Chapter 7

Love me more, love me most

Lunch with Kyungsoo became a daily thing for Kris along with breakfast and dinner, the more they ate together the more Kris kicked himself for saying such mean things to Kyungsoo when they first met. He grudgingly admitted that the younger boy was nothing short of lovable, his only short comings was the company he kept.

At present said company was his very own annoying brother Luhan and the troll Jongdae. The four were making their way to the cafeteria seeing as it had gotten too cold over the week to eat outdoors, Baekhyun and Yixing were already there pushing two tables together so they would all fit in together. Kyungsoo placed the food he brought on the table before telling them he was going to go borrow some spoons for the soup he made.

"Make sure you wash them first," Luhan reminded him as he walked away, Kris sat down back against the table as he watched Kyungsoo make his way through the crowd. He felt someone sit beside him,

"What are you looking at?" Kris turned to the smirking Chanyeol,

"Nothing," he answered casually, Chanyeol snorted,

"Could you make it anymore obvious,"

Kris frowned

"What do you me-"

The two along with many others turned to the source of a sudden crashing sound. The spoons in Kyungsoo's hands clattered to the ground as he reached out to stabilise the person he had bumped into.

"I'm so sorry," Kyungsoo apologised looking at the boy's lunch spread all over the floor, Baekhyun and Jongdae were already making their way to Kyungsoo but Luhan held them back shaking his head.

"It's okay, Sunbae… I'll just get anoth-"

"I'll pay for your food, I'm so sorry."

The taller boy shook his head,

"It's fine really," he said quietly, Kyungsoo looked down guiltily and noticed the amount he spilt was not a small one. The boy must have been hungry.

"If you don't mind I brought some lunch from home... I would love to share it with you," the boy seemed surprised.

"I don't-"

"Please," Kyungsoo bit his lower lip and widened his eyes slightly, something he found effective against his two best friends. The junior was no different his protest died and he nodded.

"Great!" the guilt disappeared and Kyungsoo bent down to pick up the spoons he dropped, the boy helped.

"I just have to wash these first, you can go sit down first if you want," Kyungsoo said gesturing to his table. The boy turned eyes unfortunately meeting Kris' narrowed ones,

"I-i'll go help you," he stuttered following Kyungsoo,

"My name's Kyungsoo, by the way,"

"I'm Sehun," Kyungsoo smiled at the slight lisp but didn't say anything else as he handed the already washed spoons to Sehun.

"Sunbae, can my friend join us for lunch?" the junior asked. Kyungsoo closed the tap.

"I don't see why not," Kyungsoo said smiling at Sehun's relieved look.

The boy signaled someone over to the two as they made their way back to the table. Kyungsoo paused as the new boy grinned.

"It's you!"

"My name's Jongin, Sunbae," he said bowing quickly, "I apologise again for almost hitting you with a door,"

Kyungsoo smiled,

"We're even, I almost knocked your friend down," he said making Jongin's grin widen.

"Yah!" Baekhyun's voice cut through their conversation,

Kyungsoo turned his attention to their table where everyone already was. He nodded and pulled the two juniors towards their table, he sat in between them much to almost everyone else's displeasure.

"Everyone this is Jongin and Sehun," Kyungsoo said before quickly pointing out who was who to them.

"Help yourselves to anything you want," he told the two as the dishes were spread out in front of them, Jongin took a bite out of the dish closest to him, he paused before appreciatively,

"What is this?" he asked Kyungsoo,

"Oh, I put that together last night. It's nothing special-"

"This is heaven!" Jongin gushed, "Marry me!"

Kyungsoo giggled at Jongin's exageration,

"Sunbae, I'm serious! I love you so much right now!" Jongin continued not noticing the glares he was receiving.

Jongdae rolled his eyes at the lame flirting attempt while Baekhyun scoffed in disbelief. Luhan silently cackled at the frown on Kris' face, while Tao looked at Jongin in disgust. Junmyeon cleared his throat,

"Kyungsoo ah," he said deciding to save Jongin from further getting himself on someone's hit list,

"You haven't signed up for any extracurricular activities," he continued capturing everyone's attention,

"You can join the soccer club!" Minseok suggested just before everyone started to yell out their own clubs, Kyungsoo shrank back overwhelmed. Sehun tugged on his sleeve and leaned in closer,

"Dance," everyone paused before laughing at Sehun's suggestion, Jongin stopped eating.

"Sunbae, you should totally join the dance club!" he said enthusiastically,

"Dancing is amazing! It'll take so much stress away-" Kyungsoo blinked as Jongin's words processed in his mind,

"Really?" he said suddenly interested, Baekhyun frowned.

"Soo, you're really considering joining the dance club?" Kyungsoo shrugged before looking at Yixing another dance major,

"Does dancing really relieve stress?" the older boy nodded.

"It does for me," he said, "You should give it a try."

Kyungsoo looked down with a small endearing smile.

"I can't dance though," he said shyly, Jongin bounced excitedly in his chair.

"That's better Sunbae! I'll help you!"

"Me too," Sehun added quietly, Kyungsoo looked at them before giving a quick nod. Junmyeon smiled.

"Dancing it is then, I'll put it down in your record."

He turned to Jongin,

"Who's in charge of the club this year? Can you sign Kyungsoo up?"

"Jongin is in charge," Sehun said surprising them all,

"But he's a junior!" Chanyeol pointed out, Yixing looked at Jongin thoughtfully before snapping his fingers,

"I knew you looked familiar! You're Kai!" The Art students looked at Yixing before turning to Jongin,

"The Dancing Machine?" Jongdae asked trying not to snort at the nickname, Jongin scratched the back of his neck a bit embarrassed before nodding.

"You're signed with a company aren't you?" Baekhyun asked making Jongin nod again, the others minus Kris looked impressed.

"That's really great, Jongin," Kyungsoo said in awe, the junior grinned at him.

"When I'm done with you Sunbae, you'll be moon walking down the halls," Jongin promised.

'When I'm done with you,' Kris thought stabbing a rice cake as he took in Kyungsoo and Jongin's smile, 'You-'

"Kris!" Tao frowned, "I've asked you to pass me those rice cake three times!"

Kris blinked at the annoyed tone before sliding the container his way.

"Thanks Captain Slow! Seriously it's like there's nothing in your head these days!" Yixing rubbed Tao's back trying to calm him,

"Tao ah, why are you so grumpy today? Leave Kris alone,"

"Yixing ge, it's true! He's always shooting disgusting looks at Kyun-"

Chanyeol nudged the boy in the ribs effectively cutting him off. Thankfully Kyungsoo was occupied by Luhan and Minseok.

"Sorry, I was trying to get more rice," Chanyeol said as the others shot them weird looks, Tao turned his glare to the other giant.

"The rice is on the other side you d-"

"Tao," Tao pouted but stopped his mini fit when Yixing shot him a pleading look.

He let out a huff but resumed eating quietly. Kris stared at his food unblinkingly deep in thought about what Tao was implying. What did he mean by he was staring at Kyungsoo disgustingly? He shook his head he would just have to ask to boy later.


“Tao! Wait up!” Tao stopped walking allowing Kris to catch up as the other ran up to him,

“What did you mean earlier?” Kris asked confusing the boy.

“About what?”

“About me looking at Kyungsoo weirdly,” Tao tilted his head watching Kris silently until the other felt uncomfortable under the intense gaze.

“You seriously don’t know?” Kris shook his head and Tao lifted an eyebrow, “You don’t realise?” he continued brows furrowing when Kris looked lost.

Tao let out a heavy sigh and gestured for Kris to take a seat, his hyung did so hesitantly.

“Ge,” Tao began gently, “You’re in love with Kyungsoo,”

Kris let out a sharp bark of laughter which echoed through the empty hall before it reverberated back at him hollowly. Tao looked uncomfortable and he avoided looking at Kris directly,

“You might not think so-

“Tao, I’m not-“

“But you are!” Tao cut in frustrated silencing Kris, “And it’s obvious, so painfully obvious…”

Tao sat down as well placing a hand comfortingly on Kris’ knee,

“You might not have noticed but you’re so protective over him and you get jealous if we ever get close.” Kris opened his mouth to protest.

“You spend fifty percent of your time scowling at Jongdae as if you want to slaughter him and the other half is Luhan’s turn!”

“But that’s because I don’t like them,” Kris said trying to defend himself.

“Because they’re close to Kyungsoo!” Kris was struck dumb at Tao’s counter-attack.

“Ge, think about it seriously. If you like Kyungsoo you better do something about it before someone else takes the chance,” Tao stood up patting Kris’ shoulder,

“Think about it okay,”

Kris nodded absently.


Kris laid in bed that night wide awake plagued with questions that had no answers, he sighed and turned over trying to get more comfortable. A few minutes passed, Kris groaned as he turned over again eyes catching sight of his clock.

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He sat up running a hand through his hair frustrated. He had basketball practice for the whole day tomorrow, he didn’t think he’d survive without any sleep. He stood up maybe he’d sleep better on a full stomach. He made his way to his door opening it slowly, he stepped into the corridor and stopped shocked when he found his hand reaching out to turn the doorknob opposite his. He pulled back and stepped back away from Kyungsoo’s door.

He slapped his face softly blaming the lack of sleep for the sudden overwhelming desire to see Kyungsoo. He walked towards the staircase but came to an abrupt stop when he heard a soft voice fill the air almost hauntingly. The hairs on the back of Kris’ neck stood as he looked around slowly, Luhan’s teasing words towards Kyungsoo came back to him,

I heard the ghost that haunts the house is beautiful, Kyungsoo. Want to hunt for her together.

Maybe Kris shouldn’t have laughed at Kyungsoo’s shocked face. The soft voice rang out again and Kris realised it was singing. He looked up the staircase the one that led to the second floor; he took a deep breath before taking the first step, then the second, then the third and continued until he found himself at the bottom of the next staircase the one that led to the rooftop. The voice was stronger now and clearer and to Kris’ complete shock beautiful not perfect, but beautiful all the same.

The voice cracked and a small embarrassed whine followed.

‘It’s fine, Kyungsoo. Try again,’ Came Luhan’s voice oddly quiet and gentle overall reassuring, something Kris never experienced. The Luhan he knew was permanently loud and annoying. There was a pause,

‘You can do it Kyungsoo,’ Luhan sounded so sure, ‘Try again,’


Kris sat down and rested against the banister, eyes fluttering shut as Kyungsoo started to sing.

When Kris opened his eyes he was greeted with the sight of his ceiling, he blinked disorientated. He sat up quickly eyes settling on the person sitting in his armchair.

“Morning, little brother.”

“Luhan, What are you doing here?”

Luhan stood up with a shrug, yawning widely.

“Do you know Kyungsoo’s self-conscious?” he asked totally unrelated, "He's a total perfectionist."  

He walked to Kris’ door pausing as his hand gripped the doorknob.

“He’s still on the rooftop,” he said before slipping out quietly, Kris turned to his clock rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

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He got up reluctantly and made his way to the rooftop, he slid the door open slowly and flinched as the cold wind slapped against his skin. He blinked his eyes rapidly trying to get used to the dark, a small upset huff came from his left.

He couldn’t help but smile as he spotted the huddled figure who was singing an old folk song Kris vaguely remembered as one his aunt used to sing. He shut the door and moved closer as quietly as he could. Kyungsoo’s voice wavered and he let out a choked sound fist clenching and unclenching uncontrollably.

Kris’ hand reached out covering Kyungsoo’s cold one. Kyungsoo gasped wrenching his hand out of Kris’. Kris tried to convince himself that he didn’t feel disappointed.

“Kris-shi! I thought I was alone,” Kyungsoo paused, cheeks red from the cold turning a deeper shade as he realised Kris must have heard him singing. He twisted his hands together nervously. Kris cleared his throat,

“Singing out here in the cold won’t do you any good,” he stated, “You’ll only end up sick.”

“I don’t want to disturb anyone,” Kyungsoo said timidly before he looked down at his feet. “I don’t want to subject anyone to my horrible singing.” He continued quietly.

Kris’ lips parted,

“Your voice makes me sleep,” he blurted out, Kyungsoo’s head shot up lips trembling dangerously.

Kris saw the hurt in Kyungsoo’s eyes and hurried to explain himself.

“I don’t mean it’s boring,” he said bravely reaching out for Kyungsoo’s hands who thankfully didn’t move away this time. 

“Your voice is soothing, it’s beautiful.”

Kyungsoo was quiet for a few seconds.

“Thank you,” he finally said, Kris’ grip tightened when Kyungsoo tried to pull away.

“Enough practicing, it’s time for you to go to sleep.”


Kris repeated himself again this time more forcefully, he released one of Kyungsoo’s hand only to tug him along using the other. The two made their way down the staircase stepping out of their shoes in between the second and first floor. Kyungsoo came to an abrupt stop when Kris opened his door.

“What?” Kris asked turning to Kyungsoo,

“My room is there,” the smaller boy replied quietly. Kris blinked at Kyungsoo’s closed door trying to think quickly,

“I don’t trust you alone, you’ll just go back to the rooftop,” Kyungsoo looked away guiltily, Kris pulled him into his room.

“You’ll sleep with me tonight,” Kris said trying to sound indifferent but his blush betrayed him, Kyungsoo let out something close to a squeak.

Kris released his hand and climbed into his bed and under the covers sighing happily at the warmth. He shut his eyes,

“From now on if you want to practice singing at night, practice in my room,” he said as he felt the edge of his mattress dip. He opened an eye slightly peeking at the Kyungsoo who looked unsure, he sighed inwardly and grabbed his bolster putting it in between them.

“Here,” he said, “I’ll stay on this side and you stay on the other.”

Kyungsoo chewed his lower lip nervously but nodded as he laid down in his side back facing Kris.

“Good night, Kris-shi.”

“Night, “ Kris mumbled suddenly feeling drowsy, his hands reached out blindly to wrap around his bolster. He inched closer burying his face into it letting out a satisfied sound at the warmth. He fell asleep to a drum-like sound he could have sworn was a heartbeat.


Kris groaned as somebody giggled, it was followed by a snort then a flash. His brows furrowed and he turned burying his head trying to avoid the flashes. A small squeal and a startled yelp made him open an eye lazily.

Luhan waved the camera in his hand, grin so wide it looked almost diabolical. His mother on the other hand, looked beyond please. He turned to look at his clock, but instead was greeted with soft, black tuffs of hair. He looked down and let out a gruff cry.

“I can’t breathe!” Kyungsoo managed to pant out as he mentioned frantically to Kris’ arms wrapped around his neck. Kris released him face turning red so quickly Luhan started howling with laughter, while his mum joined in traitorously giggling.

“Get out!” he screeched mortified, his mother towed the still laughing Luhan away as Kyungsoo stood up.

“Kyungsoo ah,” Kris called out albeit shakily as Kyungsoo reached the doorway, the boy turned.

“Good Morning,” he mumbled, the corners of Kyungsoo’s mouth lifted.

“Good Morning,” he greeted back before shutting the door behind him softly. Kris stared at the closed door before his face broke out into a dopey smile.

“Awwwwww, wook wittle Kwisss is in love!!!” the smile dropped as Kris’ head whipped to his balcony where Luhan stood smirking.

“What the? GET OUT!!!!!!!!”

A/N: Hola everyone!!!! haha it seems as if we all can ship Kyungsoo with many people :) But poor Kris has to be purely dedicated to Kyungsoo ;P Anyway just wanted to tell you guys after I finish this story I have a few more Krisoo fics planned :D So stay tuned!!!!!

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esther_noyel #1
Chapter 16: I want some of romantic time for them.... More than this krisoo... But still love this
Chapter 16: Gosh...... i love you for this story ....
hadzluvsDO #3
Chapter 16: Oh My God this is so cute and fluffy!! Damn. Love the different ships going on with Kyungsoo and KriSoo is so adorable. Thank you author-nim. Great job!!
Sidhe21 #4
Chapter 16: Oh geez the ending was so darn cute! The whole story was.
Chapter 16: Oh hoooo, how late I am heuu /my tears sound like. This is very nice, and asdfghjkl cUTE AND AMAZING AND NICE AND I'M EATING RAINBOWS AND oOH I'M DONE~~
Chapter 16: So cute. Krisdo is becoming one of my favorites after reading this.I loved seeing kris so the way everyone was so funny .
trymyluck #7
Chapter 16: I'm done...><
trymyluck #8
Chapter 1: ohh...sounds good....kyungsoo should be happy..hehhe... i love it
Chapter 16: I cried at the end. It was so beautiful.