In my room

Will I be able to do this?

"Wah Annie-ah you really do look like Jinnie." said Suga

"Is he a good brother?" asked J-Hope

"Um, yea he is, he takes good care of me." you said while blushing

"Oh." they both said at the same time

"Well Annie we will go now and let you rest. If you need anything, let us know."

"Thank you J-Hope oppa." They left your room and Jin came in.

"So Annie-yah, which one will it be?"

"Oppa, what do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Who will it be between Jung Kook, V, and Jimin?"

"Ah~ them, well they all are cute. I'm not completely sure yet. I just met them today."

*BANG* You both turn your heads to the door and find 3 figures laying down on the floor.

"Yah! What are you guys doing!" asked Jin angryly

*Jung Kook* "Um it was V hyungs idea!" and pointed to V

*V* "Ani! No it wasn't! We 3 were just casually walking past by when we heard you guys talking."

*Jimin* "So we kind of started to listen."

"Whatever, just go away you 3." and Jin closed the door

"But oppa, I would have to say that right now, all three of them are a tie."

---A couple days later---

"Annie-ah wake up now! We have to go." Jin whispered in your ear

"Why! We are we even going?" "We have to go to dance practice and I don't want to leave you alone in the dorm by yourself. Something can go wrong."

~Ah typical Jin oppa. He's so overprotective sometimes.... But that's why I love him~

"Ah fine, go I'm gonna change." and you pushed him out

*SUGA* "Good morning Annie!" "Good Morning oppa." and you gave him a little smile

*Rap M.* "Okay guys lets go! The car is outside!"

They all got their shoes and hurried out the door

"I call siting next to Annie!"

"No Jung Kook! I already called it!"

"Guys! None of you are gonna sit next to Annie. Because I am." and Jimin gave them a bug smile

"No!" said Jung Kook and V at the same time and started to tackle Jimin.

"Hey!" And they all looked up "Just do rock, paper, scissors because Annie likes sitting next to the windows while in the car." and Jin held you close to him and away from the 3 It took them 10 minutes of rock, paper, scissors to find that Jung Kook had won the game

"Yay! Hahaha! BEAT THAT V and Jimin hyungs!" and Jung Kook quickly got into the van and sat next to you.

They were all in the car. With Rap Monster driving, and Jin in the passenger seat having their own little conversation. In the middle row was you, Jung Kook, and Suga. In the last row was V, J-Hope, and Jimin. The regular 3 we're having a fight saying that Jung Kook cheated and you looked over and saw that Suga oppa was getting annoyed with them and put on his headphones. As for J-Hope, he was fast asleep. So you were getting tired of the argument too and decided to listen to music as well. A few minutes later they were all still in the car and the argument was still going on.

"HEY!" Rap Monster had yelled so loud that you and Suga both pulled off your headphones, the 3 of them stop arguing, and J-Hope wake up. "You 3 realize that we have been sitting in the car for 10 minutes waiting for you guys to stop arguing!"

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teddiebears #1
popping in to visit older fics and say hi. .u.
khaniaNYN #2
Chapter 29: Such a awful story! No kidding its so sweet and cute story! I like the ending! I thing its a friendship that can't never break:')
Chapter 29: OMG THAT ENDING!!!! SOO CUTEE!!!
ibexrawrrr #4
Hey! my name is Annie. LOL might as well read the story. :)
Chapter 29: Aww~~~ This is soooo CUTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 27: YYYYYEEEEESSSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE LIKE IT~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 20: IMO this is too cute and funny haha
Update soon~
Chapter 8: Update soon ~
Can't wait to read what happens haha
Chapter 3: This story is great! Please keep writing it!! :D Haha also its so funny how JungKook V and Jimin act. Hmmm I wonder what will happen XD