Kris or Baek

I Love You, Troublemaker!


Kris or Baek




     You're so confused now... You don't know who you love. Baekhyun or Kris...
And you afraid to love Baekhyun cuz you know he aren't fall in love with you or something... So, you keep thinking that you're belong to Kris.

     "Geumhee come on!" Luhan said to you that just stand up, grab your bag, and not doing anything. "Geumhee! Come on! Do you want to miss the bus or something?!" Luhan yelled to you. "Ah! O, okay!!!" You run to him. 


Then you walk to the bus stop together with Luhan again... 

Suddenly, the bus stop infront of you. You and Luhan get in the bus... As usual, many people greet you and Luhan. But, something's different... That's BAEKHYUN! He's on this bus! OMO! You're so shock. But, you just walk search for an empty chair. 

"Geumhee, sit here" Kris said to you. Everyone in the bus look at him wondering why he's talking and called you. That's not a usual thing... But, you just nodded at him then sit next to him. 


Then, you notice that you sit near to Baekhyun! 
So this is like this...

Empty Baekhyun       You Kris

Luhan    Xiumin          Sulli Kai 


Your heart beat so fast now 'badump badump' You hope Kris and Baekhyun won't hear it. 
"Geumhee" Baekhyun called your name. "Ne?" You asked him then smiled. 

"Read this, don't let anyone read it" Said Baekhyun then give you a piece of paper. "What's this?" You ask him. "Just a little thing" He said then look to the other direction. 


     "What's that?" Kris ask to you. "I don't know..." You said to him then put it in your bag. 
"Geumhee, how's your job?" He ask you, you smiled. "It's great... I learn many things" You said to him.

     "Many things?" He ask. "Yeah, I learn to be more patient, learn to be clever, learn to defeated a jerk in our conversation, and learn how to talk to a jerk" You said to him, Kris smiled and then he chuckle. 

     "Yah! Waeyo?!" You ask to him and pouted. "It's funny when hear you said that, ahaha" He laugh then smiled at you. You're so happy... Baekhyun look at you two and then rolled his eyes. 


At the school... (At class)

     You sit next to Sulli then pick a piece of paper that Baekhyun give to you. 
Then you see a sentence at the paper.

'See me infront of the storage, cuz in that storage they're no cameras' 

"Geumhee what's that?" Sulli asked you, but you keep silent.

Why must that spooky storage?! You want to blame him, but you have no choice. You walk infront of the storage. He's already there. 

"Geumhee where do you want to go?" Sulli asked you before you leave her and go to the storage... 

"What do you want?" You asked him. 
"Here, read this. I'll go to the class, bye" He give you an envelope then go away. 

"WHAT HE JUST ASK ME TO GO HERE AND HE GO AWAY?!" You said it to yourself then kick the storage door, cuz you're tired to go there and he just say that. Then, the door opened... You run away cuz you're scared, you enter the nearest place. The council room...


At the council room... 

    "Hi, Geumhee... Not go to the class yet?" Kai asked you, you smiled. "No, but I'll go to my class in hurry" You answer his question. "Geumhee! I searching for you! Why're you leaving me?!" Sulli poke you and seems so worried. "I'm okay don't worry" You said to her. 

She smiled cuz you said you were okay. 

    You looked at the envelope then open it on your council table. You sit on your council chair... Then you read it... 


From: Byun Baekhyun
To    : Lee Geumhee, a jerk student council

    Hei, this is me Byun Baekhyun. I don't know why but I want to write this letter to you... You know that I'm a jerk right. Yeah, I'm really a jerk and a trouble maker. Many people said Imma Bad Boy. I don't care, but you must know that I can love a girl.

    And I think, I fall in love with you on the first sight. Hahaha, maybe you think this funny but you must know that I'm not joking. Guess you already have a boyfriend. That Kris guy right? Or am I wrong? You know what, I won't stop being a jerk and a trouble maker.

    Ahh... Stop command me to do something. I'm not a dog or an animals... I can do something by my own. That's all. Behind that first piece of paper, there's my phone number. Text me if you want to say something. But I don't care.

From, Baekhyun


     His number? On that piece of paper?  Ah! Where's that paper???
You started to search the number, finally you got it and text him. 


From: Lee Geumhee
To     : xxx

You love me? What a great suprise but, if you love me...
Why you kiss that Miyoung eonnie? o.O
You out of your mind or what? -Geum


    You don't care he'll sad or what. "Geumhee, let's go back to the class" Said Sulli then pull you. "Okay" You said to her then put the letter in your pocket. 

Then you walk together to the class, when you arrived at class...
Baekhyun look at you and his eyes following you from the door until you sit on your chair. 

But, when you look to him back. He look to the other direction... 

"What's wrong with you" You said to him, you remember when he kissed Miyoung. You're so sad and your heart very broken. You want to slap him and punch him on his face, but you can't do that cuz you love him. 

When you asked him 'Whats wrong with you' he just smirked and go away. 


At the math lesson... 

    " Okay, open your book page 29. Do exercise four" Said your math teacher.
"Umm... Mr. Lee" You raise your hand. "Ne?" he asked you and smiled... He's a popular teacher... Many female teachers and girl students likes him... His name's Lee Chang Sung, but he like better when everyone call him Lee Joon. 

    "May I ask you something about this lesson?" You asked him. "Of course" he smiled at you, he fall in love with you for a long time ago since you're in this school. "Can we use this formulas when we do this exercise? Cuz when we use it we can count in a fast way..." You said to him, he smiled and nodded. "Yes, you can" He said, every girls in your class melt cuz see his smile. 


A while later... 'KRINGGGGGGGG' The lunch bell ringing. Everyone put their exercise book at Mr. Lee Joon table. 


"Baekhyun... You not finished yet?" Many girls asked him, he just nodded. Mr. Lee come to him and look at his empty exercise book. 

"You not do anything?" He asked Baekhyun. "I don't know how to do this, I hate math" Baekhyun said to him. "Hate? Nonono... You can't hate a lesson, it'll make you can't do anything of them... You need a tutor" Mr. Lee said to him then look at you. 

"Lee Geumhee" He called your name. "Ne?" You come and asked him. "You will be Baekhyun tutor until his math score better" he said to you then smiled. "But, sir..." You want to said something but he cut it out. "You're good at math, so you must teach your friend" He smiled. Then you just nodded at him. 

"So... You'll be my tutor" Baekhyun smirked. "Hemph, yeah" You nodded to Baekhyun, he smiled. "When will we start? And where we'll study?" You asked him. "At my house... After school" He smirked. You don't feel so well...


"Geumhee, let's eat" Sulli called you. "Okay!" You yelled at Sulli then go to the cafetaria with her. Then, you tell her everything... She smiled at you and yet she said "good luck with your love Geumhee... Maybe, Baekhyun not as bad as he looks like. I think you like him more than you like Kris" After hear that you blush and don't know what will you said... 


After school... 

You walked together with Baekhyun. Kris come to you... 
"Geumhee" Kris called your name.
"Ne?" You ask him, he smiled. "Where do you want to go?" He ask.

"To Baekhyun house..." You answer him, he look not happy as before...
"What do you want to do there?" He ask you again

"Geez, she'll be my math tutor. Now let us walk to my home" Baekhyun said to Kris, 
Kris just stare at him, Baekhyun really want to punch Kris face now. 

"Okay then, Good luck" He said to you then go away. 
"Bye" You said to him. 


Then you walk with Baekhyun again... 


     "Geez, what's wrong with that guy? I wanna punch his face"  Said Baekhyun to you. You just look at Baekhyun. "He's Kris... Our school president" You said to him then walk again. 

Baekhyun just stare and you... After a while, you guys stopped infront of a very-very big and fancy house. "Come in" Said Baekhyun, two maids open the gate and bow. 

"Good afternoon Young Master" Said two of that maids. Baekhyun just nodded then walk, so I follow him. 

"Come on, get in" Said Baekhyun, you nodded and follow him till his bedroom. But you don't get in, you just stay outside his bedroom. He stare at you. 

"Come in" He said, you keep silent... Until you said to him "that's your room, your privacy room. You're a boy, I can't get in to a boy bedroom" 

"Okay, okay... We'll study at the backyard" He said then walk again, then two of you arrived at a VERY VERY comfortable backyard. There are some tables and chairs...

So if you want to do something, you can do it here... You sit when he sit, and you opened your book. 


    "What lesson that you don't good at?" You ask to him, he look at you and then he asnwer your question. "Math" he answer. 

"Math? Okay... I'll teach you" You said to him, then he look at you again and smirked. You look him back and yet you said... 

"Don't smirked... Now, do this exercise. I made this by myself. Now do that exercise... In 15 minutes" You said to him.

"Huh? 15 minutes? There are fiveteen number and you want me to do it in 15 minutes?" He asked to you and shocked. 

"Just do it, don't waste your time" You said to him in a cold way. 
"Geez" He said and do the exercise. 


'Drtttttt' Your phone vibrated, it's a call from Kris. You answer the call...


You: Yeoboseyo? 

Kris: Yeoboseyo, this is Geumhee right? 

You: Yes, this is me... Why you call me oppa? 

Kris: I just want to hear your voice and make sure you're safe... 

You: Ahaha, I'm safe and okay... 

Kris: Glad to hear that... 

You: Eh...

Kris: What're you doing now?

You: I'm teaching Byun Baekhyun now... And you? 

Kris: Just thinking about you... 

You: Oppa...

Kris: Ne?

You: Why're you different when in school and at phone? In school you're always look cold, but here... You act just like yourself... Why?

Kris: I don't know... I just don't like talking at school. And I don't like talking with strangers... 

You: Oh... I see... Okay, I'll teach Baekhyun more... Bye then...

Kris: Okay, bye... 


Then the conversation ended. Baekhyun look at you and still do the exercise... 


"Why're you looking at me?" You asked him, he rolled his eyes.
"Don't have a conversation with Kris when you teach me" He said to you. 

"Wae?" You asked him again. 
"I don't like it... I love you, I'm so jealous" He said to you. 

You just stare at him and start to blush... 
He smiled and look at you, he grab your chin and make his face close to yours. 

You stepback, but he push you against the wall. 
"B, Baekhyun..." You say his name, and he smirked. 

"Ne?" He whispering to your ear, so you can feel his hot breath... 
"..." You don't answer him back and your cheeks red as tomatoes... 


"Geumhee, let me kiss you" He whispering to you again, you don't know what to do... 
'RINGGGG' Your phone vibrated again. 


"Baekhyun! This the time I'll check your exercise!" You said to him and run to your chair. 
You sit, and check the exercise... He's so bad at math, his score's zero. 

"Baekhyun..." You called his name. 
"Ne?" He asked you and hug you from back. 

"B, Baekhyun... Your score's zero. Have a sit, and I'll teach you math" You said to him and blushed. Your heart's pounded... 'Badump badump' 

"Okay" He said to you and sit infront of you. 
You just tell him how to do the math and teach him, but you afraid to look to his eyes. 

"Understand?" You asked him after teach him for a while... 
"No" He said, then you tell him more and more... 

"Understand now?" You asked him. 
He just nodded, then you smiled. 


"Okay, now... Do this exercise once more" You said. 
"Okay..." He said to you. 

After a while...

"Finished yet?" You asked him 
"Nae" He said to you. 

Then you check his exercise... Now, his score's five. 

"Good, now you get five... Keep studying and do many exercise" You said to him. 
"Where do you wanna go?" He asked you. 

"I want to go home, this day lesson ended here... We'll continue again tomorrow" You said to him then grab your bag and go outside the house. 

"Okay... Bye." He said and smiled to you, you just quite and nodded. 
After that, you just walk away... 


At your home... 


     "I'm home" You said, then your mom come out. "Ah, you're already home" your mom said to you and hug you then go back to the kitchen. 
"Geumhee" Luhan, your stepbrother called you, you look at him and ask "ne?" 

"Where have you been?" He asked you back, you look at him and tell everything but, not the part that Baekhyun gonna kiss you. 

"Oh, I see... You now you're Byun Baekhyun tutor..." He said and you nodded. He smiled at pat your head. 

"Fighting" He said and cheer you. You smiled and go to your room, you take a bath, change your clothes, and do your home work. 


You still confused... Who do you like... 

Kris or Baek... 



Hello I'm KkumaFN... Nice to meet you!

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Chapter 6: Please update ! XD
YayaYeollie #2
Update soon author- nim!!
JungRisna #3
Chapter 4: WoW, you story is jjang. I wonder what happen next, Good luck ^.^
Chapter 4: OMG!! Its so good!! Update quickly!! I really like it!~ :)
Kkumafn #5
Chapter 2: Hello Guys!~ This is KkumaFN speaking ^^ ehehehe... I want to ask how's my fanfic? Ehehehe.
JungRisna #6
Chapter 2: OMO!!! Please update soon, i love your story.
JungRisna #7
Cant wait to read it ^.^