Chapter 34

She's Having My Baby

A/N: Yeahh~~~ Chapter 33 (version 2) is up! Since i didn't receive any notice about anyone having a backup copy, i decided to re-write this chapter. The flow is different this time, although the setting is the same. Muahahahah <3 Yoochun ah~<3

Jiyun stared into space, ignoring all the commotion that was happening all around her. She should’ve been enjoying the performance, it was her favourite JYJ's concert after all. But various thoughts were clogged up in her mind.

“I… dashed out…” She muttered, sighing in defeat.

Yes, exactly what she had just mentioned. Our female lead had actually ran out of the waiting room, apparently out of shock from seeing Yoochun himself. She wasn't mentally prepared to meet him yet.

‘I’m such a failure, always missing the cue to return...’ She thought to herself as her eyes finally decided to focus towards the stage where the boys were.

No prize for guessing who had his eyes on her the entire time he was on stage.

Jiyun lowered her head in embarrassment as she pulled her cap lower, an attempt to cover her face. ‘Damn you Kim Jaejoong! So this is what you have been planning all along, you traitor!’

The concert didn’t seem so enticing to her anymore, she realised. Not when there were so many unsolved problems placed on her shoulders. Sneaking a peek at him, she found him with his back against her as he went over to the other corner of the stage.

‘Asa! Time to sneak out!’ She thought and proceeded to carry her bag on her shoulder. Just as she was about to stand up to move out of her seat, a voice cried out.

“Kajima! Jebal…”

She turned her head to look towards the stage. With both their eyes locked onto each other, he started pleading with his eyes, so earnestly that Jiyun felt something tugging in her heart.

She smiled a little and went back to her seat.

“Yoochun ah~ I won’t go away~ I’ll always be with you~ <3” Junsu’s voice echoed out in response to the silence Yoochun created.

Apparently Yoochun was facing the direction of Junsu as well.

Laughter started coming out from all corners of the concert hall, with fans amused at the random YooSu moment.

Yoochun gulped. ‘What a blessing in disguise. I wonder what I should do if he didn’t come to help me out of this mess that I’ve created.'

"Where is Jiyun...?" Yoochun shouted, running into their waiting room. He had dashed straight for the waiting room right after their encore ended. 'Jiyun should be happily waiting there...'

That was what he thought should happen. However, he only found Su Young relaxing by herself on the couch.

"She messaged me saying that she's returning first." Su Young replied nonchantly.

"Awww... i miss Jiyunnie! It's been days since i've last seen her!" Junsu whined, walking in after him.

Yoochun threw Junsu a death glare. "It's been MONTHS since i've last seen her!!!" He screamed.

Junsu cringed.

Jaejoong and Su Young smirked. It was one of those rare times where they could see a variety of expressions on Yoochun. Usually, a Chunface will appear no matter what the occasion was. Jiyun was always the one responsible for creating the raw expressions that they didn't know he had in him. The Kim siblings' smirks turned into laughter when they noticed the latest change in Yoochun's facial expression.

"Jaejoong! Nuna! Don't bully me! She has been avoiding my glances throughout the whole concert! I could've sworn that i was about to just hop down the stage and kidnap her home!" Yoochun admitted unabashedly.

"But Yoochun ah, she has been in good hands..." Su Young replied ruffling his hair, smiling at the little pouting boy in front of her.

"Eh...? Wait, nuna do you know Jiyun...?" Yoochun asked after a little while of thinking in silence. 'Something seems wrong, Su Young nuna shouldn't have known Jiyun right? They are living in different countries to begin with...'

Jaejoong and Junsu had only told Yoochun that they have only been keeping in contact ever since her disappearance.... nothing else.

"Nuna!!!!" Jaejoong cried out anxiously.

"Huh...? Oops... he's still not aware that we know Jiyun's whereabouts?" Su Young smiled nervously.

Jaejoong sighed and ruffled his semi wet hair from all the dancing. "No... but it's probably a good time to come clean with everything."

"Yeah it's time, i won't be able to keep the secret any longer anyway..." Junsu added.

"You didn't have the intention to do so in the first place!" Jaejoong replied irritated, with Kang nodding and chuckling the whole time.

"Hello? I'm still here?" Yoochun spoke, waving his hands in front of the noisy pair. He was apparently losing patience.

"Erm... should we still be wasting time here...?" Kang interrupted.

"Yeah Kang, go prepare the car. Yoochun. we'll tell you EVERYTHING on the way." Jaejoong smiled.

Jiyun pulled both her legs towards herself as she tried to hug them towards her chest. She silently sat beside the drop down windows as she self reflected on her actions earlier on.

'I'm seriously an idiot.' She muttered to herself in disgust, disgusted by her cowardly actions. It wasn't the first time that she was running away. It had been aplently, so much that so had lost count. As if the numerous times previously weren't enough, she had done them again today, twice.

"He must hate me already by now... i'm just a coward who thinks running away is the best solution for everything. Didn't he say that he likes independent girls? ㅎㅎㅎ... . I ruined everything again, even when i decided that i will face up to reality just this morning..."

All of a sudden, a little kick from within her tummy appeared. Jiyun smiled. "Amber you're comforting mummy? So sweet of you..."

And she felt tears running down her cheeks.

'I'm sorry... i'm really sorry... ' She cried. She wasn't sure herself who the recipent the message was for. Was it Yoochun, Amber... or maybe both?

Wiping her tears away, she heard a beep coming from the hotel room door.

"Unnie?" She asked, not bothered to turn around to confirm her guess. It wasn't needed, since they were the only ones who have the key cards to that hotel room.

The footsteps that were heard previously when the door opened suddenly came to a halt, indicating that she had gotten the person's attention.

"Unnie, do you think im a failure?" Jiyun asked.

She heard some uneasy shuffling.

"You think so too huh? I must be seriously hated by Yoochun now...Even though i miss him so much, i simply run away everytime. I don't deserve his love anymore." She went on, not waiting for any replies. "For being such a weakling, maybe it's time i let go..."

"NO! DON'T LET GO OF ME! I WON'T ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN!" A loud but shaky voice echoed throughout the room, followed by a pair of hands wrapping around her tightly. The cold pair of hands that were trembling, hanging on to her as if she was a piece of driftwood. He had been drowning, until he finally held on to her at that crucial moment.

"Y.. Yoochun...?" She queried in disbelieve. Her voice was an exact replica of the earlier voice. Shaky and trembling.

"Don't leave me alone again. I've missed you, so much that my entire world was crumbling down. I couldn't continue with my facade any more..." He spoke, his hug getting tighter as Jiyun tried to wriggle herself out once she recovered from the initial shock.

"No, we can't be together. I don't deserve to be with you. I'll only pull you down even further. I can't even stand against the opposition, i'm... useless..."

"Jiyun ah..." Yoochun softly spoke, turning her around to face him. "You're the woman i chose and recognise as my significant other." Taking her hands in his, he continued, "Whatever stands in our way, we will go through them together. I'm sorry i failed to do so previously, but trust me, in times to come, i'll be there to protect you. Give me a chance to prove this all alright?"

"I... don't have any confidence in myself..." Jiyun stuttered.

"Trust in me." Yoochun smiled warmly, bringing both their foreheads together as he indulged himself in her warmth.

But his happiness was shortlived, for Jiyun had pulled them apart once more.

"Wae?!" Yoochun asked anxiously. 'Am i so unreliable, that Jiyun is still opposing against my advances?'

"I... may run away again, you realise that right?" She finally mumbled softly.

Finally understanding Jiyun's state of mind, Yoochun broke into a wide grin, "In that case, i'll just have to keep chasing after you. I'm never letting you go, just so you know."

She finally smiled and lightly beat his chest. "Ya, you're such a pabo..."

"Who do you think made me into one? Take responsibility, will you?" He said, grinning even wider as he pulled her into his embrace.

"Okay..." He heard her muttered. He smiled.

"You know... i'm feeling pretty insecure myself..." He admitted, trying to dig his face into her shoulder from embarrassment.

"You? Why?"

Yoochun just nodded, all the while with his face hiding on her shoulder. "Just listen to this..."

"Even if I lose everything,
my popularity drops,
Even if I can't sing,
If I get a different job,
Will you still be able to love me for who I am?

Do you know that who I am on screen isn't really my everything?
Do you know that my overflowing confidence makes me even more anxious?
Standing under the flashing lights, there is a thick shadow behind me

Even if I lose everything,
If my popularity drops,
Even if I can't sing,
If I get a different job
Will you still be able to love me for who I am?

You say that you love me but am I really who you love?
You say that you fell for me but am I really the one who made you fall for me?
When you are in my arms, looking at me
I want to ask you these questions

Even if I lose everything,
If my popularity drops,
Even if I can't sing,
If I get a different job,
Will you still be able to love me for who I am?

Someday, the day will come
I'll come down from the stage where the cheers have decreased
As my shoulders droop down
My head hung low
Will you stand by my side?

Even if I lose everything,
If my popularity drops,
Even if I can't sing,
If I get a different job
Will you still be able to love me for who I am?

I want to ask you..."

Jiyun smiled. She was seriously touched by just that one song. For it entirely revealed his feelings for her.

Cupping his jaw with both her hands on each side, Jiyun grinned at the confused singer. Then, she leaned forward and finally planted a quick kiss on his lips.

"I love you for who you are, and not the celebrity that everyone else knows. A unique side that only i know. A Park Yoochun that belongs entirely to me." She smiled.

Yoochun smiled once again, this time with a tinge of pink on his cheeks. He was extremely satisfied with the answer, and couldn't help but reveal his natural reactions. Then, with a naughty smirk, he leaned in closer towards Jiyun, saying, "That peck wasn't enough to compensate the hurt that i've felt all these while..."

Just as their lips were about to meet for the second time, they heard mutterings coming from the doors and so stopped in their tracks.

Although irritated by the ruined mood that the idiots outside were making, they both decided to ignore them. But it continued persistently.

Sighing in defeat, Yoochun ruffled his hair and casually asked, "Ya... by the way, i heard you've been staying at Jaejoong's house?"
"Yeah, Sooyoung unnie and Jaejoongie have been looking after me well!" She said happily, completely unaware of the rising tension.

"Jaejoongie? You guys seem close huh...?"

Jiyun turned to look at him upon hearing his reply. "Are you jealous?" She teased.

Yoochun was about to defend himself but was interrupted by the culprits who ruined their 'intended to be a make out session'.

"YES~ He is jealous~" went the replies from outside the door, sending yet another round of blushing session for him.

"YAAAAA!!! SHUT UP YOU GUYS!!! OBVIOUSLY I AM JEALOUS!!! AND STOP INTERRUPTING US!!!" Yoochun finally lost his calm and was about to dash out to give the culprits a piece (or rather pieceS) of his mind when he got stopped by Jiyun. Who has been giggling upon seeing his flustered yet angry expression.

"Junsu ah, could you please be a dearie and bring the rest somewhere else? I need to speak with Yoochun." She finally spoke, half giggling.

"Nae~ Anything for our cute Jiyunnie~ Let's go guys~" Junsu's voice echoed from behind the doors.

"Cute Jiyunnie? How dare he speak like that to his sister in law." Yoochun pouted once more, completely jealous that he had missed out a large part of information since their temporary separation.

"Yoochun ah, he is special ok? He has been helping me a lot, so treat him better alright? Same goes to Jaejoong ok?"

"I'm jealous" Yoochun muttered, wriggling his arms around her waist to hug her.

"Aigoo... such a big baby..." Jiyun smiled, combing his unkempt hair with her fingers. "Why did i fall for such a childish guy?"

"You can't back out now..." He said, feeling a little happier just by hearing her confession. "You're mine, forever."

"Same goes to you.."


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Keahun #1
Chapter 41: Such an amazing touching story, just sad for jae, you know am a true jae fanatic, but love yoochun here in your story, thanks.
potatonaah #2
Chapter 18: i have a feeling saying that Jaejoong is actually in love with Jiyun.i just hope my feeling is
Chapter 40: very cheeky!! >.< LOL.
nar12345 #4
Chapter 40: im sorry to know that you are going to leave was a great journey to know the characters and the story that you share about them..wish to know you better too..i guess you have found a better channel to go..therefore..All the best!! *hugs*
Chapter 39: this is great love it thank you i'm craving for chunnie's story:3
Amna11 #6
Thank you for this great stroy i like it ^^
really like the wedding because it was so sweet. love your story & hoping you continue writing stories like this :)
nar12345 #8
anyeong Yoochun and Jiyun..gonna miss both of you..good luck with the basketball team project..hope to read from both of you in future upating your epilogue..and authornim..have fun with creating new world for us! need to c dentist now..sugar overload here! hehehe
really like the ending because it was so sweet! really enjoyed reading this story of yours :)
oh my that is one good read.. ^_^ I love the ending!! It's just soo sweet it's giving me tooth decay. LOL!! I love the idea of showing us the youtube vid. I can actually imagine the scene in my head. That was awesome. Thank you authornim for sharing your story. awwww.. ending this is like saying goodbye to a very close friend. I will sure miss this. but for now.. I will wait for the epilogue!LOL will there be chunnie daddy moments there? definitely happy subbing to this