Chapter 14

She's Having My Baby

"Park Yoochun, what do you think you are doing right now?" Jiyun asked in defeat after making several attempts to pry his skinny arms away from her waist. Yoochun had secretly pulled her into a random room once they arrived at the backstage of the stadium. To top it up, he was extremely silent the whole time while hugging her from behind.

As expected, he said nothing in response. Jiyun could feel his breathing down her neck as his chest rise and fall with each breath he takes.

"Yoochun ah..." Jiyun tried once again.

"Shhh... let's just stay in this position for a little while more..." He whined.

Jiyun giggled. She loves it when he whines, especially when he starts pouting in the process. It may seem like an unmanly thing to do, but who cares about that?

"You're such a koala... hugging me at every opportunity." She commented and softly rested her head beside Yoochun's, making herself comfortable since she was sure that they will be in the same position for quite some time. She hate to admit it but, she loves his hugs.

"I can't help it that you're so huggable..." He replied with a soft smile on his face, his hands softly Jiyun's mini belly bulge.

"Such a big baby... if only your fans could see you like this right now..."

"Nahs, it's a Jiyun exclusive." He thought. "And maybe an Amber exclusive too..." He added.

Jiyun immediately snapped out of her trance and pushed Yoochun away from her.

"Who is this Amber?" Jiyun tried to ask in her most indifferent expression seconds later, which obviously failed since the moment she pushed him away.

"Ooohh... jealous, are we?" Yoochun asked happily as he raised his eyebrows seductively.

"What...? Me?! Hah! Never!" Jiyun scoffed in disbelieve. She turned away from his playful gaze, feeling embarassed from her exaggerated action.

'Jiyun you idiot! He's never going to believe your mediocre acting!' She mentally chidded herself.

"Awww... wifey, you're so cute when you're jealous!" Yoochun chuckled, his well defined cheeks glowing under the lights.

"Whatever, i'm out of here!" Jiyun said and was about to head for the doors when she was stopped by him. He slowly spun her around to face him directly. Then, with the softest expression that Jiyun has ever seen, Yoochun went down on his knees and his hands moved closer to her belly, it gently.

"Amber ah, your mummy is jealous of you.. what should we do?" He pouted and looked straight into Jiyun's eyes with his most innocent looking expression.

She gasped as she realised.

"Pa..pabo..." Was the only thing she could utter out.

"That's what love does to me, making me a pabo..." He replied cheekily.

Jiyun rolled her eyes.

"Jiyun ah... you must take responsibilities for making me a pabo..." Yoochun stood up and pulled her closer to him. With one hand on her waist, he raised his other hand - the one with his favourite Cartier ring, and asked, "How about it?"

Jiyun shrugged jokingly. "I don't know, the law doesn't state that one is obliged to be responsible for making someone a pabo."

"Wifey~~" Yoochun whined again. She couldn't figure out the mixed feelings inside of her. But she just let the strongest feeling overtake her senses - she broke into a shy smile.

Yoochun heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing her smile.

"But seriously, i'm still not quite sure about us yet..." Jiyun frowned.

"How about a probation then?" He suggested.


"Let me be your 'husband-in-training' for a trial period, say two weeks. You'll make a decision only after the trial ends. Fair enough?" He pleaded. Although he had recently said that he was willing to wait for her answer for as long as she needs to decide, he realised time isn't on their side. Jiyun's stomach is getting bigger, Amber is growing bigger, they can't wait for that long. Jiyun needs a husband, Amber needs a father. ASAP.

He noticed that she was hesitating.

"Please, Jiyun?" He pleaded once again.

Jiyun thought back at her earlier conversation with Jaejoong omma...

'Omma... can i really love him?' Jiyun smsed and placed her phone by her bedside, getting ready to sleep.

Within a minute, a call came in for her. She looked at her phone screen - Jaejoong.

"What are you talking about, of course you can! Stop running around in circles! March forward and accept his eternal love with your arms wide open! Embrace your colourful future with Yoochun!~" Jaejoong exclaimed softly but excitedly. He had snuck out to the hotel balcony in order to call Jiyun without letting Yoochun know. God knows what will happen to him if he realises how close both of them are, to have smsed each other every night.

"Is it me, or are you trying to compose lyrics right now?" She asked, her eyebrows raised.

"Oops, busted." Jaejoong laughed guiltily.

"Omma, i'm being serious here. A part of me tells me that i should just get away from him, and that all that's happening right now is just nothing but lies. We won't be happy together... we will wake up beside each other one day and realise, 'why the hell did i marry him/her?!'. But on the other hand, it's not like i've not felt his feelings for me over the past few days. I heeded your advice Jae, i didn't deny him. But it just made me more confused as to what i should do..." Jiyun confessed. If she was a Christian, then Jaejoong must be the Father at the opposite side of the confession room...

"Jiyun ah, i don't deny that you may just wake up one day, only to realise that you have made a wrong decision. But think on the other side. What if you reject him now, and perhaps 10 years down the road, you realize that he's still the only one you love? Won't you be full of regrets? You may end up with someone you don't like as much as Chun, Yoochun will end up with someone he doesn't love... oh well, he probably wouldn't marry if it's not you. Your kid will end up with someone who is not her real father, even when she has the opportunity to reunite with him."

"Omma... can we have a conversation that doesn't include my baby as a topic? I don't wish to be swayed into making a decision due to her..." Jiyun sighed as she tried to smoothen the creases on her forehead due to her frowning.

Yes, they were so close that Jaejoong had confessed about knowing of her pregnancy. She was grateful, nonetheless, that he was always there for her.

"Just saying. Jiyun ah, i can't make decisions for you, but judging from my observations, there's nothing that should stop you from accepting this relationship. Throw away all your doubts, cos i can vouch for Yoochun, that he will be the best husband and father for you and your baby! 100% confirmed with an exclusive Jaejoong guarantee chop! Otherwise you can get a full refund!"

"Omma, you make him sound like a product..." She grinned, reaching out for the polaroid album that Yoochun has given her the night before.

"I've been reading 'Absolute Boyfriend'!" Jaejoong replied happily as he mentioned about his latest read.

Jiyun rolled her eyes and chuckled lightly.

"And where shall i call in case of emergency, be it refund or replacement?" She asked, remembering that there was a scene about the robot lover breaking down in the manga Jaejoong was referring to. She flipped to the first page of the album, revealing a picture of Yoochun reading a mountainful of books.

"Replacement?!" Jaejoong screamed into the phone. "Oh." He realised. "Mademoiselle, vous can dial the following hotline at PLEASE-DONT-CALL-ME and moi shall attend to the elegant mademoiselle immediately." Jaejoong crooned in the most... professional salesman tone that he could come up with.

"ㅋㅋㅋ! Rubbish!" Jiyun laughed out loud.

"Hey! I tried my best to mimick him already ok?" Jaejoong protested in embarrassment, knowing that he had obviously failed his role as the wacky salesman from the manga.

"Props to you! HAHAHA!!!" Jiyun was already rolling around in laughter.

"Aish. I'm gonna hang up." He replied, pretending to be upset.

"Ommaaaaa~ don't be angry, alright?" Jiyun whined.

"Aigoo, my child... omma won't be angry anymore if you accept this product called 'Yoochun', alright? You have ordered him and the free trial has passed it's due date so be prepared to pay up~" Jaejoong joked. Ironically, this sentence does make sense in some way or another.

"He's too expensive, omma. I can't afford him." 'He's the romantic prince in his fans' hearts, he's too precious to be owned by just a mere... woman.' Jiyun thought.

"But he possesses the qualities and characters you want in a guy. What more can you ask for?"

"His feelings and emotions are running based on another motivation." Jiyun replied, clearly referring to the motivation as her baby.

"Well, you've read the manga. That's his real feelings. He is not running on any OS... in fact, everyone can see that both of your feelings are mutual..." Jaejoong reasoned, still amazed that they could so easily link their situation into a random manga at the snap of their fingers.

"... I'll think about it." Jiyun sighed in defeat...

Now that she has returned to reality, Jiyun sighed.

'How ironic! Jaejoong mentioned about the trial in the manga, and here i am, being offered a trial in real life...'

She looked at Yoochun, who was eagerly anticipating for her reply.

'Well, i have nothing to lose. It seems like a good idea to affirm our feelings too...' She thought.

Jiyun then took in a deep breath, raised her right hand and stretched out palm wide.

Yoochun looked at her hand in confusion.

"What? I thought that the ring is for me?" She questioned.


"YESSSSSSS!!! OH YES!!!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs once he realised what she meant and carried her up princess style, making Jiyun at a loss of what to do. They were in a public place after all.

"Hey...! Stop screaming!" She laughed and started poking him everywhere, hoping that he would just shut up. But he didn't. He was just happily screaming and spinning her round and round.

Jiyun rolled her eyes as she continued laughing. An unbelievable plan to shut him up just appeared in her mind.

'I must be crazy.' She thought. And she kissed him.

It worked, with a little... side effect.

Yoochun, unable to contain his excitement, had instead pounced on Jiyun for more kisses once he had safely placed her on the couch.

"I'm the happiest man on Earth..." Yoochun whispered in between the sweet kisses that were currently shared between them.

Pulling back for a breather, Jiyun blushed and replied, "You silly boy..."

She started to admire his facial features. This is probably the very first time that she had observed him from such a close distance, she realised, and he is indeed really charming. Her hands reached him as she gently traced his face, remembering all of him.

Yoochun smiled when he saw Jiyun blush from realising what she has done. He reached down for another hug and was about to drown her in another series of kisses when they heard someone clear his throat.

Both of them immediately sat up right, only to find Jaejoong laughing awkwardly.

"Sorry to interrupt your lovely dovely moment, but rehearsals are starting..." He said and immediately looked away as he noticed that a few buttons from Jiyun's shirt was undone.

"Damn, i thought i've locked the doors..." Yoochun silently cursed under his breath.

"We'll be heading out in a bit..." Jiyun said once she calmed her senses down.

"Great!" Jaejoong grinned. "And while you're at it, erm, your buttons are undone... so you may just want to fix them..." He added while pointing to his own shirt.

Then, he walked out of the room, remembering to lock after him.


"PARK YOOCHUN! WHAT ON EARTH DID YOU JUST DO TO ME?!" It was Jiyun's turn to scream.

Jaejoong laughed out loud and walked towards the door leading to the stage. 

A/N: You guys know that i love you all a lot right? As in A LOT, right? You guys love me LOADS too right? Right? RIGHT? So no matter how this story proceeds, all of you will forgive me right? *hears some suscribers shouting 'YES!!!!'* <3 ya all!!! (hugs everyone)

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Keahun #1
Chapter 41: Such an amazing touching story, just sad for jae, you know am a true jae fanatic, but love yoochun here in your story, thanks.
potatonaah #2
Chapter 18: i have a feeling saying that Jaejoong is actually in love with Jiyun.i just hope my feeling is
Chapter 40: very cheeky!! >.< LOL.
nar12345 #4
Chapter 40: im sorry to know that you are going to leave was a great journey to know the characters and the story that you share about them..wish to know you better too..i guess you have found a better channel to go..therefore..All the best!! *hugs*
Chapter 39: this is great love it thank you i'm craving for chunnie's story:3
Amna11 #6
Thank you for this great stroy i like it ^^
really like the wedding because it was so sweet. love your story & hoping you continue writing stories like this :)
nar12345 #8
anyeong Yoochun and Jiyun..gonna miss both of you..good luck with the basketball team project..hope to read from both of you in future upating your epilogue..and authornim..have fun with creating new world for us! need to c dentist now..sugar overload here! hehehe
really like the ending because it was so sweet! really enjoyed reading this story of yours :)
oh my that is one good read.. ^_^ I love the ending!! It's just soo sweet it's giving me tooth decay. LOL!! I love the idea of showing us the youtube vid. I can actually imagine the scene in my head. That was awesome. Thank you authornim for sharing your story. awwww.. ending this is like saying goodbye to a very close friend. I will sure miss this. but for now.. I will wait for the epilogue!LOL will there be chunnie daddy moments there? definitely happy subbing to this