A Change Of Destiny (3/3)

A Change of Destiny

A Change Of Destiny (3/3)

Kris chases after Suho; angry at his short legs. He mentally notes to never make fun of short people ever again. Suho finally stops when they entered a dead-end alley. He turns around to glare at the heavily panting Kris. He yells, angrily "What were you thinking back there? I hope remember that you're in my body right now! If you want to mess around do it with your own body! You know how I feel about Chanyeol." His voice cracks. Kris shakes his hand frantically as he tries to regulate his breathing. 
He says, "No! No! You got it all wrong! So after you left I was going to apologize to you. But Chanyeol came out and confessed to me. I wanted to help you so I explained to him how you felt. He understood and asked a hug. I agreed. When he was coming over he tripped and fell on you. Then you came in and misunderstood. That's it! I would never do anything without your consent. I swear." He holds up three fingers sincerely. 
Suho squeaks, in Kris' low tone, "Really? You're not lying to me?" Kris nods smiling. Suho's glare softens and tears quickly filled up his eyes. He whines, "I hate you so much. First you insulted me. Then you scared me. I was just starting to feel good about you and you-" He breaks into a sob. Kris doesn't know whether to comfort him or yell at him. On the inside, Suho is a sensitive little guy. But, at this moment, he is in Kris' big and manly body. Kris can't see his body crying and sobbing like a woman. 
Kris walks up to Suho and wraps his arms around his waist. Then, without thinking, he stands on his tiptoes and presses his lips onto Suho's. They both stare at each eachother wide-eyed. Kris pulls away and says, calmly "If you cry I'm going to kiss you again. You're ruining my manliness. Suho blinks, still taken back by the kiss. Kris smiles and says, "Not bad though. Your lips match up perfectly with mine." Suho finally snaps out of his daze and asks, innocently, "Did you just kiss me?" Kris nods, looking up. He thinks to himself, "Once we're back to normal I need to buy him so deluxe shoelifts. This looking-up thing really hurts the neck." 
Suho shrieks loudly in surprise, causing Kris to jump back. Suho yells, "You're in my body right now! If you kiss me it means...it means I'M kissing YOU!" Kris reevaluates the situations and smiles. He says, "You're right! You kissed me." He starts laughing happily. Suho stomps his feet and yells, "Stop laughing! It's not fair! You have to let me kiss you back! Come here!" Suho grabs Kris and pulls him closer to himself. He leans down and plants a kiss on Kris' lips. Kris up his eyebrow and asks, "You really like to kiss me huh?" 
Suho pouts and turns his head away from Kris. Kris nudges Suho's arm and says, softly "Come on. Let's go back upstairs first. We're idols. We can't be seen in public in our pjs." Suho looks down at himself and realizes that he was still in sleepwear. He pushes Kris and urges, "Hurry up then! I can't believe I came out in pjs. Twice!" Kris rolls his eyes and mumbles, "Yeah. With my body. Let's hope no one took any pictures." Suho ignores his mumbling and grabs his hand, pulling him back to the dorm. 
Standing outside the dorm doors Suho point his finger at Kris and asks, "Do you remember what you promised me?" Kris rolls his eyes and answers, annoyed "Yes. I can't look in the mirror. I can't touch your body. I have to close my eyes during shower. Just squirt soap and water all over. I remember! You reminded me over twenty times already." Suho nods, relieved. He says, "After you're done meet out here. And I promise I won't touch or look at your body either." He blushes at his own words. 
Twenty minutes later, Suho is super annoyed. He's been waiting for ten minutes already and Kris still isn't out. Finally, the K door open and Kris walks out with dripping wet hair. Suho yelps. "Why didn't you blow dry my hair?! Don't get my body sick!" Kris shakes his head and explains, "Blow drying your hair damages it. Besides it's short. It'll dry in no time. But--" Suho tilts his head to one side and asks, "But what?" Kris frowns and continues, "But you have such a dark birthmark on your left buttcheek. I thought it was a dirty spot and kept scrubbing at it. You should've told me earlier. Now it's kind of sore."
Suho's eyes widen. "What?! DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO NOT LOOK AT OR TOUCH MY BODY!? WHY WERE YOU LOOKING AT MY ?! AND WHY WERE YOU SCRUBBING IT?" The veins on Suho's forehead is throbbing out. Kris shrugs innocently and says, "I forgot. Your is pretty cute though. Not as cute as Tao's of course." Suho tightens his fists and yells, "I'm going to kill you!" Kris takes a step back and says, holding his hands up in defense "Hey! This is your body! If you hurt it then you'd be in pain!" Suho growls, "By the time I'm back in there the pain will be gone! Enough talk! Yahhhhh!" 
Suho jumps at Kris who dodges. Suho grabs onto his arm and starts swinging him from side to side. Kris curses at himself for being so weak. Suddenly something drops out of Kris' pocket. Suho stops shaking and looks down. It was Madame Pompei's business card. All of a sudden Suho remembers something and releases Kris. Kris leans onto the door for support; his head spinning dizzily. Suho picks up the card and says, "I think I know how to change us back. I have to go find someone." 
He hurries to the elevator and presses on the 'down' button. Kris rush to his side and says determined "I'll go with you." The elevator doors open and Suho walks inside. He looks at Kris and says, "No. You have to stay here and watch the kids- I mean members. I'll be back with dinner. That's your punishment for forgetting your promise!" Kris drops his head sadly as the elevator doors close. Suho clutch onto the card tightly, thinking "It must be her. I just know it." 
Back inside the door Jongin and Zitao quickly grabs on Kris and says, excitedly "Umma~ let's go watch a movie!" Zitao smiles sweetly and says, "We downloaded a romance-comedy. Come on!" Kris can already see the mischevious looks in their eyes and nods. He thinks, "Trying to scare Suho again. Let me teach you two little monsters a lesson." Kris follows them into the bedroom where the lights and curtains were closed. Jongin explains, "This way it feels like we're really at the movie theatre." Kris just simply smiles sweetly at them like Suho normally does. 
When the movies starts the two youngsters share a knowing look at each other. Of course Kris notices and makes a mental note. He says, casually "Tao-ah, do you want to go shopping this weekend? I heard there's a new outlet that sells Gucci for forty-percent lower than retail price." Zitao's eyes immediately lights up. Kris smiles and turns to Jongin. He says, "I heard Yixing wants to do a dance-off with you. He's going to bring out his secret moves too. Are you ready?" Jongin exclaims surprised, "What?! How come I don't know about this?!" 
The two pulls out their cellphone. Zitao checks his bank account to see how much money he can spend and Jongin is typing a long message to Yixing. Suddenly the music gets suspenseful and Kris gently taps the two on the shoulder. When they both lift their heads to look at the computer screen Kris screams and the ugly bloody ghost pops up. Zitao and Jongin screams, terrified, and drops their cellphones. Kris starts laughing and says, "Trying to scared me? Next time find a scarier movie first." He claps his hands and leave the two alone in the room still shaking in fear. 
After the nice laugh Kris walks out to the kitchen to get a drink. He sees Baekhyun sitting there staring into space. He sits down and says softly, "Baekhyun, I have something to tell you." Baekhyun blinks and exclaims, surprised "Suho-hyung! I didn't even notice you were here. Did you say something before?" Kris clears his throat and says, in a very motherly and gently voice "I know you like Chanyeol. He confessed to me before and I rejected him. That silly boy must be devastated right now. Go comfort him. Let him know who he really likes." Baekhyun is speechless. He asks in a whisper, "R-Really?" Kris nods. Baekhyun smiles and quickly stands up. He runs off happily. 
Kris takes a sip of his drink and thinks, "Being Suho isn't that hard. Even I can help out sometimes." Just as he was about to relax Sehun walks out from his room, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes cutely. Once he sees 'Suho' he smiles and runs over. "Umma~!" He hugs onto Kris. Kris don't feel as uncomfortable as before. He pats Sehun's back and asks, "Did you get a good rest?" Sehun nods and pulls back from the hug. He places one hand over his stomach and whines, "I'm hungry. I want food." 
Kris suddenly feels uncomfortable again. He says, "Su-I mean your Kris Ge went out to get dinner already. Why don't you wait a little longer? It'll just be a couple of hours...or so." Sehun pouts and accuses, "You lied! You don't love me anymore. Forget it then. I'm not hungry anymore!" Kris quickly shakes his head and says, "No! No! I'll see what's in the fridge, okay? And go tell Zitao, Jongin, and Luhan to come out. I'll make them food too." Sehun smiles happily and went on about as he's told. 
Five minutes later there are five bowls of steaming hot instant noodles with lettuce, mini hogs, egg and kimchi. The five sits quietly in the living room eating their share. Zitao asks confused, "How come this taste the same way Ge makes it?" Kris rolls blinks guiltily and says, "Don't talk with a mouthful. Eat!" Zitao eats obediently. Sehun puts all of his lettuce into Luhan's bowl. Kris sees and yells, strictly "Sehun! Eat your lettuce or else no bubble tea for a week!" Sehun unwillingly takes back the lettuce and eats them. 
After eating Kris and Luhan volunteers to wash the bowls while the other three plays. Luhan takes a nice long look at 'Suho' and says, "Suho-ah. You seem different today." Kris carefully asks, "How so?" Luhan tries to put his thoughts into words. He says, "You're more strict today. In a confident way. That's a good thing though. The three always tries to take advantage of you and it's tiring. Too bad not everyone understands." Kris feels guilty because he's one of the many that doesn't understand Suho.
Kris opens to his mouth to talk but Sehun pops in and says, "Hannie Ge! Let's go get bubble tea! I want bubble tea!" Luhan looks at 'Suho'. Kris frowns and says, "You just ate. You're going to get indigestion if you eat too much." Sehun pouts and looks at Luhan for help. Luhan says, "Suho-ah, how about a little? I'll watch over him." Kris wants to say 'no' but he have to think in Suho's point of view. He sighs and says, "Okay. But just a little. I need to see evidence when you come home. And only bubble tea! No street-bought snacks. Have to listen to you Han Ge too." Sehun smiles and says, "No problem!" 
Once he was done cleaning the dorm is empty again. Kris staggers over to the couch and plops down. He closes his eyes to take a nap. He's tired from all the fuss. Zzz. Zzz. Zzz. Something is vibrating in his pocket. It's Suho's phone. He opens it and sees a text message from Yixing. It read: "Suho, come over to my room. I have something to give you." Kris pushes himself off the couch unwillingly and hurries over to M's dorm. 
He knocks on Yixing's bedroom door and walks in. Yixing was sitting at his desk on Youtube. Kris jokes, "Watching your fancams again?" Yixing shakes his head and replies, "I'm watching us on Happy Camp. It was fun. Especially when we had to catch you. I know there are lots of rumors going around how the twelve of us aren't close but at that moment nothing mattered to us more than you. Exo is forever twelve." Kris nods, feeling tears form in his eyes. He thinks, "Thank God I'm in Suho's body. Even if I cry no one will suspect." 
Yixing picks up a book from his desk and hands it to 'Suho'. Kris takes it and looks at the title. 1000 + One Inspirational Quotes. He looks at Yixing questioningly. Yixing asks, "Didn't you say you wanted this a few weeks ago? I ordered it for you online. You said you wanted to pick out some good quotes to send the others before and after any performance or interviews." Kris nods. It turns out that Suho is not as fake as fans call him online. Yixing opens another link and says, "There's so much videos on you crying. Too bad a lot of people thinks you're faking it." Kris sits there in silence. 
By the time Suho's back with dinner the other members are altogether gathered in K's living room. While the others are putting out the food Kris pulls Suho aside. He asks quietly, "Did you find out how to change us back?" Suho smiles and whispers back, "Yeah. Meet up in my room after dinner." They went to eat with the others. This time, Kris sat with Sehun and Suho with Zitao. Kris and Luhan occasionally places some vegetables into Sehun's bowl. Suho reminds Zitao to drink some water when he stuffs his mouth too full. 
Knowing that the other members were in bed sleeping Kris sneaks off into Suho's room. Today Sehun is exceptionally obedient and went to sleep with Zitao instead of bothering Suho. Kris sits on Suho's bed and asks, "So? What did you find out?" Suho tightens his grip on the pillow he's hugging and says, "Madame Pompei placed a curse on us. She felt the tension between us and wanted us to understand each other. She meant no harm though." 
Kris nods, slowly recalling the creepy woman from yesterday's show. Then he sighs and says, "I think I need to apologize to you. I always thought you were fake and didn't really care about the members. I mistook your care and love for a sensitive sissy. I'm sorry." Suho feels touched by his words. He says, "I'm sorry too. I've always been jealous about how perfect you are. You're tall. You're extremely hot. And you're popular. I didn't think you had insecurities as well." 
Kris smiles and exclaims, "Looks like we really learnt a lot about each other in just one day. Do you think I can get to know more about you? In my own body, of course, though." Suho blushes. He says, "Madame Pompei said it's actually really easy to break the curse. I'm surprised I didn't think of it earlier." Kris leans a little closer to Suho and asks, "Is it a kiss?" Suho giggles and says, "We kissed earlier remember? Twice. It's not a kiss." Kris leans even closer and says, "Then..." 
"Kris...Faster! No harder! Go harder...Yes! That's the spot! No! Kris!" Suho yells excitedly. Kris rolls his eyes and complains, "What kind of stupid curse is this?! I have to clean the toilet in order for us to switch back?! This is insane!" Kris is in his knees with his hand down the toilet scrubbing it. Suho says, "Hurry up! Still a little stain inside!" Trying his best to ignore the smell Kris does as he's told. Finally he is done. He quickly pulls off the gloves and throws it into the garbage can. 
The lights in the bathroom starts to flicker. Suho and Kris suddenly feels lightheaded and tingly. Their skin feels tight and itchy. There's a suffocating sensation over their hearts. The clock ticks midnight. The two switches back. Suho touches himself all over and says, "I'm me again!" Kris looks over Suho who's jumping up and down happily. He pulls Suho into his arms. Suho looks up scared and squeaks, "What?" Kris smirks and says, "You still owe me something." He leans down and gently presses his lips onto Suho's. Suho closes his eyes and kisses back. This is the start of something magical. 
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falafalafel #1
Chapter 4: I just found this today. It is so funny and beautiful. I wish there's a short part describing how the members freak out over their sudden 'overly' friendly relationship afterwards. Thank you for the story.
Chapter 4: Sequelll?!
Chapter 4: XD Omg I was laughing like crazy and all my relatives thought that I'm crazy,lol.I loved it by the way!
Chapter 4: haha... the cleaning bathroom part tricked me. oh my... am i that ert? m(__)m
really nice krisho story.. c:
Chapter 4: aaaaaaaaaaaaww KrisHo ♥_♥
Can I ask for the sequel?? xDDD
KKkkkk #6
Chapter 4: Hahahahhahahahaha I'm laughing at the solution of their problem hahaha LOL clean the CR hahahahah
ElfBaby06 #7
Chapter 4: ohmygod.... i really really really really really love this story, its hilarious yet sweet? hehe, good job btw.. :)
zukazuka #8
Chapter 4: its great and i like the story
thanks authornim
eurongi #9
Chapter 4: troll
i thought it was a scene lol xD
thankssss for the ending
Chapter 4: Great ♥♥♥♥