The Results

Bring It On, Ben Ben

                                                                                                            Your POV

      It has been about three weeks ever since that incident that I had with Ben Ben. Gosh,........... I don't even know why I had just went along with it............ Work has been neutral since there's not a lot of events going around, besides Ben Be trying to get my attention everyday after that incident. Even though I didn't expect that I would lose my ity out of nowhere before marriage, a part of me didn't regret it since it made me feel that he only wanted me but............ because of ing Violet, I had to keep a straight face everyday until the situation ends. I haven't feeling well for the past few days and I thought that I didn't get enough sleep, but when I tried to eat my favorite strawberry shortcake, I felt like puking.

", I........." I started to look down at my stomach as I placed a hand on it. I gathered my stuff and told my staff that I would be going to the doctors since I don't feel well. As I had arrived at the clinic, I saw other pregnant mothers with their husbands and kids coming out of the office with their parents. I started to smile out of nowhere, wondering what it feels like to have a child of my own........if it's really true that I am pregnant. I suddenly heard my name called and followed the nurse to the office. When I walked in and looked up after the nurse had left the office, I noticed it was one of my colleges, Sophie.

"Omo, (your name)~~~~~~" The both of us started to hug each other since I had introduced her to Kim Seok Jin when she had visited me after  she came back from her trip to Sydney. Gosh they're so freaking cute together. "What brings you hear today?" The both of us started to sit down.

"Well............. I'm not feeling well and..........."

"You were wondering if you're pregnant, huh?" I just looked at her shocked with a surprised face.

"How the fu-?"

"Hey, I'm a doctor and I also heard that you left with Kris at the bar."

"How did...........ugh....... I'm going to kill them after this..........."

"Haha.........okay okay........ come on now...... let's just do this check up so I can confirm it......" She just walked to her table "Haha, I think you had a fun time with him.........."


"And you shouldn't also scream since it's not good for the baby~~~~~~~~~"

"Ugh................." After the clinic, I just had a conversation with Sophie since I didn't feel like going back to the office and hear Kris bothering me all day.......

                                                                                            ~~~~Two days later~~~~

         I went back to the clinic because Sophie told me that the test result were in. As I walked in the office, I saw the other girls in the office and ran up to me to give me a bear hug.

"Oh my gosh, (your name)~~~~~~~~~~~~~" I got a bit confused as the girls were escorting me to the couch.

"Ummmm............... how did you-"

"Okay,  (your name). No need to explain and we heard the news.............." I blanked out a bit from what Sunny had said and gave Sophie a glare while she was looking away from me.


"Omo, (your name) stop screaming, you don't want to kill your baby!!!!!!"

"What ba- Wait............ how the heck do you know I have a baby, Seohyun?................"

"Yah, we all know, silly." I didn't know what Jieun said until it got me.

"I'm........................" everyone just nod at me. I was happy that I now have Ben Ben's child and I was about to smile until I remembered about the plan.

" (your name)......... shouldn't you be happy?....... Why are you............."Sophie started to look worried.

"It's because of that Violet ........."

"Yah!!!!!!!!" Yonna started to cover my ears as Sooyoung said the word ''. "Not in front of our future baby in  (your name)'s belly............."


"Are you.............going to tell Kris,.............(your name)?...................."

I shook my head. "Not now, Taeyeon............."

"(your name)................" everyone said in unison.

"I know what you guys are thinking,.............but it's not the right time.........yet.................." I just looked down on the ground.

Hyoyeon started to comfort me. "Arraso,  (your name)............. but if anything happens to you........ we're going to be looking after you.........24/7." I just didn't say anything because there was a lot of things going in my mind about what will happen next. After a dead silence in the room, Jessica started to speak. 

"Yah, do you guys thing  (your name) will have a girl or a boy?"

"Yah, Jessica. Isn't it a little too early to know my baby's gender?"

"Hah, but we're going to make a bet on it~~~~~~~~~~"

"Count me in then." said Tiffany.

"Yeah, sure......" Then everyone else but me agreed on the bet.

"You guys are being ridiculous..........."I started to laugh as they were talking about the baby...........

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Chapter 53: beautiful fanfic!!!! hehehehehehe....
Chapter 50: OMG!!!!!!!!!! Kris and Violet are siblings!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 24: hwaiting!!! Kris oppa
Chapter 6: hehehehehe... love it!!!
Exotic_96H #5
Chapter 14: Am I the only one who thinks this story should be turned into a drama...? Anyway I looooved it !! <3
ReinaPark #6
Chapter 53: woooowww... this was so great love this much
Chapter 54: new story is here my fellow lovely readers and/or subscribers!!!!!!!!!!!
biancabeybe #8
Chapter 47: Hope nothing happens to the baby.... :|
Chapter 46: lol her and Brian's convo though~ and O_O someone just had to like kidnap her... -_-