Chapter 4

Look at Only Me

Your POV

"She'll talk to you later," Dongho said through gritted teeth as he pulled you inside and shut the door behind you. "What-" he interrupted himself to pinch the bridge of his nose. "I don't- please tell me you didn't-" He didn't dare finish that sentence, but you caught on quickly, your eyes widening. 

"Oh god no! No of course not!" You said, your face getting red. You were confused though. Is that why Dongho was so mad? Because he assumed...? 

He sighed, somewhat relieved, but was still visibly upset. 

"Why are you so upset?" you were confused. There really wasn't anything to be mad about. Was he mad that you were with Daehyun? 

"I just-" 

"Is it because of the fact that I was with Daehyun on the date??" You cut him off. It annoyed you that he assumed things about Daehyun, when Daehyun was actually very sweet. 

"Yes!" Dongho blurted out. You stared at him. 

"I don't get how you can even be mad at me for going out on a date when you went on one last night too!" I crossed my arms over my chest. 

"Well I didn't take my date home with me!" 

"I already told you that we didn't do anything! He dropped me off and I let him come inside and we danced for another hour before we got tired. Then we went to bed. And he slept out here on the couch," you explained flatly. Dongho looked off to the side wordlessly. "By the way, whoever told you that Daehyun was a bad person clearly knows nothing about him." 

"Whatever," Dongho said coldly, before leaving the apartment. He knew how much you hated when people used the word whatever like he just did. You and Dongho had never argued like this before; especially over something so trivial! If anything, you were the one that should be upset. You were the one that loved him. Maybe this was just another sign that you should give up on him.. 

Dongho's POV

I was starting to really dislike Daehyun. When I got into the apartment, I slammed the door shut. The hyungs were all sitting in the livingroom watching TV but their heads turned when they heard the door.

"..What happened?" Eli asked.

"She didn't not accept your confession, right?" Kiseop asked. That's right. I went over there to confess to her, and I completely forgot. 

"I didn't tell her," I said flatly. 

"What?" They all asked. 

I explained what happened, and by the time I was done, I realized something. The pain in her eyes when she said we were only friends... Have I been hurting her all this time? 

"Just give her some time to cool down first," Kevin said.

I nodded and sighed. 


A week went by and I hadn't talked to Mi-Na. I was starting to worry because we'd never gone this long without talking. Even when I was away, we'd always text at the very least. I wanted to see her and hopefully tell her how I felt, but when I went to her apartment, she didn't answer the door. Maybe she was out shopping or something. 

Or maybe she was with Daehyun again. 

I scowled at the thought but trudged back into the apartment and to my room. I wonder if she's still mad at me.

I went back again that night, but to no avail. It was late, but not late enough for her to be sleeping. Where was she?? Quickly, I dialed her number and was expecting to hear the phone ring, but a few seconds after I'd put the phone to my ear, I heard: "The number you are trying to reach is not in service at this time. Please hang up and try your call again." 

Now I was really starting to panic. Where did Mi-Na go?



Cliffhanger! Where do you think "you've" gone? 

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Chapter 6: OH MY GWAD!!!!
HeXm1_Park #3
Chapter 4: I like it. Subscribe!
U-KISS-ME04 #4
Chapter 4: ...dang
I really like this story!~ ^.^
Chapter 4: Awww he is sooo worried! Oh lord please update!
Chapter 3: OH LORD!!! Poor Dongho!!