A Change Of Destiny (1/3)

A Change of Destiny


Even the managers are getting annoyed of the feud between the two leaders. No one can understand how the two acts so close on screen but immediately change faces off screen. This morning the two are arguing again over the last cup of milk. Kris didn't really want to drink the milk but he loves seeing an upset Suho. Suho glares at Kris angrily while pouting. He mumbled loudly, "I hope that milk is expired." Sehun, Baekhyun, and Zitao almost choked because they are drinking milk too. Kyungsoo pats Suho's shoulder comfortingly and says, "Why don't you try my soymilk? It's healthier and less fattening." 
Suho pushes his plate of food away and says, standing up "I'm not hungry anymore. I'm going to the bathroom." Then he walks away annoyed. Once Suho's out of sight Kris jumps up and runs to the counter to throw up the milk he drank. Jongdae rolls his eyes and complains, "Kris-ge, if you don't like milk you should've given it to Suho-hyung. Now he's unhappy!" The rest nods in agreement. 
Kris wipes his mouth with a handful of tissue. He walks back to his chair and sits down to eat again. He casually says, "So what? I like to make him unhappy." He finishes the last strips of bacon but still feels hungry. He pulls Suho's abandoned plate to him and starts digging in. Luhan's eyes widen. Yixing says carefully, "Ge, be careful. If you eat Suho's saliva you're going to have to listen to him forever." Kris ignores the warning and continues eating. He says, "Don't be superstitious like a woman. If anything he must listen to me forever." 
After breakfast everyone went their way to dress up and prepare for today's schedule. Chanyeol walks into Suho's room with a cup of orange juice and a granola bar. Suho is sitting on his bed staring into space angrily. Chanyeol have to hold back a smile at Suho's cuteness. He says softly, "Hyung, I got you some food." Suho snaps out of his thought and looks up at Chanyeol. He smiles and pats the bed, signaling him to sit down. Chanyeol takes a seat and hands Suho the glass of juice. Suho accepts it and takes a small sip. Chanyeol asks, "Are you still mad at Ge? I'm sure he didn't mean it."
Suho push the glass back at Chanyeol and barks, "Stop it! I hate him so much! I don't want to see or hear about him!--" Chanyeol sticks the granola bar into Suho's mouth. Suho pouts cutely but starts eating slowly. Chanyeol smiles dumbly and says, "You look like a chipmunk, Hyung." Suho smacks Chanyeol's thigh and says, with a mouthful "Ay! Oi em bur kyung! Dun pee roode!" Chanyeol burst out into a fit of laughter, causing Suho to laugh too. Baekhyun, who was standing outside, knocks on the door and said, "Hyung, we're leaving in five minutes." 
Suho quickly stops laughing and looks at the time on the wall. He throws the unfinished bar at Chanyeol and says, "Clean up for me! I need to go get dressed!" He hurries off the bed and runs out for the bathroom. Chanyeol looks down at the unfinished bar and smiles. Baekhyun walks into the room and ask softly, "You seem to like Suho-hyung a lot." Chanyeol turns to look at him shocked. He asks surprised, "You can tell?" Baekhyun nods sadly. Chanyeol laughs dumbly and says, "He's perfect. Beautiful on the outside and inside." Baekhyun tightens his fist and says, holding back his tears, "I--I'm going to go get ready." 
Baekhyun hurries away into Yixing's room. Yixing noticing the tears wraps his arms around the lad. Baekhyun grabs onto Yixing tightly and cries, "Ge!" Yixing pats the crying boy's back to comfort him. Kris walks into the room and asks, worried "What's wrong? Baek, why are you crying?" Yixing whispers, "Chanyeol and Suho." Kris becomes more annoyed at Suho. Baekhyun pulls away and wipes the tears off his face. He says, "It's not their fault. I'm just stupid, crushing on someone out of my league." Kris hugs onto Baekhyun and says, "It's okay. Ge, won't let you feel upset." 
Their schedule for the day is a talk-show recording for Mystic Circle, a supernatural discussions show. The seating arrangement is always the same; for Kris and Suho to be as far away from each other as possible. There is two rows of seat beside the two hosts and a seat for the weekly special guest. Kris is sitting on the second first with Baekhyun and Zitao by his sides. Suho was sitting on the first row with Luhan and Kyungsoo by his sides and Chanyeol behind him. Just looking at Suho makes Kris annoyed as hell. The hosts gave a rather humorous and quirky opening and introduced the group. Each of the members politely introduce themselves. 
The host, Sukwon, smiles and claps, saying "Other than our super hot group EXO we also want to welcome our special guest, Madame Pompei." The member starts clapping as well. The lights dim and rays of purple beam around the room. An old and elegant looking woman walks in from behind the purple curtains. She is quite short; maybe a mere five feet; in a long black dress. She smiles at everyone and takes a seat. The other host, MK, says, "Today we have the infamous Madame Pompei with us. She is able to communicate with spirits and work up different sorts of charms." 
All of the members gasp in surprise. Xiumin comments, "Wow, Madame Pompei, you are really talented! How did you learn?" Zitao takes the mic from Xiumin and adds, "And are g-ghosts real?" At the mention of ghosts Sehun quickly grabs onto Luhan, who's sitting next to him. Luhan pats the maknae's hand reassuringly. Suho is scared too but he didn't want to show it since he's the leader. Knowing, Chanyeol leans forward a little and places his hand on Suho's shoulder. Suho feels a little better at the touch. 
Madame Pompei kindly picks up her mic and answers, "I didn't really aquire the skills. I was born with them. For as long as I can remember, ever since I was a toddler I could see the aura around my parents and spirits when we went out. As I got older I grew more and more interested with the subject. I studied many great scriptures and bibles. I visited many countries. And for the topic of 'ghosts' they prefer to be called spirits." The background music becomes more mellow and creepy. Suho feels a chill run down his spine. Subconsciously he turns his head back and his eyes meet with Kris'. Their eyes lock for a minute before they look away. 
Sukwon laughs and says, "That's very intriguing. Madame Pompei, what are you going to teach us today? I hope it's nothing scary." Yixing says, "We have a few scaredy-cats in the group." The members turn to look at Suho. Suho smiles shyly as he look at Madame Pompei, who nods at him. She says, "Nothing scary today. I want to talk about our aura today. The Aura is a reflection of our true nature. Out aura is really important because today's society is filled with stereotypes, superficial behavior, and going against free will. Our education is based on expectations of society's high standards to be a uniformed crowd." Everyone nods in agreement and amazement. 
She continues, "Our aura is what's left that isn't tainted by the evils of society and other influences. Sometimes it could be a bit hard to read someone's aura if they are able to hide themself really well." She looks at Suho again. Suho feels very uncomfortable under her gaze. MK asks, "So that mean looking at someone's aura can reveal everything about them?" Madame Pompei breaks eye contact with Suho and says, "Yes. Through the aura we can see someone's true nature and personality. We can also see how they feel at the moment." Kris tugs on his sleeve uncomfortably. 
MK suggests, "Why don't Madame Pompei take a look at two EXO members aura? Is that okay with the managers?" Everyone starts laughing. Sukwon says, "I'm sure the fans would love to know the real side to their favorite idols. Madame Pompei, would you like the members to introduce themselves to you?" Madame Pompei shakes her hand at them and said, "I will take a look for myself and see whose aura speak out to me the most." She stands up and walks toward the members. Starting from the first row she stares at Jongin's forehead and says, "Turquoise." Next is Kyungsoo, "Green." At Suho she just stares and move onto Luhan, "Orange." Sehun is yellow and Jongdae is orange. Suho feels weird how he didn't get a color. 
She moves to the next row and looks at Baekhyun, "Orange with a hint of grey. Be careful." She stares at Kris for a long time and nods. Along the row, Zitao is yellow, Chanyeol is turquoise, Yixing is blue and Xiumin is green. Once she was done she walks back to her seat and sits down. The host claps and says, "Why, great thanks to Madame Pompei today for such a wonderful discussion. We hope to have EXO again as our guest next time." The members wave at the camera. 
All the members was in the changing room preparing to leave. Suho is putting his clothes back into his bag. His bottle of sunscreen drops and he bends down to retrieve it. However, Baekhyun is walking right behind him and gets knocked into. Kris and Chanyeol hurries over. Kris helps Baekhyun up and pushes a shocked Suho down. Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun yells, "Hyung!" Chanyeol helps Suho up and checks to see if he was hurt. 
Suho gently pushes Chanyeol aside and walks up to Kris. He yells, "What's wrong with you?! Why did you push me!?" Baekhyun grabs Suho's hand and says, "I'm sure it was an accident. Ge would never hurt you on purpose." Kris gently pulls Baekhyun aside and says, up in Suho's face "I did purposely push you. I'm just doing what you did to Baek." Suho is speechless. He frowns and says angrily, "I can't believe it! What is wrong with you? Are you insane or crazy?" Kris narrows his eyes and yells, "You! My problem is you and your existence!" SLAP! Suho slaps Kris across the face. He is so mad that his face is turning red.
He yells in a shakey voice, "I hate you so much!" Then he runs out, grabbing his bag. Chanyeol wants to chase after him but Kris stops him. He says coldly, "Look after Baek. I'll go get him back." He grabs his bag and walks out in the direction Suho went. Baekhyun nudges Chanyeol's arm and says, "You can go out to find Hyung. I'm fine anyways." Chanyeol shakes his head and takes Baekhyun's arm. "Come on. Let's go pack up first." 
Suho is sitting outside a nearby cafe bench. He don't understand why he's so angry all of a sudden. Tap. Tap. Tap. He looks up and sees Madame Pompei standing in front of him. He don't know if he was having vision problems or if she was wearing colored contacts but her eyes was a glowing purple. He scoots over politely and offers her to sit. She sits and says, "You seem to have a lot of negative tension around you. Tell me, what's wrong?" Suho shrugs, looking down at his hands. She continues, "I'm sure there's something bothering you. Bottling it up won't do you any good. Is there something happening in the group?" 
Suho suddenly feels so wronged. He says, "I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm K's leader but I'm not the oldest. However I feel like I always have to be on the lookout for everyone. I want to be the younger one and whine and complain all day. I want a shoulder to cry on and a hug once in a while. I want to be babied as well. Instead I'm working so hard and it's still not enough!" His eyes are glistening with tears. "Why do I have to work so hard? I just want to be appreciated." Madame Pompei opens her purse and takes out a business card. She hands it to Suho and says, "This has my number and office. If you ever need to talk you can come look for me. I'm sure you realize how carefree it gets to release the bottled up emotions." 
Suho puts the card into his bag and says, "Thank you. I do feel better." She smiles and take out two pieces of chocolate. She says, "Eating sweets can bring happiness. My favorite is chocolate so now I'm going to share my happiness with you." she gives him the pieces. "One is for you and the other is for the one that you forgive. Hating on someone is both tiring for the other and yourself. Do yourself a favor and just let go." He looks down at the chocolate and whispers to him, "Do it for yourself and just let go." When he looks up again he gasps. Madame Pompei is gone. 
He gets up and walks back in the direction of the studio. He pops a piece of chocolate into his mouth and savors the creamy chocolatey goodness melting on his tongue. Indugled, he accidentally bumps into someone. He quickly bows and says, "I'm sorry." The person laughs and asks, "Is that apology for bumping into me or slapping me?" Recognizing the voice Suho looks up and sees Kris. He takes a step back and asks, "What are you doing out here?!" 
Kris rolls his eyes and replies, "Looking for a ." Suho pouts and yells "I'm not a ! I don't need you to look for me either." Kris simply threatens, "Do you want me to carry you back on my shoulder?" Suho throws the piece of chocolate at Kris hoping it's hit his face. Kris catches it though and pops it into his mouth. Suho pouts even harder, his lower lip sticking out. But when he remembers what Madame Pompei said he says, "Let's try to keep our bickering controlled. I don't want to scare the others. Sehun sometimes go to sleep crying, scared that we will kill one another." 
Kris thinks for a second and nods in agreement. Then he says, "I won't argue with you but you must promise me some things. First, stop being an old lady and nagging everyone. Especially stop being a busybody. Second, stop seducing Chanyeol. If you don't like him let him know. Baekhyun is in love with him and I hate seeing him sad. Third, chill and relax. You act as if you are really stressed and tired while the rest of us are lazy bums. Seriously. What the is wrong with you?" 
Just as Suho was thinking he can really be friends with Kris he quickly pushes the thought away. He suddenly feels upset and wronged again. He yells, "Wu Fan! You just don't understand me! You don't even try to understand me! All you do is judge, judge, and judge! And what are you talking about! Who's seducing Chanyeol?! I treat him like a little brother and he see me as an older brother! Stop badmouthing our relationship! I hate you! I HATE YOU!" He whacks his bag at Kris' arm and rushes back into the studio. Kris shakes his head and walks in as well. 
That night, back at the dorm, the tension in the air is enough to suffocate everyone. Sehun quickly goes over to Suho's side and says, "I want to sleep with you tonight, Hyung~!" Suho stops glaring at Kris and looks at Sehun lovingly. He nods and they walk back into the room to sleep. With Suho gone Kris is able to relax his sore eyes. Zitao tugs onto the hem of Kris' shirt and asks, "Can I sleep with you tonight, Ge? I don't want to sleep by myself~" Kris pats Zitao's head and says, "Come on. Let's go to sleep then. It's late already." 
The moon was full and extra bright tonight. There was a light but mystic chanting in the air. تغییر بدن. درک تفاوت. Suho is tossing and turning in his sleep. تغییر بدن. درک تفاوت. His body feels hot and burning but he can't pull himself out from his sleep. تغییر بدن. درک تفاوت. Kris is deep asleep with a ringing in his ears. تغییر بدن. درک تفاوت. Suddenly his body feels light and flowy. تغییر بدن. درک تفاوت. The clocks in the dorm ticks as each second passes. تغییر بدن. درک تفاوت.تغییر بدن. درک تفاوت.تغییر بدن. درک تفاوت.تغییر بدن. درک تفاوت.تغییر بدن. درک تفاوت. The clock finally strikes midnight. Everyone was fast asleep and deep in dreamland. But Suho and Kris are both feeling extremely uncomfortable. تغییر بدن. درک تفاوت.
The next morning Kris feels extra comfortable. They didn't have a schedule for the day so Kris was in no hurry to wake up. He opens his eyes slowly and turns to look at the empty spot in his bed. He thought, "That panda must be up looking for food." He closes his eyes to continue sleeping. But then Sehun runs into the room frantically. The maknae grabs onto Kris' arm and shakes it, saying "Hyung~ wake up! There's a cockroach in the bathroom!! Umma~!!!" Kris thought, with his eyes closed, "Why is this kid asking me for help? He always have Suho and Luhan by his side. And--Did he just call me Umma?" His eyes opens and looks up at Sehun. Sehun seeing him up quickly pulls the older into the bathroom. Kris frowns seeing that it was the K's dorm. 
Inside the bathroom Sehun points at the mirror and whines, "There's a cockroach on the mirror~! Kill it!" Kris walks up to the mirror and his eyes widen. The reflection was not his own. It was Suho's. His own reflection is replaced by Suho's. He turns to a scared-looking Sehun and asks bewildered, "Who am I?" Kris gasps. His voice sounds just like Suho's. Sehun tilts his head to the left confused. He answers obediently, "You're my Suho-umma of course~!" Kris' heart drops at the words. He pushes Sehun aside and hurries outside. He opens the front door to see 'himself' standing outside, crying. He reaches out and touches the person. He asks, trembling "A-Are you S-Suho?" The person nods and whispers, "We changed bodies..."
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falafalafel #1
Chapter 4: I just found this today. It is so funny and beautiful. I wish there's a short part describing how the members freak out over their sudden 'overly' friendly relationship afterwards. Thank you for the story.
Chapter 4: Sequelll?!
Chapter 4: XD Omg I was laughing like crazy and all my relatives thought that I'm crazy,lol.I loved it by the way!
Chapter 4: haha... the cleaning bathroom part tricked me. oh my... am i that ert? m(__)m
really nice krisho story.. c:
Chapter 4: aaaaaaaaaaaaww KrisHo ♥_♥
Can I ask for the sequel?? xDDD
KKkkkk #6
Chapter 4: Hahahahhahahahaha I'm laughing at the solution of their problem hahaha LOL clean the CR hahahahah
ElfBaby06 #7
Chapter 4: ohmygod.... i really really really really really love this story, its hilarious yet sweet? hehe, good job btw.. :)
zukazuka #8
Chapter 4: its great and i like the story
thanks authornim
eurongi #9
Chapter 4: troll
i thought it was a scene lol xD
thankssss for the ending
Chapter 4: Great ♥♥♥♥