This guy.

3 Autumns.

I kept thinking about this guy all night long. He seemed all too familiar. I'm pretty sure I don't know him, and that I've never seen him before. But it's like, static. He sends me something and it's weird because I don't know what it is. I can't picture how he looks completly, because his sunglasses were in the way, but his structure, it reminds me of someone, but I don't know who. 

I layed in bed all night, just thinking about who he was. Was he on TV? No, I hardly watch TV anyways. Was he on a picture on the internet? Probably not, no one even knows him. Was he a stranger on the street? Maybe, I don't remember random faces on the street. I kept groaning all night, didn't know what to do. I just layed there. Who is this person? 

I kind of laughed though, we totally reanacted my dream scene, of how I meet my dream girl. Except, he's a man.


- - - - - - - - - - - 

The next day at school:

Walking to class, I felt a bit anxious. What if Key was already in his seat? What if he wasn't? If he was, what would I do? Act like a and ignore him? If he was there, what would I say? 

He was in his seat.

He was looking down at his MP3, listening to some music. Girls were huddled up in a corner of the room, giggling and smiling. Guys on the other hand were amazingly studying for our final today. Key's hair was down today, he wore a plain white shirt and black skinnies, again. I walked to my seat, tried to look like I wasn't anxious and sat down.

I kept bickering with myself, wanting to talk to him, so I did. "Hey." I said. Haha, I tried to keep it simple. 

No response. 

His music was too ing loud.

I continued to stare at him, and again, he catched me and looked up at me. Oh my god.

He took off his headphones and say, "Uh, sorry. What did you say? I was listening to Queen." 

"Errrrr, I just said hi. Nothing big." I held out my hand, "Hi, I'm Jonghyun. You're Key, right?" As if I didn't forget. Why did I need to ask?

"You already forgot my name? Ha ha, no I'm kidding," he held out his hand too, and gave a good grip, "Uh, have we met before?"

That's what I'm trying to figure out. "I don't know? Maybe, I don't think so. I'm not sure." 

He nodded his head and let go of the hand shake. Did we hold hands that long? 

"Well, you seem really familar, like, I've met you before, but a long time ago. Were we friends in a past life?" He laughed carefully.

"Well, I'm not sure." I said, sounding like a . 

To be honest, I was going with the flow, the whole time I didn't know what to say or do, so I just kept talking nonsense. 

"Alright then, well, it was nice to talk to you, Jonghyun-ah," he gave me a nice eye smile and went back to listening to Queen.

He is so familiar, his velvet voice, his thick lips, his nose, his body. I know this person, I really know him. I feel like I was his brother. I feel like I'm supposed to say more than stupid hellos and hi's to him. He looks so costly, and I know he's in my life for a reason. I mean, why else would I feel this way about one person? Why?

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foundationgirl #1
Kibums #2
I seriously pulled this face -> >;O!
Wooow... a sudden announce-confession... lol, Kim Jonghyun, u dino.. <br />
this is just too cute~<33
I see. You've updated, so it means you're back from Philippines?<br />
<br />
Back to the fic, will there be another misunderstanding between them? Not again. I've had enough of crying T_T
babo dino. Amnesia should be the number one thing not to joke about tsk tsk.<br />
<br />
oh, have a safe trip!
Kkk... nice get together... anw, don't get mad Key.. Jjong was just being a dino dork like always ^^" <br />
i think he'll understood once u tell himm.. ;DD
Really? You're going in our country, I mean Philippines? Mind if I ask why? ^^<br />
<br />
We'll be waiting for your updates..
Ahh ty goodness x3 I hear that's the best way to make up (heheh..I wouldn't know OTL).
#9 ty...<br />
go wild neh..kekeke..<br />
i hope next chap tell they relationship <br />
more deep and unbeatable..<br />
A whaaaaatt?? xDDD <br />
next chapter please please pleaaasee... <br />
never ending curiosity from a jongkey-freak shipper...xDDD <br />
Thank you for making the two made up!!^^<33 <br />
They're really prescious~!