That Night

Will I be able to do this?

----V's thoughts-------

So i'm here lying in bed thinking about....Annie.

I haven't spent much time with her lately because she's been with the EXO memebers.

But I just have to rememer that she hasnt seen them in a long time..

They will be gone tomorrow...hopefully...then I get to see Annie

And I'm hoping that she liked my little whale pillow that i won for her

HEHEHE beat that Jung Kook and Jimin

but what if the other two ask out Annie...and they dont know about us...

but what will Annie say?


----Jung Kook's thoughts------

I'm so mad at myself for letting V win like that.

It's not fair!

Is his feelings for Annie getting stronger than mine?

That guys has been acting weird something up that I dont know about?

But he is V..he's usually like that, right?

And Jimin, that guy has noticed that V has been acting weird too.

I need to ask out Annie before the others do...but I'm scared that Jin hyung will treat me differently..

not like a good different, but a bad different


----Jimin's thoughts-------

today at the amusement park was a complete embarassment

how could V win like that?

I'm stronger than him....

somethings up with that guy...

does it have to do with Annie?

or is it V just being V?

I still have to ask out Annie before Jung Kook and V do..

but I'm afraid that if I ask her out, that would ruin me, Jung Kook and V's freindship..

we have been friends since the 1st grade.. and I dont want it to end

they have always been there for me...


----Jin's thoughts---------

the amusement park was fun today..

but I still dont know how to help Annie and V's problem...

V asked me if he could ask out Annie first..but to keep it a secret...

then after the ice cream, Annie told me that V asked her out and she said yes, and asked if that was okay..and i said it was fine

because V is a somewhat good person compared to Jimin and Jung Kook

but those 2 dont know about it... and i promised V and Annie that I would help come up with a plan for when it happens

why dont i get V to tell the 2 to ask for my permission first and I will say no..becuase of the wya they have been acting...

that sounds like a good plan


----Your thoughts------

its already like 4 in the morning and we are still watching movies in my room...

we all are awake..right now we are watching a funny comedy movie and the boys wont stop laughing..

and Rainbow oppas laugh is really whenever he laughs.. we all laugh at him

...anyways V won me a little whale pillow...its really cute and when he gave it to me i said thank you to him 

and gave him a little wink and he smiled back and we said good night...

I just wonder if Jin oppa has come up with that plan yet...

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teddiebears #1
popping in to visit older fics and say hi. .u.
khaniaNYN #2
Chapter 29: Such a awful story! No kidding its so sweet and cute story! I like the ending! I thing its a friendship that can't never break:')
Chapter 29: OMG THAT ENDING!!!! SOO CUTEE!!!
ibexrawrrr #4
Hey! my name is Annie. LOL might as well read the story. :)
Chapter 29: Aww~~~ This is soooo CUTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 27: YYYYYEEEEESSSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE LIKE IT~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 20: IMO this is too cute and funny haha
Update soon~
Chapter 8: Update soon ~
Can't wait to read what happens haha
Chapter 3: This story is great! Please keep writing it!! :D Haha also its so funny how JungKook V and Jimin act. Hmmm I wonder what will happen XD