Suho's Group

Will I be able to do this?

----When Suho's group first arrived, they didnt know what to do first so they walked around for about 20 minutes-----

"Let's go try the desserts!" said Lay

"But dont we need to eat something first?" asked Baekhyun

"We dont have to! I used to eat desserts first all the time when I was little."

"Well that depends, are you guys in?"

"Wait! I see dumplings! Let's eat some dumplings first, then for the rest of the day we will eat desserts. Is that okay Lay?" asked Suho


"If we are going to eat dumplings, that means that we might see Kris know him and his dumplings." said Jin

"I see him right there!" and J-Hope pointed to Kris sitting on a bench with dumplings in his hand

"Kris! Where's your group?" asked Baekhyun

"They all left to go and try the other food and left me here."

"And you stayed here eatting dumplings." said J-Hope

"Well of course, you dont want dumplings to go to waste."

"How many of those things have you had?" asked Jin

"Um... I'm on my 20th container."

"WOW!" said Lay in amazement

"Well is it really that good?" asked Suho


"Well Suho, hurry and get some dumplings so we can start with the desserts!" said Lay


"Wow! These are really good!" said Jin

"Told you guys."

"Well hurry so we can get to the desserts. There's alot to get!" said Lay hurrying them to hurry

"Ok, ok." replied Baekhyun

And they all threw away their trash.

"Well see you later Kris!" said Suho and waved goodbye

"Wait can one of you at least stay here with me? It's lonely here by myself."

but it was too late and they were all gone into the crowd

these people are so mean to me...wait, I'm starting to sound like Tao..come on dumplings, what are you doing to me? Kris thought to himself


"Ah this ice cream is so creamy!" said Lay

"But its really cold too." added Baekhyun

"Well of course! Its ice cream." said Suho


"MMMMMM. Bubble Tea. It just always has to be so good." said Lay and threw away his empty cup


"OH MY GOODNESS! They have FUDGE!" said Lay

"Hey Lay, you seem to be getting a little too over excited about these desserts." said J-Hope

"Yea your gonna get a stomach ache." added Jin

And everyone else nodded their head.


After a few minutes of walking......

"My stomach hurts!" yelled Lay and took a seat on a bench

"Told you." said Jin

"Well Lay, your the healing unicorn right? So heal yourself." said Suho

"I cant! My stomach hurts!''

"Too bad for you." said Baekhyun


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teddiebears #1
popping in to visit older fics and say hi. .u.
khaniaNYN #2
Chapter 29: Such a awful story! No kidding its so sweet and cute story! I like the ending! I thing its a friendship that can't never break:')
Chapter 29: OMG THAT ENDING!!!! SOO CUTEE!!!
ibexrawrrr #4
Hey! my name is Annie. LOL might as well read the story. :)
Chapter 29: Aww~~~ This is soooo CUTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 27: YYYYYEEEEESSSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE LIKE IT~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 20: IMO this is too cute and funny haha
Update soon~
Chapter 8: Update soon ~
Can't wait to read what happens haha
Chapter 3: This story is great! Please keep writing it!! :D Haha also its so funny how JungKook V and Jimin act. Hmmm I wonder what will happen XD