The EXO Dorm

Will I be able to do this?

"Wah~you're guys dorm is really big!" said Suga

"Its like the BTS oppas and our dorms combined!" added Minzy

"Or bigger." said Jin

"Hehehe....since there is 12 of us, they gave us a big dorm." explained Kris

"More like a mansion." said Jin

"So, what would you like to do first guys?" asked Suho

"Let's give them individual tours of the dorm!" exclaimed Sehun

"Is your guys dorm that big? To have to show tours?" asked Yuri

"Yea..kind of." said Sehun

"Well, then divide in groups. Only two groups will have 3 people in them..PAIR UP!" said Lay

----30 seconds later------

"You guys done?" asked Chanyeol

and you all nod your heads

-1st group: you, Minzy, and Victoria

-2nd group: Bora, and Yuri

-3rd group: V and Jin

-4th group: Jimin and Jung Kook

-5th group: Rap M., Suga, and J-Hope

"Okay so for Annie's group, me, Luhan, and Sehun will give them a tour." said D.O

"For Bora and Yuri, me, Baekhyun, and Chen will be your tour guides." said Kris

"V and Jin, Chanyeol and I will be giving your tour." said Suho

"Those two are with us." said Kai to Jimin and Jung Kook and pointed to himself and Lay

"And as for you three (Rap M., Suga, and J-Hope) are stuck with us." said Tao and pointed to Xiumin


Your group~

"Okay, so we will show you the rooms of the members first." said Sehun and led you through a long hallway

"Here is Tao's room, then Xiumen, Kai, Lay, Suho, Chanyeol, Kris, Baekhyun, Chen, D.O, Luhan, then mine." said Sehun

and you all nodd "Hey Sehun show them whats in there." said D.O

"But thats a closet." said Sehun

"Just show them." said Luhan

so he opens the closet door and D.O and Luhan lock him in there

"HEY! LET ME OUT! im scared of the dark." screamed Sehun

"Good thing the lock is on the outside." said Luhan

"Okay! Everyone to Sehun's room!" said D.O


but it was too late and you all were looking through his stuff

"Wah~ his room is so neat." you say

"None of us have ever been in his room...he always threatens us that if we go in there he will do this and that." said D.O

"Since its neat in here....THROW ALL THE STUFF EVERYWHERE!" yelled Luhan

and you all open his drawers and throw his clothes all over the place, mess up his bed,

throw pillows on the floor, and knock the pencils on his desk onto the floor

"Ah looks much better." said Luhan

and you all walk out and open the closet..and there sat Sehun, on the floor, about to cry


"And here is the bathrooms, the guest bedrooms, and the living room." said Kai

and him, Lay, Jung Kook, and Jimin entered the living room and everyone was sitting on the couch watching t.v

"What took so long?" asked Xiumen

"These two got lost on the tour." said Lay

"It's not our-."said Jung Kook

"You guys walked so slow!" said Kai cutting him off

and everyone just laughs

"You guys want to watch a movie?" asked Chen

and you all nodd your head

"A scary movie." you say

and everyone agrees except for Suho

"No!'' said Suho

"It will be fine oppa! We are here with you!" you tell him

"Fine." he mumbles

so you all decide to watch 'Paranormal Activity 4' 

during the middle of the movie, Luhan passed on to all of you,except Suho, the plan on how to scare him


so now, the plan was in action

Luhan quickly went to go and turn off the lights in the kitchen

then, Chanyeol turns off the t.v and all of you quickly grab hold of each others hands (except for Suho) and run to the kitchen

so it was pitch black inside the dorm and you all were holding hands in the kitchen while Suho was still in the living room not having a clue of what was going on

"Uh..guys...what happened?" he asked 

but none of you answered...then thats when Baekhyun, one of the people that was holding your hand) gets a pot and drops it on the floor

and Suho gives a little shriek "Guys... where are you? I need to find the lights!"

then thats when Kai, all the way on the other side of the line, gets two knifes and pretend to sharpen them together

"What was that? Guys! Stop fooling around."

then V grabs a bag of chips nearby and starts crackling the bag around

"Huh? What was that?" 

then you let go of the hands and sneak up behind Suho whos back was facing you guys and tickle him saying 'boo'

"AAAHHHH!" he screamed

and Kris the lights and you all start laughing 

"You guys..I hate you all." he said

"Aw...we love you too." said Tao

"Well, its getting late, we should get to sleep." said Chanyeol

"Here guys follow me, I'll show you the guest bedrooms." said Baekhyun and you all follow him


you, Minzy, and Victoria were in your bedrooms getting ready for bed

"I'll be right back. I forgot I gave my phone to Yuri to hold." you say and you leave the room and suddenly you bump into someone

"Oh I'm so sorry!" you say and bow

"Yah~ it's fine."

and you look up to find V standing there

"What are you still doing up?" you ask

"Well, how about you?"

"I asked you first."

"Okay, okay, calm down. I came to say goodnight to you."


"Well yea of course."

and you blush

"And now, what are you doing up?"

"I was gonna get my phone from Yuri cause I asked her if she could hold it earlier."


and there was a silence

"Well..are you gonna say good night to me?" you ask him

and he laughs "Goodnight." and he gives you a little kiss and a hug


"And Annie, I know that we haven't been seeing each other lately, but dont worry..I will come and visit you. Okay?" 

"Alright." and he leaves and you get your phone from Yuri

*he's so sweet...i need to start spending time with him too....and instead of him always visiting me, i should give him a surprise visit too one time...* you thought to your self

"Oh hey Annie, one more thing. We need to make a promise with each other."  he said

"A promise? For what?"

"Like a forever promise.."

"Um okay.."

"Promise me that we will always trust each other, never let each other down, always be there for each other, and to never cheat on one another?"

"I promise." and you and him interlock pinkies 

and you give him another kiss on the lips before going back into your room

"So..what took you so long?" asked Victoria

"What did you do?" asked Minzy

"I didnt do anything!" you say

"Sure.. we soo believe you." said Victoria sarcastically

"Okay.. when i went out, i bumped into V..and I asked him why he was still up and he said that he was going to say goodnight to me...and he asked me..and I told him that i was gonna get my phone....and he kissed me and said goodnight..but before he left..we made a promise with each other to always be with each other and yea.." you tell them

"Aw.." said Minzy

''Thats soo two are a good couple." said Victoria

and you all laugh and say good night

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teddiebears #1
popping in to visit older fics and say hi. .u.
khaniaNYN #2
Chapter 29: Such a awful story! No kidding its so sweet and cute story! I like the ending! I thing its a friendship that can't never break:')
Chapter 29: OMG THAT ENDING!!!! SOO CUTEE!!!
ibexrawrrr #4
Hey! my name is Annie. LOL might as well read the story. :)
Chapter 29: Aww~~~ This is soooo CUTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 27: YYYYYEEEEESSSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE LIKE IT~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 20: IMO this is too cute and funny haha
Update soon~
Chapter 8: Update soon ~
Can't wait to read what happens haha
Chapter 3: This story is great! Please keep writing it!! :D Haha also its so funny how JungKook V and Jimin act. Hmmm I wonder what will happen XD