Chapter 16

She's Having My Baby

"Ah my wifey, how i missed you!" Yoochun shouted once Jiyun and Jaejoong walk into the waiting room, backstage. He ignored the presence of the rest (which luckily was just close people comprising of Joon, Kang and Junsu) and pounced on Jiyun. She tried to wriggle out of his hug, but realising he was the stronger one, she signaled for both managers to help her out.

"Nooooo! I don't want to be apart from my wifey~" He whined, but did not dare to pounce on Jiyun again, for she was throwing dagger stares at him.

"Yoochun ah, you'd better behave yourself while in public, if not you're going to bring more problems to Jiyun." Kang said. Jaejoong and Joon nodded along.

"Come on, what problems would there be?" Yoochun asked carelessly.

"Plenty. Just heed our advice, you don't want to put Jiyun into trouble too, right?"

"Ok Kang, i'll watch my actions...." Yoochun replied, upset but had no choice since he realised Kang was right.

"Good! Now that this matter is clear, boys, let's get back to stage for a quick run through!" Kang said and started ushering everyone out. Everyone but Yoochun and Jiyun.

"Yoochun ah, i'll only give you 10 minutes. Come to the stage after that." Kang said and closed the door after him.

'That girl needs some cheering up by her husband. Even the strongest willed girl will falter in situations like this. Oh well, i'm glad that they didn't try anything bad on her.' Kang thought as he walked away.

Jaejoong had smsed him prior to their arrival that Jiyun was fine and didn't seem to have gotten abused in any way. He was, however, sure that Jiyun must have gotten brutally bashed via twitter. He knew that Jiyun had her twitter logged on, for he had taken a peek at her phone while she's in the bathroom. There were lots of mentions - lots of crude remarks about her.

'Yoochun ah... do your job as a good husband, make her feel better. That's the least you can do.' He thought and walked away.

"Chun ah... why do you keep hugging me from the back?" Jiyun asked. They were enjoying each other's presence, in each other's embrace while sitting on the sofa silently. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was one full of warmth.

"I just love it." Yoochun replied defiantly as he nuzzled his face into her shoulders, planting some butterfly kisses at the same time.

"Yoochun...?" Jiyun spoke out. Then the air was filled with silence. Awkward silence this time.

"Hmmm..?" He whispered. The low tune coming from his voice sent waves of vibrations to her shoulders, making her shudder.

"I....." Jiyun was at a loss for words. She frowned in deep thoughts.

Sensing something is wrong, Yoochun released Jiyun from his embrace and turned her around to face him. He used his pointer finger and tried to smoothen out the folds created from her frownings. Then, he slowly went nearer to her and placed his forehead on hers. His eyes never leaving her once.

"Jiyun ah, what's wrong?" He whispered softly and gently. The distance in between them physically is near zero, but Jiyun's thoughts had already drifted off elsewhere.

"Wifey?" He shook her a little, bringing her back to reality.

Jiyun slightly pushed him away, creating some distance in between them. Looking away, she said, "Yoochun ah... maybe we should reconsider about us being together..."

"왜?! (Why?!)" He asked immediately in shock, making her flinch a little.

"그냥." (A/N: Roughly translated as 'just because'. I made her reply in Korean in this context cos it seems more... fitting. Short and precise answer.)

"Don't '그냥' me! I don't take that as an answer!" Yoochun replied, agitated.

"Don't you feel that everything is so wrong?" She tried to reason. Although it wasn't a valid one to begin with.

"What's so wrong?! There's nothing wrong about us!" He said, his voice getting louder.

"Chun ah..." Jiyun sighed, feeling the stress pile up, higher than that of a Mt. Everest. It didn't help that she's only had less than 8 hours of sleep for the past 3 days, combined. She was also extremely getting tired of all the hate mails that had been accumulating for the past few days. She knew she shouldn't even be bothered by them, she had already predicted that it will happen sooner or later.

Yoochun sighed in response to her sighing. His anger subsided seeing her perturbed looks. 'She had definitely overworked herself, with her eyebags so thick that they could reach the floor anytime soon.' He thought.

Worry replaced his anger.

He gently pulled her into his embrace once again. 'Insecurity and stress - few of the symptoms during pregnancy' He remembered. 'That must be the reason why she said all that...'

"My wifey, we did start off on a wrong note but trust me, my feelings for you have never been wrong. I love you and that's final. It's the fact and it will never ever change. So don't ever say things like 'everything is so wrong' alright?" His hug around her got tighter and tighter as he spoke, for he feared that once he lets loose, she will disappear immediately.


"Sorry, Chun... i think i was over reacting a little just now..." Jiyun finally spoke after what seemed like hours. Her over impulsive nature had once again made her speak her mind without thinking. 'How could i give up so easily just because of a few little obstacles?' She thought.

"It's ok... wifey, promise me, that you will never give up on us, no matter what happens." He whispered into her ears. Jiyun didn't reply him. Instead, she returned his hug.

And there they were, happily in each others' embrace until they were interrupted by someone.

"Hey i don't mean to interrupt you guys but Yoochun, you gotta head off for your last soundcheck..." Joon's voice echoed from the other side of the door all of a sudden.

"Joon? The door's not locked, come on in..?" Jiyun replied as she giggled. Amused at how her boss had forgotten how to knock to check if someone was in the room. Yoochun chuckled along with her, finally seeing her smile.

"Erm, what's with the funny expressions?" Joon queried seeing the couple's amused faces.

"Joon ah, don't you know how to turn the doorknob to enter a room?" Jiyun asked, her smile getting wider.

"Jaejoong asked me not to do that! He was telling me 'to be considerate'!" Joon protested, slightly blushing.

"How considerate of you then..." Yoochun said as he rolled his eyes, earning himself a few nudges from Jiyun. She giggled happily seeing him pout in response.

"Well, back to business. Jiyun ah i gotta kidnap your boyfriend away from you." It was Joon's turn to roll his eyes. He felt that the bond between the couple had gotten stronger since they left them alone a while ago.

"Be my guest!" Jiyun replied happily and started pushing him towards Joon, making both guys stare at each other in shock. She laughed even harder when she saw Joon push Yoochun away in fear when the latter pretended to plant a kiss on his cheeks.

Left with no choice, Jiyun started pushing Joon out of the door while she pulled Yoochun out along with her, her fingers wrapping around his tightly. She took a glance at him, his loving eyes staring right back at her. No words were needed, both of them have already reached a consensus. Their non-existent 'problem' was solved.

Rehearsals were over and done with smoothly, and the boys were back in the waiting room, counting down to 8pm where their concert was scheduled to start. It was currently 7pm and fans were currently anxiously seated in their seats.

While JaeSu were happily watching parody videos made by fans, Yoochun was seen sulking alone opposite of them. He was fidgeting and sighing, turning his head towards the door's direction whenever footsteps are heard.

It takes no genius to figure out why Yoochun was behaving like that.

"Yoochun, stop fidgeting!" Jaejoong commented, looking up for the first time in a while.

"Why has she gone for so longgggggg..." Yoochun continued whining, not noticing Jaejoong's veins popping up from beneath his side forehead. Apparently he has forgotten that Jiyun is still a staff, and is required to work while they were taking a rest.

"I'm gonna go for a breather." Jaejoong finally commented as he stood up and walked towards the door. "Any idea where Kang may be at?" He asked, not turning his head back.

"Try the audio room, he should be there." Yoochun suggested as he made his way over to join Junsu.

"Sangkyuuu~(thank you)" He replied and headed out of the room.

As he was on his way there, he spotted Jiyun running frantically towards his direction.

"Jiyun ah! Stop running, you'll fall!" He commanded.

'Here's another person who forgot her role as an about-to-be mother. It's no wonder that they are a couple.' He thought as he rolled his eyes.

"Hey omma, no time to talk, gotta rush to the audience seats!" Jiyun said breathlessly and continued to run.

"Why?" He asked immediately, worried about her.

"Not sure, secruity didn't say much but i'm needed over there. No time to talk, see ya!" She replied and ran out of his sight quickly.

Jaejoong shrugged to himself, 'Once a workaholic, always a workaholic.' Then he continued on his journey to find Kang. 

"Kang ah, finally found you!" Jaejoong said tiredly as he leaned against the door to the audio room. He was unfamilar with the area and got a little lost while on the way. Nevertheless, he still managed.

"Jae? What is it?" Kang asked, surprised. He didn't expect him there, not when the concert is starting in about 35 minutes.

"I'm bored." He replied.

"......... That's all?"

"Yeah. What have you got there?" Jaejoong said, looking amazedly at the machines in front of Kang, not forgetting the wide glass window overlooking the whole concert hall. Needless to say, everyone on the ground floor was in full view from where there are.

"Control room. Just like the ones we see in other countries. I'm not very used to the ones here though. Luckily Jiyun got someone to do the directing, so i'm just doing some last minute QC. That wise girl." Kang said thankfully. He had only mentioned to her once during their last showcase about it being hard to adapt to different control rooms and here she was, making special arrangements to ease his problem.


"Yeah, her."

"No i mean, that girl there. That's Jiyun right?" Jaejoong asked as he pointed towards a group of girls through the glass window.

"Hmmm..?" He squinted his eyes to figure out. Now giving up, he turned towards a staff and asked, "Jason, can we get camera 5 to be pointed towards the direction Jaejoong is pointing? It's on open mode right?" He asked as the staff nodded his head and got to work.

Soon, images of the group was shown on the tv screen, leaving Kang and Jaejoong speechless with their mouths wide open. Heck, even Jason was a little shock.

Jiyun was seen surrounded by a group of girls, smiling but their expressions not exactly the friendliest.

Jiyun, on the other hand, was looking everywhere, as if finding help. She looked calm, but knowing her, she should be in major shock at this moment.

"I'm gonna go get her back." Jaejoong finally said. However, as he made his way towards the door, he got stopped by Kang.

"What now? It takes no idiot to realise that she's in danger!" He said, obviously angered by the situation.

"You'll only bring her more danger if you go down. You too, will be in danger, KIM JAEJOONG." Kang 'softly' reminded him about his identity.

"Damn!" Jaejoong shouted, slamming his fist into the wall nearest to him.

"Take a chill pill, dude. I'll go get her. Meet us at the backstage." Kang said, swiftly making his way out. Jaejoong proceeded towards the backstage shortly after thanking the staff for his help.

"Please be all right Jiyun..." 

What greeted Jaejoong when he arrived at the small meeting room was Kang and Jiyun seated on the chairs. She was all smiles upon seeing Jaejoong but was met with an angry looking Jaejoong.

Neither party had any comments.

"She's alright, if that's what you wanted to ask." Kang said. "Those fans dispersed quickly when they saw me. Do i look that fierce?" He tried to joke.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Jaejoong finally made his way beside Jiyun.

"괜찮아 (Are you alright)?" He asked.

Jiyun nodded and smiled. "Thanks guys, i didn't know what to do, getting mobbed like this." She finally spoke.

'She's still in a shock...' Both guys thought. They had noticed that she was still trembling, judging by how severe her warm drink was shaking.

"JIYUN AH!!!!" A loud voice echoed from outside, now making it's way into the room.

"Stupid Yoochun, don't be so loud! You're just lucky that that your microphone is not switched on right now!" Kang scolded.

"Oops! Sorry... " Yoochun apologised.

Jiyun just grinned in response. The good thing about Yoochun is that has the ability to make Jiyun smile easily. Him and his cute awkward actions.

"Ok i'll leave you guys here to chill for a little while. I'll get you guys when we're 5 minutes into the countdown." Kang finally said.

"Kang ah, i'm coming along!" Jiyun said all of a sudden. "I've... still got some things to settle..."

"Oh, ok...? What are those bags?" Kang asked, pointing to the bags that were neatly stacked on the table. He had been curious about the bags that Jiyun was seen clutching on to when he found her admist the crowd.

"Erm, food from fans?" She answered cautiously.

"I'll take over from here then..." Kang replied, trying to get the bags away from her, but the latter refused.

Jiyun looked desperately over to Jaejoong, trying to get his help.

"Kang is with us." Jaejoong said. She looked over to Kang, who nodded in acknowledgement.

"Thanks a lot..." Jiyun finally replied as she let him take the bags, while walking out of the room.

"Jiyun ah, i'm coming with you too. Urm, directors' stuff." Jaejoong explained, exiting the room together with them, leaving Yoochun in the room alone.

"Are you seriously not going to let Yoochun know about this?" Jaejoong asked as they were walking along the walkway, towards the bottom of the mainstage for some last minute checks.

Jiyun shrugged. "There's nothing to tell. Besides, it's going to die down sooner or later."

"But it's getting worse, isn't it?" He asked worriedly.

"Well, yeah. I chose to be on this path, fully aware of the consequences. We'll just see how far i can take..." She smiled awkwardly.


"Umma, don't worry! I'm going to be alright!"

"Well... just take care..." Jaejoong siged in defeat. It was obvious that Jiyun was slowly crumbling down.

"Oh shucks! I'm going to be late!" Jiyun suddenly shouted.

"What?" A puzzled Jaejoong asked.

"Ta-da!" Jiyun excitedly pulled out a ticket. A ticket for JYJ's concert that is going to happen in approximately 10 minutes time.

Jaejoong started at the ticket dumbfounded. "What's with this?"

Apparently he had never seen the ticket design yet. Not until now.

"I'm attending as a fan! My friends are waiting for me outside!" She said happily, hopping a little in the process.

"NO CAN DO!" Jaejoong sternly said. "You are staying here!"

"왜?! (Why?!)"

"It's dangerous. Who knows what those predators outside may do to you next."

"Umma....." She tried whining, but seeing Jaejoong's stare, she shut up immediately.

"It's for your own safety..." Jaejoong reasoned.

Jiyun pouted sadly.

"I promise you, when everything dies down a few months later, I'll give you tickets to our concert in Korea!" Jaejoong offered.

"All expenses included?" Jiyun bargained cheekily. She didn't expect that Jaejoong will be willing to pay for everything, but...

"Urgh, fine. Everything included!" He finally replied.

"Deal!" Jiyun said happily as she whipped out her phone to inform her friends that she will not be joining them.

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Keahun #1
Chapter 41: Such an amazing touching story, just sad for jae, you know am a true jae fanatic, but love yoochun here in your story, thanks.
potatonaah #2
Chapter 18: i have a feeling saying that Jaejoong is actually in love with Jiyun.i just hope my feeling is
Chapter 40: very cheeky!! >.< LOL.
nar12345 #4
Chapter 40: im sorry to know that you are going to leave was a great journey to know the characters and the story that you share about them..wish to know you better too..i guess you have found a better channel to go..therefore..All the best!! *hugs*
Chapter 39: this is great love it thank you i'm craving for chunnie's story:3
Amna11 #6
Thank you for this great stroy i like it ^^
really like the wedding because it was so sweet. love your story & hoping you continue writing stories like this :)
nar12345 #8
anyeong Yoochun and Jiyun..gonna miss both of you..good luck with the basketball team project..hope to read from both of you in future upating your epilogue..and authornim..have fun with creating new world for us! need to c dentist now..sugar overload here! hehehe
really like the ending because it was so sweet! really enjoyed reading this story of yours :)
oh my that is one good read.. ^_^ I love the ending!! It's just soo sweet it's giving me tooth decay. LOL!! I love the idea of showing us the youtube vid. I can actually imagine the scene in my head. That was awesome. Thank you authornim for sharing your story. awwww.. ending this is like saying goodbye to a very close friend. I will sure miss this. but for now.. I will wait for the epilogue!LOL will there be chunnie daddy moments there? definitely happy subbing to this