First Time for Everything

One's Misfortune
Sunggyu's perspective.
"OH MY MOTHER OF ALL THAT'S HOLY." Sunggyu screeched, as he glanced at the clock on the wall.
He quickly planted his backside on the timber floor and continued with his struggle to put on his black sneakers. He cursed words under his breath, ones that a student his rank would have never done, at least, not publically.
But in the hamster boy's case, he was late. And on an exam day too. This is great, just great.
Sunggyu let out a pathetic attempt of a sob when his stomach growled for the umpteenth time that morning. "Mum, why didn't you wake me up?" he whined with a rare but childish pout lingering on his lips. His mother chuckled and handed him buttered toast to munch on.
CLICK. CLICK. The boy slapped his palm to his head as he let out another incomprehensive whine.
"What's that, sweetie?" his mother bend down to pinch his cheeks affectionately with her free hand, while the other held the all-too-expected expensive digital camera. 
"Honestly, I suggest you drop this habit, mum." he eyed her in the most serious face he could muster.
His father, who was sitting on the couch with a newspaper in hand, mumbled something highly unintelligible for a person his age. Sunggyu rolled his eyes at the poor defence his father was putting up, but he wore a smile nevertheless, though it had his mother cooing uncontrollably.
He straightened his tie, flattened out his blazer before planting a soft peck on his mother's cheek while waving to his father dismissively.
"Yah! Kim Sunggyu, I demand you treat me like you did with your mother!" Mr Kim folded his newspaper away and beckoned his son over, almost playfully if it weren't for that unreadable expression on his face.
His son gave him a disapproving glare as his small eyes flickered to the clock above them. However, he ended up slouching his way over with a scoff.
"What? Would you like a kiss too, your Highness?" Sunggyu raised a eyebrow and folded his arms over his chest in such a manner that made him his words sound sarcastic.
"Watch your mouth, Gyu." his mother wagged her finger and let out a amused laugh. "Your father is only for me to kiss."
"And there we go." the boy lifted his arms up, as if to prove his point. He turned around. "Now if you will excuse me."
"Ah, not to fast little man." his father was quick to capture his wrists. "I want a handshake." 
Sunggyu stared at him like he grew two heads or something. "What is this? Are we businessmen now?" he snorted, but stayed put with plain amusement in his eyes.
At his words, a small chuckle escaped his father. "Not quite, only I am. But let's settle this like grown men," Mr Kim extended his hand with a half stern look.
Sunggyu had to groan at this. "Aish, fine! But this argument is not over until it's over!"
With that, he quickly took his father's outstretched hand and gave it a firm shake before strapping one of his bag's strap on and dashing out of the door. His dark red hair - wait, no - his whole appearance was dishevelled. 
"That's our boy." Mr. Kim finally stood up and went over to his wife, who watched the scene from the door. He wrapped his arms around her in a loving embrace. She responded immediately by leaning back, whispering in a slightly hoarse voice.
"I'm starting to think he's more mature than us, don't you think?" she mumbled with a soft fond smile.
He hummed in agreement. "Yes, I believe he always has been." 
"But it's hard to believe that he has never fallen in love. He's been working way too hard for a person his age." her voice finally cracked and a tear escaped her beautiful brown eyes. "A-And he's never invited a friend over, beside Dongwoo."
"Perhaps today might be the day. After all, Sunggyu has never been late before." he murmured as he gently wiped her tears away.
"I hope so, honey, I hope so." 
Sunggyu ran all the way to school, patting his pockets for his phone. "Damn it, where is it?" he muttered, completely exhausted and out of breath.
After a few more incoherent mumbles, he pulled out a black piece of metal of a phone and flipped it open. The boy squinted at the corner of the screen with a audible gasp. He was unable to believe his eyes. "A-Am I 12 minutes late for my class?!" 
He held the phone away with shaky hands, a look of horror completely adorning his face as he confirmed his worst nightmare. Kim Sunggyu, the perfect A-grade student of class 2B, had just been late for his maths test. He scowled and rushed into the building, which was unfortunately filled with crowds of students. He peered at certain groups of people with a look of disappointment on his face. 
"And to think they should know better by now." Sunggyu muttered darkly, eyeing several groups of friends who just stood there, talking. In a busy hallway. In the middle of testing period. He wanted to strangle them all, literally.
He took a few deep breaths and attempted to slide past a particular chubby boy. What did his attempt get him? Only a few shoves that practically sent him flying out of the jumble of people, yelping pitifully.
Oh, well, two can play at this game. Sunggyu huffed loudly and hoisted his heavy school bag over his shoulder, successfully colliding it against his back with a sickening thud. He let a small wince pass his lips, though afterwards, he was silently thanking the Heavens for making it go unnoticed.
The boy raised his chin up ever so slightly, his eyes burning flames just like his hair. There was a row of mumbles from the other students as they crept by, shooting him wary looks, but Sunggyu kept his eyes focused on the gangs. The ones that had just flat out ignored the ruckus. He narrowed his eyes into slits, fuming visibly. How rude, damn punks. 
By now, Sunggyu had a look of annoyance plastered on his somewhat slim face, his elbow was raised just inches away from the side of his head as the back of his hand briefly touched his shoulder. His slender fingers tightened its hold on his bag, while the boy's left hand trailed down to hang off his pocket. Sunggyu cocked his head to the side, allowing a sneer to grace his once pleasant face.
Though in reality, the Sunggyu struggled to conceal the fact that it was difficult keeping the darn heavy thing over his shoulder. Ah, the regret of bringing along six large textbooks and seven notebooks. But he merely just gritted his teeth and held on.
With the first few buttons on his school blazer ed (don't ask him how - they just were), and his tie hanging loosely, most students around him began to notice his intentions. And thankfully, they decided to give him at least a meter radius while scurrying past.
Sunggyu breathed a small sigh of relief, though he kept his scornful expression on. He began walking towards the first group in a fast evenly pace, averting his eyes oh-so-innocently. When he was right behind a black-haired boy who spewed absolute nonsense from his mouth, Sunggyu jabbed the boy's back with his left elbow, keeping his face uninterested and his bag still hoisted over his shoulder.
Once he had done so, Sunggyu left the scene and immerse himself within the crowd of students.
"AISH. WHO THE HELL DID THAT?" a angry voice bellowed.
Sunggyu snickered quietly, a satisfied smirk displayed on his hamster-like face. The only regret he had was that he was unable to see the boy's angry face. What a pity. He continued his variety of attacks and assaults either by elbowing, pinching, flicking and even letting his hand rake the victim's back with his nails.
Yes, Sunggyu was quite enjoying his domination of these groups of uncivilized beasts far too much. 
By his 8th attack and leading onto his 9th, Sunggyu found himself jabbing a feminine looking guy (though, it was not for the same reason as he did others) because he was seemed too cute and adorable to be true. However, he would be too stubborn to admit the fact that he has a awful weakness for cute things. And this is where Sunggyu's bad luck starts coming in.
The feminine boy squeaked and propelled forward, right into a rather tall yet lanky boy.
"YAH, LEE SUNGJONG. WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING, YOU PRETTY BOY." the tall boy screeched and gave the poor boy a surprisingly harsh push away. Of course, this is what Sunggyu calls karma, because that boy acted as if he was a damn punching bag and crashed his - surprisingly hard, if he could add - head squarely on his back.
The boy cursed inwardly and stumbled forward, finally dropping his heavy bag behind him with a thud. He winced aloud at the nagging pain that was not only at his back, but across his right arm. Sunggyu squeezed his eyes shut and crouched down out of impulse, cradling his right arm like it was a newborn baby.
"Are you alright?" a husky voice murmured right above his ear. He could feel a cool breath on his neck that sent shivers running down his spine. Sunggyu quickly raised his hand to cup his neck instinctively but, at that exact moment, everything on his mind blanked out except for a lingering thought; the maths exam.
In a instant, Sunggyu's small, squinty eyes snapped open and his legs pushed himself straight up. Apparently, things went a little too fast for him, resulting in him tripping forward and planting both of his hands flat out onto the latter's firm chest. It could just be the fact that Sunggyu has never once touched another guy's chest before in his life or because he was only just taller than the boy, but both somehow left him feeling flustered.
That was when he accidently shoved the boy away with his eyes shut and his head hanging low. He heard a loud crash and deliberately made the choice of peeping from under his red bangs. Oh, the sight literally made him gasp out loud. He had pushed that boy down a small flight of stairs. Down a flight of stairs, for God's sake. 
Sunggyu froze physically, though his eyes were desperately examining the boy for any serious injuries. But even now, his pair of eyes refused to listen to him because they were stuck staring at the boy's handsome face. The boy had dark brown bangs that fell just above his eyes (that were unfortunately closed) and a defined jaw line that made Sunggyu gape at the sight.
"Oh god, Namu hyung!" a low voice breathed out in a panic-stricken tone.
Sunggyu lowered his gaze once more and stepped wordlessly to the side as another rather broad guy raced to his friend. He wanted to desperately apologise to the boy, but the words decided that now was a good time to get stuck in his throat. Oh, this is just perfect.
After mentally thinking over things, he grabbed his bag that had been lying there abandoned, and hurriedly rummaged through the contents for a pen. Sunggyu tore a piece of paper from his textbook and scribbled down a few hasty words before scrunching the paper up and throwing it at the boy's foot.
With that, he raced past a crowd of murmuring students with his bag hugged tightly to his chest, unnoticed.
Sunggyu crept into his classroom quietly, managing to slide into his seat but that was as far as he got. His teacher caught him and gave him a short lecture about the time. He stared at the maths test that was handed to him.
Normally, he would get right down and work, but with the tremedous guilt embedded in his heart, Sunggyu wasn't able to function properly, at least, not for a couple of minutes.
He covered his face with his trembling hands and breathed out. "What on earth have I done?" 

- - -

i've finally posted the first chapter up. i apologise beforehand if any of this didn't make any sense. i hope you guys liked it. honestly, there was so much pressure after seeing how much people subscribed. i'm deeply honoured, really. <3 until then. o/
( edited brieftly. so sorry. ) 
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One's Misfortune has finally come to an end. Thank you all for the 100+ subscribers. I love you all.


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 4: Cute myungyeol
Chapter 4: oh how comes I haven’t re-read this awesome story at least 100 times?! TUT
Chapter 4: Woah!! an oldie but goldie fic, I can't believe this is almost 5 years old :)
Chapter 4: I interpreted the bee,rock, carts and tools as be mine since bee=be, rock+cart+tools=stuff u find at mines so yah
Chapter 4: I don't get the confession part. . . Bee,rock,cart, and tools?
Chapter 4: I love it! was funny and cute and.... great! :D
Chapter 4: So cute!!!~
Chapter 4: Sungjong is so funny
Woogyu are sweet
Chapter 4: Hahahahahaha& XD Soo cute!
This is amazing!
Woohyun like.have a bad boy.image but he actually.a.cute guy.behind that image. I bet Woohyun have more aegyo than Sunggyu.
The others INFINITE Member definitly must have fun trolling Sunggyu.
Lols XD Two tray of water? Ha&ahah& XD
Woohyun being whiny.
Though he say he doesnt want Sunggyu, in the end, he still want Sunggyu.
So cute, WooGyu!
Author thanks for the amazing story! I really love it!
Hwaiting! ♥♥♥♥