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Imperfect Sanity

The city lights illuminating the night sky, the sound of a bustling city alive at night - for once in life Kyung Mi learned to savor it. Glancing over at Yongguk who had his eyes closed, he seemed to be enjoying this moment as well. No. She knew he was enjoying it.


Just the sound of a living night city and the feeling of the cold night air blowing across one's face.  He could turn such a simple moment into something that looked like pure bliss.


She thought back to what the two of them had done up until now and couldn’t help but softly laugh at the memory. "I swear, how do you come up with all these crazy stuff." Kyung Mi asked, breaking them free of the silence that once enveloped the two.


"It's called imagination my friend." He replied, almost cockily as a crooked smirk formed upon his defined features. Kyung Mi smiled at his playful nature before closing her eyes again, taking in as much of this moment as she could.


She could get used to this - being here with him. Slowly, she could again see the world she had started to forget. The female was too caught up in the worries of life, she had forgotten everything else. Everything that made life blissful. That there was indeed a heaven inside this world full of pain after all. And for her, Yongguk had been that angel who showed her the gates to heaven.


Hearing an abrupt burst of noises, her ears perked up as her attention immediately turned towards the direction of the noise. Yongguk opened his eyes and looked around in curiosity as well.


"What's happening over there?" Yongguk shrugged at the girl's question before standing up, Kyung Mi following along in suit. "I don't know. Let's go check it out."


Kyung Mi no longer had second doubts about his decision and she was slightly surprised at herself. The girl who had always avoided any crowded events and never had to courage to check anything out is now not like that anymore.


Did she change? Maybe.


There was a feeling inside her that told the girl she did - even if it was the slightest change. And though she had always thought changes were scary, Kyung Mi didn’t mind. She felt almost, happy, that this is happening.


Yongguk and Kyung Mi walked towards the direction of the noise and found the closer they got, the more the population of people occupying the place began to increase.


"It seems like some kind of event." Yongguk informed, eyes scanning around to get more information. "Oh, to be more exact, a singing competition."


Kyung Mi's heart did a flip upon hearing the news. Singing. God knows how much importance was stored in that word for her. Her eyes wandered onto the stage, landing on a girl who was standing upon the stage with a microphone in her hands. Kyung Mi bit her lip. Oh how she wished that was her.


"Let's join." Yongguk suddenly declared, looking at determined as ever. Kyung Mi's eyes widened at his declaration as she looked at him in disbelief. "What? Are you insane?"


He smiled, a low chuckle escaping from his mouth. "Yes indeed I am."


Kyung Mi bit her lip. She would be lying if she said she didn't have the smallest will to join the competition. Her heart knows how much she would want to go up there with that microphone, escape into a different world with the music and sing her heart out. But yet something is holding her back, not allowing her to do that.


"I can't do it.." Kyung Mi mumbled, Yongguk giving her a frown of disapproval in return.


"Why not?"


"It's just.. Not like me to be doing these kind of things." Her fingers began to awkwardly fumble around with each other as she stood there in front of Yongguk's intimating stare. "It just doesn't seem to fit my character."


"That's crazy talk." The male suddenly claimed, making the girl look questioningly at him. Yongguk casually continued. "Your character has no limit or boundaries to keeping you from being who you are and doing what you want to do. Stop worrying about exactly how to act accordingly to your so called "character" and just do it. Because your character is exactly who you are. And if you ever hold yourself back against something you want, that’s not acting according to your character. It’s acting how someone else would. And that would mean you aren’t being you, but being someone else."


As much as she hated to admit it, Yongguk's words had always hit her like a bullet. Not exactly painful but it was always able to make something inside her click. And the more that came out from his mouth, the more she started to lose herself to him.


"My singing isn't that great." She came up with an excuse, only to hear the latter chuckling. "I'm sure your singing is great."


"You haven't even heard me yet!" She argued back, her argument being returned with more of Yongguk's low chuckles. "So join me would you?"


"My parents though.." She looked at him worriedly. If her parents were to ever find out about this, she didn't know how they were going to react. And she surely didn't even want to imagine what would happen.


Yongguk's playful expression suddenly turned serious as he faced her and she couldn't help but feel her entire body tense up at the look on his face. Yongguk always had such a happy look on his face and his body always gave off this cheerful aura, the sudden change caused the girl to be surprised. If this is how he was when he was mad, she surely wouldn’t want to be the person he’s mad at.


"Kyung Mi." He stated, his voice coming out serious and low. His expression was serious but not entirely murderous; she could see he wasn’t mad at her. There were still a soft feeling in his eyes; a mixture of concern, plea and determination all mixed up in a brown storm cloud. "For once, stop trying to be who your parents are setting you to be. Don’t do what Park Kyung Mi would do - do what you would do.” Her eyes were now deeply connected with his and she found herself giving into his words once again.


"Stop trying to be the Park Kyung Mi your parents want you to be. But be you. And I very know how much that Kyung Mi would love to stand in front of an audience and sing her heart out." Yongguk concluded, his hands finding their way to hers, holding onto her hands before giving them both a slight squeeze of encouragement.


"Promise me I won't regret this." Kyung Mi mumbled, tightening her grip on his hands. Yongguk smiled, making her heart feel at ease. "There has been nothing to regret in the first place."



Kyung Mi paced back and forth, trying to calm down her beating heart. Only one more song and it would be Yongguk and her turn to go up for their performance. Peeking out, she gulped at the number of people that had gathered around to see the show. The amount of people had seemed to increase if that was even possible. Stage fright is biting at the girl once again. It had been years since the last time she had practiced her singing for she didn't want to get caught by her parents. Years since she last performed on a stage in front of people.


"Calm down." Yongguk said, patting the girl's head in a reassuring manner. "You'll be fine."


The girl's nervousness rose as she heard the audience's applause, indicating that the performance was now over and it was their turn to go up. "But we haven't even rehearsed this together!"


"Imperfection is beauty." That was the last thing that came from Yongguk before the two headed up on stage for the duet.


Standing upon the stage, the girl gulped, seeing eyes coming from why seemed to be thousands of people. Her eyes met Yongguk and she had somehow found comfort in them. The look in his eyes had always held a meaning within them and as of now, he’s promising that she would do fine. He had promised her she wouldn't regret this. They were going to do fine. And she believed him.


"Imperfection is beauty." The words lingered in her mind as she parted to hit the first note in the line. Closing her eyes, she found herself lost in the music. It was only about her at this moment.


And how she missed this feeling. This dream, it had never been forgotten. It was still there, it had always been there. She had just been too scared to fight for it back, and she realized what a stupid decision that was. For years of her dream being thrown away,she had found it again. All thanks to a stranger that had carelessly walked his way into her life.


Her eyes opened, ears perking up at the familiar voice that belonged to Yongguk. He was rapping, and she couldn't help but admit, he was good. The naturally low toned voice of his, the slight edge of ruskiness present in his voice, all of it made it so captivating towards her.


All of him just captivated her. A stranger of which she had previously not known of even a name.


The song ended, and Kyung Mi's heart fluttered at the sound of the applause she had always dreamed of. She was lost in infinity.


A smile spread across her face as the girl closed her eyes, savoring the moment for she was finally able to tell herself those two words.


I'm home.


Author's note : well, the story is coming to an end. one more chapter to go and that is for sure coming out today since it's the deadline for the contest. lol. 

i hope this story is going well so far for you guys (i dont even know since i dont get too much feedback from you people). so comment and make me happy. im writing this for the hope of inspiring people. and i dont know if i'm doing my job or not when most of you dont speak up lol.

well happy reading ^^

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Chapter 6: the inspiration - i . want . to . be . insane . TT
Chapter 4: haha glaring and glaring . i would do that to guk too if he did that to me x"D
i wish i could be insane like him TT.TT
wouldn't life be way more awesome haha .
Chapter 3: be insane and have fun sounds fun i want to do that ; ;
and i like this chapter :D
How long do you get for the extended deadline?
Chapter 2: yongguk is so down to earth orz .
and yongguk is such an adorable dork in the story ; ;
and hooray for meeting again haha
Chapter 1: it isn't very cliche tbh but oh well . i thought the man she bumped into was guk i guess i was wrong haha xD and the milk part asdfghjkl okay idk am i weird i find it funny . :3
and i hope they meet again .-.
Wow, I really liked the first chapter!!
It was really good!! =D
Update soon, please >U<