you so jumpy?" JiHyun scolded. SoHyun stopped jumping, and her cheeks became a bright pink. "Oh, I was just ......Thinking." She replied sheepishly. "It was about food again, now wasn't it?" GaYoon chuckled. "Great! I want food now!" HyunA sighed throwing her arms to her side.They all started to talking about random subject, completely forgetting about their SunBae just not even a metter away.

"GIRLS!" He shouted, bringing all the girls to a jolt. "NEH SUNBAE!" They shouted back, as they stood frozen, facing their manager. "Now that I got your attention, *Looks directly at SoHyun* I have some important new, that I believe you'll all love." "Jinnjja? What is it SunBae?" JiHyun asked covering SoHyun's mouth before it could open. "I got a requestment from Arriang." All of their mouths' gapped open as he finsihed. "A-Arriang? SunBae, Are we hearing you correctly?" GaYoon asked. "Neh GaYoon. Arriang is starting a new television drama called,Queenka + Dork = Love?, cute really." "So, what does this have to do with us SunBae?" JiHyun asked. "Well, Arriang asked for one of you lovely ladies to be the Queenka." They started to squeal, and jump up and down. "YAH!~ Girls!" They all stopped jumping, and turned their attention to Manager SunBae. Though non of them would stop smiling, a smile as gummy as BAP's Youngguk.

"When is it?" JiHyun asked, trying to keep her cool. SunBae checked his clip board in his hand. "It's~......... Today at 1:30. I'll ask KyuBok {A/N: His FAKE assistant} To pick you up at 1." There was an awkward silence, filled hit nods, soon followed by the manager's phone beeping. "Mianhae girls...Yeoboseyo?....Now?... * looks at the girls, who weren't really paying attention* Arasso, be right there." The loud clap of his phone, as to tell as the end of the call, sounded which brought the girls back to their feet. "Okay, that was the producer for Arriang. I have to go fill some papers. Bye girls!~" "BYE SUNBAE~!" They shouted in response as he left the room.

As the click of the door sounded, they girls started to jump, dance, and sing in excitement. "AYE~! We are going to be in a Arriang T.V SERIES~!" SoHyun Squeals. HyunA stopped. Followed by the rest of the girls. "Wait, SunBae said *We will ALL audition for the role of Queenka.* That means only one gets the part." A look of depression over took the excitement on the girls faces. "Who ever the best for the role I suppose." GaYoon spoke up. "That's ME!" They all shouted.



Mean While, In SHINee's Dorm.

It was 11:24 am, and all of the group were in the living room, just snoozing away. They spent all night watching Pops in Seoul for 4Minute. As Key had called for. *BEEPx3 YAH! MINHO!* The annoying alarm of MinHo's phone rang. "MinHo-ah! Get your stupid phone!" Jonghyun whined sleepily slapping MinHo with a limp arm. "mmmm~. Hyung, 5 more minutes...." The alarm grew louder. "Minho-ah!" They all shouted drowisly. "FINE!" MinHo slowly reached over his phone on the coffee table, knocking over a few object. "Yeoboseyo?" A voice was heard,"Neh, MinHo? You got the part. Can you come into the studio at 2:15?" MinHo's eyes were wide. Out of the plentifull stars he had competed for his role, he got in. "Neh! SURE! I'll be there at.... "2:15, this after noon." "YES! THAT!" "Arasso, thank-you." "No! Thank-You!"

MinHo drops his phone onto his lap. "Woah." Sleepy, grumpy, Taemin yawned as he picked himself up from his position on the floor. "Yah, hyung! Why so loud?~ I was sleeping babo." MinHo's smile didn't fade, at all. Only gave the annoyed maknae some puppy dog eyes. Taemin gave him a weird look. "That's creepy hyung. You won't get any girls with that face." MinHo glared at him. "Shut up Tae. I just happened to get the role I have been waiting for." All the members started to get up as well. "Oh, the dork from that new show........Seriously?" Onew said as they headed for the kitchen. "YAH! It was promised high-ranks!" MinHo whined defensively. "Hyungs! I got a text from gaYoon!" Key Shouted from the dinning room.

"KEY! STOP MAKING EVERYONE FEEL BAD ABOUT BEING TOO BUSY FOR A GIRLFRIEND!" Tae Shouted from the back. "It's not that...ouch" Key shuts as he runs to the kitchen, but stubbs his foot on the table. "What is it hyung?~" Onew yawned. "It's about MinHo's new show. Queenka + Dork = Love? " MinHo shrugged. "So? What she say?" "She said that ALL of 4Minute is going to audition for the part of the queenka." "Mworago?" Jonghyun snatched Key's from hands. "Hyung!" "All of them! WOW! Even HyunA!" "What about HyunA is so great?" MinHo asked as he grabbed the milk. Nearlly all of them gasped. "What?" "HyunA, was announced HOTTEST Korean woman on the Kpop Lister!" Key retorted showing a picture on his phone.

MinHo scans the words carefully, before looking at Key. "OH My GOD! *shocked expression* It's in English." "Who cares hyung! HyunA's Seriously hot!" Taemin says. "Okay, so?" "So what?" Key asked. "Key, really? We have been friends....well you have, been friends with HyunA for a long time. She isn't really my favorite." "Pft! Rude. Well, Im honest say, I don't want GaYoon getting the part. If she does, and kisses you. MinHo you're so dead."

At Arriang Studio

4Minute gasped as they followed KyuBok around the set. It had just finished building, and everything was bright and new. "Wow~" GaYoon gasped. "WELL HELLO BEAUTIES~!" The Directer said as he spread his arms in affect. "Ahnyeonghaseyo! We are 4minute!" The girls announced, bowing. "Ah yes! The girls who will audition for Jang HanAy, THE MOSt BEaUtiful girl in Kim High." JiYoon and SoHyun giggled at the directers way to over-act the slightest words. "Well, no time to waste! Let's go!"

MinHo, and the rest of SHINee walk into the studio. "I'm going to look for GaYoon. Onew? Want to come?" Key asked. "Huh? Why?" "JiHyun-" "Coming!"  The two walk off to find GaYoon and JiHyun. Tae and Jonghyun follow MinHo around the set. Both hungry and bored. "Directer Gye!" MinHo shouts. MinHo , followed by the bored duo, run over the a short manin a purple tux. "Well HELLLLLOOOOO~ minho. I see you brought the gang! where's KiBum and Jinki?" "huh? Oh, they went to look around. So, why am I here today? "OH YES-s-s-s-s~! To Meet our Queenka. "Oh Miss HyunA~"

MinHo's POV

HyunA? No..... No No No NO! It can't be here right? I slowly peer around see her. But no one's there. "Mwoh? Miss?" "MIANHAE~!" a girl from the back comes running up. She looked, different. "Yes Mr. Gye? MinHo?" This couldn't be her could it? Last I saw her, which was a little after SHINee debuted, she was a sweet, annoying little girl. No she's......woah. "Wow~! Noona You look wonderfull!" Tae exclaimed. "Heh, thanks Minni." She laughed ruffling his hair." "Hi Jonghyun oppa.  H-hi MinHo."

HyunA's POV

What are they doing here? Oh, yeah. Key's GaYoon's Girlfreind. And my bestie. "MinHo, this is your queenka!" Wait! What? "What?! Hyung! You can't be serious can you?! It can't be her!" "Why not me?" I ask, though he completely ignores. "She looks awful!"


Oh no he didn't. {of yes he did.}

Hi~ I'm back!

sorry it took so long! I'm on Vacation.


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sheryin #1
Chapter 6: 10 update soon
Don't give up yet@@
sheryin #2
Chapter 5: Love it keep update soon
Dragonfly96 #3
Chapter 5: finally an update,been waiting a long time,liked it
wildandyoung #4
Chapter 4: hahah. revenge is really sweet.
wildandyoung #5
Chapter 2: ouch minho.
Chapter 2: Really please update soon. I wanna see where this is goinnngggg so updaaate :P
Chapter 1: keep update!!!
Dragonfly96 #8
Chapter 1: Yay!an update!Hump!meanie minho T^T,anyway update soon XD
Chapter 1: omg!!*O*....did Minho really say that?!?!?!that's mean!!!HUMPH!!meanie Minho!!if i can't believe he said she looks awful!!!T^T
udate soon!!!
Dragonfly96 #10
Ill wait for your update!It sounds awesome XD