Chapter 2

Look at Only Me

Your POV

Daehyun had given you his number, but you weren't sure if you should text him. You wanted to, but Dongho had said that Daehyun was trouble. Still, you saved his number in your phone just in case.

The next day, Dongho called you to watch a special that was airing on TV. He came over shortly after calling to watch it with you.

"So after we went back stage, I was talking to one of the dancers. She has a sweet personality, and I want to get to know her better," he kepted his eyes glued to the screen as he talked. "That's her right there. In the pink." 

You blinked a couple times as the word "Oh" left your mouth.

"I think she's really pretty. I think maybe if she feels the same way about me, I want to get close to her romantically." He was fiddling with his fingers, and a small smile played his features.

You could feel your heart breaking, but you sat there quietly and nodded. You knew you should be feeling happy for him, but had he never thought once that maybe, just maybe, you could love him more than any other girl? 

Probably not. 

A knot kept threatening to form in your throat for the rest of the TV special. You started complaining about a headache soon after it ended, and Dongho wanted to stay and take care of you, but you insisted that all you needed was a little sleep. You got him out of the apartment as quick as you could and held the back of your hand to your mouth until you got to your room. You swiftly shut the door and slid down on the floor. 

Why? Why couldn't he see that you loved him? All these years of unrequited love were starting to take a toll on you. 

Or maybe he did see it.. Maybe he just didn't feel the same. 

That thought hit you like a train. This negative feeling engulfed your entire body, and you just felt numb. 

For the next few days, the feeling never faded. It only worsened when Dongho told you that she accepted his offer to go out on a date. You knew you needed to stop sulking, but it just hurt. Soon you found yourself texting Daehyun. 

Annyeonghaseyo. It's Mi-Na..c: (sent)

Annyeong. After not getting any messages the first couple of days, I didn't think I was going to hear from you.

Ah, well here I am. I was wondering.. are you busy tonight? (sent)

You needed to get your mind off of Dongho, and maybe getting to know Daehyun would be able to do that.

Actually, I'm not busy right now. I haven't eaten dinner yet. Have you?

Not yet. (sent)

Good. Don't eat anything then. We'll go out on a date ;3 

You told him where you lived, and he told you to be ready by 7. You'd put on a dress that fit snug against your body, but overall wasn't too short. You didn't want to seem ty. However just as you'd finished your makeup, Dongho appeared at your bedroom door. 

"Oh?" He said with a confused tone. "Your door was unlocked and I knew you were home so I wanted to see what you thought of my outfit for my date tonight.." 

That negative feeling started to come back again, but you blinked a couple times and forced a smile. 

"You look amazing," you said. And honestly, he did. 

"Thanks... But where are you going?" he asked.

"I, uh, have my own plans for tonight," you looked back into your mirrow and fixed your dress. The lump was forming in your throat again. 

"With who??" He took a step into your room, a slight discomfort in his voice.

"Daehyun," you said as you slipped on a pair of heels and made your way into the livingroom. Dongho followed silently. "What time do you have to pick up your date? It's getting late." 

His eyes widened. "That's right!" He came over to you and kissed the top of your head, "Thanks for checking my outfit." You felt butterflies in your stomach but you nodded as he took your hand. "...Be safe, okay?" 

You looked up him with pursed lips, "No, I want to be reckless." you stuck your tongue out at him playfully as he ran out of the apartment. 

Not long after, Daehyun was at your door. He walked you to his car, and helped you in. Right away, that negativity started to slip away. 

The restaurant itself was extremely elegant. There was a space in the middle of the room where people were slow dancing to the jazz music. 

"I already ordered for us when I reserved our table. I hope you don't mind..." He trailed off. "Care to join me?" He got up from his seat and offered me his hand. You smiled and took it as he led you to the open floor. He placed his hands on your waist as you placed yours around his neck. The night was going well. Dinner was lovely, and the two of you went back to dance after you'd finished eating.

"Was everything up to your expectations?" He smiled slyly.

"They were. Thank you very much," you smiled back and he pulled you in a little closer. You blushed and turned your head off to the side. 

This feeling... You'd always get a similar feeling around Dongho. 


How was his date going? Did she like him as much as he seemed to like her? You shook your head and looked up at Daehyun. 

This night was supposed to be about getting past that awful feeling you'd gotten when he mentioned that girl...

"Ready to get going?" Daehyun asked. 

You didn't want to leave yet because you knew that awful feeling would just come back, but you didn't want to keep Daehyun out too late if he had schedule tomorrow. You agreed, and he brought you home. You unlocked your door and turned around.

"Gomawo," you smiled and he did too. 

"We'll have to do that again very soon," he took your hand and intertwined your fingers with his. "I loved every second of it. Especially the dancing." He kissed the back of your hand, and that's when you decided that you didn't want that negative feeling to come back at all tonight. You pulled Daehyun inside and some slow music. 

"Well, I guess the dancing doesn't have to end yet," you could feel yourself blushing as he took you in his arms, and the two of you danced the night away. 

Maybe. .

Maybe it's time to let go of Dongho. . .

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Chapter 6: OH MY GWAD!!!!
HeXm1_Park #3
Chapter 4: I like it. Subscribe!
U-KISS-ME04 #4
Chapter 4: ...dang
I really like this story!~ ^.^
Chapter 4: Awww he is sooo worried! Oh lord please update!
Chapter 3: OH LORD!!! Poor Dongho!!