Path to Nowhere


 "Some people are meant to fall in love with each other, but not meant to be together."

-500 Days of Summer



  (One Month and Eight Days)


Thought of the Day: Love. In love. Falling in love. Do people still fall in love? My theory is that people don't fall in love anymore. They just find one person they think they can survive the rest of their lives with and marry them and live a semi -decent loveless life. Where's the emotions? The feelings? The long passionate kiss? Where's my prince?

    I met him last month. His name is Kris. He's... himself and no words can describe him. This past month has been loads of fun and I finally.. feel wanted. Like someone actually loves me you know? It's crazy. He makes me crazy. 


(One Year and Eight Months)


Thought of the Day: How do you walk away from something you once loved? Something you treasured so dearly. Something you once called your home. How?

    He is crazy. I cannot handle a day with him anymore. What did I ever see in him?? Words cannot begine to explain how to describe his horrible self. He's crazy! He drives me crazy and I'm just so tired of everything... How did it get to this?



Hey hey hey! 
I'm back with another story.


It's close to midnight and I felt like writing a story. I don't really know what I'm doing with this story but I'll just go with it. I hope you guys will like it and yeah. 


This is 500 Days of Summer inspired. If you haven't seen the movie, it's amazing! Go watch it right now!


Please stay in tune for the story! Subscribe and comment for ideas? Thanks guys! :D


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