A Change Of Destiny (2/3)

A Change of Destiny


Kris is not used to seeing people cry. Especially not when that person is himself. His tall body is curled up on the bed sobbing uncontrollably. He moves up to thr body and tries to pull him up. He curses bitterly at Suho's scrawny arms and weakness. Summoning his inner voice he yells, "Stop crying! You're ruining my superiority!" He wants to curse again at Suho's naturally soft voice. Suho however obeys but quietly whimpers in a huskily low tone. Kris didn't know he was capable of making such an ugly sound. Suho wipes the tears of his face and asks, in a whisper "W-What are we going to do?" 
Kris rolls his eyes, not knowing how cute the action looks on Suho's body. He says, "First, man up! You're in my body so you better stop being a woman. Kris do NOT cry or whimper or sob. I don't bite my lower lip as well!" Suho quickly stops biting his lips. He says, "I don't frown all the time either! Relax my eyebrows! I don't want to get wrinkles~!" Kris wants to pull his hair out but then remembers its Suho's hair. He growls, "Stop-whining-with-my-voice! My voice is not made to whine or to be high-pitched!" 
Frustrated Suho hits the bed and is surprised by his strength. He cries, "I don't want to be an ogre!" Kris loses his cool too. He flails his arms angrily and yells, "I don't want to be a naggy old lady either~!" Kris quickly regrets saying that when he sees the tear filled up in his own eyes. He quickly says, "Look! Before we figure this out we have to make sure no one knows about this. For now you will be me and I will be you. Okay?" Suho sniffles and nods. Kris wants to gag seeing his body do such actions. Suho wants to cry even more seeing how deep the frown lines on his forehead was. 
There's a knock on the door and they turn to see who it is. They see a shocked Xiumin standing by the door. Kris and Suho looks at themselves and realizes why. A tall, manly Kris was sprawled on the bed with tear stains on his cheeks. Suho was standing with his arms crossed and worry lines over his forehead. Xiumin rubs his eyes to make sure he was seeing right. Suho and Kris quickly switch places at top speed. When Xiumin looks again he was relieved. 
Suho clears his throat and asks, attempting to be cold like Kris "What's up, bro? Yo looking fo me?" Kris mentally slaps himself hoping he can just faint or die. Xiumin's mouth drops open. Suho remembers that Kris likes to smirk. He attempts to do a smirk which turns into a goofy smile. Kris quickly asks, in a very forced chirpy tone, "Are you looking for us, Hyung?" Xiumin recovers and nods. He says, "We're starting breakfast too. The kids are waiting for you two." Then he turns and quickly runs away. 
Kris glares at Suho and hiss, "Stop messing up image! I don't talk like a wannabe rapper with lisp!" Suho pouts while crossing his arms over his chest. Kris adds, "Stop pouting too! I don't pout!" Suho sniffles and complains, "You're not doing a good job on being me either. You make me sound like I swallowed a duck." Kris sighs and just waves his hand to dismiss the thought. He says, "Forget it. Stop looking like you ate a mouthful of . Let's just go eat breakfast." He gets off the bed and sighs again. He is not used to being so close to the ground. Suho looks down at the ground and gasps at how tall he is. He is not used to being so far from the ground. 
The two walks gloomily out to the kitchen where everyone was waiting. Kris automatically takes a seat beside Zitao while Suho sits next to Sehun. Unfortunately, they didn't remember that their bodies switched. Sehun puffs up his cheeks and asks Kris, "Suho Umma~ Why aren't you sitting with me today?" Kris didn't know that Sehun was talking to him and continues eating. Everyone stares at the two in shock. Luhan pats Sehun's back while trying to send eye signals at 'Suho'. Suho kicks Kris under the table; thanks to his newly aquired long legs. Kris looks up to see seven pairs of confused eyes staring at him along with Luhan's winking, Sehun's watery hurt eyes, and Suho's glare. 
Kris remembers and explains, "Sehun, don't be sad! I--I didn't sit next to you because...because Kris said he wanted sit next to you!" Everyone's eyes move over to Suho. Suho smiles lovingly at Sehun; which is creepy with Kris' face; and comforts, "You always spend time with your umma. I want to spend some time with you too. Isn't that nice?" Sehun nods happily and throws his arms around 'Kris' for a hug. Kris and Suho looks at each other relieved. 
Sehun lets go of 'Kris' and looks at 'Suho'. He whines, "Suho Umma, let's go get ice cream and bubble tea later! The shop have some new exotic flavors." Kris nods but Suho says sternly, "Certainly not! You already finished your quota on sweets this week. And remember what happened last time when you tried the exotic durian-tomato juice bubble tea? No more! Do you hear me?" Sehun stares at him in fear and runs off crying. Luhan hurries after to make sure the maknae is fine. 
Yixing stratch the back of his neck while asking, "Ge, why are you suddenly so strict with Sehun? Even Suho is fine with it. You should relax a bit." Suho remembers that he's not himself anymore and he's in position to yell at Sehun. The idea makes him sick. He puts down his fork and says, "I'm not hungry. I need to go check on Sehun." He gets up and walks toward Sehun's room. Kris shrugs and continues eating. Chanyeol looks at 'Suho' and asks carefully, "Hyung, aren't you going to go check on Sehunnie as well?" 
Kris shakes his head and says, "Su-- I mean Kris is already checking up on him. And Luhan is with me. He don't need me." Baekhyun tilts his head to one side and says, "But Sehun only depends on you, Hyung. You should know how much that kid loves you." Zitao adds, "He always say he's a big boy but once he sees you he becomes a big baby. He looks up to Ge and wishes to be like him one day. I think he's hurt that Ge yelled at him." Kris feels bad and gets up to find Sehun and Suho. But Zitao tugs on Kris' arm and squeaks, "Hyung, I saved a cup of milk for you. I know you're drinking milk because you want to be taller. Ge doesn't understand how it feels to be short so he can be a little insensitive. Don't mind him though." Kris doesn't know what to say. He just gulps down the cup of milk and gets up to leave. 
Meanwhile Suho is standing outside Sehun's bedroom, eavesdropping on the conversation inside. Sehun was sniffling in Luhan's arms. Luhan comforts softly, "It's okay, Hunnie. Don't be upset at Kris. He didn't mean to yell at you." Sehun shakes his head and cries, "No~ I'm not upset at Ge. I'm upset at Suho-hyung!" Suho gasps, staggering back a step in shock. Kris grabs onto Suho's hand and places a finger over his mouth to quiet him. Suho looks down at Kris with teary eyes. 
Luhan asks, "Why are you upset at Suho? He loves you so much." Sehun is crying as he replies, "He--He doesn't love me anymore~! This morning he ran out on me when I asked him to kill a cockroach for me. Then he doesn't sit next to me during breakfast. Even the most careless Kris Ge remembers cares more about me than him! I--" He starts sobbing on Luhan's chest. Suho's heart is aching. He slaps Kris' arm and whispers angrily "Go inside and comfort Sehun! Go!" Kris is surprised. He didn't know that his face could show such a soft expression. He nods and walks into the room. 
Luhan sees 'Suho' and scoops Sehun out of his arms. Sehun looks up with blurry eyes and sees 'Suho'. He throws his arms around him and cries even louder. Luhan pats 'Suho's' arm and walks out of the room. He gets spooked by the teary-eyed 'Kris' standing outside. Inside the room Kris was glad that his body was so small now. Sehun was hanging onto him, dragging his body down. He pats Sehun's back and tries his best to compose some comforting words. Suddenly Sehun asks, "Do you not love Sehunnie anymore? Do you think I'm annoying and troublesome and not as good as Tao-ge?" 
Kris feels a lump in his throat as he chokes back a sob. He hugs Sehun tightly and whispers, "I'm so sorry...I'm sorry Sehun. I didn't know you felt that way. I promise I will love Sehun forever. I'm sorry..." Standing outside, Suho's lips curl into a smile through his tears. He wipes the tears away and exhaled. He starts heading out to find Kyungsoo when Chanyeol jumps out from the bathroom and grabs him. He yelps a really low tone. 
Chanyeol pulls 'Kris' into the exercise room and closes the door. Suho asks, "Why did you bring me in here? I need to go practice with Kyungsoo." Chanyeol looks at him confused and says, "Ge, just forget it. No matter how hard you try people will only think that you're in the group because of your face. People won't see or understand how hard you work behind the screen." Suho frowns and says, "Not everyone will understand but our fans definitely will. All of us in the group have their own special talents. If being handsome and goodlooking makes someone an idol then the industry will be very crowded and everyone will be getting plastic surgery." 
Chanyeol doesn't understand why 'Kris' seems so sensitive over the topic today. He shakes his head and says, "Forget it, Ge. I pulled you in here because I wanted advice." Suho however wants to have a talk with Kris as soon as possible. He needs to know why Chanyeol said the things he said. He thinks, "Does Kris feel that he's only in the group because of his looks?" Chanyeol waves his hand in front of 'Kris'' eyes and whines, "Ge~! Help me! I don't know how to confess to Suho-hyung!" 
Suho snaps out of his thought and exclaims, "What?! Confess to m--Suho?" Chanyeol nods eagerly. Suho takes a step back and asks, confused "I--How could you like Suho?! He's your brother! I thought you liked Baekhyun. Why are you suddenly like this?" Chanyeol pulls at his hair and cries, "I've been in love with Suho since I first saw him. He's so mini and gentle looking. I really want to protect him. But then after I got to know him I realized that despite his small exterior he has a huge caring heart. I'm loving him more and more each day." 
Suho shakes his head in disbelief, dizzy from the sudden news. Chanyeol pleads, grabbing 'Kris'' arm, "Please help me, Ge! I really want to let Suho know how I feel." Suho pushes Chanyeol away and yells, "Don't touch me!" Chanyeol stares wide-eyed and hurt at him. Suho looks at Chanyeol apologetically. He says, backing up to the door, "I--I have to go. You--Chanyeol, don't tell Suho anything." He opens the door and rushes out, shivering in fear. 
Suho escapes out to the living room to find everyone gone. He staggers to the kitchen and pours himself a glass of cold water. He gulps it down in one go. A hand pats his shoulder. He jumps, almost dropping the glass. Turning he sees himself staring at him. It's Kris. He asks, "What are you doing out here? Where's Sehun?" Kris replies quietly, "He's sleeping. Must've worn himself out with all the crying. I finally understand why you pay so much attention to him. If I ever get the chance to be myself again I must show more care towards him." 
Suho smiles weakly and says, "I'm glad you understand. Sehun likes to act manly and playful on screen but when he quiets down he becomes sensitive and mellow. Not only him though. Jongin, Zitao, Baekhyun and the rest are like that too. Everyone needs a hug and a pat once in a while. Even you." Kris feels as if something sparked inside of him. He always thought that Suho was wasting him time to nag everyone with his little hugs and words of advice. But now he understands why Suho acts like this. 
He clears his throat and asks, "Why are you standing out here?" Suho frowns and shakes his head. Kris nudges Suho and complains, "You told me not to frown but now you're frowning. Are you trying to give my perfect face wrinkles?" Suho sighs and explains, "Chanyeol pulled me into the room before and told me that he likes me. I--I don't know how to digest that. I don't know how to face him. How could he even say such a thing?" 
Kris looks at Suho in amazement. He really wants to be back in his own body so he could see Suho's real expression right now. He says, "You can't be serious. How could you not see that Chanyeol's been crushing on you? I even told you yesterday! I honestly thought you were playing him." Suho narrows Kris' cold eyes at Kris. "Playing him? How could you say that? I treat him like my own little brother! I'm not you. I can't flirt around with Zitao, Baekhyun and Jongin." Suho push pass him and heads out of the dorm. 
Kris sits down on the high chair and drops his head into his hands. He regrets saying what he did. He's only been Suho for half a day but he already realize that he has been misunderstanding Suho for a long time. He decides, "I must go apologize to Suho. I must let him know that I really understand." When he stands up and turns he see Chanyeol standing behind him. "Suho-hyung. I have something important to tell you." Kris curses under his breath. 
Suho wanders around aimlessly, replaying Chanyeol's word in his mind. "Ge, just forget it. No matter how hard you try people will only think that you're in the group because of your face. People won't see or understand how hard you work behind the screen." BEEP BEEP BEEP! Suho realize that he was walking on a red light. Scared he takes a step back for the car to go. The driver sticks his head out and yells, "Not even goodlooking guys can cross the street on red light! Who do you think you are!" Then he drives away. 
Suho subconsciously touches his face and mumbles, "How much pain are you bearing each day with this face? How many times have you picked up a knife and want to cut a slit across it?" Suho smiles and mumbles, "No. It's not true. It doesn't have to be like this. I have to tell him. I have to tell him that he's not just a pretty face." He turns around and runs back in the direction of their building. For once that day Suho is happy for his new long legs. 
Back at the building Suho can't wait for the elevator to come. Seeing how he's in Kris' big and strong body he decides to climb the stairs. Panting and sweating he is finally back at their flat. He barges into M's dorm and search around for Kris. It was empty. He hurries out and goes into K's dorm. He hear noises in the living room and walks in to see a shocking sight. Chanyeol is cradling over Suho's body. Suho yells, "I hate you!" and runs out crying. 
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falafalafel #1
Chapter 4: I just found this today. It is so funny and beautiful. I wish there's a short part describing how the members freak out over their sudden 'overly' friendly relationship afterwards. Thank you for the story.
Chapter 4: Sequelll?!
Chapter 4: XD Omg I was laughing like crazy and all my relatives thought that I'm crazy,lol.I loved it by the way!
Chapter 4: haha... the cleaning bathroom part tricked me. oh my... am i that ert? m(__)m
really nice krisho story.. c:
Chapter 4: aaaaaaaaaaaaww KrisHo ♥_♥
Can I ask for the sequel?? xDDD
KKkkkk #6
Chapter 4: Hahahahhahahahaha I'm laughing at the solution of their problem hahaha LOL clean the CR hahahahah
ElfBaby06 #7
Chapter 4: ohmygod.... i really really really really really love this story, its hilarious yet sweet? hehe, good job btw.. :)
zukazuka #8
Chapter 4: its great and i like the story
thanks authornim
eurongi #9
Chapter 4: troll
i thought it was a scene lol xD
thankssss for the ending
Chapter 4: Great ♥♥♥♥