Chapter 32

She's Having My Baby

Jiyun's eyes fluttered open as she looked away from the bright sunlight. She turned to her left and lazily stretched her hand towards the side table, reaching out for her handphone. Squinting her eyes, she looked at the screen that was flashing the current time - 1130am. She sighed.

"So I've only slept for this long?" She muttered.

True enough, she had barely slept for less than two hours. She didn't want to admit it, but the person who had kept her up all night was the same person who was responsible for creating the ball in her stomach. Granted, she could easily psycho herself in the day that she was perfectly fine on her own without him, and he was living life as usual even without her. However, as night creeps by, all the facade that she had worked hard to put on just simply turned into dust.

She spent all night reminiscencing about how perfect he was when performing on stage earlier on. Those captivating smiles that shone brightly in the midst of the darkness. Simply using 'perfect' to describe his performance would even be considered as an understatement.

"How I wish I could be in his arms once more..." She unknowingly muttered while in a daze.

Almost immediately, having snapped out of her trance, she shook her head in an attempt to chase unrealistic thoughts out of her head.

'Me and him? I was the one who walked out on him, I don't deserve to reclaim that position anymore...'

She sighed again and tried to close her eyes for a short nap... which obviously failed due to the fact that her mind was full of Park Yoochun once more.

"No use lying to myself already..." Jiyun muttered.

'Might as well wake up, since I can't get back to sleep.' She thought as she pulled herself up from her bed, and out of the room.

"Unnie?" Jiyun called out while slowly walking around their room (which by the way, happens to be a presidential suite, courtesy of Kim Jaejoong).

There was no response, except from the smell of food.

True enough, there were some takeouts being placed on the dining table, along with a note and an envelope behind it.

Without thinking, Jiyun opened the note and read it:-


Good morning! Didn't bear to wake you up since you were sleeping so soundly... Joongie dropped by earlier on to pass us some breakfast, be sure to eat them all! He also passed us backstage pass for later, so drop me a message later if you are coming! I'm going out to do a little shopping first... See you later!"

Jiyun laughed. Typical of the Kim siblings for their actions. She picked up the staff pass that Jaejoong had left and was left staring at the JYJ picture... not at Jaejoong... but Yoochun.

"You... are like a drug to me. Take responsibility for leaving me intoxicated, you pabo." She giggled while speaking. Just minutes ago, she finally decided to be truthful to herself. There's no way she can keep deceiving herself... probably?

There may be possibilities that Yoochun had already moved on on his own, but she decided to give herself another try. For the sake of their happiness, for Amber's happiness as well. If it is proven that the attempt is furtile, well, at least she can officially put a full stop to all these fiasco and start a new chapter of her life, alone... With Amber.

She looked at his picture once again. 'I really miss him...' She thought. Just as she was about to dial Jaejoong's number to somehow "change" her backstage pass to a concert ticket instead (frankly speaking, for Jiyun to meet up with him at this point of time, it is almost impossible), her phone rang.

It was Jaejoong.

She chuckled and pressed the answer button. 'Just nice.'

"Jiyunnie! Had a nice sleep?" The hyperactive voice rang into her ears. Jiyun was pretty sure that someone had given him too much sugar for the day, for it was starting to influence her mood as well.

"Thanks for breakfast! Why dont you sleep more instead? You had a tired night yesterday, didn't you?" Jiyun replied. Half implying that, perhaps he got tortured by a certain someone...

"No worries, im ok~" He chirped, although Jiyun had hit the nail right on the spot.

In fact, Yoochun had been pestering him to reveal where Jiyun was. All night.

In actual fact, he didn't even sleep cos Yoochun had migrated to Jaejoong's room to continue with his chanting ('whereisjiyun,wherehaveyoubeenhidingher,howisshe,didshementionanythingaboutme,etc').

It was only when dawn is nearing that the male protagonist finally fell asleep, much to the delight of Jaejoong. Afraid that the whole cycle will resume once again if he happens to wake up, Jaejoong snuck out of his room. With nowhere to go, he finally settled with a 24 hour cafe, where he spent the last few hours until dawn breaks, before proceeding to get some breakfast for his ladies. He'd rather have breakfast with his beloved ladies than with the long winded ahjusshi, also known as Park Yoochun.

"Why is he so long winded..." Jaejoong suddenly muttered out upon thinking back at what had happened.

"Who?" Jiyun replied.

"Eh, nothing?" he stuttered.

"Ah.... Jaejoong can i ask for your help....." Jiyun tried to speak up but was interrupted by Jaejoong.

"....By the way, have you seen my lucky necklace anywhere in your room? I lost it somewhere, probably when at your room..." he said, with a tinge of panic in his voice.

"....Really? Let me look around..." Jiyun replied as she stood up and walked around the big room.

"It's really important to me, I can't perform well on stage without having it with me..." He said, sounding a little more anxious.

Jiyun nodded. She understood that feeling, for she was like him. Without having a necklace on, she would feel insecure and will keep touching her neck where the necklace was supposed to be at.

"Do you remember which part of the room have you been to?" she asked again, a little panicky since it seems that the necklace wasnt in the living room. Curse Kim Jaejoong for getting them such a big room as well.

"Toilet... I think?" He replied.

Without thinking, Jiyun ran across the big living room and went towards the toilet. And there it was, beside the sink, a vintage black onyx pendent necklace. Jiyun didn't even need to ask. She was very sure it belongs to him, for it was screaming Jaejoong's style.

"I found it!" She shouted happily.

Jaejoong smirked. 'Mission accomplished!'

"OH THAT'S GREAT!" He said happily.

"Drop by my room later?" Jiyun asked, half thinking that Jaejoong may just drop by... perhaps she should ask him to get her the concert tickets at the same time...

"Can't, im stuck at rehearsals here..." Jaejoong replied sadly.

"Get unnie to help?" Jiyun offered. Perhaps, just perhaps, she'll collect the ticket from Jaejoong to pass to her... Hopefully.

"She isn't answering her phone, I just tried before calling you..."

'Shoot.' Jiyun thought. 'Bye bye concert... bye bye Yoochun.'

"Jiyunnie dear, can you make a trip down here for me? You have the backstage pass with you right?" Jaejoong muttered.

Jiyun almost dropped the black onxy necklace that was originally tightly held in her left hand.

"No!" She replied in an instant.

"Please...?" Jaejoong pleaded. "You know how much it means to me...."

"Get someone else to pick it up at the hotel lobby or something!" She protested. 'I'm not mentally prepared to bump into him! The audience seat is near enough to set my heartbeat racing already!'

"Jiyunnie.... you don't possibly want me to screw up at my own concert, do you?"

"That's why i said, get someone to pick it up..." Jiyun replied.

"Should i get Yoochun to do that? At your room...?"

"Do you have a death wish?"

"Jiyunnie..." Jaejoong soften as he massaged his forehead, "You know how i've been helping you out through all the hardships recently right? Shouldn't you reciprocate... at least a little?" He added, sounding a little upset (on purpose).

Jiyun gulped. 

".....fine, i'll be there in 20 minutes."

If only they were on video conference, Jiyun would have seen Jaejoong's smirk.

"Drop me a line when you're nearby." Jaejoong grinned and his voice returned to his playful mode.

"Yeah yeah...." Jiyun groaned in detest, "By the way umma, do you have extra concert tickets for tonight?"

"I think so, why?"

"I want to watch from the audience seat?"

"Ok i'll check with my manager later. Gotta go~ Seeya~"

Jiyun frowned at her phone screen. She got hung up that abruptly.

'What have i gotten myself into...?' She thought and went to get herself ready.


"Umma, i'm already at the backstage entrance. Should i just go in myself?" Jiyun asked, lowering her cap even further as she turned away from the fans that have crowded around the area, hoping to catch a glimpse of their favourite idols.

"Urm, wait for a bit, a staff is coming out to lead you inside." Jaejoong replied, sounding apparently busy.

"Okayyyyy...." She said, turning to look at the doors that has just opened, revealing a familar looking staff. She smiled, relieved that it was someone she knew. "I saw him, see you later umma!" With that, she hung up. 'Revenge for hanging up on me earlier'

"Long time no see, Kang!" She smiled as she went past the security after showing her staff pass, as Kang led her into the backstage area.

"So you're the special guest huh?" Kang grinned, happy that he's finally seen the girl that suddenly went missing in action.

"Well..." Jiyun grinned. "Still coping well, i guess?"

"Yeah, just little hiccups once in a while... you should know who i am referring to..." Kang replied as they turned into another corner.

"Judging by your reaction, you must have already figured out where i was all this while huh?"

Kang nodded, "That two silly boys were too obvious."

Jiyun chuckled.

By then, they have reached an empty waiting room, where Kang escorted Jiyun in.

"Jiyun ah, just wait here for a little while, Jaejoong will be with you shortly." Kang said.

"Eh, i thought i'm only dropping his necklace and i'm out of here?" Jiyun panicked.

"Well, he doesn't let anyone touch his necklace... apparently the 'magic' disappears... or so he says..."

Jiyun chuckled once again, "How old is he? 3?"

"Yeah exactly! That's extremely childish of him, don't you think?" Kang rolled his eyes in disgust, but his smiles returned as he sees Jiyun laughing out heartedly.

"Oh well.... too bad for him, i've already contaminated his necklace!" Jiyun laughed.

"Nahs, he says you're special." Kang clicked his tongue and complained, "So apparently i am not, after slogging my life for him." He said as he brought his handphone out to check on the new message that just came in.

"I'd love to continue catching up with you, but i'm kinda... tied up with work..." Kang said, "By the way, Jaejoong has the ticket ready, here it is." He continued, retrieving a slip of ticket from his jacket pocket.

"Run along~" Jiyun smiled and stood up before bowing to him as he walked out of the room. Kang may be someone she knows rather well, but he was a senior after all, hence the need to bow.

'Umma ya~ hurry up~ i'm bored already!' Jiyun messaged Jaejoong on his phone before throwing her head back to lay on the sofa. She closed her eyes and massaged her eyes. 'Magical necklace huh....?' She thought.

[Somewhere else at the same backstage...]

"Jaejoong ah, what the hell are you doing? I barely completed my mic test and you've already pulled me off the stage?!" An irritated Yoochun asked as he got pulled along the long corridor into their waiting room.

"Daijoubu... daijoubu...." Jaejoong lazily replied as he pushed him down onto the sofa.
(a/n: daijoubu/gwenchana = it's ok)

Now towering over him, Jaejoong turned serious. "Park Yoochun." He said.

"Yes Kim Jaejoong? If this is your way of taking revenge on me for yesterday...."

"Shall we go on a goukon?
(a/n: goukon = group date)

"Hah?!" Yoochun shouted out in disbelieve.

"Saki-san was just asking me over the phone just now... he's rounded up quite a number of pretty ladies for this goukon...."

"Are you crazy?! I have my Jiyun!!!" Yoochun replied, half screaming. 'Jaejoong has finally lost his mind' He thought.

Jaejoong grinned happily. "I'm contented with this answer."

"Huh?" Yoochun choked. 'Is it due to his lack of sleep? He's weird today...?'

From the corner of Jaejoong's eyes, he saw Kang walk in with Junsu. Kang signaled an 'okay' sign and Junsu just merely smiled, but with a smile so bright that it could easily brighten up the entire concert hall.

"Yoochun ah, Jiyun is in waiting room #2." Jaejoong said.

"Har?" Yoochun asked. He can't exactly comprehend what was just being said.

"Hyung, i think Yoochun is in shock." Junsu stated the obvious out loud.

Jaejoong sighed. "Park Yoochun, YOUR Jiyun is in waiting room #2. If you don't go there soon, she'll be going off!" He repeated.

In that instant, Yoochun finally understood Jaejoong and dashed out of the room immediately.

"Crazy guy." Jaejoong determined.

"By the way hyung, you owe me 100 bucks now. Kang knows everything! I won!" Junsu said cheerfully.

Jaejoong looked over to Kang who nodded. 'Great. I lose the girl and now i lose the money.'

A/N: *giggling fit* Everyone~ you don't have any excuses for killing me now~~~ <3PS: 10 comments before the next chapter will be up <3


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Keahun #1
Chapter 41: Such an amazing touching story, just sad for jae, you know am a true jae fanatic, but love yoochun here in your story, thanks.
potatonaah #2
Chapter 18: i have a feeling saying that Jaejoong is actually in love with Jiyun.i just hope my feeling is
Chapter 40: very cheeky!! >.< LOL.
nar12345 #4
Chapter 40: im sorry to know that you are going to leave was a great journey to know the characters and the story that you share about them..wish to know you better too..i guess you have found a better channel to go..therefore..All the best!! *hugs*
Chapter 39: this is great love it thank you i'm craving for chunnie's story:3
Amna11 #6
Thank you for this great stroy i like it ^^
really like the wedding because it was so sweet. love your story & hoping you continue writing stories like this :)
nar12345 #8
anyeong Yoochun and Jiyun..gonna miss both of you..good luck with the basketball team project..hope to read from both of you in future upating your epilogue..and authornim..have fun with creating new world for us! need to c dentist now..sugar overload here! hehehe
really like the ending because it was so sweet! really enjoyed reading this story of yours :)
oh my that is one good read.. ^_^ I love the ending!! It's just soo sweet it's giving me tooth decay. LOL!! I love the idea of showing us the youtube vid. I can actually imagine the scene in my head. That was awesome. Thank you authornim for sharing your story. awwww.. ending this is like saying goodbye to a very close friend. I will sure miss this. but for now.. I will wait for the epilogue!LOL will there be chunnie daddy moments there? definitely happy subbing to this