
Hello, I'm Shin Aira , Song Seunghyun friend

Hello hi there! thank you for reading despite the lack of updates. It makes me want to write more. Been neglecting my stories since my laptop acting up. Anyway this is short updates.Do talk to me and tell me what do you think about the story , the character , sugestion or anything- Love, Valicht




Cold as winter supposed to be , not yet raining or snowing. Seunghyun tapping off his finger to the railings of this old building.His dorm is a lot better, but the poorer they live now the better they will progress right? No? He just full of thoughts of who will join the team , how will she cope with the band, what's the name, it's just so much to think about. Just then he saw some one just come towards him.. it's sanghee.. again.

"uwah oppa,you're such a caring person, you never even visit me once, and you come right away when aira moving in? " Sanghee commenting with teasing voice.

"Of course she's my friend"

"what a weak argument, you should say because i love her from now on, okay? oppa?" Sanghee giggles again and go inside the apartment.

Ah rain is near. He can hear the a distant thunder just now. Where's this girl ,seunghyun is ready to meet her more than ever.

"help will be awesome thing to do" That voice in his head suddenly talk and there's aira with a suitcase.

"Going on holiday mam?" Seunghyun laugh at his own joke and take over the suitcase, it's heavier than it looks.

" Yeah, I'm taking on the suburbs, as i came from the states" She just going on with the jokes.

"Oh, i see" Seunghyun grin his teeth out, like he never smile before, it's so easy to be happy around her.

" I miss you" Did she just said that? ah i should think of witty answer.

"Well thank you for missing me, your kind gesture make my heart flutters mam"

"kekeke You're welcome"

"arent you supposed to kiss me in the cheek twice? i heard that's what they do in the states"

"that's what french people do, and i think we have arrived here"

Aira knock on the door and sanghee storm out say something like dont mess with my drawers and stuff, telling seunghyun and aira to not taking things too fast and gone with the wind. It's one bed room and one bathroom dorm, it looks old but sanghee somehow manage it to mkae the dorm clean , nice and gentle breeze come through the window.

So this is it , i will live here for some period ot time, it will be okay to share rooms right? what if other trainee come here and it become too crowded? can't i just live in my house now? ahhhh...

"Earth to aira" seunghyun wave his hands over her face, it's clear to see that she's thinking about something like running away from here.

"I dont wanna be an idol" aira said that sentence again.

"what's so wrong about being one? I'm kinda one" the thunder hits again.

" You know naturally when a thunder come after a saying in the movie, usually it's not a good sign" aira said, the rain started to pour down.

"ah the window" seunghyun suddenly remember the window was open. He tries to close it but 'clack' , with that sound the handle of window just broke and it wont be shut.  Aira and seunghyun looking at each other. screwed,

"why you broke it" Aira trying to put on the handle despite the strong wind though the rain isnt actually on them. The wind is strong it keep slamming the window.

" I dont know, it's old" seunghyun trying to grab the frame and close it.

"maybe we shouldnt do anything and let the wind shut the window for us" aira said.Make sense.

"okay" Just then the wind slam the window but it come back again to it's original position , keep slamming and back again. making this disastrous sound.

"Sanghee's gonna kill me"

" true , and me" seunghyun said , giving up and just sit in the fluffy electric blue carpet.

"what are we gonna do?"

"Run away and never comeback?"

"yes, let's run and never be idol"

"Aira come on, it's not that bad, it's just a window , and sanghee will be gentle as a deer if we fix it before she knows it"

"If.. we fix it.. we dont have any tools , or anything"

" Let's just get me to do something"

New dorm,

Looks like aira need new window and new mindset.

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Priforlife #1
Chapter 5: Please update soon this is soooooo good
@Missunflower : thank you ^__^! ,sorry for taking such a long time to update. And thank you also for subsribing and commenting
@Jaceblue : Thank you for commenting even though it's still quarter way and havent been updated in a while, so here's the update
jaceBlue #3
this looks interesting..many characters and it make me think of whats gonna happen ^^
misssunflower #4
This is very funny & interesting. I'm impatiently waiting for the next chapter..