The introduction

Hello, I'm Shin Aira , Song Seunghyun friend

(Italic word means individual thinking,whether it's seunghyun or aira)


Aira was sleeping peacefully, with the rain and all, it's the perfect condition for lazy day. Well.. it's not.. She's in class, she have her hand supporting her chin as she sleep in math class. She looks extremely tired, her eyebags hanging like it's been there forever, her face look pale like she havent get the chance to sleep for a week.The pencil in her other hand stills, like she actually wrote something, if only sleeping in class can be put in her cv as strenght. It's the ability of no use.

Seunghyun look at this girl, and wondering what the hell that she been through, she's sleeping in math? well, she's pretty smart so she probably gonna swing it and got good grades despite sleeping all day. if only i can have her brain. but his day dreaming has brought him to teacher's attention.

"yah.. song seunghyun, smart already ? let'stry with problem 5.1 , in front of the class" Ms Lee said as she pointed finger at him, the magical terrifying finger of death. Aira wake up from her slumber and chuckles as seunghyun walkdown to the whiteboard. this kid got in troubles a lot isnt he ? it's not his fault, he's a good kid, but he just dont know how to use that as a strenght , sad . uh . She could see seunghyun trying to answer the problem, actually if he had time to examine the very back of the book, there's every answer for ever question in this book, some is wrong but mostly it's correct.

Seunghyun stutters as he try to get the problem and saying things to himself, like that's gonna help him solve the problem. Aira in other hand , starring out of the window, the green of the grass , the blue of the sky calling her to come out. The weather is fine why should i be stuck in the class? No.. no.. i'd rather sleep or running around like a headless chicken than be prosoned here in math class. I hate being around things im not good at.

"Im sorry miss, i had severe stomach ache and head ache" seunghyun can hear aira said that to Ms Lee.Seunghyun saw her face, it's white as a wall, she holding her stomach, and her lips become really pale. She become sick really quick, she was fine back then .

"Do you need someone to accompany you?" i can't believe that ms lee just go easy on this girl, i mean i know she looks really really sick , but she was sleeping and go away with it? i was daydreaming for atleast 5 minute and i got to solve this problem, man.

"No, it's okay" she said with really exhausted face leaning her body to the wall suggesting shecant support her body for a long time . Ms lee become worried and hold her elbow.

"are you really okay, seunghyun, bring her to see ms park"

"me?" a bit of seunghyun is really happy because he can escape the class, but a bit of him is not feeling good as he dont know aira that much.

"seem you cant get this problem right, just clear your head and meet me after school, you'll have extra math class" , all whatever happen to me and suddenly extra class. ..

"go and help her now, or i make it , 2 days , the extra class" Ms lee said it again . Seunghyun snapped out and bring her out of the class. the hallway is empty .

"you can let go of my hand you know" aira said as they stroll down to see the school nurse. Seunghyun look at her ,and her face doesnt look that sick.

"i said, you can let go" aira said it again what she already said a moment ago, only slower as he cant understand it, if she goes faster. Seunghyun let go of aira's hand, aigoo i must forget that i drag her out of class.

"You dont have to slow down that talking, im not that dumb" His ego wont let him be kind to this girl.

"I dont say that your dumb, i slow down, just in case you didnt hear me " aira look perfectly healthy now. and heading to the cafetaria

" where you going"

"cafetaria"aira said as she goes to order something.

"we need to see the school nurse."


"because you're sick"

"no, not anymore,, im just hungry i'll be fine once i finish my meal, you can go back and get the problems done" aira move her hands gesturing him to leave. but seunghyun is just too mad to get back to the class, that evil miss lee, picking favorite gah, that old hag.

"Make it two, whatever she order" seunghyun said sit next to aira.

"you should be in class" she mutters playing with her phone.

"and you supposed to be sick, but we're not doing that arent we" seunghyun said as he ready to eat kimbap that he ordered.

"you'll get in trouble " aira warned as she dig in to her food.

"It's so easy being you" that's just flow out seunghyun's mouth and suddenly he regret it.

"what? m.. well... im just being myself" she scoffs , almost chuckling to hear meal, and suddenly burst out into laughter.

"what? what's so funny"

" You.. you just.. whining, i cant believe you whining"

"why cant i whine?"

"of course you can, but you know, you usually in your own world, you're like dettached from every one else .. and you know.. live away from people.. i think you dont whine.. so the concept of you whine, tickling my brain and i laugh" aira shook her head and messing up her bangs.

"okay whatever" he decided not to talk about anything else. she just making fun of me.Seunghyun look at the girl next to him. Her hair is long,wavy and curl by the end of it, aira has that somewhat ordinary face. She's not pretty nor ugly, the one you just past on the street and dont remember her. She's thin, with no curve, guys put almost no interest at her. And not to mention her forever calm face and dont care attitude, she'll make an awesome guy, but she's a girl.

Aira look at this guy beside of him, seunghyun,he's tall, and lanky. Aira never put interested in him, but she still knows several things about him. First, He's on a band called FT Island, heck who dont know that. Second, He got probably no friend, no im not being sarcastic, but he doesnt seem to have a grup of friend, well, maybe minhwan. Three, terrible at math , or any given subject in school, as bad as me in math, that's horrible. Four he's famous for 16D image, but he look normal as hell in school.

"what's it like to be famous?” she decided to smirk and ask him what just crossed her mind.

“im not that famous, im not 2pm or shinee” aira quite surprised by his rather modest answer.

“oh please , you have fan base, the definition of not famous is being a documentary respondent, well.. that’s me..” aira said again clenching her chopstick together , making tik tok sound with it. Seunghyun laugh at this girl confession, they’re in performing highschool , so it’s usual to appear on tv. Or being an idol. But aira isnt, she just attending because she wants too.

“You dont have fans?”

“no i dont have”

“Miss lee is your fans, i can see her love you so much”

“hahaha, it’s nothing like that, just take over the situation, you know he hates you for skipping school and taking study easy”

“ I am not taking study easy”

“let’s not lie here... you dont need it, you better come out with lyrics or compose, you dont need math, well, maybe later when you count your tax or portion of royalty”

“true, or i can pay someone to do it” seunghyun laugh.

“you can hire me, in case i dont have anything to do” aira continue eating, the cafetaria is empty , you can feel the wind blows, it’s almost winter, but aira ordered patbingsoo, this girl is crazy.

“yea, sure.. what it’s like to be documentary respondent?”

“awesome, i learn a lot , and the people are smart, i can learn a lot from them and.. they are kinda fun too, dorky.. but fun” It’s the longest conversation they have. ever. but seunghyun is now feel fine talking with her. Aira has that kind of aura that makes you want to talk to her

“i like you”

“well, thank you.. i didnt get that a lot “ aira smiling and keep eating a patbingsoo

.well, you just get your self a new friend song seunghyun.

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Priforlife #1
Chapter 5: Please update soon this is soooooo good
@Missunflower : thank you ^__^! ,sorry for taking such a long time to update. And thank you also for subsribing and commenting
@Jaceblue : Thank you for commenting even though it's still quarter way and havent been updated in a while, so here's the update
jaceBlue #3
this looks interesting..many characters and it make me think of whats gonna happen ^^
misssunflower #4
This is very funny & interesting. I'm impatiently waiting for the next chapter..