Incheon, Incheon ~

let's become cool ~

Jimin settled himself into one of the armchairs in the Bangtan dorm’s living room. His clothing still smelled of the coffee shop and he could feel the phantom presence of where Meg’s hand had been interlaced with his. He had been gone out a lot longer than he planned according to the clock on the digital cable box- 10:24PM. The guys could definitely see through his excuse by 9:30. Jimin had told the rest of the group he was going to visit with his little brother while his parents were in Seoul. But visits with his family never ran past 9 due to his little brother’s early bed time and the fact that his parents went to sleep just as early. Well .

As if on queue the others started to pile in. They all took their respective spots around the room, eyes focusing intently on Jimin. “So,” Namjoon bit down on the lollipop that hung between his lips and the candy crunched loudly. He leaned himself forward and rested his elbows on his knees. “Little brother stay up a little late tonight, Jimin?” Jimin laughed uncomfortably and shifted his weight. “Well... uh my parents, wanted to uh, take... me shopping...” He furrowed his brows for a moment but then followed up with a firm nod. “Yes. We went out for coffee!” Jeongguk leaned in front behind the armchair and burrowed his face in Jimin’s shoulder, sniffing hard. “You smell like mangoes.” The bright red that flared across his face gave him away almost instantaneously. Taehyung and Hoseok jumped and shouted in unison, arms fumbling at each other excitedly, “You went out with a girl!” Jimin scratched the back of his neck embarrassedly. The boys “oooo”’d loudly and leaned themselves closer to him. Yoongi clapped his hands twice. “Quiet guys, quiet. Minnie you gotta tell us everything.”

He settled back into the chair and sighed. “Remember those cute Canadian girls?” His thumb moved to rest against his bottom lip and he grinned sheepishly. “The tall blonde?” Jimin turned to look at Yoongi with a smirk. He had mentioned Meagan’s friend on multiple occasions since the first time the boys encountered them. “She was with that pink haired girl, remember? I ran into the blonde, Meagan, when I was out with my friends from Busan last night. She was getting groceries or something, they lived across the street from the store.” The lot grunted and gasped in a mixture of jealous and confusion. Jeongguk slithered over the back of the chair, ending up upside down next to Jimin. “You went out with her? You have her number? I want her number!” Yoongi folded his hands in front of him. “Did you see Kelsie? Was she there too?” Taehyung jumped across Yoongi’s lap and up into Jimin’s face. “Yeah! What about Pinky?!” “No, no,” whined the maknae, righting himself on the chair. “I wanna hear about Meagan!” Jimin scooted himself over to make room for Jeongguk with no avail. But he didn’t seem like he was going to move. Looks like they were sharing the single seat.

“You know that little café? With the, with the really good pastries... you know?” They nodded. “Yeah. She lived pretty close to it. So I went and picked her up, and we went there. It was pretty generic date I guess. Like something right out of a drama. She’s too sweet, and so adorable!” A cheeky grin spread across his face. Namjoon folded his arms over his chest and nodded. “Nice, dude.” Everyone started to talk among themselves, expressing their jealousy, anger and discontent, a snide remark being thrown Jimin’s way every so often. Seokjin raised his hand slightly to catch the clambering groups attention. “Why don’t we invite her over? We have tomorrow off, you know.” He pulled out his phone and quickly messaged their manager. “He says it’s okay,” Seokjin waved his phone slightly. Taehyung bounced up onto his knees, arms swinging wildly. “I want to meet Kelsie, I want Kelsie to come too!” Yoongi let out a loud ‘YAH!’ in agreement. “Okay, okay. I’ll text her.” Jimin pulled his phone from his pocket and entered his messages.

You can come over to the dorm tomorrow if you want, I have permission from our manager~ Bring Kelsie if you want, the boys want to meet her too! We’re sending a car for you at 11 ^o^

Meagan answered almost immediately with an image of what was apparently Kelsie on the floor flopping about. It really just looked like a blob of pink and pale skin. He showed the picture to the boys. “I guess Kelsie wants to come.” Yoongi a fist into the air. Jimin the camera and flipped it to the front camera. He turned to the boys and they gathered in, making obnoxious faces and throwing thumbs up left, right and center. Jimin snapped the picture and sent it off with a short message. “Let’s go to sleep then. I’m sending a car for 11.” Everyone stood and dispersed at once, aside from Jin and Yoongi. Jin twiddled his thumbs absentmindedly. “I think we should go to the beach. We could have a day trip to Incheon.” Yoongi grunted concurrently. “I’ll drive. We should surprise them, like let’s have lunch and stuff first here or whatever. Oh, we should have samgyeopsal for dinner!” Jin and Yoongi nodded excitedly. Jimin rose from his chair and stretched himself out. “We can talk in the morning. I’m exhausted.” He stifled a yawn with his hand. “Goodnight, guys.”

[[I’m skipping all the stuff that happened cause tbh I don’t want to rewrite everything so I’m skipping to where Meg’s POV left off ALSO SURPRISE CHI IS DISREGARDING PREVIOUS INFORMATION WE’RE GOING TO THE BEACH IT’S AUGUST INSTEAD OF OCTOBER NOW HAHA]]

Jimin laughed awkwardly and set Meg’s chair back on all four legs. “Well... that’s awkward.” His hand ran through her hair before he moved to the doorway. “Yah, is everyone done eating? Let’s go!” Jimin reached under the counter and pulled out a rather large cooler. He felt Meagan’s against his bare shoulder and the cooler’s handle almost slipped from his finger. “Where are we going, Minnie?” The other boys rounded into the kitchen, Yoongi and Kelsie in the back with their hands linked. Jimin smirked to him, to which he answered with his own smirk and a shrug. Seokjin shuffled through the crowd and grabbed the cooler from Jimin. “We’re going to Incheon!” he called happily. Kelsie whined slightly, stamping her feet. “We don’t have bathing suits with us, you goofs!” The boys looked around to each other in perplexity. “We didn’t even think of that.” Meagan wiggled her fingers with a chuckle. “Our complex is on the way out of the city in that direction, we can stop and change.” Jimin caught a glimpse of a non-verbal exchange between the girls, which he still doesn’t really comprehend. Kelsie looked at Meagan with wide eyes and bared teeth and Meagan answered by squinting one of her eyes shut and pursing her lips, causing Kelsie to sigh in dissatisfaction. “What’s wrong?” Jimin looked between the two. “Oh,” Meagan folded her arms with a sly grin. “Kelsie’s mad because she can’t swim.” Everyone turned to her. Hoseok tilted his head to the side. “You can’t swim?” Her cheeks flared to match her hair, which seemed to please Meagan. Man, girls are weird. Jimin glanced between the two. “N- no.” Kelsie shot daggers with her eyes at Meagan before turning them to her feet. “Well... we have more than swimming planned. You’ll be fine, cutie.” Yoongi dropped her hand and s it around her waist. “Let’s go then!” Jimin and Yoongi led the girls down to the apartment complexes underground parking while the other grabbed all the things they needed to bring. A black van was parked near the door with a sticky note reading “Bangtan- Incheon” stuck to the windshield. Yoongi pressed his thumb into the unlock button on the keys he held at the van beeped. “Ah, this is ours then. Kelsie, you sit in front with me.” He and Kelsie climbed into the front while Jimin and Meagan slid into the first of the three back rows. The other boys were soon piling into the other seats and they were off.

They pulled up to the apartment in a matter of minutes. “We’ll be quick!” Meagan and Kelsie jumped from the van and ran into the building. Jimin leaned in between the two front seats. “You and Kelsie are really hitting it off, eh?” Yoongi stifled a proud grin. “Yeah, I really like her. You and Meagan seem to doing pretty well too, from what Namjoonie tells me.” Jimin’s cheeks blushed hard, causing Yoongi laughed loudly. “I wish I had the balls to just do that.” The girls were back already. Kelsie jumped into the front and tossed her bag between the seats, hitting Jimin in the chest. “Aigo, in your seat Jimin we gotta gogogogogo!” Meagan crawled into her seat. “Be nice you little .”

Everyone seemed to settle from the excitement of the trip quickly and they went about their own. Jeongguk and Taehyung were lumped up against to each other, passed out. Hoseok was tuned into a basketball game with Namjoon on his phone, and Jin was playing what sounded like Super Mario Bros. on his DS. Kelsie and Yoongi were talking to each other in hushed voices. Jimin placed his arm around the back of the chair over Meagan shoulder. She turned to him, offering up one of her ear buds that he gladly accepted. The drive to Incheon was going to take a little over an hour. Jimin dropped his hand down on Meagan’s shoulder and pulled her into his side, her head turning down to rest against his neck. He inhaled deeply. She smelled the same, like sweet mangoes. He leaned his head down and pressed a kiss to her temple. When he exhaled her scent, he could feel her shiver from the feeling of his breath against her ear and it excited him. Did she feel the same icy trail travel up and down her spine that she gave to him? Hopefully. He hadn’t even noticed the changing songs of her shuffling iPhone. The familiar sound of Jeongguk’s voice played through his ears. The corners of his mouth twitched, threatening to pull his lips into a goofy smile. He leaned his lips closer to Meagan’s ear, so close that they brushed against the top edge slightly. “Don’t wanna be fool, wanna be cool, wanna be loved, same love as you.” His lips found their way to her neck, where they planted themselves firmly. “Baby I want it.”


Meg was awoken by Yoongi’s hollering voice. “We’re here! Everyone wake up!” She lifted her head groggily and looked out the window to her left. They were parked in front of a secluded beach house; the ocean was just visible from behind it. “Is this like, the company’s or whatever?” Jimin nodded, sliding the van’s door open. “We called dibs for the day. We get the beach all to ourselves too.” Everyone scooted out of the van and moved into the house. Meg looked around in awe. It had a simple layout, with soft beige walls and a widely open concept. The entire wall facing the beach was glass. “Wow~ this is beautiful!” Meg spun around slowly, taking it all in. Seokjin came up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder to grab her attention. “You and Kelsie can have that room off to the right,” he said, motioning to the slightly ajar door at the end of the hallway. Meg grabbed Kelsie by the wrist and hauled her down into the room.

The room was similar to the rooms at the dorm, two single beds with accompanying night tables, two desks and two closets. Kelsie tossed her bag on the bed nearest her while kicking the door shut with her foot. She started to strip immediately, pulling articles of clothing off her frame with one hand while she removed her bathing suit from her bag with the other. Meg followed suit, changing from her t-shirt and shorts into her two piece suit. She glanced to her side to see Kelsie staring at her helplessly, waiting for her to finish dressing herself. “You need me to help, my angel?” Kelsie nodded and turned so that her back was facing Meagan. It turned out that the only thing keeping Kelsie’s strapless bikini top up was the arm that held it against his chest. Meagan took the two sides and joined them, making sure it was secured correctly. “Let him know if he tries to touch you I’m going to throw him in the ocean,” she pecked the top of Kelsie’s head. “Same goes for Jimin!

Kelsie twisted her fingers in around Meagan’s as they left the room. The boys were all changed into their swimwear as well; Meg could see Kelsie’s eyes traveling over Yoongi’s bare chest in. And it was apparent that the girls bikini clad bodies had the same effect on the boys- they all become hushed and turned their attention to them as the entered. The slight movement of Jimin’s teeth dragging off his bottom lip caught Meagan’s eye and she felt her ears and cheeks flare red. His eyes caught hers for a moment and she felt her stomach tense. Jimin broke the connection quickly, and his eyes landed on Jeongguk who was taking in Meagan’s body with the same expression. His bottom lip fell, baring his gritted bottom teeth. “Well, let’s go out then,” he offered, breaking Jeongguk’s lusty stare. Yoongi moved to Kelsie and slid his hand around her hips and onto her back, pulling her away from Meagan and out the backdoor to the shore. The other boys followed the two and left Meagan and Jimin alone in the main room. He moved to her, placing his body in between her and the windowed wall. “Is... is that what you’re going to wear?” His hand found it’s perch on the smooth curve of her waist and Meg felt her arms prickle with goose bumps. “Well, yeah. I’m going to swim, dummy.” He furrowed his brows further. “I don’t like the way they looked at you.” Meg’s cheeks flooded with blood. “Jiminnie, it’s fine. It doesn’t bother m-”

“No,” he pressed his thumb into his lips hard, sealing them under the pressure. “You’re mine, not theirs.” She swatted his hand away, giving him a reassuring grin. “It’s fine, you’re fine. Them looking at me doesn’t mean anything. I like you Jiminnie, not them.” He kept his hard expression for a moment before it melted into a smile. “Alright, alright.” His head knelt the half inch they had in height difference, stealing a quick kiss. The screen door slammed open behind them and Meg peeked around Jimin to see a dripping wet Jeongguk. “Are you two coming out or what?”

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YoungForever06 #1
Chapter 7: I'm a fan of this story, it's good! If you have the chance to, please continue.