Chapter 8

Love me more, love me most

Kris sat down beside Kyungsoo at breakfast, the younger boy turned an embarrassing shade of pink and shifted closer to his aunt. Kris frowned at the reaction but said nothing, Luhan grinned from opposite Kyungsoo. His eyes twinkled as he held out a piece of toast to Kyungsoo.

“Here, Soo. Have some of my-“ Kris pushed Luhan’s hand away roughly while simultaneously ing some of his toast at Kyungsoo.

“You can have mine,” he said glaring at Luhan.

Kyungsoo looked confused at the two similar offerings and was about to reject them both. He opened his mouth only to start choking when Kris stuffed the toast into his mouth, grinning victoriously at his older brother. Luhan snorted.

“Dude your fiancé is dying,” he said amused while gesturing to Kyungsoo who was bent over, face turning an unhealthy shade of purple as he tried to clear his throat. Luhan began to laugh as a panicked Kris started to thump Kyungsoo’s back roughly, the younger boy held his hands up pushing Kris away before blinking at him tearfully.

“I’m fine,” he wheezed painfully, “Just don’t touch me.”

Kris deflated at Kyungsoo’s words and tried to convince himself for the umpteenth time that week that he was not disappointed.




 Kyungsoo walked along the empty corridor in deep thought, a hand landed on his shoulder eliciting a small yelp from the boy.


The boy chortled at Kyungsoo's affronted look before letting him go so they could walk side by side comfortably.

“What are you thinking about so seriously so early in the morning?” he asked grabbing a few of the books Kyungsoo was carrying. Kyungsoo shot him a grateful smile.

“Nothing really,” Kyungsoo lied, his mind was bursting with thoughts of their school’s star basketball player.

If you’re free later come by to watch me play, we’re having a friendly match with the Busan Bears. If it ends early we can go eat at this new café nearby-

“Liar,” Jongdae said cutting through Kyungsoo’s reverie. Jongdae’s brows were furrowed.

“I can tell you know…” he trailed off glancing at Kyungsoo, “ever since I’ve come back something’s been off, you’re different.”

The increasingly familiar feeling of guilt returned, Kyungsoo took a deep breath trying to calm his racing heart. It was time to come clean, he’d tell Baekhyun later.

“Jongdae hyung, I-“

“Hello little ones!” Jongdae and Kyungsoo turned at the loud greeting simultaneously, Luhan grinned dragging a pouting Minseok along.

“Hi,” Jongdae replied shooting a look at Kyungsoo, one that demanded their talk to continue later on.

“What’s wrong with Minseok hyung?” he continued as the older boy futilely tried to break free from Luhan’s grasp. Minseok let out a huff stilling for a moment.

“This maniac,” he said gesturing to Luhan, “kidnapped me from my home economics class!”

His eyes started to water.

“They were teaching us how to make dumplings!” he wailed punching Luhan’s arm with his small fist repeatedly. Luhan’s grin only grew wider,

“Aw, come on. Football’s more important than cooking! Plus how else are you supposed to lose this?” he teased poking Minseok’s side.

Minseok’s fist stilled while Kyungsoo and Jongdae’s eyes widened, Luhan looked confused at the sudden change in the atmosphere. Minseok lowered his hand eyes downcast and Luhan realised his mistake.

“Wait no! I didn’t mean it that way! You-“ Luhan stopped as Minseok pulled his other arm free of Luhan’s now loose grip.

“I’ll see you guys later,” Minseok said softly before hurrying down the hallway, arms wrapped around his stomach insecurely. Luhan watched him go sadly,

“I didn’t mean it that way,” he repeated guiltily, Kyungsoo moved forward placing a comforting hand on his hyung’s shoulder.

“Minseok hyung used to be overweight,” he explained, “even though he shed all of the excess weight years ago, he's still sensitive whenever anyone brings the topic up.”

Luhan’s face seemed to fall even more at the new information.




Kyungsoo and Jongdae’s conversation never did continue, instead Kyungsoo had gone to play football with Luhan trying to cheer up his sullen hyung. Luhan kicked the ball half-heartedly around the field making poor unfit Kyungsoo run after it like a dog playing fetch in random directions.

Luhan took pity on Kyungsoo after an hour and let the boy rest while he ran drills by himself, Kyungsoo’s eyes lifted from Luhan’s lithe form and travelled across the field towards the courts where the basketball players were starting to gather for practice.

It wasn’t hard to spot Kris standing at least half a head taller above the rest of the players minus Chanyeol. The boy was directing his players and like Luhan they too started their warming up drills.

Kyungsoo tore his eyes away from Kris as Luhan sprawled across the ground in front of him sweaty and tired, uniform disheveled beyond repair. Luhan let out a heavy sigh flipping over onto his back, Kyungsoo spared him a small smile.

“Minseokie hyung will be fine,” he said combing a hand through Luhan’s darkening hair reassuringly, Luhan’s lower lip jutted out.

“Yeah, but it doesn’t make me feel any less like a jerk.” He lifted his head and laid it on Kyungsoo’s lap,

“Other than Yifan and you, Minseok was my first friend here… I don’t want him to hate me.” Kyungsoo paused catching the figure walking towards them.

“He won’t.” Luhan frowned following Kyungsoo’s gaze, he sat up quickly before rushing to stand up and straighten his uniform. Minseok stopped in front of them, bitting his lower lip nervously.

“Help me lose weight!” the boy blurted out shocking the two, Luhan rushed forward shaking his head. He grabbed Minseok’s hands in his apologising profusely.

“Please forget what I said!” he pleaded, in his haste to get Minseok to forgive him the boy didn’t notice he slipped into his mother tongue.

“There’s nothing wrong with you! You’re perfect!”

There was a pause before Luhan realised the language he was speaking, he took a deep breath,

“You’re perfect,” he repeated slowly this time in Korean, a light flush spread across Minseok’s cheeks. Kyungsoo couldn’t help but smile as the tips of Luhan’s ears turned red.

“Uhh..l-let’s play some football!” Luhan stuttered holding his hand out, Minseok nodded slipping his hand into Luhan’s trembling one. Kyungsoo couldn’t help but feel jealous as he watched the two run to the middle of the field hand in hand, smiles wide on both of their faces. The two boys barely knew each other yet they were already so close.

Kyungsoo couldn’t help but look in the direction of the courts again, he started as his eyes met the source of his early morning confusion. Kris lifted a hand slowly waving uncertainly, Kyungsoo felt the corners of his lips pull upwards as he waved back. The taller boy smiled slightly in response and waved him over mentioning towards the bleachers, Kyungsoo nodded turning to say goodbye to his two hyungs.


Kyungsoo found an empty spot on one of the bleachers and sat down. He looked around feeling overly out of place among all the giggling girls, he stood up changing his mind and made his way down the bleacher and towards the field. A hand caught his before he could make it past the wired fence, he turned around and had to crane his neck upwards.

“Why are you leaving?” Kris looked upset, Kyungsoo rubbed the back of his neck thinking he had offended the older boy with his early departure.

“Ummm,” Kris’ brow arched as he waited, Kyungsoo avoided looking directly at him as he shrugged. The grip on his hand tightened forcing him to look back up. Kris was looking at the girl-filled bleachers brows furrowed before turning his attention back to Kyungsoo,

“You can sit with the team on the bench,” Kyungsoo shook his head quickly.

“No, no, I couldn’t!” he protested already imagining how short he would look next to all the giant basketball players.

“Don’t you want to watch me play?” Kris questioned before he pulled his hand back uncomfortable by the obvious disappointment that came out in his tone.

“It wouldn’t really make a difference,” Kyungsoo said, “you already have a huge crowd, It won’t matter if I leave,”

He forced out a smile and made a move to leave.

“Of course it matters!” Kris blurted out loudly causing some heads to turn, “it matters,” he said much more quietly.

“You’re my f-fiancé,” Kyungsoo felt his neck start to flush and now it was Kris who was avoiding his gaze.

“You’re supposed to support me and come to all my games, I mean isn’t that a duty or something” he ended lamely, Kyungsoo still surprised by Kris bringing up their engagement without any anger could only nod dumbly. Kris cleared his throat,

“Well now that’s settled why don’t you go sit down, the game should start in a few minutes,”

Kyungsoo nodded and allowed Kris to lead him to the team’s bench.


Kyungsoo watched in awe as Kris sunk in another shot successfully, he knew the boy was a good player he just didn’t know he was that good. He found himself screaming along Kris’ name with all the fans seated behind him, he didn’t even care that the players in the opposing team were sending him weird looks. Kris’ grin made it all worthwhile.

Kyungsoo paused breath catching as it suddenly hit him, it only took one look at the court to confirm it, his heartbeat spiked up when Kris caught his eye yet again and smiled. He stood up panicked and ran ignoring the flash of confusion that passed through Kris’ face.


“Kyungsoo ah,” Yixing stood up stepping away from the piano bench to address the panting boy who had just burst into the music room.

Kyungsoo’s chest heaved up and down as he tried to in much needed air. He leaned against the door frame hand fluttering over his chest desperately trying to calm his thundering heart. He looked up tears spilling from his eyes. Yixing’s eyes widened and he quickly approached the wrecked-looking Kyungsoo.

“What’s wrong? What happened?” he asked hands searching Kyungsoo’s body for any signs that he had been attacked.

“Do you want me to get Kris?”


Yixing jumped startled before nodding. He waited patiently for Kyungsoo to calm down slightly,

“Yixing hyung,” Kyungsoo voice wavered, “I think I’m in trouble.”

Yixing looked worried,

“I’ve fallen for him,” Kyungsoo whispered.

A/N: Hey guys!!! It's been a long time right? -.- I'm sorry!!!! As usual I've been buried under a huge load of work this semester XP Btw if any of you were wondering or confused by the use of both Yifan and Kris I apologise. Yifan is only used by close people like Luhan and their mum, while everyone else calls him Kris. And thank you for all the suscribes and comments!! :)

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esther_noyel #1
Chapter 16: I want some of romantic time for them.... More than this krisoo... But still love this
Chapter 16: Gosh...... i love you for this story ....
hadzluvsDO #3
Chapter 16: Oh My God this is so cute and fluffy!! Damn. Love the different ships going on with Kyungsoo and KriSoo is so adorable. Thank you author-nim. Great job!!
Sidhe21 #4
Chapter 16: Oh geez the ending was so darn cute! The whole story was.
Chapter 16: Oh hoooo, how late I am heuu /my tears sound like. This is very nice, and asdfghjkl cUTE AND AMAZING AND NICE AND I'M EATING RAINBOWS AND oOH I'M DONE~~
Chapter 16: So cute. Krisdo is becoming one of my favorites after reading this.I loved seeing kris so the way everyone was so funny .
trymyluck #7
Chapter 16: I'm done...><
trymyluck #8
Chapter 1: ohh...sounds good....kyungsoo should be happy..hehhe... i love it
Chapter 16: I cried at the end. It was so beautiful.