
~Sequel~ Here's My Secret, I KNOW I'm In Love With You

Chanyeol's POV
"What do you think it will be?" asked Baekhyun.
I tapped my chin, "I'm thinking it will be a girl. What about you?"
He nodded, "I think a girl too."

Baekhyun and I waited in the waiting room while Seunghyun was getting a sonogram done. She's been in there for over twenty minutes already.

"What do you plan on naming the baby? I mean, once you find out if it's a boy of a girl?" he asked.
"Tch, I'll leave it up to Seunghyun." I smiled.

*Door opens*
"Jagiya, Oppa," Seunghyun came out with a smile on her face, "It's a boy." She came over and threw her arms around me, "We're having a boy, Chanyeol."
"That's wonderful!" I smiled and gave her a big hug. "Come on, let's all get something to eat."

Your POV
I'm so happy that we are having a boy. ^_^

As Chanyeol drove Baekhyun and I out to eat, I began thinking of some names.

*Phone vibrates*
Lu Han

"What are the results, Loudmouth? A boy or girl? - Lu Han"
I rolled my eyes and replied, "Uh, good-morning to you too, ert. And it's a boy. ^_^ - Seunghyun"
"Congratulations! ^^ All of the members wanted to know. We all give you and Chanyeol our best wishes! - Lu Han"
"Thank, ert! - Seunghyun"

"Hey, Lu Han and the others congratulate us, Yeobo." I said up to Chanyeol who was talking to Baekhyun up front.

When we all got to the restaurant, we all took a table in the back so fans wouldn't be all over us. "The doctor said that I could continue to sing and dance, but once my stomach starts to get big, I'll have to quit dancing until the baby is born." I told them.
Baekhyun shrugged his shoulders, "Well that's understandable. At least you can still sing."
Chanyeol nodded in agreement, "What else is there? What about concerts?"
"I can still go to them and sing, but I wouldn't be able to dance. Also, I have to be careful with what I eat."

While we were waiting for our food, Chanyeol began writing down a list of names on his phone. "I want you to pick out the name, Jagiya."
"Are you sure? How about we both pick one?" I gave him a warm smile.
"All right, we both can." he chuckled.

"How about this," Baekhyun spoke up and took the notebook with all the names written down, "How about Chanyeol points to a name and then you point to a name. You guys can both decide if you like it or not. Seunghyun, close your eyes." he pointed a finger at me.
As I closed my eyes, Chanyeol was picking out a name. "I like this one." I heard him say.
"All right, Seunghyun, your turn." Baekhyun and Chanyeol switched seats.

I looked at the list of names he had. There was one name that I really liked. "I like this one, Baek."
Baekhyun's eyes widen, "Really? Is that what you choose?"
I gave him a confident nod.
He laughed and looked at Chanyeol, "Hey, you guys really are meant for each other. Look what she chose." he pointed to the name I picked.
Chanyeol's eyes widen, "That's what I picked too!" he smiled.
Chanyeol and Baekhyun switched spots. Chanyeol pulled me into his arms, "Minkyung it is." he placed his lips on mine.

~Weeks later~
As weeks went on, EXO and _____ continued attending their busy schedule, going overseas, getting ready for comebacks, etc. Chanyeol has taken good care of me. He always makes sure that I'm okay after a long day, and if we're separate, he put Soyun in charge of me. He is a great husband. ^_^

"Minkyung is such a good name!" Minah said as she threw her arms around me.
"I know. We both picked it out." I smiled.
"When are you due?" asked Mihyun.
I began counting on my fingers, "Around forty-one weeks? Possibly earlier? It all depends on how well the baby is doing."
"Well we're here for you if you need anything." said Soyun rubbing my back.
"Thanks, Unnies." I smiled back at them.

*Phone rings*

*Phone conversation*
Me: Hello?
Chanyeol: Jagiya, how are you feeling?
Me: I am doing very well. My members are taking very good care of me. How are you?
Chanyeol: *Chuckles* That's good to hear. I just wanted to check on how you're doing. I am doing well as well. EXO just finished performing and we're up in the dorm resting. I can't wait for you to return home tomorrow.
Me: *Chukles* Me too. Two days without you is painful. I miss you too much.
Chanyeol: Don't worry. You'll be in my arms tomorrow. You get some rest now. I'll see you tomorrow. I love you. You and Minkyung continue to do well.
Me: Okay. I love you too. Minkyung and I will continue to do so.

Baekhyun's POV
~Next day~
When EXO came to the airport to see _____ return home, I saw Seunghyun walking through the doors and her stomach was getting really big.

"Jagiya!" Chanyeol ran up to her.
"Chanyeol!" she smiled and threw her arms around him.
"Jagi, look at you! The baby is growing well!" he smiled.
"Yeah, he is doing great! He kept kicking me last night in his sleep." she chuckled.

"Baek!" she came up to me and threw her arms around me, "Minkyung is doing very well." she placed her hands on her stomach.
"I can see you are too. Are you eating enough?" I teased.
"Yah!" she playfully hit my arm, "I may be eating too much. Minkyung eats a lot!"
"Well, he's a growing boy."

"Hey, Loudmouth." Lu Han came up to me and began poking my cheek.
"Hi, ert." I chuckled.
"Wow, looks like someone's been eating a lot. You probably weigh more than me!" he teased.
"Yah! Hyung!" I slapped his arm, "Don't be teasing my sister like that!"
"I'm just playing." he held up his hands in defense. "Are you doing well, Seunghyun?"
She nodded, "I am. Don't worry, Oppa, Lu Han is right. I probably weigh more than all of you. And I think this last concert will be my last for a while."
"Yeah, we told her she didn't have to perform with us, but she insisted." Soyun said walking up to us with Yixing.
"You need to take a break, Jagi." Chanyeol came up behind Seunghyun and wrapped his arms around her.
"I guess." she sighed.

Your POV
When Chanyeol drove us home, he helped me out of the car. He carried me in his arms up the stairs to our bedroom. "Chanyeol, you don't have to carry me. I'm perfectly fine. 140lbs is too heavy for you to carry."
"Jagiya," he chuckled, "I'm perfectly fine. You don't weigh much at all. You're very light."
"You're too nice, Chanyeol." I pecked his cheek.

He gently set me on the bed and pulled out my sleeping clothes. "Chanyeol? Could I sleep in your shirt? I-I like sleeping in your shirts." I blushed.
"Of course, Seunghyun." he gave me a warm smile and pulled out one of his tees for me to wear.

We both changed and laid down in bed. Chanyeol carefully tucked me into bed and laid down next to me. He pulled me into his arms and began playing with my hair. He left small kisses on my forehead, "Seunghyun, I love you. I can't wait to meet Minkyung. You two will be the most important people to me."
I reached for his hand and began caressing it. Suddenly, I felt Minkyung kicking. I chuckled and placed Chanyeol's hand on my stomach. "You feel that?" I chuckled.
"He can't wait to get out." he laughed. "Appa and Umma can't wait to see you, Minkyung." Chanyeol kissed his hand and placed it on my stomach.

"I love you, Chanyeol." I looked up and pressed my lips against his.
He caressed my cheek, "I love you too, Park Seunghyun. Minkyung too."

Baekhyun's POV
~38 weeks later~
"All right, Jongdae, you're up next to record." I said walking out of the recording room.

"BAEKHYUN HYUNG!" yelled Jongin running in with the phone.
"What's wrong?" I asked with a worried face.
"Seunghyun is in the hospital now. She said her water broke. Chanyeol Hyung is down there right now."
I quickly got my stuff and headed out the door and ran to the hospital.

Please, Seunghyun, stay strong. I kept thinking.

When I stepped in the hospital, I went to the front desk, "Excuse me, I need to see Park Se-"
"Byun Baekhyun? You're her brother right? Down the hall first door on the right." the nurse said.

I quickly sprinted into the room and saw Seunghyun lying in bed with Chanyeol kneeling down next to her holding her hand. "Hyung/Oppa." they both said when they saw me.
Seunghyun held her hand out to me, "Oppa, it hurts." she said as tears fell from her face.
I reached for her hand and held it. "Seunghyun," Chanyeol caressed her cheek, "Just take deep breathes. Relax."

"Hey, is she all right?" asked Lu Han walking in.
She looked up at him with weak eyes, "Lu Han..."
He came over and sat on the bed next to her legs. "Hey, we're all here for you."
"Oppa, will it hurt a lot?" she looked at me in horror.
My eyes widen at the question. I couldn't really answer that because I'm not a woman. "Seunghyun, I can't answer that for you. But I heard that you will feel pain."
"Are you in any pain now?" asked Lu Han.
"I have a needle in my back." she gave all of us a weak smile.
"We'll be right here next to you, Jagi." said Chanyeol kissing her forehead.

"Excuse me, we're going to ask you guys to step out for a few minutes. From looking at the monitor, the baby is ready." said the nurse walking in.
As we all got up to leave, Seunghyun grabbed the back of my shirt, "Oppa, please don't leave me. Can't you all stay? I need all of you." she continued grasping my shirt.
I looked up at the nurse, "Could we please stay? My sister needs us."
The nurse looked at all of us and then down at Seunghyun. She sighed, "I guess it would be all right."

Chanyeol came over and held her hand. I went over and stood behind Seunghyun while Lu Han went to hold her other hand.

A few nurses came over and stood down at Seunghyun's feet, "Seunghyun, please try pushing."

*Seunghyun screaming in pain*
"Shhh, Seunghyun, Oppa is here for you." I kissed her forehead.
"IT HURTS!" she screamed in pain.
She reached over and attached herself to Chanyeol's arm. I could tell Chanyeol was in pain from her tearing at his arm, but Seunghyun was in more pain. "Jagiya, I'm right here. Please, keep pushing. We'll get through this together."
She kept a hard grip on his arm and looked over at Lu Han who looked at her with a worried face, "Seunghyun, you're doing well. Please, keep pushing. Your son wants to see you and Chanyeol. Keep pushing so he can see you."

*Seunghyun screaming in pain*
"You're almost there, Mrs. Park. We see his head. Keep pushing!" said the nurse.
"I CAN'T!" she screamed.
"Seunghyun, please, you're almost there!" said Chanyeol her cheek.
"Come on, Seunghyun! One more big push!" yelled the nurse.

*Seunghyun screaming in pain*
That was the loudest scream I've ever heard. It sounded like someone was killing her. I looked over at Lu Han and Chanyeol. Their hands had red marks all over them. Chanyeol's hand drew a little blood.

*Baby crying*
"He's beautiful, Seunghyun. You did a great job." said the nurse holding the newborn in her arms.

I looked over at Chanyeol and he had a few tears in his eyes. They were tears of happiness.

"Jagiya," Seunghyun gave Chanyeol a weak smile, "We did it. We have a son." he kissed her on the lips.
She looked over at Lu Han who was smiling, "You did good, Loudmouth." he winked.
"Thanks, ert. I really was a loudmouth, wasn't I?" she gave him a weak laugh.
"You were." he chuckled.

"Seunghyun," I walked over next to Lu Han and looked at her.
"Oppa..." she held her weak arms out.
I leaned down and gave her a hug. "Thanks for being there for me. All of you." she whispered.
"You're very strong, Seunghyun." I smiled at her and caressed her cheek.

"Seunghyun?" the nurse came over and handed her Minkyung.
"Minkyung..." she smiled. She looked over at Chanyeol, "He has your eyes, Chanyeol."
Chanyeol tested his head on Seunghyun's and smiled, "Minkyung will grow up to be strong like you, Seunghyun."
She smiled and cupped his face, "He'll have a wonderful father next to him."

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Chapter 56: *gasps* This is perfect! Thank you for being such a great writer, Author-nim! ❤
Baeasma #2
I don't get how this story doesn't have much subs and votes YOU DESERVE MOREEE
Yeolda #4
Chapter 56: I couldn't imagine EXO in their late thirties XD I wish I had an uncle like Baekhyun. He seemed like he didn't care about Miyoung's relationship, as long as she was happy, unlike someone (Chanyeol) lol. Off to read about Seunghyun and Luhan!
dyvatasya #5
Chapter 55: I love this story! Thank you<333 But, isn't it weird for them swimming in the pool? By the way, is it means EXO and Seunghyun's group had disbanded? I mean' they're getting old of course right?
Michelle_98 #6
Chapter 55: Awww.. is so sweet! Thanks for writing this story to us, I really enjoy reading it. Waiting for you to write another story for us! Hwaiting!
Chapter 55: this was just the most sweetest chapter ever~
all the over protectiveness was just hilarious.
this was a really good sequel.
im glad i read it
Chapter 52: OMFG!
Chapter 54: Good thing you didn't do that author-nim. I would be crying if you made her die
Chapter 48: phew!!! I'm/SeunHyun's not pregnant xD