
Number One Anti-Fan

EXO has been practicing to their new song. Dancing and singing nonstop group by group then members by members. Taking turn to learn each steps everyone grew exhausted and tired. Sweats forming and the room getting hotter. Everyone decided to take a break and rest for a while.

"Ahhhh! I'm so tired!" Baekhyun stated and sat by the mirror. 

Everyone sat down as well. "Please open the window I can hardly breathe in this room." Kai said sleeping on the ground with his legs and arms spread out.

Suho walk to the window revealing the bright afternoon sun beaming its powerful light inside the practice room. "What time is it already?" Lay asked. Kris was touching his phone and look towards the time. "It's 4:40pm." He said. Tao decided to change his weibo pictures.

Chanyeol sat on the ground spacing out and not paying any attentions to the members that are playing rock, paper, scissors to see who have to go out to get lunch for them.

"Chanyeol...." Chen called but no answers. Everyone look towards him and look at each other and then back at him. "Chanyeol-ah!" Baekhyun called. 

Chanyeol was deep in thoughts, When he heard his name being called he look towards the members who all have eyes on him returning to reality he scratch the back of his head and smile a little. "Yes he said.

"Are you okay? You don't look like yourself today." Kai raised a brows. "Agree, you are often hyper but today you just look...." Luhan said trying to find the right words to describe him.

"Not yourself, unhappy, sad and emo?" Baekhyun joked, Chanyeol laugh dryly and sent him death glares. "I'm just kidding." Baekhyun said lowly and look away.

Kris walk towards Chanyeol and pulled him up. "Okay since no one is planning to go then I'll go with Chanyeol, Sehun and Luhan." Kris smile and drag Chanyeol out of the practice room.

"Huh? But I don't want to go." Chanyeol pouted and Kris rolled his eyes. "You need to get some fresh air." Kris said still dragging him down the elevator and out the building with Luhan and Sehun following behind.


"Nope never had one before." Sojin raised a brow at her. "What! But you look so beautiful." Sojin stated. She must be kidding with that kind of face she should at least have more than 1 boyfriend already.

Suddenly the glass door ring, another customer with a few other boys enter.

"Hello, how may I help you?" KyungMi bow and look up to see who it was and her eyes widen.

The guy smirked seeing who the girl was. The other guy was looking at You and him back in forth. "Kris hyung do you two know each other?" He asked.

Oh so that ert freak's name is Kris ehh~ It sure match him but ughhh his personality just killed his one million times. Kris chuckle and look at Chanyeol. "Of course she would know me, we are popular in Seoul, did you forget that?" 

Chanyeol open his mouth to say something but shook his head and close his mouth. Of course, they are popular, they're celebrity. 

"Psh, self-center much." KyungMi mumbles. Luhan enter and saw the same girl they saw this morning. Sojin stood next to KyungMi hoping not to be notice by Kris or Luhan. KyungMi look over Kris's shoulders there stood the same boy with the gray blonde hair this morning as well.

Luhan wrapped a hand around Sehun and smile. "What would you like to have?" He asked Sehun who eyes sparkles in delight. "Really, you will get it for me?" He asked and Luhan chuckle. "Of course hyung will pay for you." He said and they both walk to the counter.

Chanyeol look at KyungMi and smile. "So who's your favorite member?" He asked and KyungMi laugh dryly.

KyungMi point towards Kris. Kris raised a brow. 

"I'm his number one biggest Anti-Fan!" KyungMi hissed and walk away. "Anti-Fan?" Chanyeol look at Kris who shrugged and walk towards the counter.

"Ughhh, I hate seeing his annoying face." KyungMi pulled her hair mentally. Luhan was ready to order and stood infront of the counter.

"What would you like?" KyungMi asked. Luhan smile," I would like to get Mocha bubble tea and please make it 12." Luhan said. KyungMi sigh and accept his card.

Sojin and YooJin in the back making all 12 cups of bubble tea. "Is that all for you?" Luhan nodded his head.

"What do you want jerk face." KyungMi asked. Kris grinned and lean on the counter and KyungMi back away.

"I want you." Kris point at you and you tried not to puke at his words. "Don't make me barf." KyungMi mutters.

"Hyung, stop it you're making her hate you." Chanyeol nudge Kris who just ignore Chanyeol. "There more she hates me, the more I get more amused and wanting her more." Kris uttered and KyungMi scoffed and push him away from the counter. Chanyeol chuckle and shook his head. "Such a player."

"Anyway I would like to have those Bread filled with coconut creams make it 12 and that mini fruit cake."Kris said.

You walk away and Chanyeol nudge Kris. "Do you like her or something?" Chanyeol asked. Kris look at him and look back at the counter ignoring Chanyeol's question. "Well? Are you going to answer my question?" Chanyeol wrapped his arms around Kris's shoulders.

"Not answering." Kris said. "Stubborn much." Chanyeol laugh and Kris push Chanyeol away making him laugh.

After waiting for 10 minutes they got everything and walk out.

"What's with him?" Sojin asked and you just shrugged your shoulders. "I don't know." You said.


Suho walk out of the dance room and bump into someone. He help her up. "Are you okay?" He asked and Sanghee look up to see Suho. She push his hand away and bow. "I'm fine." She quickly said and walk off. 

Suho tilt his head. "What's with the attitude?" He thought but smile. She looks beautiful though.

EunMi came out of the bathroom and saw Suho. "Oh annyeong Suho sunbae." EunMi greeted him and smile. Suho remember Chanyeol's face earlier. Should I ask or just leave it?

"Hello EunMi-shii." Suho greeted her back. "HYUNG!" Chanyeol voice roared through the hall waving at Suho happily. EunMi and Suho look towards Chanyeol. 

Chanyeol spot Suho with a girl but his smile suddenly fade once he saw who it was.

Eun Mi look away once their eyes met, Chanyeol's hand drop and he became sad once again. 

Luhan, Sehun and Kris walked pass Chanyeol entering the dance room. Suho clear his throat and smile at Chanyeol. "I'll go now see you later EunMi." Suho announce giving them space Chanyeol spotted Suho who only winked at him.

"See you later." EunMi bow and was about to leave but Chanyeol grabbed her wrist. Eun Mi tried to break free from his gripped but he won't let go. 

"Yah, Let go of me." EunMi hissed but Chanyeol shook his head. "We need to talk." He whispered so no one would notice. "There's nothing to talk about." EunMi angrily stated taking his hands off.

"I won't let go until we talk!" Chanyeol irritably stated but EunMi didn't care.

"Don't make me scream for attentions!" EunMi threaten and Chanyeol scoffed. "Fine! I'll meet you later on tonight then! and prepare yourself!" Chanyeol smirked and let go of her. "No." EunMi stubbornly said and walk away.


"Taeyeon-ah do you like Chanyeol?" SooYoung asked while the two walk inside the bakery. TaeYeon was shock and look towards SooYoung who just stared back being curious. 

"Uhh what made you think that?" SooYoung shrugged. "Well, it's pretty obvious seeing you around him at times." SooYoung smile. 

TaeYeon chuckle and look at her. "That doesn't mean that I liked him." TaeYeon poke SooYoung's waist making her ticklish.

"I guess so." SooYoung puff her cheeks.

"Welcome to YooJin's Cafe." Sojin bow and greeted them. The girls ignore her and rolled their eyes. 

"What would you like to have?" Taeyeon look at KyungMi with an icky feeling but shook it off. "Can I get an expresso and that's all."

"I would like to get a mocha bubble tea." SooYoung stated and they went to take a seat at an empty tables.

"What's with the look?" Sojin hissed and KyungMi chuckle.


Lay look at his weibo's message. 

"Why won't she answer me at all?" He thought.


Chen took out his phone as he text to his girlfriend.

'Hunnie how's your day?'

after a minute he received a text.

'It's good! I got a new job!' Chen chuckle and text her back.

'Want to tell me a little about it later?'

Everyone stared at Chen who was smiling like an idiot. "What's so funny?" XiuMin asked. Chen look up and shook his head.

'I'm busy, talk to you later! Love you~'

He closed his phone and slipped it in his pocket. "Ahhh~ must be his girlfriend!" Suho jokingly stated but Chen's eyes widen. He never told them that he had a girlfriend before. Yet he doesn't plan to get caught by them.

"What are you talking about i-its my mom." He lied.

"Sure~ then why are you stuttering like its something bad?" Kai asked causing everyone to laugh.

Chen rolled his eyes and took a sip of his bubble tea.


KyungMi just arrived home after closing the store. 

Walking up to her bed she decided to go take a warm shower before eating dinner.


"It's late lets end practice here today." Suho sighed and whipped his sweats. 

"Okay we'll see you tomorrow then." Kris waved and everyone leaving the dance room.

Chanyeol slowly walking behind everyone. Did she left home yet?

"Are you coming hyung?" Kai asked and Chanyeol look up to see EXO-K starring at him.

Chanyeol shook his head. "You guys go ahead I have something to do." Everyone nodded and left. Since it was around midnight alot of trainees has left.


Chanyeol walk down to the basement. there wasn't anyone all the teachers left and staff as well.

Chanyeol look inside and saw only Sanghee and EunMi in there left. ", Sanghee is there here!" He thought. But he decided to wait a bit more.


KyungMi got to the kitchen and look at the trash can it was full so she decided to take out the trash. Once she open the door she was face to face with them again.

What is up with me seeing them always? She thought and cursed under her breathe.

KyungMi stood there staring at EXO-M. Kris look at KyungMi and smirked.

"She's weird." Chen stated breaking the silences. Tao nodded his head in agreement.

KyungMi glared at them and throw the trash away making her way back to the door but Kris grabbed her waist making her jump. 

"Let go." She yelped. 

"Talk to us, we don't bite!" Lay said but there was an awkward silence again. KyungMi turned to face them. 

"You guys don't be he does!" KyungMi point at Kris who was still holding her. KyungMi hated people who touched her.

"Ouchhh." Kris got elbow by the stomach.

. "I don't like being touched by strangers." KyungMi warned and stomp on his toe. "Ahhhhh." Kris jumped in one foot.

KyungMi walked inside. 

"H-hyung are you okay?" Tao asked as his eyes widen.

Everyone was as shock as Tao but then Luhan burst out laughing. "I'm okay." Kris managed to say.


Update today ^^

Hope you all enjoy it :D

And hope it's not getting too boring >.<


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ctnajihah #1
Chapter 7: good <3<3<3
O.o update soon
Chapter 2: This is interesting! Pls update soon! :)
NanaHanna #5
Chapter 2: This is an interesting story! Keep it up author-nim! Fighting :D