| him

Imperfect Sanity

“You know, I think I know what you mean now.” Yongguk raised his eyebrow at Kyung Mi’s statement, not able to interpret what she had said. Kyung Mi chuckled at his reaction before letting out a satisfied sigh, hands hugging her knees. “I still remember that time when I was surprised how you were still so happy for me even though I won the challenge we had in the library. I couldn’t get why you had been so happy when you lost. And when you told me your reason behind it, I found it hard for a person to ever feel that way.”


The girl looked to her side to meet Yongguk’s eyes, smiling what he recognized to be a geniune smile. “I think I know what it feels like now. We didn’t win but I still feel happy. Happy I got a chance to try it, happy for the girl who won, happy because I tried my best.”


Yongguk’s smile appeared at the girl’s words. An all too familiar silence surrounded them as they sat there at the bank of the Han River, just enjoying each other’s company. Kyung Mi’s thoughts drifted off. To Yongguk that is.


A question that had lingered in her mind throughout the entire day appeared again. “Yongguk.”


“Hm?” the male replied, attention still on the scenery in front of him. “You’re a senior right?”




“It’s just I’m wondering something. Most seniors are really caught up in their studies for the final exams. Yet why are you..” Kyung Mi mumbled, voice fading off not knowing how to phrase it.


“Why am I so carefree?” Yongguk grinned, finishing her sentence. “I admit it. I am.” He chuckled, nodding to himself in agreement. “You know, I have something to ask you as well then.”


“What is it?” The girl tilted her head at him. “Why are you trying so hard studying for the finals? You’re just like the rest of the seniors aren’t you? Maybe working even harder.” He paused for a moment, looking at her with almost a look of desperation. “Why?”


“It’s for my future and my life ahead. I need a good education and get placed into a good university.” Kyung Mi recited, remembering what her parents had been telling her everyday up until now. Yongguk raised an eyebrow at her answer. “Your parents were the one who told you that weren’t they?”


Kyung Mi looked at him, surprised, but the feeling soon faded away when she realized this is Yongguk she was talking to. Maybe it was just her, but he almost had the ability to read minds. He was able to know what you’re thinking and piece together everything that you never gave him the answers too.


“Honestly,  I don’t count school as my top priority, so I don’t know why the seniors are all pressuring themselves so much.” He stood up off the grass, stretching his arms as he stood there, enjoying the breeze blowing through his hair.


Kyung Mi followed in suite, pushing her body off of the ground, brushing off the dirt on her skirt. “Then..what is?”


Yongguk looked back and brightly smiled at her, his gummy smile coming into view. “Happiness.”


The girl was taken back once again by the male, the word replaying in her mind. Happiness. Such a simple word was the mindset of his, what he wanted to devote his entire life to.


“I want to be able to live life the way I want to live it. I want to live it without regrets, be who I’m not ashamed to be. I want to be able to live everyday so that if I don’t see the sunlight the next day, I won’t have anything to regret.” He grinned again, then chuckled slightly to himself. “It’s not knowledge that I’m pursuing. It’s happiness. And all the things, big or small, that I can enjoy counts towards my happiness. Whether it be good weather, a nice meal, a compliment from someone, I want to savor everything while I can.”


Kyung Mi stood there, completely awestruck at what he just said. His words had always inspired her, and even though these are truly just purely his thoughts, they were so deep and inspiring. Her thoughts on the world and how to live is had changed dramatically - if not completely.


She found his words, him , completely fascinating. She could see the determination in his eyes, the will to carry out what he had his mind set on. There was a slight glint of pride in them, almost as if he knew that he was indeed was far ahead of others in being able to reach happiness. True happiness.


Yongguk’s way of thinking was none of what Kyung Mi had ever came across. He wasn’t striving to be the best or to be successful, but to be truly happy. He wasn’t trying to be perfect, but to accept his flaws and imperfection. He wasn’t trying to fit in with everyone, but to stand out in the crowd. And most of all, he isn’t trying to be who he thinks he needs to be, but who he knows he is.


Kyung Mi couldn’t help but admire him, if not feel the slightest bit of envy towards the boy. His way of living life was just so special, so meaningful.


“I admire you.” Kyung Mi blurted without thinking before realizing what she had said. Yongguk smiled. “Really?”


Kyung Mi nodded, walking up to stand by his side. “Your way of thinking towards life. It would be nice if I could be like that.”


Yongguk chuckled, letting out a satisfied sign as a gust of wind hit them. "You don't have to wish to be like me. Just be you and live without regretting anything. I could see the passion in your eyes when you were singing, the look that didn't exist when you talked about becoming a doctor. So promise me something would you?" He smiled, staring off at the city illuminated at night. "Work towards that singing dream of yours. Make it clear to your parents that its not the medical field you want to strive for, but singing. And make sure that years from now, it not at a hospital that I see you at, but on a stage in front of a huge audience."


Kyung Mi smiled at his words before saying something she didn't expect herself to. "I'll promise that if you promise to be there with me."


"I will."


Ther was a slight tease in his voice and she didn't know why but to feel helpless and disappointed all of a sudden. That was too much of her to ask of him wasn't it? They had barely met. What made her think that he thought of her as someone important to him. "Don't make a promise you can't keep." She mumbled to herself, almost sadly.


"Who said I wasn't going to keep it?" Upon hearing those words, she grinned brightly at him. "Make sure I don't regret meeting you."


He smiled, intertwining his hands into hers. "As I said, there's been nothing to regret in the first place."


Yongguk and Kyung Mi walked silently side by side, none making an effort to talk. They didn't need words to express how they feel, just the others presence is good enough.


Kyung Mi was lost in her own world again, thousands of thoughts floating throughout her mind. A low grunt snapped her out of her thoughts, bringing the female back to this world.


"Oh.. I'm sorry." The girl mumbled, still slightly dazed.


Looking up she came to face with an angry looking man and felt a familiar sense of déjà vu wash over her. Glancing down, she saw a stain on his what looked like to be expensive suit.


Meeting Yongguk's eyes, she could read them and was well aware of what was going to happen next.


His hand tightly wrapped around hers, the two ran down the streets, looking almost like a runaway couple trying to escape the wrath of their parents.


A while of running later, the two came to a stop, both out of breath.


Panting heavily, she stole a glance at Yongguk who was out of breath himself. Catching her gaze, he looked up, showing her that all too familiar gummy smile that made splashes of colors burst throughout her mind. The smile that she had been unfamiliar with but grew to love. The smile that could comfort, make her laugh, give her happiness and promise her heaven in this world.


“You’re insane, you know that? Perfectly insane.” she said, a little smile finding it’s way towards her lips. He chuckled slightly before returning with a “I know I am.”


And in that moment, she wouldn’t want to change a single thing.


They were something much more now. Far from strangers and she would do all she got to distance themselves from that title.


Bang Yongguk.


The stranger that had carelessly walked his way into her life. The stranger that had made her open the eyes to this world.


And it was him that taught her the beauty of imperfection. And how in this world, perfection is as dangerous as being sane.


It’s him. The person who would lead her, little by little, to take steps into his world where true happiness can be found.


Just like he promised, there will be nothing to regret. Because there had been nothing to regret in the first place.


Starting from that moment when he had been that stranger who had carelessly walked his way into her life.


author's note:hoped this story had some sort of inspiration on you. struggled to finish this in time

i would really love to see some comments o u o please? its the end already

thank you for sticking with me through this even though it was just a short journey ^^;

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Chapter 6: the inspiration - i . want . to . be . insane . TT
Chapter 4: haha glaring and glaring . i would do that to guk too if he did that to me x"D
i wish i could be insane like him TT.TT
wouldn't life be way more awesome haha .
Chapter 3: be insane and have fun sounds fun i want to do that ; ;
and i like this chapter :D
How long do you get for the extended deadline?
Chapter 2: yongguk is so down to earth orz .
and yongguk is such an adorable dork in the story ; ;
and hooray for meeting again haha
Chapter 1: it isn't very cliche tbh but oh well . i thought the man she bumped into was guk i guess i was wrong haha xD and the milk part asdfghjkl okay idk am i weird i find it funny . :3
and i hope they meet again .-.
Wow, I really liked the first chapter!!
It was really good!! =D
Update soon, please >U<